The Jindan airship landed steadily on the outskirts of Lingyou City.

Like most fairy cities, Lingyou City also prohibits foreign airships from flying over the fairy city in case they are suddenly attacked by enemies or bandits.

Wang Chen collected the flying ship and brought Su Ziling into the city.

"I'm going to do something."

He handed a storage bag to Su Ziling: "Go around the city first, and buy what you like. I'll meet you later."

This storage bag is full of spirit stones, and it is Su Ziling's first visit to Lingyou, so naturally she wants to make her purchase happy.

In addition, Wang Chen didn't want to take her to see the real Jingyun.


Su Ziling happily took the storage bag, and her heart could not hold back her joy.

Shopping is undoubtedly a woman's nature, and it is the same in all heavens and all worlds!
After leaving Su Ziling for a while, Wang Chen sent a talisman letter to Master Jingyun, asking the latter to meet at the old place.

As for Su Ziling's safety, Wang Chen is not worried. Although Lingyou City is only a "yellow" level fairy city, it is also protected by a large magic circle, and the order in the city is orderly, and there is no phenomenon of rampant evil.

Arriving at the high pavilion called "Picking the Stars", Wang Chen didn't wait for a long time before seeing the real Jingyun.

He noticed that Master Jingyun's aura was a little strange, so he couldn't help saying apologetically, "I'm sorry for disturbing your cultivation."

When Wang Chen sent out the talisman letter, Master Jingyun was apparently in retreat, but was disturbed by the letter.

"No problem."

Master Jingyun smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, there is no need to blame yourself."

What she closed was not a life-and-death barrier. If it was really about fate and future, any talisman would be blocked from the cave.

Wang Chen nodded, and handed over the storage bag that had been prepared: "These spiritual artifacts will trouble you."

Master Jingyun took it and opened it, his eyes lit up immediately: "Not bad!"

She knows the goods, and she can see the extraordinaryness of these spiritual artifacts at a glance, and she can't help but feel itchy: "According to the market price, I want them all!"

Of course, Master Jingyun doesn’t need a spiritual weapon herself. The three-piece set of magical weapons that Wang Chen made for her before, with proper maintenance, can be used by her for dozens or even hundreds of years.

But she is not alone, there is a big family behind her, and she also has her own disciples and friends.

Any of these top-quality spiritual weapons that Wang Chen took out could enhance the strength or combat power of a cultivator in the Zifu. It would be a pity if they were sold on the shelves and scattered.

How good it is to leave it to yourself!
Master Jing Yun also trusted Wang Chen's refining skills 100%.

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Let's calculate the price with a [-]% discount."

Of course he understands the meaning of Master Jingyun, but he doesn't care at all - who is not selling?
What's more, Master Jingyun is also considered a friend.

Master Jingyun immediately took out the spirit stones and bought all the spirit weapons.

Although it was a [-]% discount, she also gave Wang Chen a batch of refining materials as an extra, which was not considered to be taking advantage of the latter.

Both parties were happy.

Daoist Jingyun still had more to say: "Fellow Daoist Wang, if you have such spirit weapons in the future, sell them all to me!"

These spiritual artifacts can not only be reserved for their own people, but also be used for elites among outsiders to expand their power.

More importantly, Master Jingyun really wanted to tie Wang Chen to his boat!
While Wang Chen was discussing with Master Jingyun, Su Ziling came to a tailor shop in Lingyou City.

Although Wang Chen was very skilled in refining weapons, it was impossible for him to refine a Taoist robe or skirt.

You must know that vestments and robes need to be made separately, and tailoring is one of the arts of cultivating immortals!

Su Ziling hasn't bought new clothes for a long time. After a long time, the few dresses she usually wears have faded a lot.

Today, she came to Lingyou Fairy City with Wang Chen, mainly because she wanted to buy clothes.

Buy it for yourself, and also for Wang Chen!

This tailor shop is not only large in scale, but its business is also very hot. In the lobby, there are two NO.30 customers choosing clothes.

Su Ziling, who was veiled, looked at the shelves one by one, looking for the style she liked.

Not long after, there were two more dresses and two Taoist robes in her hand.

"This fellow Taoist..."

Just as Su Ziling was immersed in the joy of chopping hands, a slightly oily voice came from her side: "I dare to ask you Daoist Fang's name. If there is something abrupt, I hope you will forgive me!"

The words seem to be very polite, but the taste of frivolity is quite offensive!
Su Ziling turned her head to look, only to see a young brocade robed monk standing a few steps away.

The other party looked about 30 years old, his body and appearance could be called "suave and suave", and his skin was fair and handsome.

It's just that his eyes were fixed on Su Ziling, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Su Ziling felt like being targeted by a poisonous snake!

She suffered a lot when she was young, and she was not the kind of ignorant girl who was ignorant of the world. She immediately realized that this brocade-robed monk was a dude in this Lingyou City, the second, third, and fourth generations of immortals.

Such a person is not easy to provoke!
Su Ziling was vigilant in her heart, she simply pretended she didn't hear it, turned around and walked out the door.

Can't afford to provoke, can afford to hide!

She never expected that just after she took a few steps, she was stopped by the brocade-robed monk: "Fellow Daoist, you must be too disrespectful!"

"Step aside!"

Su Ziling knew very well that in the face of such a character, as long as she showed a little weakness, she would be easily grasped.

Her response was stern, and she immediately attracted the attention of customers around her.

Some people understood and showed displeasure.

"Look at what!"

The brocade robed cultivator returned those eyes that looked at him with fierce eyes, and said arrogantly: "Do you know who I am? Get out of here quickly, or don't leave!"

His arrogance is extremely confident, and he even showed a golden talisman when he spoke.

A talisman that exudes the power of the golden core!
At this moment, everyone looked away, and some of them simply left.

It's nothing to do with oneself, it's really not a wise choice to provoke such a dude for a stranger.


There were also passionate young monks who wanted to fight back, but were dragged away by their companions: "Don't seek death!"


The brocade robed monk laughed loudly, and reached out to grab the veil on Su Ziling's face: "Let me see what you look like!"

When he saw Su Ziling just now, his heart skipped a beat, and he was overwhelmed by the latter's figure and aura. No matter how you look at it, Su Ziling doesn't look ugly, so he coveted it.

Su Ziling stepped back, her eyes were full of anger.

The brocade robed monk was not at all afraid, but even more arrogant: "Today, you don't even think about escaping from Lao Tzu's palm!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an incomparably powerful aura suddenly enveloped him.

"is it?"
The second is sent.

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