Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 881: Evil Cloud Overwhelms the City

The evil insect, which was already a dead dog, jumped up suddenly the moment Longyuan sword pierced its head, let out an extremely tragic howl, and spewed out a dark yellow liquid.

This was the last swan song of this "fierce" level evil insect. Although Wang Chen retracted the Tianluo Punishment Net one step earlier, it did not have the strength to return to the safe cave.

After landing on the ground again, the evil insect's plump body twitched a few times, the remaining rock armor on the surface collapsed and turned into sand, and even the inner shell was torn apart.

Its muscles and muscles quickly melted like ice and snow in the scorching sun, and finally turned into a puddle of pus, exuding a foul smell.

【Humanity +20000】

Wang Chen ignored the eye-catching reminder that popped up in his field of vision, and his eyes fell on the corpses left by the evil insects.

There suddenly appeared a crystal ball glowing with silvery white light.

Yin Qi Beads, Gold Core Yin Qi Beads!
Wang Chen took the crystal ball, which was the size of an orange, into his hand, feeling that it was very heavy.

He has killed countless evil spirits, and he has captured many Yin Qi beads, but this one is undoubtedly the largest and of the highest quality.

And if you observe carefully, you can see that there is a dark golden concentrated substance inside this crystal ball, which is supposed to be the source of the evil insect's power.

This is also unique among the Yin Qi beads that Wang Chen has captured!
This BOSS was not killed in vain.

Wang Chen was very satisfied.

After putting the Yin Qi beads into the storage bag, he looked around and said in a deep voice: "You all come out, you are safe now!"

The sound of mana blessing is transmitted in all directions in an instant, and it goes deep into the ground!
Although the town was invaded and raided by evil monsters and experienced a catastrophe, a small number of people still hid in the underground secret room to avoid disaster.

If Wang Chen hadn't appeared, they would have been dug out and devoured by the evil insects in all likelihood.

Wang Chen noticed the existence of these people as soon as he arrived, and he didn't waste any time and words, but continued: "It's not safe here, let's hide somewhere else for a while."

Having said all that, Wang Chen didn't wait for anyone to come out, and took a step and teleported away.

As for whether these people listen or not, that's none of his business.

In the next few days, Wang Chen continued to cruise around the outer area of ​​Lingyou City, using the wood sparrow to search for small groups of evil beasts and evil spirits, and harvest human virtue points and Yin Qi beads.

After being promoted to the Golden Core Realm, the power of the Tianluo Zhuxie Net has greatly increased. Not to mention the low-level You-level and Resentment-level evil spirits, even if it is a higher level of Violence, he can still catch him with one catch.

As for the "Li" level evil beasts at the Nascent Soul level, Wang Chen avoided them far away when he sensed the aura, and never took half a step closer.

"Severe" level evil spirits and monsters are not the enemies he can deal with now, and such bosses are surrounded by a large number of younger brothers to protect them. Wang Chen's single-handed challenge is tantamount to seeking his own death.

He insisted on guerrilla warfare, picked up the cheap ones when he saw them, and fled immediately after picking them up.

It has been fruitful.

In the process, Wang Chen also saved many people who were in distress.

It’s just that compared to the overall situation of the battle, his small fights can’t make any waves at all. The siege of the evil beast army on Lingyou City has lasted for three days and three nights. violent!
The sky above Lingyou City was filled with evil clouds and thunder, and there had been no sunshine for several days.

Guarding the pavilion, Master Jingyun looked up at the dark sky, the haze in his heart was thicker than the evil clouds.

There are a total of nine guarding pavilions in Lingyou City, each of which guards nine important nodes of the guarding city formation. When not in use, the guarding pavilions are only three stories high, and hidden among the rows of buildings are inconspicuous at all.

Once the moat formation is fully activated, the nine guardian pavilions will be raised by thirty feet simultaneously.

The golden core monks sitting on it can observe the situation inside and outside the city while jointly controlling the magic circle, and they can also support each other.

The guarding pavilion condenses part of the power of the city guard formation, which in turn protects the guarding monks.

As long as Master Jingyun is in it, even if she faces a Nascent Soul Immortal, she will not be afraid at all!
However, at this moment, Daoist Jingyun doesn't have much confidence in victory.

Not only because the army of evil beasts besieging the city is extremely powerful, but more importantly, there is something wrong with the teleportation circle in Lingyou City!
Under normal circumstances, as a "yellow" level fairy city, Lingyou City will immediately ask for help from the higher fairy city once it encounters an unstoppable danger.

And the high-level fairy city of Lingyou City is the "earth" level Luodu fairy city!
The number of golden elixirs in Luodu Xiancheng is a hundred times that of Lingyou City. There are many Nascent Soul and True Immortals, and there is also the existence of Huashen Zhenjun, whose strength is far superior to that of Lingyou City.

The problem is that there was civil strife in Lingyou City, and a Jindan real person acted against the law at the critical moment when the army of evil beasts appeared. Not only did he seriously injure another real person, but he also blew himself up in the central area, causing serious damage to the teleportation array. .

Even the large formation of the city defense has been greatly affected.

The teleportation array was destroyed, even if Luodu Xiancheng received a call for help, it would take time to send personnel to rescue.

However, it is not known how many of the letters of request for help sent out earlier were intercepted by evil beasts.

For the past few days, Luodu Immortal City has not even sent a single letter to send reinforcements!
In fact, until now, all the high-level officials of Lingyou City, including Master Jingyun, did not understand why their family was suddenly in such a dangerous situation.

This evil disaster didn't seem to happen suddenly, it just happened to be bad luck for Lingyou City, it was more like a long-planned conspiracy.

The Jindan Daoist who is suspected of being evil is the best evidence.

It's a pity that he has no bones left, and the clues are completely broken!

It's just that these are irrelevant. For Daoist Jingyun, the most urgent task is to defend Lingyou City, otherwise, once the army of evil beasts breaks through the city, life will inevitably be ruined.

Her eyes looked outside the city again.

Under the dark and evil clouds, countless evil beasts surrounded Lingyou City. They seemed to be waiting for something, and they kept silent all the time without any changes.

But the calmer the scene was, the more dangerous Jing Yun felt!

As if to test her intuition, outside Lingyou City near the city wall, the ground suddenly raised high, and huge evil insects burst out of the ground, and slammed their heads that were stronger than gold and iron into the nearest of the wall.

boom! boom! boom!
It seems to hit people's hearts once and for all, with the power to calm the soul.

At the same time, thousands of evil beasts outside the city raised their heads and howled, the evil clouds in the sky rolled violently, and a number of evil golden feathers and Lei Pengs came out through the clouds and swooped down towards Lingyou City.

The general attack of the evil beast army has begun!
The first one is sent.

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