Chapter 893 Encounter

Looking back at the small valley where he lived for more than a month, Wang Chen embarked on the unknown journey again without hesitation.

He couldn't go back to the most familiar city of Anyang for the time being, and he didn't know where he could go now. He could only take one step at a time and keep moving in the same direction. After all, he could get out of the vast mountains.

The direction Wang Chen chose was the east.

Different from the embarrassment when he just arrived, Wang Chen not only perfectly mastered the new body, but also raised his own cultivation to the level of a warrior.

His physique has become stronger, his movements more agile, and his endurance has been improved for a long time.

All the way across the mountains and through the dense forest, Wang Chen felt like walking on flat ground, much faster than before.

On the way, he also encountered some beasts, such as deer, wild boar and other animals.

Wang Chen didn't kill him.

It wasn't until a deep roar came that it aroused his strong interest.

Wang Chen followed the sound, and soon found a colorful tiger biting a small deer in the dense forest ahead.

The poor deer was apparently just killed by a tiger, lying motionless on the ground, bleeding from the neck.

The colorful tiger's hearing is very sensitive, and Wang Chen didn't deliberately conceal his actions, so he was spotted by the former as soon as he appeared, and immediately dropped the deer carcass to put on a defensive posture.

The fierce tiger bent its body, a pair of ferocious tiger eyes fixedly stared at the unexpected guest who appeared suddenly, a warning grunt came from its throat, and a tail flicked slightly behind its buttocks.

Because it had just caught its prey, it had no interest in hunting Wang Chen, but was just guarding against Wang Chen snatching the deer carcass.

Seeing that Wang Chen ignored his warning and was getting closer and closer, the king of the forest suddenly felt that his dignity had been strongly offended.


It suddenly let out a deafening roar, and its two hind legs suddenly exerted force, and it rushed towards Wang Chen like an arrow off the string.

Regardless of the huge size of this tiger, its speed is not slow at all.

Moreover, the tiger's roar was breathtaking, with the effect of a sonic attack, which made the surrounding trees tremble.

If it were an ordinary person, they would probably collapse on the ground without any ability to resist.

It's a pity that this tiger is facing Wang Chen!

The moment the colorful tiger pounced in front of him and slapped him heavily with its tiger paws, Wang Chen moved his steps suddenly, narrowly avoiding the opponent's fatal blow.

All of a sudden, he brushed past the tiger, and suddenly swung his right hand out.

A flash of bright blade light passed over the neck of the colorful tiger silently, like a flash of lightning!
The colorful tiger rushed to nothing.

It continued to rush forward under the powerful inertial force, and the neck part suddenly spurted out hot red blood.


Under the pain, the colorful tiger involuntarily let out a short and painful roar, and immediately there seemed to be something blocked in its throat, which was firmly stuck.

The king of the forest staggered and almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

But it has more fear in its heart.

The colorful tiger realizes that Wang Chen is by no means a weak human being, and is fully capable of causing fatal harm to himself.

The instinct of the beast made it choose to run away!

However, the awakening of the king of the forest came a little bit late.

Just as it was trying to accelerate towards the dense forest ahead, Wang Chen had already turned around and caught up with the tiger's tail.


The moment he grabbed the tiger's tail, the muscles of Wang Chen's whole body tensed suddenly, and at the same time, he activated the Zenith Corpse Dog Wheel and the Eyebrow Fuya Wheel, and the power of the dual brake wheels instantly blessed his body.

After the Xuantian seven evil wheels broke through the second floor, he did not leave the small valley immediately, but continued to practice for five days.

It wasn't until the realm was completely stable, and the new power was familiarized and mastered, that he embarked on a journey of exploration.

Although this colorful tiger was ferocious, it was not an alienated beast after all. Caught off guard, Wang Chen picked it up and smashed it heavily on a towering tree next to it.

The fierce tiger weighing five or six hundred catties had the most direct collision with the thick tree trunk.

The huge canopy shook suddenly, and countless leaves fell one after another.

But the loser is obviously a body of flesh and blood. The king of the mountain and forest broke countless bones under the collision, and his internal organs were also severely injured at the same time.

When Wang Chen let go of his hand and let it fall freely, it rolled a few times on the ground, vomited blood, and struggled to get up.

The next moment, a sharp short knife ruthlessly pierced the root of the tiger's ears.

Until there is no handle!

The colorful tiger suddenly trembled, and the light in the tiger's eyes quickly disappeared.

Wang Chen, who succeeded in another surprise attack, drew out his dagger and waited quietly for a while.

Until the tiger on the ground started to cool down, I didn't see any information flashed in the field of vision.

There is no doubt that potential points cannot be obtained through killing.

Of course, Wang Chen hadn't tried killing people yet.

But he can basically be sure that the potential value is obtained from eating!
In front of Wang Chen's eyes, there was a pile of meat.

A heap of high quality meat!

He couldn't help but swallowed, ready to deal with it.

Such a big tiger of five or six hundred catties can be dealt with without any time, and besides tiger meat, tiger skin, tiger bones, tiger tendons, tiger claws, tiger hearts, etc. are all valuable goods and cannot be easily spoiled up.

Wang Chen bent down, leaned close to the tiger's neck, and drank a full stomach of tiger blood first!
The tiger blood was still hot and had a choking fishy smell, which must have been very bad.

But after drinking it, the stomach feels very warm and comfortable—it feels like drinking a tonic.

Tiger blood is a great tonic!
【Potential +1】

Sure enough, after only half a cup of tea, Wang Chen received a message.

This tiger blood is absorbed quickly, and the speed of transforming potential is also fast.

It's a pity that Wang Chen didn't have the right tools at hand, so he could only look at a lot of waste.

Then he peeled off the tiger's skin with a dagger.

Since the tiger was dealt with quickly, the main trauma was on the neck cut open by the dagger, so the tiger's skin is quite intact.

Then Wang Chen picked large leaves and spread them on the ground, and cut off the tiger meat piece by piece.

It is impossible to eat so much tiger meat in one meal. In order to prevent spoilage, it needs to be smoked.

As for tiger bones and tendons, etc., they must be carefully stripped out.

Wang Chen even got a very stylish tiger whip!
While he was busy "dismembering the corpse", the bushes not far away shook a few times, and figures appeared one after another.

Wang Chen immediately stopped what he was doing, and held a short knife to observe these guys who appeared suddenly.

There were a total of seven people on the other side, all of whom were dressed as hunters, and each of them held hunting weapons such as shuttle guns, bows and arrows, and iron forks.

When they saw Wang Chen, they were all shocked! ——
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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