Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 895 Hidden Functions

【Potential +1】

[Potential: 99]

Turning off the panel, Wang Chen stretched his muscles in satisfaction, and then walked out of the cave.

The bright sunlight shone on Wang Chen's face, making him squint his eyes slightly.

Half a month ago, Wang Chen left the small valley where he had previously cultivated, and embarked on a journey of exploration again. As a result, he first killed a tiger on the way, and then encountered a group of hunters who received a reward order.

After the group of hunters were all beheaded by Wang Chen, he found a shelter nearby, and while digesting the spoils, he continued to gather the third wheel of the Xuantian Seven Sharks.

For the past two weeks, Wang Chen had killed an average of [-] catties of smoked tiger meat every day, and broke the bones to make soup.

As a result, his potential value continued to increase even though his potential was being consumed every day, reaching three digits by today!
Wild tigers are really great!
Came to a high raised rock, facing the rising sun, Wang Chen began to practice boxing.

Vajra Fist.

Although it is impossible to practice the Tianlong Vajra Orthodox Dharma, and cannot display the true power of the Vajra Fist, this kind of boxing technique itself is broad and profound, and contains the supreme principles of Buddhism, so it still has great value.

After practicing, Wang Chen discovered that Vajra Fist can exercise the body's muscles, bones and muscles to a large extent, and it can help digest food and improve the absorption of potential value.

So now he keeps practicing every day.

Wang Chen's practice in this boxing art has already reached the level of a great master. As far as the moves are concerned, they are flawless and there is nothing to criticize.

On this basis, Wang Chen tried to activate the Vajra Fist with the Xuantian seven evil wheels, and after half a month, he learned a lot.

As the saying goes, "one method can lead to all methods of wisdom", as long as one masters the knack of it, not only the Vajra Fist, but also the mundane martial arts he has learned before can be used in the same way.

The combat power will naturally be greatly improved!

【Potential +1】

Just after the morning exercise, a new message appeared in Wang Chen's field of vision.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong burning pain in his chest.

It was like being scalded by a red-hot iron on the flesh.

Wang Chen hurriedly tore off his clothes, only to see that the Liuhe mark protruded from the skin, turned red like blood, and emitted a faint light.

At the same time, the life energy in his body involuntarily gathered towards the mark of heaven and earth.

Being continuously absorbed by the latter!

Wang Chen's heart moved, and without thinking, he urged his own life energy to inject into the mark of heaven and earth at an accelerated rate.

Intuition told him that this was not a bad thing.

And the imprint of heaven and earth is accepted in full, no matter how much Wang Chen concentrates, it will absorb it all.

[Potential -1], [Potential -1], [Potential -1]...

In order to meet the demands of the Liuhe Seal, Wang Chen had to stimulate his potential to make up for the consumption of life energy.

The potential value that had just broken a hundred dropped rapidly.

It wasn't until the potential value dropped to close to single digits that Wang Chen felt a little numb.

Why can't you stop smoking?
However, at this moment, Wang Chen is already on the verge of riding a tiger, so he can only bite the bullet and put the remaining potential into it—it's all at this point, is he still short of this?

At the moment when all the potential points were exhausted, the seal of Liuhe finally stopped absorbing life energy.

In Wang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, there was an extra piece of information in an instant.

He pondered for a moment, then suddenly reached forward and grabbed a stone on the ground.

The next moment, the stone disappeared in Wang Chen's hands!
Wang Chen couldn't help laughing.

He flipped his wrist, and the stone appeared in his palm again.

Wang Chen flexed his thumb, flicked the stone into the bushes in front of him, and then took a long breath.

Although the one hundred potential points accumulated by Wang Chen's hard work were swallowed up by the Liuhe mark, the latter gave him a storage space in return.

It has the same storage space as the storage bag and Xumijie!

This is amazing!
Although this space is not very large, there is a big difference between having it and not having it, especially for Wang Chen who has long been accustomed to carrying large-capacity storage equipment with him, it is really too inconvenient.

Like the tiger he hunted half a month ago, in order not to waste precious tiger meat, he had to spend a lot of time smoking it to prevent the meat from becoming corrupt and unedible.

Now that there is this storage space, if you hunt a beast in the future, you can directly put fresh meat in it.

Clean and hygienic!

Wang Chen never expected that the mark of heaven and earth could have such a function.

And this hidden function obviously needs to meet certain conditions before it can be activated——[-] points of potential!
Wang Chen really admired the expert who opened up the cave at the bottom of the pool and built a cross-boundary teleportation array. His methods are simply miraculous.

However, Wang Chen also noticed that opening and using this storage space requires some life energy.

This means that Wang Chen has to accumulate more potential points to meet various needs.

So in the following days, Wang Chen started a search in the surrounding area centering on the hiding place.

Hunt and kill all wild animals that can be hunted.

Previously, Wang Chen killed seven hunters and confiscated a lot of spoils, including bows, arrows, shuttles, guns and lassoes.

This enriched his hunting methods.

Bad luck for the beasts around!

Time passed quickly, when the weather in the mountains was getting cooler, Wang Chen condensed the third wheel of the Xuantian Seven Sharks - the Sparrow Yin Wheel!

With sparrow Yin in his throat, this wheel condensed, and Wang Chen officially stepped into the realm of martial arts, reaching the level of Dai Peng.

In Cangqing Realm, Tier [-] Martial Artists are located in the middle class of warriors, similar to the Zifu monks in the Mountain and Sea Realm, they are not small people.

It can be said that Wang Chen's self-protection ability has been greatly enhanced.

And after merging many previously mastered martial arts skills, his combat power actually surpassed his own realm.

As for how strong it is, it has yet to be witnessed in actual combat!

Of course, there are no problems.

In Ling Zhiyuan's memory, there are only the secrets of the first three levels of exercises of the Xuantian Seven Sharks.

This was what Ling Hongyun forced him to recite and memorize back then, otherwise, with Ling Zhiyuan's nature, it would be great to be able to master the first level of exercises.

As for Ling Hongyun himself, he only has the first five layers of the Xuantian Seven Sharks' cultivation methods, and the secret methods of the last two rounds are said to have been lost long ago.

Without follow-up exercises, Wang Chen could only stop at the level of a martial artist in the practice of this secret method.

This left him with only two choices.

Either find a follow-up exercise, or change the major exercise!
But both options have their own problems.

Wang Chen didn't think too much about it for the time being.

When the withered and yellow leaves rustled down, he packed his bags and embarked on the journey again.

This time Wang Chen was not empty-handed.

He changed into a hunter's attire, with a bow and arrow and a shuttle gun on his back, a short knife pinned to his waist, a tiger skin folded and tied behind his back, and brown plant sap was smeared on his face.

Just like a senior hunter!
The first one is sent.

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