Chapter 908 Graduation
Strictly speaking, the devil is the biggest enemy of the Blood Cloth Guard, or the biggest threat!

It is said that the original demon came from outside the sky, and it was an indescribable, illusory and distorted thing that parasitized behind people, existed by absorbing greed, hatred and evil thoughts, and finally devoured the soul.

A person whose body has been occupied by a demon, his every move, every word and deed is no different from the original one.

Only at certain times or in special circumstances will he reveal his true nature, blood-sucking and cannibalism is extremely terrifying.

And the demons in a normal state will also create demonic thoughts to infect them and grow their own group!

The Cangqing nations knew the horror of demons thousands of years ago, and tried every means to exterminate them. When the situation was the worst, they even massacred cities and countries, just to completely wipe out the soil for demons to survive.

Up to now, the power of magic is far from what it was hundreds of years ago, and most people don't even know the existence of magic.

But the demons that survived became more cunning and hidden deeper.

It's easy to stop showing up.

But only in a peaceful and stable environment.

The more chaotic the situation in a place, the greater the power of the demon.

When a country is about to perish, demons will inevitably arise. Even though Daliang has not yet shown the obvious signs of the last generation, incidents involving demons occur from time to time in various places, and the situation is not optimistic!
However, the Daliang court put the rebellious party above the demons, and believed that the rebel party was the first target to attack. They mobilized most of the elite blood guards to pursue the rebellious party, and did not pay enough attention to the harm of the demons.

Of course, this is Wang Hui's point of view.

The head coach told Wang Chen that the person who beat him seriously was infected by evil thoughts and did irreparable evil things, and was besieged and killed by the blood-clothed guards.

And this person was once Wang Hui's best friend!
Speaking of this, Wang Hui's expression was a bit downcast, he looked even older, and also showed a trace of haggardness.

"This magic-appreciating talisman is my gift to you. You usually carry it with you, so you won't be easily infected by evil thoughts."

He said: "It can also be used to identify whether others are possessed by demons. However, there is a limit on the number of times the magic appreciating talisman can be used. If it is gone, you need to use your credit to exchange it. Don't expect this old man to give it to you for free!"

Wang Chen rubbed the talisman paper in his hand and asked, "Master, is this a Taoist thing?"

"Yes, Buddhism also has a page of suppressing demons, and the effect is similar."

Wang Hui taught earnestly: "Except for Taoism and Buddhism, the rest of the world are all pagan religions. Most of these pagan religions are related to demons. If you encounter them, you will not let them go!"

There was a cold killing intent in his voice.

Wang Chen nodded: "Teacher remembers, if there is a mistake, I will not let it go."

Wang Hui said in a deep voice: "Ling Zhiyuan, it is fate that you and I met. If you want to avenge your father and regain the Ling family, Master is willing to help you once."

"Thank you Master."

Wang Chen shook his head: "The revenge of killing my father is irreconcilable, this disciple must repay the blood debt by himself, and take it back to the Ling family!"

"it is good!"

Wang Hui stretched out his hand and patted Wang Chen's shoulder hard: "This is my good apprentice!"

If Wang Chen asks him to help him take revenge, although Wang Hui still regards Wang Chen as his apprentice, he will never place high hopes on him.

Wang Chen's performance made him very satisfied!

In the days that followed, Wang Chen spent the day in Iron Furnace Camp, receiving rigorous training with other trainee blood-clothed guards.

In the evening, he studied with Wang Hui in the classroom.

The exercises Wang Hui majored in were different from the Xuantian Seven Sharks handed down by Ling Zhiyuan's family, but the former fifth-rank Martial Ancestor did not let Wang Chen change his course, but continued to practice the Seven Sharks.

And gave in-depth guidance.

His experience and experience in martial arts greatly supplemented Wang Chen's shortcomings.

In addition, Wang Hui also taught Wang Chen the four excellent martial arts skills of Liaoyuan Spear, Saber Breaking, Vigorous Eagle Claw and Horizontal Practice Secret Technique, each of which can be cultivated to the fifth level of Martial Ancestor Realm!

Among them, Nine Strikes to Liaoyuan and Five Knives to Break the Army embody the essence of Wang Hui's lifelong learning.

He has only taught Wang Chen one person!
And Wang Chen did not live up to the expectations of the head coach. Whether it was Liaoyuan marksmanship, saber breaking, or vigorous eagle claw skills and horizontal practice secret techniques, his comprehension and mastery were extremely fast.

Wang Hui was also very surprised by Wang Chen's super talent in martial arts.

I feel like I found a treasure.

The relationship between master and apprentice has also grown by leaps and bounds.

Time flies, and three months have passed in a blink of an eye.

This year's apprentice blood-clothed guards had also reached the time of "graduation".

The last three days they were in the Iron Furnace Camp were the days to participate in the assessment, and all the knowledge and skills they had learned in the past had to be displayed during these few days.

The coaches will perform "A, B, C, D" scoring.

Whoever gets the most "A" is naturally the final winner!
And Wang Chen scored "A" in all assessment items such as investigation and tracking, stealth, spying and assassination, poisoning and detoxification, wild survival...etc.

The coaches were all shocked.

Because since the establishment of the Iron Furnace Camp, there are only a handful of freshmen who can get full grades, and the last one was decades ago!
Without any suspense, Wang Chen got a silver medal.

He also became an official blood-clothed guard.

Silver Medal Blood Guards!

"Ling Zhiyuan, everyone said to have a banquet at Linglong Pavilion tonight..."

After the awarding ceremony was over, a freshman came over and said to Wang Chen, "Will you come?"

His attitude is a little cautious.

Wang Chen is undoubtedly a very special and unusual existence in this year's trainee blood-clothed guards.

His talent is far superior to that of his peers, and he has won the appreciation of the coaches, and he has even been favored by the "Living Hades". Every night, he has a small class for him, which makes people really envy and hate.

But Wang Chen has no friends, not even a single friend among the freshmen.

In fact, it's not that everyone doesn't want to get close to Wang Chen. Some people tried to get in touch with Wang Chen, but found that Wang Chen spent all his time studying and practicing, and had no time for socializing at all.

So they can only give up.

Now that everyone has graduated, not all of them may be able to stay in Jiangyuan City. Some people want to hold a banquet to deepen the friendship between classmates.

"I still have something to do, so I can't go."

Wang Chen shook his head and said, "Go ahead and play."

"OK then."

The other party was very disappointed, but he didn't dare to force Wang Chen, so he had to leave resentfully.

After dismissing a few close friends, Wang Chen came to the teaching room again and met Wang Hui: "Master!"


Wang Hui nodded: "Are you ready?"

Wang Chen clasped his fists in salute and said, "Disciple is ready!"

"very good."

Wang Hui waved his hands and said, "Go, go and come back quickly, don't delay the business, you only have five days."

"Disciple understands!"

After bidding farewell to this master, Wang Chen left Iron Furnace Camp.

But he didn't go back to Jiangyuan City, but rode on a horse borrowed by Wang Hui, and embarked on the journey to Anyang City!
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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