Chapter 52 The wind is blowing hard, there is mildew

Yu Feng turned his masked face towards Meng Yang.

There was an atmosphere called embarrassment in the air.

Meng Yang gritted his teeth and laughed twice, "Actually, I think this place is so secretive that I didn't even draw it on the map, which means that no one has been here in the past 500 years. Look, this lake is so big and so beautiful. , there may be some treasure hidden at the bottom of the lake."

"Okay, listen to you." Yu Feng said.

Meng Yang started from where they were standing, divided them left and right, and pointed to both sides of the lake: "Let's go to the left and you to the right. Let's observe along the lake. If we don't find anything, we will gather on the other side of the lake and then decide on the next move."

Just do it, and the two set off separately.

Meng Yang lowered his head and groped along the lake.

There are tall aquatic plants growing by the lake. When you remove the aquatic plants, you can see the crystal-clear lake water. The tiny golden fish fry are shuttled at the bottom of the aquatic plants. Looking at them in the sun, they twinkle and twinkle, which is very beautiful.

She followed the direction Han Shaoyu came from and searched all the way. Halfway there, she finally saw a bright aura at the bottom of the water.

found it!
The round beads, as clear as water jade, were scattered randomly on the bottom of the lake.

Meng Yang fished out one and put it in his hand, and he really felt the strong water aura.

She looked in along the bottom of the water, good guy, the bottom of the lake in front of her is full of water spirit beads.

Post it!

This thing is priceless, how much does this pile cost.

It's really killing me.

Han Shaoyu picked up such a precious spirit treasure as casually as picking up junk.

I kill the male protagonist Halo.

"Yu Feng, come here!"

Meng Yang greeted Yu Feng on the other side.

Yu Feng, who was far away, heard her voice, and his figure flashed and appeared beside her in the blink of an eye.

Meng Yang handed him the water spirit pearl in his hand: "Look."

"Shui Lingzhu?"

"It's all at the bottom of the lake." Meng Yang pointed to him and said with a smile, "Now we really have to go down and take a bath."

Look in the direction Meng Yang pointed.

Yu Feng, who has been cultivating in Shadow Sect and has not seen much of the world, was silent for a while.

Do Lingzhu appear in pieces in the Kongyuan Realm?

At first glance, there are dozens of them at least.

He looked at Meng Yang who was about to go into the water in a hurry, thought for a long time and finally said: "Be careful, it may be dangerous."

Meng Yang waved his hands indifferently: "What are you afraid of, you and I are here, come one to fight one, come two to fight one pair!"

Meng Yang, who has read the original work, is as steady as an old dog.

Han Shaoyu is such a goodie who can pick it up safely, and she and Yu Feng, two masters in the late stage of Jindan, are here, can something happen?
Unless there is an undercover relationship between the two of them.

Seeing this scene, Law, who stayed in the world space, showed a smug smile on his small face.

It stood in front of Xiangxiang and prevented Xiangxiang from leaving.

Xiangxiang said helplessly, "Why do you hate Yang Yang so much?"

Hearing Xiangxiang's words, Fa Ze, who had always been crying like a fool, showed real resentment for the first time.

"This world, Han Shaoyu, and I exist because of your story. When you brought an outsider here and messed up the place, did you think about it for us? Even if Han Shaoyu is an idiot, even if this story There are loopholes everywhere, but this world belongs to us, not Meng Yang's!"

"Law, don't do this."

The law interrupted her with a sullen face.

"Stop talking, you are not allowed to go back anyway, since she wants to take the opportunity of the male lead, let her do it."

The law can adjust the story line with Han Shaoyu as the core.

In other words, it can set up a novice mode for Han Shaoyu, and it can also prepare hell levels for Meng Yang.

Xiangxiang didn't dare to get angry with the law anymore, so she had to look at the screen with a worried face.

Behind Meng Yang and Yu Feng, there is a layer of water.

In the mud below the lake.

Dark eyes with a bloodthirsty cold light quietly emerged from the bottom of the lake, looking coldly at Meng Yang above the water and the water spirit pearl in her hand.

On the other side, Han Shaoyu, who was breaking through, felt a strong uneasiness in his heart. He always felt that something very important was leaving him.

When his mind was shaking, a burst of Sanskrit sound passed to his ears.

Youwei is chanting for him.

The chaotic thoughts were calmed down bit by bit, and in the filled spiritual mansion, the aura accumulated into a powerful force, which ruthlessly charged towards the realm barrier in the late stage of Qi training.

One, two, three.

The spiritual energy was gradually exhausted, and Han Shaoyu's face was covered with cold sweat.

No, it's going to fail.

His spiritual root is too weak, just like a cup, if Meng Yang's spiritual root can hold a glass of water, then his cup can only hold one-third, even if the spiritual energy around him is strong, he will drill into his body one after another , but there are still very few that can be used by him.

Others' breakthroughs came naturally, but he, once, twice, three times, failed one after another.

Han Shaoyu felt great hatred in his heart.

He hated himself for being too talented, but also hated Meng Yang's repeated persecution of him.

If Meng Yang hadn't injured him several times, he would have entered the foundation building stage long ago.

Thinking of how Meng Yang saw him fail to break through, Han Shaoyu felt a resentment entangled in his chest.

The more anxious he is, the more solidified his resentment will be.

Like maggots attached to the bones, eating away at his gradually collapsing mind.

Youwei, who was standing beside him, finished reciting a mantra for purifying his heart, and opened his eyes to see that Junior Brother Song's complexion was cloudy, white and blue.

Why does it seem like you are about to fall into a demon.

You slapped your forehead anxiously.

This won't work, he can't handle it!
Yes, yes, we have to find Senior Sister Meng and the others to come back.

Just when he got up in a panic and was about to go to the lake, a burst of loud noise exploded from the direction of the lake.

boom! ! ! !boom! !boom! ! ! !

Youwei who had just stood up was affected by the coercion, and sat down on the ground again.

Shocked by the sound, Han Shaoyu, who had an ugly complexion, spewed out a mouthful of thick black blood, fell to the ground and passed out.

He looked at Han Shaoyu's breath and found that he was still alive, so he felt a little more at ease.

He thought of the loud noise and Meng Yang and Yu Feng who hadn't come back yet.

The little monk quickly lifted up his cassock, stood up, clutched his little heart and looked towards the lake!
Amitabha, my Buddha!
I saw a huge pitch-black boa constrictor soaring out of the lake on tumbling waves, and rushed straight into the sky, tumbling and stirring in the clouds, setting off a violent hurricane.

The wind, rain, thunder and lightning came together, rumbling, and the sky was still clear just now, and heavy rain poured down.

The giant python's shining black body was entrenched in mid-air, and Meng Yang and Yu Feng were standing in the direction where the cold snake's head was looking.

Meng Yang suppressed the joy on his face and looked at the two bumps on the python's skull.

A black python about to turn into a dragon.

"Late Nascent Soul!"

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(End of this chapter)

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