Chapter 6
Han Shaoyu and Yue Qiuran broke up unhappy.

As soon as Meng Yang led his disciples to settle down in the courtyard arranged by Xianmeng, Fa Ze came crying.

"Whoa, what to do."

After listening to the whole process, Meng Yang didn't expect Gui Xidan to have such an unexpected joy, so he couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm a villain, baby, is it right for you to come to me for help?"

Fa Ze was crying out of breath, and Xiang Xiang, who was not much taller than him, comforted him with a sigh like a little adult.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow , , but, I, can't help it."

It can adjust the world line and guide the male protagonist to do some things sideways, but when the male protagonist's will is too strong, it will fail.

Now Han Shaoyu is full of dissatisfaction with Yue Qiuran, and he doesn't obey the rules at all.

"Okay, don't cry, I can help you." Meng Yang sat down at the tea table, and Shi Shiran poured himself a cup of tea.

Hearing her words, Fa Ze trotted away, ran up to her with teary eyes, and looked at her expectantly: "Really! What you said is true!"

"Of course, I'm not lying, especially for such a cute little doll like you."

Meng Yang poked Fa Ze's chubby pink cheeks, and smiled brightly.

Xiangxiang on the side pursed her mouth, not daring to make a sound.

Law, sober up!
You can't believe what Meng Yang said!
I don't know that the sinister law of the human heart can't hear Xiangxiang's inner cry, and I really think that Meng Yang is serious about helping it.

It was getting late at this time, and the bustling streets of Xianli City became much quieter after nightfall.

Meng Yang put on his night clothes and went to Han Shaoyu's residence first with the law.

Han Shaoyu and Tu Jinger in the house didn't know that the danger was coming, and they were having dinner together.

Han Shaoyu worked hard all day to earn money and in the hotel, he could only afford half a roast duck and two bowls of Lingmi rice.

The flickering candlelight reflected on Tu Jinger's face, which was eating with gusto, and the distorted black magic lines on that half of her face became much more gentle and charming. He looked at it, and his thoughts couldn't help jumping to the time when the two just met. when.

At that time, Tu Jinger was seriously injured and was hiding in his dilapidated house. Tu Jinger only took one look at the porridge he gave her, and then showed disgust.

How could a spoiled little princess eat that kind of food.

Later, the two got along day and night, and the proud girl gave up her figure for him.

He swore at that time that he would give Tu Jinger the best.

But now
Han Shaoyu looked around the simple guest room, and the palms hidden under the table couldn't help but clenched into fists.

Even Yue Qiuran, who was once delicate and kind, has become a vulgar person who worships high and tramples low. Tu Jinger suffers because of him, but he can't even give her a good meal.

In this world, what is the difference between a person without strength and an ant!

I want to be stronger!

I want to never be able to cover my eyes again this day!

I want this world!
All submit to my feet! !

The aura entrenched in the Lingfu seemed to have heard the voice of the master, and formed a vortex of aura around Han Shaoyu.

"Oh, it's time to advance, and it's fine to make such a waste material."

On the tree outside the hotel, Meng Yang, who was dressed in black, was sitting on a branch, beside him were the little law and the little Xiangxiang. The direction the three of them were looking at was facing Han Shaoyu and Tu Jinger's room.

A faint spiritual light circulated above her eyes, and the paper window separated them as if there was nothing.

Seeing that Han Shaoyu was about to make a breakthrough, Meng Yang raised his eyebrows.

The high-grade spirit sword streamer quietly appeared in the night.

This was given to Meng Yang by Baili Canghai before leaving.

The magical artifacts in this world are divided into the upper, middle and lower Xuanxian five ranks, and the magical artifacts of the mysterious rank and the immortal rank are rare in the world.

Therefore, this high-grade streamer lightsaber can definitely be called a magic weapon.

The clear blade of the sword was radiating a cold air, and the sharp point of the sword pointed directly at the direction of the guest room.

Fa Shi's face turned pale with fright, and when he turned around, he met Meng Yang's half-smiling eyes.

It instantly stood on its head: "What do you want to do?!"

Meng Yang stretched out a slender finger, casually drew a circle in the air, and said with a smile on his face.

"Of course it's the right thing to do."

Guided by Meng Yang, the Liuguang Sword drew a beautiful arc in the air and shot towards Han Shaoyu in the room.

The law only came in a hurry and said "ah".

Liu Guang broke open the window, and cut through Han Shaoyu's aura barrier with a single sword.

Han Shaoyu, who was in the sprint stage, was suddenly interfered by this tyrannical external force, the aura in the Lingfu suddenly collapsed, and the realm began to retreat layer by layer, and within a few breaths, he fell to the eighth layer of Qi Refining.

He spit out a mouthful of blood with a pop, and fell limply to the ground.

Look, this embarrassed little girl looks like Meng Yang in the book.

Tu Jing'er helped her up in a panic, and the two hugged each other.

From the corner of the eye, a pair of black shoes stepped in slowly through the broken window.

Adhering to the villain's design and standing still, Meng Yang, a playwright, snorted coldly with special dedication: "I thought I was wrong, tell me, isn't he dead?"

The law that has witnessed all this has been dumbfounded.

Xiangxiang touched the law's little head affectionately: "If you want to open up, just get used to it."

Meng Yang's voice reached Tu Jing'er's ears like the whisper of a devil.

She didn't even dare to lift her head, and quickly pulled out a yellow charm from the storage bag, and tore it open.

The space in the room was weirdly distorted for a moment.

Meng Yang's eyes flickered, and when he looked down, the two people in front of him were gone.

The sound of messy footsteps came from outside the window, Meng Yang leaned against the window and looked up.

Tu Jinger helped the half-dead Han Shaoyu, and limped forward crazily.

The terrified Tu Jing'er didn't hear the sound of Meng Yang chasing her, so she couldn't help but look back.

At the broken window, Meng Yang, dressed in black, stood there leisurely. Seeing Tu Jinger's gaze, her mouth moved.

Tu Jing'er, who has already established her foundation, can see clearly that her beautiful lips are opening and closing, saying to her: "Hurry up, I'm going to start chasing you."

woo woo woo woo! !
very scary! ! ! ! !
"Brother Han, run!!!"

Xiangxiang and Law appeared beside Meng Yang.

The law asked Meng Yang angrily: "You! What are you doing!"

Meng Yang withdrew his villainous face and looked innocent: "I'm helping you make Han Shaoyu and Yue Qiuran reconcile. Yue Qiuran, you can arrange it."

"Don't lie to me! Help me if you help me, why hurt him!"

"Stupid boy, Han Shaoyu is so injured, Yue Qiuran will be so heartbroken when he sees it, won't those two people reconcile?"

The simple law heard Meng Yang say this, and immediately accepted the explanation, not knowing it: "Wow! You are so smart, why didn't I think of it."

Xiangxiang sighed while resting her forehead, and said from the side: "Maybe you are too stupid."

The three followed Tu Jinger and Han Shaoyu not too far away, and Tu Jinger could see Meng Yang's figure when she turned her head. The little girl was so frightened that her tears and nose flowed together.

Just when she couldn't hold it any longer, Yue Qiuran, dressed in white, appeared in everyone's sight.

Yue Qiuran originally returned to his residence.

Just now when she saw the moonlight was beautiful, she happened to be restless and wanted to go out for a walk.

Of course, this is all a hint of the law.

Not far from her residence, she saw a thin woman supporting a man from a distance, walking very hard.

Yue Qiuran was kind-hearted and wanted to see if he could help.

Han Shaoyu was supported by Tu Jinger with his head down, so Yue Qiuran didn't see him, but he was the first to see the magic pattern on Tu Jinger's face.

"Demon Race!!!"

Yixian Valley has never paid much attention to cultivation, Yue Qiuran's cultivation is not even as good as Han Shaoyu's, and he is only at the fifth level of Qi Refining.

At this time, Yue Qiuran saw Tu Jing'er in the foundation building stage, her mouth was faster than her brain, and she subconsciously exclaimed.

It was only after she finished speaking that she remembered being afraid, and she turned around and wanted to run.

Tu Jing'er saw the woman's fairy air, thought she was Meng Yang's fairy accomplice, she would not let her go, so she immediately slapped her.

Weak Han Shaoyu saw the approacher before he could stop him, Yue Qiuran turned into a kite with a broken string, was photographed in the sky, floated to the ground and fainted.


"Brother Han, don't talk, the female devil is right behind, let's run!"

Tu Jinger dragged Han Shaoyu who was speechless, bypassed Yue Qiuran who was on the ground, and was about to continue running.

"!!! What to do, what to do!!! Find a solution quickly!" Law cried anxiously, "How could this happen!!"

Seeing everything as a play, Meng Yang almost couldn't hold back his smile: "Don't panic, watch me."

Meng Yang's figure flashed, and stopped in front of Tu Jing'er and Han Shaoyu.

"Stop there."

When Tu Jinger met Meng Yang, it was like a mouse meeting a cat.

Hearing Meng Yang said not to move, she immediately stopped in fright and dared not move.

Xiangxiang turned into a bracelet and sat firmly on the first scene of eating melons.

Law hides beside Meng Yang, looking at Meng Yang with great trust: "What should I do next?"

Meng Yang just said hello to me and hello to everyone, and smiled.

She lowered her head to look in the direction of the law, and sent a voice transmission to the other party: "I will help you with this matter, you give me a chance, I will not be greedy with Chaos Art, just give me something else."

The law looked hurt: "You threatened me???"

"It's just a deal. Could it be that you still want me, the villain, to help you with your work for nothing? No way, no way!"

Meng Yang bullied the children without any obstacles in her heart. She broke the jar and said to the law: "If you don't agree to me, I will stab Han Shaoyu to death with a sword. When he comes back to life, you can think about how to let Yue Qiuran take him into the secret realm." Bar."

"You!!!! You big villain!" Law exploded with anger.
At this time, his little head understood that Meng Yang didn't come to help him at all, she was just a shit stick!

Made everything worse! ! !
The law has nothing to do with her.

It relies on the rules to do things, and cannot do anything to the characters in the world.

Otherwise, it will definitely pack Meng Yang into outer space! !

"Oh, just promise her." Xiangxiang said clearly to a bystander, "Anyway, Han Shaoyu can't be killed."


Fa Ze's heart was about to break, looking at Yue Qiuran who was fainting on the ground, Han Shaoyu who was lying in his arms, and Tu Jing'er who was frightened into a chicken.

It's just a rule, what can it do.

"Okay, I promise you, but you have to settle this matter first."

The world where only Meng Yang is happy is achieved!
Han Shaoyu on the side looked hard at Meng Yang who was not speaking, and saw that the other party was smiling, killing intent came from his heart, and he was so angry!

"Ahem, bitch, how dare you play tricks on us!"

Han Shaoyu hated Meng Yang so much that he wished he could eat his flesh and drink his blood raw.

He clutched his heart, which was in pain and seemed to be shattered into slag, and he wanted to scold Meng Yang even though he was gnashing his teeth.

"One day! One day, I...I want to!!!"

Meng Yang is physically annoyed when he sees Han Shaoyu as a cub.

She raised her finger, and the streamer sword appeared in front of Meng Yang.

She stretched out her hand to hold the hilt of the sword, and pressed the tip of the sword against Han Shaoyu's eyebrows.

"What do you want?"

She looked indifferently at Han Shaoyu who was full of resentment, and with great force, the sharp point of the sword pierced his brow easily.

"What can you do?"

Unstoppable blood flowed from the wound, staining Han Shaoyu's ordinary facial features red.

He gritted his teeth and glared at Meng Yang, while Tu Jinger cried and grabbed his arm tightly.

"Brother Shaoyu, don't"

The intense boredom gripped Han Shaoyu's heart viciously, and he held his lungs that seemed to be bursting, but he still didn't say that cruel word.

"I'll go with you, don't do anything to Jing'er."

Meng Yang smiled, turned the tip of his sword and patted Han Shaoyu's sallow face.

"Even if I'm catching, I'm here to catch her. She's just a trash who relies on women, and she really treats herself as something."

 Thank you for the comment of [The writing is so beautiful], listen to me, thank you
  I read your comment last night and was so excited that I almost fell asleep.Hahaha
  Thank you for the recommendation ticket of [Tonight's Wind and Rain]

  Thanks to the friends who collected this book.


(End of this chapter)

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