The fairy godmother got the villain script

Chapter 80 You won't reject me now, will you?

Chapter 80 You won't reject me now, will you?

Wait a minute, who are you talking about?

The world of cultivating immortals is really far from the big picture. You can say that you moved me here.

Is this a trip to Liaozhai?

At this moment.

A fluffy head suddenly appeared in the grass not far away.


Green yellow millet?

Green millet?
I saw the little cutie with green light emerging from the grass, except for the color, it was almost exactly the same as the yellow millet.

This color is a bit rushed.

The green millet, who couldn't hear Meng Yang's emotion, fluttered its wings and flew up to the branch. It raised its neck and responded, "Hey, it's coming~~"

With such a close distance, the two of you don't need to shout.

Meng Yang complained all kinds of things in her heart, but naturally she didn't dare to speak.

Then she saw,
The moment Green Millet's voice fell.

Suddenly a black thing flew out of the distance.

It was only after getting close that Meng Yang could see clearly that it was a board made of emerald green straw.

The board was as long as a person, and it wasn't flying, but was carried by a pitch-black monster underneath.

Because it was too dark, Meng Yang squinted his eyes and took a lot of effort to confirm that there was indeed something underneath.

As for what kind of monster it is, I really can't see clearly.

Black is too pure.

Moreover, the body does not look very good.

The monster was panting for breath, and moved the board in the direction of Meng Yang with three pauses.

The total distance of almost ten meters made it feel as if it had climbed out of the sky.

Meng Yang got a little impatient waiting, Leng Yun said: "Calm down, Xiao Hei is the most stable one in our place."

This is really unacceptable.

Meng Yang showed a flattering smirk, and gave Jiang Yuyan a look.

Jiang Yuyan understood in seconds.

"Who says it's not? It's more than prudent. It can be said that it is step by step. It's too reliable."

Leng Yun nodded in satisfaction.

Meng Yang watched from the side, and suddenly felt that the scene in front of him seemed a little familiar.

What exactly gave her the illusion that Leng Yun was extremely intelligent, wise and close to a demon?

At this moment.

Xiao Hei finally crawled to Lu Xiaomi's side.

Green Millet flew to the side of the board, but didn't see what it was doing, and a steady stream of petals emerged from its body.

With the waving of its wings, the petals fell down eloquently.

It's colorful and shimmering in various colors, shining brightly in the night, not to mention how beautiful it is.

Meng Yang just wanted to see the opportunity to boast a few words, when he heard it.

"Little Green's body can pull out petals, it's amazing." Leng Yun said proudly.

Little green?

It can't really be called millet.


Wait, what did you say?


pull out? ?

Thinking of the suspicious yellow mucus on Ji Gela's water spirit bead, Meng Yang's wow that just showed, his face froze instantly.

"Hehe, that's really amazing." Meng Yang said awkwardly but politely, and she looked at Jiang Yuyan again.

"It's amazing. Every member of the nobles can be called the creation of God. Song Qianji has already made me sigh. I didn't expect that Xiaolu gave me a new surprise. People say that the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly. , but who would have thought that such an endless amount of petals could grow from the belly of a palm-sized bird!" Jiang Yuyan nodded with emotion, "Especially, the fragrance coming from the air is wonderful. , Wonderful."

Leng Yun grinned at this praise.

On the other side, Green Millet could also hear Jiang Yuyan's words. It shook its body and pulled more frequently. If it was still scattered flowers just now, it was thrown down in lumps now.

This attitude, this output.

If it were placed in a modern society, capitalists would shake their heads when they saw it.

As more and more petals were sprinkled, a hill of petals was almost piled up on the board, and Xiao Hei's steps forward slowly, slower and slower.

With a distance of five meters, I once again felt the feeling of trekking through mountains and rivers.

Meng Yang felt tired for it.

No matter how I look at it, it seems that I can't hold on anymore.

At this moment, Xiao Hei stopped.

It groaned and lay down on the ground, "Damn it, I'm quitting. Is there something wrong with you, Lu Xiaomi? Boss Leng Yun is heavy enough. If you sprinkle chicken feathers and petals, I'll plug your asshole when I turn around. you pull!"

Facing Green Millet, Xiao Hei gave a violent meal.

After complaining, it began to coo, and it slowly moved out from under the board.

When it is completely out of the suppression of the board.

Meng Yang was surprised to find that Xiao Hei, who was only so tall just now, suddenly bounced like a rubber.

Immediately afterwards, its body tripled in size.

At this moment, Meng Yang was finally lucky enough to see the whole picture of Xiao Hei.

As the saying goes, everything is possible in the world of cultivating immortals.

So, what's so weird about a furry slime?
Throw the table! ! !How could there be slime! !
What kind of setting is a long-haired slime?

No wonder it walks so hard, it has no bones.

Meng Yang was speechless, saying that there are abundant species in the Abyss, many of which were extinct in ancient times.

So she understands the truth.

What the hell, why are there slimes in the world of cultivating immortals, and they have long hair!It's also hairy! ! !

No one understands how complicated Meng Yang's heart is at the moment.

Due to Xiao Hei's sudden strike, the scene fell into an embarrassing situation for a while.

Lu Xiaomi stopped the movement of "scattering flowers", coughed twice and said, "Sister Leng Yun is here, you two two-legged beasts hurry up and come over to greet her."

Leng Yun chuckled, "That's fine, let's take two steps forward."

She controlled Brother Ji's body and took the lead to walk forward with steps that no relatives would recognize.

Meng Yang and Jiang Yuyan looked at each other helplessly, and followed them.

The board was placed on the ground, and from Meng Yang's perspective, only a woman could be seen lying on it, her feet could be seen but her face could not be seen.

Is Leng Yun in human form?
"Flesh puppets and humanoid puppets?" she asked Jiang Yuyan in a low voice.

Jiang Yuyan shook her head.

Leng Yun said: "You wait, I will go back first."

As soon as she finished speaking, Brother Ji lost control of his body.

As the center of gravity of the body went down, it hit the ground with a bang.

It hurts just looking at it.

Brother Ji groaned, "Damn it, who hit me on the head."

Xiao Hei laughed and said, "Fool."

At this time, the people on the board moved.

I saw that she moved her feet first, and then raised her hands. After moving for a while, she seemed to have found the feeling. The whole body was 90 degrees, and she suddenly lifted her body from the board and sat up straight.

This posture cannot be done without decades of waist protruding.

Just when Meng Yang was about to tout a few words first, and then wait for the opportunity to run away.

She saw Leng Yun's face.

Leng Yun had just possessed her body, and her whole face was as stiff as if ten catties of sheep placenta had been injected, even stiffer than a masked face.

She reached out and rubbed her stiff cheeks, making a few exaggerated movements.

Then oh~uh~ah~ I tried to pronounce a few sounds, and finally became agile.

She smiled triumphantly at the dumbfounded Jiang Yuyan and the silent Meng Yang.

"Now, you won't reject me, will you?"

 Meng Yang:
  Slime hair? ? ?
  How can a slime grow hair! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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