() No. 1542: People value self-knowledge (second update)

The strong turbulence made almost everyone around here confused at this moment. At a time when it was almost equal to the brink of war, two people fighting to such an extent was still the same. Almost everyone around here was at this moment. A shock, after all, not everyone can do this in a short time, can they?The side effects of a strong collision can be extremely obvious, especially in this almost extreme time period. If you still don't understand the meaning of the two people's battle, it is really a ghost. Well, from the very beginning of this battle, there was such a terrifying scene, what would it be like if it entered the heat, wouldn't it?

Everyone is looking forward to the result of this collision. After all, not every strong man understands exactly what happened, right?During this period of time, all you need to think about is who has the upper hand and who is more powerful in this battle, right?Doing such a thing in this environment has already made almost everyone present a little hungry and thirsty. When the so-called peripheral vision disappeared in an instant, almost everyone looked at the sky. Even if the battle has just begun, it will become intense after this collision. This battle that is hard to forget will break out at this time. Of course, everyone must see clearly.

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