CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 102 King S1mple

Chapter 102 King S1mple
Diandian's visa issue caused an uproar in the domestic CSGO circle.

Because VC has recently qualified for the Major, the attention in China is quite high.

But they didn't expect that VC would have problems at this juncture.

Former professional player Wang Yuning said good things for Diandian on his account: "I was rejected for a visa for a year, and I have the desire to die, and the big guys don't take the rhythm."

As a retired player who maintains a high level of competition, he often meets VC players on the ladder, and the relationship is quite good. Besides, as a senior, he should try his best to avoid too much rhythm for VC at this time.

He had experienced this scene back then, so he naturally knew what Diandian would be like now.

The Internet is beautiful, and once you do something worth celebrating, the compliments you can only dream of follow you.

But the Internet is also very real. Once you make a strength that does not conform to their ideas, those "key fairies" will follow.

However, these things on the Internet are out of the control of VC for the time being.

They have already begun to arrive at the airport, ready to fly to Wudu.

"Check again, have you brought all the things you need?" Meng De asked for the last time in front of the lobby of the airport.

"This is already the third time, coach, don't be too nervous!" the kid complained.

Meng De also realized that he was a little too nervous.

"Hey, be careful, there is no big mistake." The watermelon next to him grabbed a handsome ponytail today, but the hairspray was a bit exaggerated.

After confirming that everything was correct, several people from VC brought the airport to see off the blessings of fans, and boarded the plane to Wudu.

Everyone in VC boarded the plane, but they still couldn't calm down.

Because of everyone in VC, this is the first time to participate in a Major.

It is also the first time to go abroad to compete, and it is a real trip.

For the few people in VC, all of this is particularly dreamy, after all, it is the most valuable CSGO event in the world.

This already means that they have become one of the 24 strongest teams in the world.

Although their current ranking is only 157.

"Do we need to adjust the time difference?" Sanji came over to remind Mengde intimately.

"You can do whatever you want on the plane. Rest when you are tired. We still have time to adjust after we arrive in Wudu," Meng De said.

Because the journey to Wudu is not short, the ten or so hours will be very boring, and it is very difficult for you to force them to sleep.

What's more, they didn't start the competition as soon as they got off the plane, and there were still more than ten days for them to prepare.

However, although Mengde can let them rest freely on the plane, once they get off the plane, he will let the players adjust the time difference quickly.

This group of people lacked the experience of playing against strong international teams, and their strength was already far behind, so they had to recover themselves as soon as possible.

For VC, although they can win the first place in Asia, but the level of Asia is simply untenable in the world. Compared with these European sharks, there is no competition at all.

What's more, on the eve of the team's expedition, such a situation happened, and the morale of the team was relatively low.

It takes more time to adjust.

After getting on the plane, Mengde sat down in his seat, and he was still thinking about the team arrangement afterwards.

This is when he noticed that S1mple on his left took out his tablet and began to check the DEMO that won the European qualifiers.

Meng De nodded when he saw this scene.

In fact, the player S1mple, except for his bad temper, is almost perfect.

His talent is extremely high. When he was drawn from Meng De, his overall value was already above S.

And this guy is not only highly talented, but also very hardworking. He belongs to the king of kings among kings.

He loves the game CSGO from the bottom of his heart, and his desire for victory is far higher than others.

This can be seen from their CSGO time.

It has been almost three months since S1mple joined the team.

In the past three months, he has spent nearly a thousand hours on CSGO.

On average, I play more than ten hours a day.

They work only 11 hours a day.

During this time, there are still a long review and a series of time-consuming.

So the answer can only be S1mple's extra practice after get off work.

Many times after Meng De got off work, he could still see S1mple happily hitting the ladder.

His efforts horrified everyone else.

Xu Qingru, who was sitting on Meng De's right, saw S1mple studying there, and asked, "Is he usually this serious?"

Meng De nodded: "If you are talented and willing to work hard, there will definitely be a place for him on the CSGO stage in the future."

"This is what people often say. People who are smarter than you work harder than you. This kind of person is a pillar in any industry." Xu Qingru said.

Sanji, who was sitting in the back row, heard the chat between the two, and also noticed that S1mple was watching the DEMO hard.

After contemplating for a long time, he also took out his mobile phone from his bag and began to watch the video of the game.

The most talented Sasha in the team is working so hard, so why not work hard as a new substitute?
Stupid bird flies first!

roll up!
Sanji also opened the game video, but it is different from S1mple.

What he opened was S1mple's first-person view of the game.

He is studying S1mple's style of play.

Sanji's mind is more delicate, and he can see the essence of things.

As a substitute, he didn't fit in well with the team.

Although he has been working hard to learn Chinese, learning a language is not that simple, and VC's communication problems still exist.

So what should he do?

At this time, he noticed the only big dad in the team - S1mple.

As users of the same voice, he and S1mple can communicate without barriers.

So the best way now is to let him cooperate with S1mple.

He has to find a way to cooperate with S1mple and support S1mple.

Let the big daddy S1mple play more comfortably, and it will be easier to win this game.

That way, he and S1mple can produce a situation where 1+1 is greater than 2.

They had a training match with LL yesterday, and he has already tried this style of play.

The income is quite high.

It's just that yesterday he only had a specific concept. He didn't particularly understand S1mple's style of play, and he made many mistakes in coordination.

He is now going to analyze it in detail.

He needs to know the specific style of play of S1mple, so as to perfectly cooperate with S1mple, even before S1mple speaks, his flashes are given out.

Only in this way can he play the role of a tool man and perfectly help the team to exert its strong strength.

At this time, he saw a bright spot, Sanji quickly bit off the cap of his pen and made a note.

With anticipation and apprehension, the group flew to the place where Huaxia CSGO was once defeated——


 Today's Chapter 2, I started to save the manuscript for tomorrow's shelves.

(End of this chapter)

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