Chapter 113

The two foreign commentators were shocked.

Why is this person holding a sniper? It's like a different person, and his style has changed so much.

Moreover, the speed and accuracy of this sniper are exaggerated.

"You may not even imagine that this player named S1mple, after he got four kills, his blood volume is even full."

"He only fired 4 shots and already got 4 kills. The strength shown by this VC sniper is really terrifying!"

The official live broadcast room is also boiling.

Many foreign netizens are asking: "Where did this VC come from to beat Rainbow Horse like this?"

Because in their impression, although the strength of the rainbow horse is not top-notch in the world, it can still appear in their field of vision.

As for this VC, they have never even heard of it.

Where did these players come from?

The domestic audience was ignited by the operation of S1mple.

[This is Simple Boy!Too fierce! 】

【You tell me it's not hanging! (dog head)]

【It's really a pleasure to watch him snipe. 】

[All kinds of aggressive forward pressure, really dare to fight]

[Senpo, my superman! 】

And the rainbow horse also had a timeout because of S1mple's wave of operations. In the game where it was hoped to win the score, it was torn apart by the opponent's personal ability.

The coach of the Rainbow Horse decided to let the team members relax their mentality and let the VC players feel a little 'cool'.

However, he didn't know that in this game, since S1mple started to snipe, the balance of victory and defeat has already begun to tilt.

This timeout not only failed to allow the Rainbow Horses to find the rhythm of the game, but instead allowed their disadvantage to continue.

Until the last few points of the first half, the Rainbow Horse players played a wave of very spiritual turning points, and VC was a little slack, and the Rainbow Horse scored three points.

Finally, after the end of the first half of the game, the score also came to 12:3.


The VC team members stood up one after another, with smiles on their faces.

Before the start, they thought that today's game would be difficult, after all, their training results have not been very good.

But when it was time for the competition, they found that everything became easier.

And the default coordination system that Meng De taught them is really useful.

Today, in terms of the rhythm of the early stage, they basically did not receive a big disadvantage.

Even if the marksmanship is not enough, there are teammates who come to assist.

This allows them to generally gain an advantage in the early stages of the round, and after that, it is natural to fight better and better.

And even if they made a few mistakes, the kid and S1mple stepped forward one after another to turn the situation back.

The situation is very good, and they are naturally overjoyed.

"We played well in the first half, but everyone, don't just relax your vigilance. We still had a few waves of problems. I won't talk about it here. We will talk about it when we go back." Meng De said to the players.

But in fact, Meng De didn't say anything, they also knew that something went wrong in those few waves.

At first, they thought they could get away with it, but Mengde pointed it out on purpose, and they couldn't do anything perfunctory now.

But after Meng De pointed it out, they were relieved, after all, this is the strict Meng Jiao.

"Our logic in the second half is to ensure that S1mple will play. In the pistol round, everyone will draw their cards. Sanji, you follow S1mple to play support." Meng De began to arrange the team's play style in the second half.

"Don't you need to cooperate? Do you want to use your personal ability?"

The kid asked a little strangely.

"We have already made the opponent feel useless. Now they can't maintain the most basic marksmanship. Instead, we need to speed up the pace."

"Since their marksmanship is no longer good, let's compete with them on marksmanship. We don't understand such a simple thing." Meng De gave the kid a white look.

"It's not that you can't fight with your own ability, it just depends on when to fight."

"Okay, everyone, if you want to go to the toilet, go to the toilet, and if you don't, just do some activities."

Several people were in a state of excitement, and they didn't want to go to the toilet for the time being, so they moved around on the spot.

The second half of the game also started quickly.

In the second half, the two sides switched offense and defense.

VC has now become the offensive side.

Watermelon still carried out Meng De's instructions. At the beginning, he sent a P250 to S1mple, and then matched it with two props.

And sanji, as a support, also has a whole set of props, which are used to cooperate with S1mple.

The two came directly to Banana Road at the beginning.

"Should I follow you in or wait for your order?" Sanji asked S1mple after the opening.

S1mple thought for a moment, then replied:
"You should stay at the bandit's mouth for now. I jumped into the tree position at the beginning, and you won't be of much help if you come here."

Sanji nodded, indicating that he understood.

S1mple rushed directly into the banana road at the beginning, and entered the tree position with a spin jump.

However, Rainbow Horse's B area did not make any anti-Qing or other movements.

S1mple also started to press forward, and Sanji behind saw S1mple walking forward, also came to the groove of the banana road, and caught a flash.

S1mple continued to walk forward, he first previewed the position near the corner.


[VC.S1mple used a P250 headshot to kill RH.lovely]

lovely:? ? ?
Give me a second when you come out?
Still let people play games?

Originally, he squatted there to prepare to cooperate with his teammates. While collecting tolls, he also helped his sandbag teammates act as a hook.

However, his bait was shot in seconds, and the people behind the sandbags were in danger.

He immediately asked his teammate in the coffin to throw a flash to help the sandbag man get out of trouble.

However, VC advances faster than they imagined.

A flash exploded, and the CT behind the sandbag was completely white.

S1mple cooperated with Sanji's good flash, and easily knocked out this helpless CT.

"S1mple started again, and the Banana Road advanced in a wave. He was like a bulldozer, pushing all the way."

"Two policemen have been knocked down by him, and only the CT at the last coffin is left in Area B."

S1mple asked his teammates for another flash and continued to charge forward.

He had already killed two people, and under normal circumstances, there would be only one person in Area B at most.

Sanji's second flash came just in time.

S1mple also saw the white CT next to the coffin, and immediately stepped up to catch up.

So CT didn't know that S1mple would be so bold, so he was not in a hurry to parry for a while. Although he retreated to the back garden, he was also severely beaten by S1mple.

At the same time, the policeman gave out cigarettes and threw out a coffin fire.

"I'm out of bullets, he's crippled." S1mple reported to his teammates.

Tig, who was next to S1mple, immediately said, "I'll make up for him."

The bloody CT didn't expect that the VC gang would be so aggressive, stepping on the flames thrown by their own people, and make up for him.

But once he fell like this, the rainbow horse really couldn't be beaten.

The thunder bag has been put down, and the two defenders from zone A rushed over, facing this 2v5 endgame.

The police officers were already in place, and he kept shooting Tig in the church in advance at the well.

But in this round, their self-confidence has been shattered, and they failed to kill Tig after several consecutive shots, but were given the second by Tig's last shot.

The location of the last remaining CT was also found at the mouth of the bandit.

Several people from VC directly started to suppress the 'police'.

This CT is aiming very hard, but VC has a lot of people and is strong. When he fires one shot, VC can already hit him several times.

In the end, the head was taken by Watermelon.

Losing the pistol round, Rainbow Horse's mentality completely collapsed.

 The Major is about to start tonight.

  I hope that NAVI can play well this last time, and I also hope that NIKO can break the demons.

  The mood is a bit complicated.

  Continue to code words, there are at least 3000 words today.

(End of this chapter)

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