CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 118 VAC Warning! !

Chapter 118 VAC Warning! !
"The CT on the third floor attracted a wave of firepower, drawing all the attention of VC, and then the CT in the red box and the CT around the back got two kills respectively. In the end, Sanji was powerless and surrounded Knock it out."

Sixi Wanzi sighed: "VC has been affected by the pre-match rhythm, and played a little anxiously."

In fact, VC was indeed a little anxious, and this wave of offense was a bit flawed.

They belatedly figured it out after the pistol round was over.

S1mple heard the cheers from the Koreans on the opposite side, and frowned: "Don't be influenced by them, let's fight our own."

"Everyone, adjust your mentality. We all played a bit flawed in the last round. It doesn't matter if we lose in the pistol round. We'll just play back slowly."

Standing behind, Meng De and Wu Qiang looked at each other, and nodded tacitly.

If no one in the team has discovered this problem, he plans to call a timeout and come out.

Fortunately, S1mple discovered it in time and stopped them from continuing to fight.

However, Meng De is also a little suspicious. Although his skills today are still used on S1mple, but he checked from the inside of the system, it is to improve the consciousness, that's right.

Mentality has not changed.

Did S1mpl really notice it?
"Then should we force it or go directly to ECO?" asked the kid.

The economy is not much, and the two options finally choose to look at the command.

"Come on, let Sasha find a chance." Watermelon said.

Sanji at the back immediately said: "Then Sasha, you can use the full armor props, and I will send you a bird sniper."

S1mple's eyes lit up: "Sure enough, you still love me, brother chicken."

Sanji smiled at the side, and sent out a bird shot.

"I will definitely live up to your bird sniper, and I will definitely give you some benefits."

The rest of them all set up half-armored sand eagles with props, planning to cooperate with S1mple to find opportunities.

Since it was a round of looking for opportunities, S1mple didn't plan to shoot at the end.

With a good posture, he immediately came to the sniper position in the outfield, opened the bird sniper and looked at the warehouse.

"This VC is in a bit of a hurry."

In AKA's hotel room, several people were discussing the game between VC and BAB.

As members of the legendary group, apart from training recently, they just watch the game, otherwise they really have nothing to do.

As their focus, they will still take a look at the VC competition.

"It should be because of the off-site influence of this BAB. These guys don't have much strength, so they like to do these useless things." The bearded muscular man said.

"But look at S1mple, it depends on how well his bird sniper plays."

The director gave S1mple the angle of view, and saw him sniping through the mirror and straightening the warehouse, then quickly moved a position to the right, and slammed the gun to the left.

I saw a bird sniper's headshot kill in the upper right corner.

"Oh, this bird sniper is accurate enough!" AKA team members exclaimed.

The bearded man nodded: "This guy is very talented, especially when it comes to sniper rifles, he is quite sensitive."

"Hey, it's still early, let's continue to look."

"NICE!" Watermelon shouted excitedly.

Although they couldn't pick up the gun that S1mple destroyed, they got a kill at the beginning, and their offensive pressure will be much less.

S1mple glanced at the position of his teammates on the map, and then said: "Push forward a little, help me hold K1 closer, otherwise I may be stolen from the side."

He wanted a chance to find the main entrance, but he was also worried that someone would come from the side.

Watermelon nodded, and immediately pushed out with Tig, and together held K1 beside the red box.

S1mple felt a little relieved after seeing the two people's movements in place.

He also began to slowly push forward with the bird sniper, but after scanning the main entrance and the periphery of the warehouse, there was no one standing by the other party, and he would not give them this chance.

S1mple had no choice but to retreat under the oil tank, came to a safe place, and tried to discuss with Xigua how to attack afterward.

But suddenly, as if blessed to his heart, he thought of something.

The bird sniper opened the mirror immediately, aimed at the wall of the room at the main entrance and fired a shot.

They lost the PK between the outfield birds and snipers. In this case, BAB chose to shrink the formation, playing conservatively and waiting for VC to give them a chance.

They knew that the bird sniper in the outfield was not easy to mess with, so they gave up the complete control right away, leaving one person on the third floor to scout around, and getting the information was enough.

And the vk250 at the main entrance also chose to shrink inside, only giving a gun line at an angle.

However, the vk250 is very good at the front door, and it is impossible for people to come to other positions.

A bullet came from behind him, passed through the nuclear crisis paper wall, and exploded his helmet with a single shot.

vk250:? ? ?
How did he die?
Vk250 looked confused.

But it wasn't just him. At this moment, everyone watching the game was stunned.

"S1mple took a bird sniper and came under the oil tank. They seemed to want to secure a hand, but S1mple suddenly opened the mirror and shot the vk250 inside the main entrance!" Sixi Maruko was already stunned.

"How did this happen!"

"He doesn't have any information about the vk250. I didn't understand this shot."

He no longer knows how to explain it, because in his opinion.

Well, it's like a wall hanging.

At this moment, all the live broadcast rooms around the world who watched the game raised question marks at the same time.

【? ? ? 】

【? ? ? 】

【What is this? 】

[Could it be that there are cheaters on the Major? 】

[I'm already dumbfounded, do you know that? 】

Sixi Maruko's live broadcast room also exploded.

[What is this! 】

[He shot someone in the head without any information? 】

[This person plays games like this? 】

【Drip, drop, drop】

[It's breathing, I heard breathing! 】

[Although we don't seem to lose this game, we don't need to hang up.]

[This gun is outrageous! 】

【Completely conform to the principle of indisputable】

[I have already said that there is something about this S1mple, the VC club, it might as well be called the VAC club in the future. 】

[It's just a nerve gun, the official hasn't given an answer, look at you in a hurry]

For this gun, most of the audience were talking about it.

Because it is too outrageous.

It would be fine if S1mple was a direct blind sniper, at least it would be regarded as a luck gun against the sky.

But what is this, S1mple he shot and aimed at, which means he knew that person was there.

But this shot not only confused the audience, but also confused Wu Qiang and Meng De in the battle room.

They looked at each other, completely confused about the shot.

And the game is still going on.

After S1mple got two kills, BAB's formation was completely messed up.

S1mple took the bird sniper and pushed forward with two teammates. They got the bird sniper and Famas in the main gate.

Then Sanji in the yellow room rushed directly to the bag point to pull the gun line to get information for the team.

The CT position on the third floor was found. Although he killed Sanji, the position was also locked.

When he chose to show his face again, S1mple shot him in the body with a sniper shot, and took him away with the little ghost's Sand Eagle.

And after the little ghost knocked out the CT of the pack, he immediately turned his head and looked into the yellow room. He knew that someone might come from this angle.

Sure enough, a CT figure appeared in the yellow room.

Sand Eagle's headshot line has been set up, let's shoot!
The last remaining CT is helpless in the face of this endgame and can only save his gun.

VC completed the comeback with two key kills by S1mple bird sniper.

In the game screen, there was also a technical timeout at the same time.

This suspension was applied by BAB, the reason is - BAB suspected that VC team player S1mple cheated!

 Later I will put that horrible kill of S1mple in the easter egg chapter.

  Today's update is gone, I went to write an old book.

  If the old man writes fast, there may be another chapter in the early morning book.

(End of this chapter)

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