CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 145 Peek alone is not as good as all peeks

Chapter 145 Peek alone is not as good as all peeks
Losing this point, several people were really convinced.

After all, who would have thought that BIKG would take advantage of such a small point as VC.

Grabbing the information that Tig was pressing on the sandbag in front of him, he took advantage of the situation and hooked everyone to Area A.

This is on the court, if it is off the stage, the VCs have seen this wave of tactics, and they have to praise BIKG's spirituality.

But fortunately, the score advantage that VC got in the early stage gave them a higher tolerance for mistakes.

Their economy is also good, and they can continue to play a few long gun rounds.

They can lose a lot, but BIKG can only lose one, and this is the crux of the problem.

So their psychological pressure is less than that of BIKG.

BIKG battle area.

After this tactic was successfully won, the entire voice exploded.

They were shouting excitedly.

For the counter-chasing score, this first score is the most critical.

As long as the first score is scored, the morale of the subsequent teams will be improved.

The morale of the team has improved, and many things are much easier to fight.

Ting raised his head and exhaled heavily.

His psychological pressure is really great. As a star player in the team, his performance today is not impressive.

And made such a serious mistake in the first half.

This made his pressure directly full.

But fortunately, this round of spiritual tactics can be regarded as his own salvation.

It finally helped the team curb the losing streak and scored a point.

He yelled to cheer up loudly in his voice. In this atmosphere, his voice was so inspiring.

The morale of several people in BIKG is constantly improving.

In the next few rounds, VC chose to defend steadily and stopped pressing forward to find opportunities.

However, the bandit's touch gradually warmed up.

They started to score frequently, and the economy saved by VC for several rounds was reset.

And the most unacceptable thing for them is that there was an endgame they could have won, but S1mple's big sniper shot and kicked the endgame.

As a result, the endgame was lost and the economy exploded directly.

one cent.
two points
Three points
The balance of victory kept tilting towards BIKG, and VC and the others gradually became colder after being beaten.

For a while, the voice fell into silence.

Meng De also called a timeout.

"Brothers, this is not the way to fight, let's fight unconventional next."

"Area B takes the initiative to find some opportunities. Salsa Sniper can no longer stand in the VIP station. They won't give you the opportunity to shoot. You take the initiative to look for it." Meng De turned to S1mple and said.

S1mple nodded, and he also knew that going on like this couldn't work.

"It's hard to control the middle lane if we want to control it. They started to take the initiative to play the middle lane."

"We released the VIP afterwards, and Arch and B Xiao put some pressure, otherwise it would be too easy for them to send that information. Every time we are in the area where there are few people beaten, the head is big."

Mengde arranged for the subsequent long gun round, but their current situation is whether to eco.

Sanji took the initiative to ask: "How about saving money this round?"

Meng De made the calculation: "Save money, if you don't save money, the props will be useless."

"But don't run around, you all come to the police house with me to be Transformers, and you can fight one by one."

In the case of pure eco, their dispersed combat power is too small.

It is almost a fantasy to turn the tables, and we can only concentrate our firepower.

"I really owe you!" Sixi Wanzi sighed in the live broadcast room.

The sea next to him gave him a blank look: "This VC can't stand being sucked by you."

"I just said that VC's match point is very stable, but VC's match point has been chased for three points. It's outrageous, do you understand?"

"This time the economy has been reset, and we can only watch the long gun game below."

Sixi Wanzi shook his head and sighed, although the saying of poisonous milk is very metaphysical, but sometimes you can't believe it.

"Let's continue to see what VC eco plans to do."

He glanced at the screen and widened his eyes: "Huo, there are five people posing in this police phone booth!"

"This coach has so many wonderful ideas!"

"It's okay if no one comes this time, but if someone comes to take a look, he will be gone!"

"There is a ji1 in A3, knowing that VC has no money, will he let his guard down?"

With ji3 as the last one, he also needs to collect information to a certain extent.

Otherwise, if their attack point is gambled by VC, it will be blown through directly.

His A1 preview is quite solid, and he searched one by one.

He hadn't seen anyone, so he relaxed his vigilance a little bit.

Just then, he saw the top of the police phone booth!

A bunch of people!

He didn't describe the mistakes, they were really crowded together!
ji3 immediately fired and tried to retreat.

5 USPs are held up, although the damage is not high, but there are too many people, and the ants kill the elephant.

After knocking out ji3, VC and the others ran towards A1.

As long as they keep this AK, they will be successful in this round.

The others did their best to save the AK without rushing to find someone.

After all, sometimes the gap in firearms has a huge impact on a round.

The opponent has a lot of money, even if they knock out two more spears, it will have no effect on BIKG.

Therefore, their focus is to keep the spear.

BIKG also tried to hand over their guns, but they gave up their plan when one person was disabled.

After all, it is acceptable to lose one spear, but if both spears are seized, then the problem will be a bit big.

The score came to 15:11.

VC has money to play the long game again.

According to Meng De's arrangement, S1mple came to the VIP immediately with the big sniper and Tig.

It's just that he didn't intend to play in VIP, he planned to go to B elementary school.

The reason for not using body jump is that the body position is not particularly good, and there is a possibility of being sniped by the opponent.

So the head directly broke the window of the small black room, and with the help of Tig, entered the small black room.

And Tig waited in the VIP for a while, and then threw a mine into the sewer at about 38 minute and [-] seconds.

He came to the stool of the VIP and set up B's little one.

"At the second time, the middle road continued to refill the cigarette, but the cigarette was filled crookedly! The VIP cigarette was missing, which shows the pressure on the players on the field." Sixi Wanzi was a little surprised, and could only explain for BIKG.

However, he really hopes that BIKG can be crushed by the pressure.

Then VC can really qualify.

The barrage audience saw this scene, and they were playing tricks one after another:
"Professional players throw water pipes, and I also throw water pipes, so I = professional players."

"It seems really nervous, otherwise how could such a simple smoke be thrown in a wrong way."

"BIKG loses one point and it's gone. How can they not be nervous? I just hope they are more nervous now!"

"I'm so nervous too!"

For B Xiao, Meng De and Sanji made a wave of unconventional.

Mengde and Sanji are double fighting behind the small box B, and they want Sanji to get the information.

Sanji jumped on Meng De's head and took a look, but didn't see any information at the first glance.

At this time, he was greedy, and he jumped directly onto the B small double-shelf box!
Then I saw a bandit holding an AK and firing on the bench under the VIP.

Sanji was directly beaten into the air.

"There are two people under the VIP, but Tig, don't come out, those two are watching Little B, and someone should help them fight this way." Sanji said.

Tig didn't speak, he knew this situation too.

After all, if there is no one in the middle, who made up the sewer smoke just now.

It's impossible for these two people under the VIP to make up for it, it's impossible for them to be inaccurate so close.

Meng De gave an arch cigarette in B small to help reduce the pressure in A area.

He called Tig back and prepared to make a bet in area B.

But as soon as Tig walked to the supermarket, S1mple in the small black room saw a large sniper gun appearing in B small.

This big sniper is still meticulously placed in the position of the chief box of area A.

Ting stood up for a while at the box of the chief of District A, but no one came out, so he had to change positions to find his teammates.

He jumped in the air when he heard a loud gunshot from Xiao B.

【VC.S1mple used AWP to kill BIKG.Ting】

"S1mple shot down Ting in the air with one shot. He didn't stop. He continued to peek at the arch, trying to collect information, but his second shot was empty, and the bandits at the arch seized the opportunity. He took it!"

[BIKG.qiyu used AK47 to kill VC.S1mple with a headshot]

However, although S1mple was killed, he still got a very good message for VC.

"The opponent is going to play A, hurry back to defend!" S1mple shouted.

Meng De and Tig also immediately started his steps to return to defense.

The little ghost stayed behind at the police house, and Meng De saw that Tig still had a cigarette, so he directed Tig to throw a cigarette in the VIP corner.

Then the two walked into the VIP quietly.

This smoke uses the mechanism of diffusion, if someone goes straight to the dog hole in the dead corner of the VIP.

Then the smoke will block the vision of the person in that position.

Fortunately, Meng De and Tig did not find VIP Tibetans anymore.

Meng De gave a jungle flash and started to let the kid play with them.

"Three-on-four defense, VC chose to take the initiative!"

"The kid at the police house first knocked out the bandits who jumped off the platform, and the people who jumped off the platform were attracted by the coach and the two of them. This wave of sideways shots was perfect!"

"The bandits from A1 shot over, but the kid's reaction was quick! He positioned himself and turned around and shot the person who jumped off the platform A1!"

"Little devil!!!"

"This AK became the foreshadowing of this crucial round. Facing the pincer attack of VC, the bag bandit wanted to force the bag and leave the endgame to qiyu, but the coach who rushed over stole it sideways!"

"3 vs 1!!!" Sixi Maruko had already stood up!
"There are 25 seconds left, very close to the 25 seconds of the legendary group, VC hold on!!!"

"Don't look for it, don't look for it!"

The three people in the hospital looked extremely nervous, and Watermelon, who had recovered a little, was also sweating beside him.

They kept a close eye on the time, as long as the three VCs survived within 25 seconds and the last bandit was not allowed to take over, they would qualify for the legendary group!

Now that the three of VC have gone through this wave of melee, the overall position has become the policeman, the left and right hand of the arch.

Meng De remembered that the person had appeared in the middle of the road before, he glanced at the VIP and was sure there was no one there.

Then he said: "Little ghost, please cooperate with us, I guess the last person is in the arch."

"I'll count down and the three of us will pull the arch together."

It's not that he didn't think about peeking alone, but if he remembered correctly, there was a big sniper in the middle, and if he fell off, his teammates would really not be able to make up for it.

"I can do it." The kid said.

"3, 2, 1, go!"

Seeing his teammate's failed attacks, qiyu felt a haze in his heart.

In this endgame, if his teammates put down the bag, he can still fight.

But if the mine bag was not put down, he had to take the initiative to attack.

He took the big sniper that he had replaced before, and opened the mirror in advance to touch the arch. He had to knock out one first and put down the mine bag, which was too difficult.

He started by previewing three boxes and previewing short boxes.

But at this moment, on the left side of the arch, on the right side of the arch, on the police phone booth.

Three people peeked out at the same time.

Not to say that he previewed the wrong position, but that he previewed the correct position.

He still couldn't fight this wave of guns.

Even with an AK47 in his hand, he needs to aim three times in a row to win this endgame.

That kind of operation is basically impossible.

Qiyu even doubted that if the big spinning top came to fight this wave, would he be able to beat it.

He thought he couldn't beat the big spinning top, so...
Qiyu let go of the mouse.
 It's gone today, I went to eat, Brother Electronic really brought it last night!
(End of this chapter)

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