CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 149 The FPL Plan and the Arrival of kennyS

Chapter 149 The FPL Plan and the Arrival of kennyS

After returning to Hangzhou, VC and his party were already exhausted, so they went directly to the dormitory to rest.

Meng De fell asleep until noon the next day, and then slowly got up from the bed.

Walking out of the office, Meng De saw the empty training room.

Come to think of it, no one got up yet.

But Meng De will not go out of his way to wake up the players today.

After the Major is over, all first-line players in the world have ushered in a rare offseason.

After a simple wash, Meng De went to the kitchen, intending to fill his empty stomach.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, he saw Xu Qingru in casual clothes already drinking soup.

"So early?" Mengde sat down beside him with a bowl of rice.

In the club, most of the dishes are cooked by aunts, and everyone eats together.

"Early? It's already noon and it's still early?" Xu Qingru gave Meng De a white look.

"I really don't know how you can sleep so long on the plane, but you can still sleep so much in the club."

Meng De took a bite of the food and said, "I didn't sleep well on the plane. What else could be the reason?"

"By the way, a Frenchman came to the door of the club this morning. Where did you find it?" Xu Qingru asked after finishing the soup in a small sip.

"He came so soon? Where is he?" Meng De was a little surprised. He thought he would have to wait for the end of the offseason.

"Let brother Qiang take him to daily necessities, how are you going to arrange him?"

Meng De also had a toothache when he heard this question: "This guy is a top sniper. I bought him from the beginning because I wanted him to be the team's main sniper."

Xu Qingru frowned: "But isn't Sasha's shooting pretty good?"

"Sasha is an all-around player. My original judgment is that he can also play a rifle, but after this Major, I am reluctant to let S1mple play a rifle. It is a waste of his talent."

"Then what about the Frenchman?" Now, the positions overlapped a bit.

"Tig instead, let him shoot the rifle?"

Meng De thought for a while: "Let's wait and see. Although Tig's performance in the whole game was a bit stretched, I'll see if he can save it, and then play again."

"Watermelon has grown a lot in this competition."

"If kennyS is good at Chinese, he can be promoted sooner. He still has language learning problems."

"So put him in the youth training to play a game first, so that he can adapt to the rhythm of the game?" Xu Qingru finally confirmed the situation.

"Well, when he can have no major communication barriers, he can be brought up for a try."

This is also an unavoidable solution, after all, we don't talk about the conflict of positions in the team.

Pulling kennyS to the home team directly, communication is also a big problem.

In CSGO games, too much information requires high precision and timeliness.

Once a beat is slow, sometimes the opportunity will be missed.

So if kennyS wants to compete, he must learn Chinese well.

Moreover, he also plans to start this youth training and turn this youth training into the second team of VC.

After all, it is really impossible to change the overall environment only by the efforts of a few VCs.

So Mengde intends to establish a leading professional league and develop a youth training program in the future.

Use the method of selection to enhance the overall strength of Huaxia CS.

Taking advantage of the fact that VC has just obtained the qualification for the legendary group, the capital in the country is ready to move, and it is necessary to follow this trend to pull up the strength in the country.

He immediately told Xu Qingru about this idea.

"I may want to start a professional player's league in the future, and start a youth training."

Although he has a good relationship with Xu Qingru, work matters belong to work.

"Professional Players League, what is that?"

"It's a server specially tailored for professional players. As you know, the official of the game CSGO doesn't work."

"I communicated with a domestic platform before, and they are willing to do this kind of thing and build a special platform for professional players to use."

"It's similar to the top of the canyon in LOL next door." Xu Qingru summed it up succinctly.

Mengde nodded: "But it's a little different."

"This league is what I call the FPL."

"Every FPL is joined by professional players, which is equivalent to a higher rank than the S segment."

"These FPL qualifications are very precious. They are settled once a month, and the bottom-ranked professional brothers will lose their FPL qualifications."

Xu Qingru's eyes lit up, this idea is really possible.

After all, professional brothers are very competitive, once they are bound by the rules of raising Gu, they won't be as aggressive as before.

"Where will the subsequent places be filled? Is there any reward for the top ranking?" She continued to ask several champion questions.

"Of course there will be rewards for the top ranks, such as expensive accessories or bonuses."

"And the subsequent qualification issues are all about the previous youth training."

"Except for the first month of FPL, every subsequent month will be promoted from the top few passers-by to the FPL-C area."

"A few passer-by players who reach the top of FPL-C at the end of the month will be able to enter FPL." Meng De explained.

"Then the major teams can select players with real materials from them to join their own youth training?" Xu Qingru took up the conversation.

This is really a very good choice, a Gu-style elimination system, although some players who are not suitable for the ladder will be screened out.

But at least most young geniuses can be selected.

And this method of screening professional guys can also filter out who are the real bastards in today's Huaxia CSGO professional guys.

"But is this good for us?" Xu Qingru said, she was more petty, and she valued how much help this project could do to VC.

"If you want to enter this kind of Gu raising mechanism, you have to pay money. Relying on the number of people, we can not only get back the money from the server, but also make a lot of money."

"I didn't expect you to be a business genius." Xu Qingru raised her eyebrows.

Just at this moment, Wu Qiang came back with kennyS carrying big and small bags.

Meng De saw that he was almost a head taller than Wu Qiang.

But the figure is about the same as a corn stalk, as if it would fall down when the wind blows.

kennyS recognized Meng De, the head coach of VC, and took out the VC contract.

Meng De nodded and switched to French to communicate with him.

"Welcome to the VC Club."

kennyS seemed to meet the sixth child in the game: "Coach, you can speak French!"

"Just a little bit."

"Not many people speak French."

KennyS had nothing to say after exchanging pleasantries, after all, they just met today.

Meng De took kennyS and drove to the youth training apartment.

After getting off the car, Meng De took kennyS around the youth training.

Then save his number in kennyS's mobile phone, so that kennyS can contact him anytime.

The two took kennyS around the youth training again, and finally came to the training room.

I saw that several people were training in full swing immediately.

"I'll fly directly to your ancestral grave and eat like crazy."

"I sent you a new teammate. He will be the main target of the youth training." Meng De interrupted the exchange of the youth training members.



Seeing Meng De and the two young men from the youth training, they hurriedly stood up and asked questions.

"He is French. Don't bully him. If you have something to do, teach him Chinese." Several people who saw the youth training looked over, and Meng De spoke.

Then he switched to French: "After you go to the home team to find a language teacher to learn Chinese every night, you won't call me, or let a few of them take you there."

Meng De pouted at WXS.

The two left kennyS in the youth training, and then drove to the home team. Mengde still has to discuss cooperation in the next few days.

Very busy!
 It's a bit long-winded, but there are some things that need to be explained. I don't want the China Division to still be dominated by VC in the later stage. What a sad thing that is.

  I started to pick up the pace later, and there are still two chapters today.

(End of this chapter)

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