CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 152 S1mple Has Been Numb

Chapter 152 S1mple Has Been Numb
Meng De walked into the training room of the first team with two new players.

The others didn't know what these two people were here for, and they all looked at them suspiciously and appreciatively.

S1mple and the others know that there will be a one-team and two-team rotation mechanism in the future.

The short-cut guy on the left, with a sloppy smile on his face, should be pretty good, after all, he looks like someone who can play CSGO.

It's just that the guy behind here is definitely not a reading baby, he looks so obedient.

"The two of them are new players from the second team. They play rifles. They may be your competitors in the future. Be careful." Mengde introduced them with a smile, which can be regarded as giving them a vaccination in advance.

Tig and the kid were a little hostile towards them, but they knew Meng De's ability.

Except for eyeballing on WXS, other players that Meng De has taken a fancy to have already played at their own level.

Just like S1mple, like kid, like sanji.

They all played their own characteristics, which can be regarded as exchanging their talents.

Now the arrival of two new members, although I have not seen their abilities.

But they didn't believe that Meng De would bring two people who had no talent at all.

"Hi everyone, I'm Shroud."

"Hi everyone, I'm Twistzz."

Under Meng De's introduction, the two greeted everyone.

Although S1mple on the side expressed doubts about Meng De's vision this time, it was not a sniper competing with him for a position, so he was not under pressure.

So he took the initiative to greet the two of them.

"Hello, I'm S1mple, you can call me Sasha."

This is also one of the few English he knows.

Under the leadership of the eldest brother in the team, several other people also greeted the two of them.

"Watermelon and Tig, you two, let the machine out." Meng De said, he brought the two of them here, just to see how their strength is.

"Let them try it on your computer, S1mple, you can be your opponent, first play a few rounds of heads-up with them, and I will see their basic skills."

Seeing the startled two people, Meng De gave a white look, and then explained:
"What are you thinking, you don't think you have to change people now, do you?"

The two smiled awkwardly, and it seemed that they really thought so.

Meng De turned to the two of them and said:

"You two go to their computer and try it out first. I want to see your basic skills. It won't take long."

The two obeyed and sat down directly.

S1mple has a confident smile on his face. In his opinion, it is not easy to handle the two newcomers.

Although he is a sniper now, his rifle is also very strong.

My juniors, feel the fear called S1mple!

S1mple smirked inwardly.

After the two sat down, they began to adjust their settings.

Twistzz is okay, it sounds normal.

And Shroud is outrageous, directly playing on the watermelon settings, and changing a sensitivity.

Question marks were all over the heads of the few people who were watching the excitement from behind.

Watermelon: "Is he filling a cup?"

"I think so," Tig replied.

"This person is a bit outrageous. He dared to pretend to be like this when beating Sasha. Let's see how he gets beaten up later."

The two started to warm up. During the warm-up phase, the professional brother looked almost outrageous.

But Meng De keenly noticed a detail of Twistzz, he would always go out of his way to hit the head, to cultivate his habit of shooting the head with a rifle.

This shows that the child already has a good personal habit, and there is no need to deliberately adjust it later.

After Meng De joined VC, he spent a long time helping Xigua and others to correct their habits.

Most of them were used to watching the reaction before, and when they saw people, they immediately shot and located them.

However, the correct way to aim is to aim first and then shoot.

Make sure the sight is right first, and then click the mouse.

It's like a headshot guy in the CSGO circle replied in the live broadcast:

"The game of CSGO is very simple, you just need to put the crosshairs on other people's heads, and then shoot."

Although it looks very Versailles, this method of aiming is the most correct.

It took the two of them ten minutes to warm up.

Mengde also started to take a look at the level of the two of them: "Which of you two will come first?"

S1mple next to him was eager to try, and a group of other people also gathered around, wanting to see the excitement.

The kid even turned down the duo with Brother Wang.

Shroud still had that indifferent smile on his face, and said confidently, "I'll come first."

At the invitation of S1mple, Shroud joined the heads-up room and the game began.

S1mple and Shroud went to pick up the AK on the ground almost at the same time, and then looked opposite.

But S1mple is a little bigger here, and his big body is pulled out of the bunker.


Accompanied by the sound of headshots coming from the earphones, S1mple looked at the picture of himself being killed and nodded.

Not a bad response, lad, I'm going to get serious next.

But this time, S1mple didn't even see Shroud's people, and was directly knocked out by headshots.

S1mple: ? ? ?
What is this operation?
He expressed his incomprehension.

But the few people watching Shroud's screen lamented that Shroud's reaction and dynamic vision are so strong.

S1mple, who was on the opposite side just now, had a little scalp leaked out because of the angle problem because he walked through a small staircase.

The few people who watched the battle behind didn't even notice that S1mple missed his position.

But Shroud threw it with one shot, and hit S1mple precisely.

Meng De, who was behind, nodded. This reaction and dynamic vision are really good, and the emergency stop and body control are also very good. It is indeed a good seed.

And S1mple is not convinced here, he plans to get serious.

Soon, relying on a wave of good points, S1mple successfully scored a point.

The score came to 1:2.

S1mple also breathed a sigh of relief, now he can slowly start chasing points.

However, as time goes by step by step.

The score on the left side of the big screen has not moved.

And the number on the right keeps increasing.

3 points.
5 points.
9 points.
Finally, when this heads-up was about to be killed, S1mple found the touch and began to exert strength.

But in the end, the heads-up ended with 9:16.

S1mple covered his face and felt ashamed. He wanted to teach the new players a lesson, but he was slapped in the face from the very beginning.

The Xigua people next to them yelled and teased S1mple non-stop: "Did Sasha reward herself yesterday? Why can't it work?"

"Young people must be temperate!"

S1mple became angry after being booed: "Get out!"

But let him say that it is impossible to fight again, and if you lose, you lose.

He looked at the guy with glasses on the side, he didn't look like someone who could play CSGO, and watched me find my place in front of him.

The director also joined the server and started a duel.

After 10 minutes, S1mple went numb.

After a one-on-one match, the sound of AK's headshot kept ringing in his mind.

My head is really that big!

If you meet him, just shoot him in the head. Once he hits the body, the glasses boy on the opposite side will immediately shoot him.

Can you hit the body!

I am more than just a head!
S1mple was slapped in the face when he tried to hold a cup in front of the teenager today, and everyone was slapped.

And Meng De also has a basic judgment on the strength of the two players.

Of course, this kind of judgment comes from their basic skills, various styles of play in the game, the timing of timing, and small habits that have to be collected later in the ladder and competitions.

However, he is satisfied with the performance of the two for the time being.

 It only takes 20 seconds to turn around the town, but the big cousin and Yushen traveled from Boston to Antwerp for 4 years.

  In the last scene of Figure 20 last night, the big cousin succeeded in turning the point in [-] seconds, and finally completed his redemption.

  As for S1mple's heads-up, I understand everything.

(End of this chapter)

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