CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 182 What if 1 Created a Miracle?

Chapter 182 What If A Miracle Works?
The audience in the audience didn't know why VC was so aggressive today.

This is the second time in the first half that VC has completed a comeback with the half-armored Eagles!
It's really the Sand Eagle Brigade.

While the VC players were pumping their fists in celebration, the FG players were all silent.

They couldn't believe it. In three seconds, they were all killed by headshots from two Sand Eagles.

They scored twice in the first half and were turned over again, which really exceeded their expectations.

It stands to reason that this map is their home field.

As the world's number one amusement park, they have full confidence.

They are still confident about themselves now, but it is inevitable that they have a little worry.

The probability of this VC explosion is too high, and what they showed on this map is much more than FG expected.

Many French fans who traveled thousands of miles to China to watch the game couldn't help feeling suspicious at this moment.

will not
FG will lose to VC in the amusement park map today.

No way!
There is not much difference between the two sides in the current score situation, and it is not yet the time for FG to exert its strength. Under normal circumstances, they will not have such thoughts.

But being overturned one after another, this kind of thought came into their hearts.

At this time, they couldn't help but focus on VC's sniper kennyS.

This guy was FG's youth training before, they knew it as old fans, and they saw the performance of kennyS and Xiaojiao today.

I can't help complaining in my heart how the FG coach's vision is so bad, if the FG coach chose kennyS at that time.

Maybe in Figure [-], FG will not fail miserably.

Thinking of this, the group of French fans holding the FG team flag felt depressed for a while.

If kennyS was promoted today, according to kennyS's performance in the past two days, FG must be able to advance without any pressure, so why bother with VC here.

After the long gun round was overturned again, although FG lost a long gun round, fortunately, the economy accumulated before has been good, and it can still continue to fight with VC.

FG's resilience also exceeded VC's expectations. Their two eco comebacks did not break FG's mentality.

Although FG's performance is not as good as the beginning, it is still very stable.

VC did not make too many mistakes again, and is also trying to get points.

But in the end the first half of the game ended, and the score of the two sides came to 7:8.

FG finally surpassed by one point.

It seems that the difference in score is not big, but this is a CT map, so FG is quite ahead.

The French fans in the audience also breathed a sigh of relief. Now it seems that although FG made some mistakes, their title of the overlord of the amusement park is still unshakable.

Meng De is quite satisfied with VC's performance in the first half.

Before he played in the amusement park, he expected the score of the first half to be 5:10.

Now the boys under him got two more points, which is great.

It's not that he doesn't have confidence in the strength of his players.

It's just that the amusement park map has little experience in the competition, and most of the map pools of Asian teams are "old three".

There are also few opportunities for them to play against international teams in major competitions, and there are only a handful of games that can play in amusement parks.

Even if the tactical library is rich enough, there is no room for display.

And the opponent is the genuine No. [-] amusement park in the world, and its strength is obvious.

In fact, he didn't say a word to the players.

Before the start of Figure [-], he thought that VC had little hope of winning, and he had about a [-]% chance of winning in his mind.

You know, FG played against AKA in the last amusement park game.

AKA was beaten up at the time.

But BO3 games are like this, he has to make a choice.

After that, he also needs to find a way to improve the proficiency of the dead city a little bit.

Otherwise, the next time you really encounter a team with an exaggerated winning rate on the map, you won't even have the means to limit it.

Of course, on the surface it was impossible for him to say that.

For the players, he still has to focus on motivation.

after all,

What if a miracle happens?
Hasn't it always been their strong point to create miracles starting from reorganizing the team?
"We played well in the first half, but we are under a little pressure to go to the second half with this score."

"You can use the tricks you want, and you don't need me to remind you all the time."

"It's like thunder, four! Get them all out for me."

"Since we can't win purely by understanding the map, let's play with skills."

"I'll use it depending on the situation," Xigua said.

"And after today's game, you can play around the director. He still feels pretty good today." Mengde said.

"As long as the director is killed and the VOVO on the opposite side loses its feel, we still have a chance to come back."

Several people continued to communicate some details later, and then returned to their seats to start the second half of the game.

"Okay, welcome to the second half of the second half of VC vs. FG at IEM-Didu Station."

"At the beginning of the second half, the offense and defense of the two sides switched."

"There are two smokes on VC's side, one is fire, and the other is flash. This item reserve, whether it is playing A or B, is fine."

According to Meng De's arrangement, several people from VC chose to come to Area A to do a default, leaving Sanji outside B after the break.

The four rushed out from the bandit's mouth, and were immediately shot by a CT from a balloon.

"Let's go, I'll confront him," said the director.

Among this kind of mid-range confrontation, only the p250 in his hand is not inferior.

And needless to say, the balloon's CT position is well controlled, only a little scalp.

Only he can play in this position.

After several bursts of shots in a row, he was finally hit by a shot.

[VC.Twistzz kills FG.VOVO with a headshot using a P250]

"Oh, the director's pistol has a saying today, and it's quite accurate."

"The CT of the balloon was knocked out, the police began to press down on the whole front, area B and the sewers all started to fight back, and the inferior number of people took the initiative to attack."

"And Sanji just went to join his teammates and missed the timing."

CT has figured out outside B, and also knows what VC's thoughts are afterward.

They chose 3 people to go out from the sewer in a group, trying to catch the bandit's back.

But they don't know that at the moment of the balloon, the director is holding the P250 behind the small bench to set up the sewer exit.

"The director saw the CTs coming out of the sewer, and immediately had a firefight with them. He fired two consecutive rounds, and dropped one first!"

"Thanks to the advantage of the scalp position, the police were not even sure about the specific position of the director. The director continued to fire, and another headshot, and got the third kill of this round!"

"This director is really full of faces. He has already hit three, is there any more?"

The director continued to hold the sewer exit, but his position has been exposed. From a certain point of view, he is now a disadvantaged gun position.

0scar, who was in the sewer, came up and shot the director with a headshot.

Sanji next to him came to fill up the gun, but only fired two shots, and was also killed by a headshot.

The number of people on the field came to 3 vs 2.

"0scar's pistol is also very accurate. He shot down two, and now he dare not go out, so he can only go around."

"However, if he goes around like this, VC can directly put a large A toilet bag."

"A fire in a trash can, a cigarette from a bank, safely put down the thunder bag."

"Little Pepper has already circled to University A, but there is a person squatting at the corner of the stone wall of University A."

"The little ghost exchanged fire with him, and in the end the little ghost won out, leaving the last 0scar alone to face this impossible endgame, and had no choice but to save his gun."

After winning the pistol round, Xigua knew that the opponent had saved a half armor, so he bet that the opponent would make a wave of forward pressure.

Then Area A has been advancing by default, and the little ghosts left behind successfully knocked out the people behind.

This time FG couldn't play anymore, the intention of pressing forward has been known, and the 4 of them continued to separate to defend the two areas.

VC made a random A push, and won this strong round of FG.

The subsequent economic bureau was still won without any pressure.

The score unknowingly achieved a go-ahead, and VC has already led FG by two points.

The first long gun round of the second half is finally coming.

Knowing that the other party has money to start a big sniper, kennyS also traded a shotgun for a cannon, and started a big sniper.

"Let's default to 311 at the beginning, and wait for the next news." Xigua said.

kennyS nodded, picked up the P250 brought by the director from the pistol bureau, and set off.

kennyS brought his teammates all the way to the amusement park. CT didn't throw the gangster fire at the beginning, so the possibility of someone in the opponent's mid lane is not high.

But they still gave a flashbang when they went to the park, just in case.

After confirming that the approach point in the middle and the balloon was empty, kennyS followed the big team and started walking towards A.

And the control of the sewer and outside B is still in progress.

kennyS also heard the order from Xigua to start doing the second time.

"You two go back to the sewer, but don't worry, when we are in place at University A, we will fight a wave."

After Watermelon came to University A, he kept shooting at the tree position of University A, trying to attract the opponent's attention.

kennyS is holding the gun on the spot, and the director is touching forward, preparing to control the A toilet with the watermelon's flashing at a close point.

But they didn't expect that at this point in time, the opponent would actually do a wave of A-big double fights.

With the help of VOVO, Pepper jumped on his head with the camera ahead of time, and then pointed out a little bit.

The watermelon suffered immediately.

Only one gunshot was heard, and there were only four bandits left.

"Big A should have two in this one, and there should be one in the toilet for A, and the one in A should be moved back." Watermelon analyzed.

"Little ghost, you two, start to get out of the toilet." Watermelon said.

"There is not much time and props, we can only try to play a wave."

The little ghost and Sanji started to come out of the sewer, and a cigarette was caught on the opposite side of A, which, to some extent, became a cover for them to count.

kennyS and the director have already cleaned up the bathroom in A.

kennyS is holding a big sniper at the bank.

Although he saw someone, but the opponent appeared in the field of vision for too short a time, he shot in the past, but it was still empty.

"Little Pepper shot A straight up, but the little devil came over and made a sway, tricking him into the position of the gun."

"And the two CTs in Area B are also pushing forward, the construction site has been reversed, and the attack route of the bandits has been determined."

"VC started a wave of explosive bombs, in 26 seconds, they must start to speed up!"

"But they don't know that VOVO has already touched the middle of the toilet, and this position makes them feel stuck in their throats!"

"The little devil didn't know that the opponent had already touched the close point, and his reaction was half a beat slow, and he couldn't shoot at all!"

"Sanji of Little A couldn't repair the gun at the first time, and the whole person was stuck in Little A."

The bank cigarettes have already been given, because I just found out that there is a big sniper at the bag shop, so the director and kennyS focused their attention on the front of the car and the trash can.

A large sniper was pulled out from the front of the car, and kennyS killed it instantly with a single shot!

In order to create space for his teammates, Sanji also went directly to the VOVO in the toilet to confront the gun.

However, taking the initiative to fight is itself at a disadvantage, and he has never fought.

"It's a 2v4 endgame, there's another one under the trash can, and the three of them in the back lane have already rounded up, this endgame is very difficult!"

kennyS looked at the top with 10 seconds left, and made a decisive decision: "I'll stop the people behind, you get the bag first."

After all, he picked up the p250 and walked towards the toilet.

He just listened to Sanji's report, and the person in the toilet is very disabled.

So the p250 is a more flexible way to deal with it than the big spy.

But he didn't expect that just after walking from A small, he saw two CTs at the entrance of A small toilet, and another one at the sewer exit.

There are three CTs on his side!

At this time, it was too late to switch to a larger sniper, so kennyS could only hold the p250 and shoot at A's small CTs quickly.

I just grabbed a VOVO with a flashing front for my teammate and pulled it out horizontally. I didn't even hold the pistol firmly, so I was taken away by kennyS.

And 0scar behind him was also affected by his flash, turning white for a moment.

But sometimes what can be affected in an instant is very big.

For example, kennyS hit him on the head and body, instantly killing him who was full of blood!
"Oh! Are VC's P250s so powerful?"

"kennyS came over with a P250 to make up for the gun. He didn't know that two people were made up here, so he just wanted to make up for VOVO."

"But he actually hit two heads with a P250, he is really accurate!"

kennyS got two kills and started to retreat.

And the director at the bag spot behind him successfully put down the thunder bag, and grabbed the trash can, the CT who wanted to come out to fight back, and easily shot and took it away.

In this way, the situation was reversed in an instant.

Originally they were a 2 on 4 endgame.

Being beaten by this wave of firefights between the two turned into a 2-on-1 endgame.

In the end, Bklev came up slowly in A Xiao. He just shot a little slower, otherwise he would have a chance to make up for kennyS.

So now it's a bit of a hassle.

But kennyS' self-confidence also brought him trouble.

After this wave of firefights, kennyS only had one shot of health, but he took the initiative to take the big sniper and went to the toilet instead.

It was seen by the last CT, and he took the head easily with one shot.

Come to the 1V1 bullfighting endgame.

The director listened quietly to the footsteps and confirmed that the other party was in Elementary A.

With full blood, he is so confident and takes the initiative to peek.

A standard short burst.

Bklev's helmet was blown off.

This two-on-four endgame confused everyone in the commentary booth.

 There are still 6000 today, a little Calvin, it will be a little later.

(End of this chapter)

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