CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 192 The Brave Director

Chapter 192 The Brave Director
"Brother, you are too strong!"

The voice of the VC team, several people said excitedly.

In the continuous mistakes of the endgame, their mentality fluctuated greatly.

From the IEM group stage to the knockout stage, perhaps only in FG's amusement park can I feel such a lot of pressure.

However, this game was the most difficult to play.

The opponent is one step ahead of them at any time, and the endgame is always a little bit worse.

This feeling of almost winning made them look forward to the follow-up opportunities.

But repeated mistakes gradually made them lose confidence in their performance.

Now the director uses this endgame to motivate his teammates, telling them that the opponent can't predict everything.

The VC players regained their confidence and had already anticipated the scene of chasing points in their minds.

The fans of VC in the barrage are also very excited.

"The director's endgame is too critical, and it gave me a boost."

"Little A's CT is scared of being beaten, and he doesn't dare to move around at will."

"This is the importance of marksmanship, and opportunities can be grasped at critical moments"

"The problem is that this guy is all headshots. I love his style of play so much."

"What kind of fairy players are VCs!"

The barrage audience discussed very intensely. In their view, this round of comeback is a turning point for VC's upcoming comeback.

Not to mention other things, the director's operations in this round can be included in the highlights of this knockout round.

But at this time, AKA called a timeout, which brought their excitement to an abrupt end.

"What's going on, what's going on!" Icarus didn't know why.

"You little A is cooperating with me, don't keep hiding!" Icarus said helplessly.

In the endgame just now, the big reason is that the CT of A's little one didn't come out to make a move.

In his view, it was simply a problem with his thinking.

He obviously had the opportunity to grab the sideways, but he just didn't do it.

As a result, Icarus was hit 1 head-on.

The original 2-on-1 endgame has become two 1-on-1 endgames.

Moreover, the director took the initiative in these two endgames, and their numerical advantage was resolved.

"I was shot twice as soon as I showed up, and I was a little afraid that I would be shot directly." Cypress said embarrassedly.

This round is indeed his problem, and he has nothing to say.

At that time, the two made different decisions. His idea was to seduce him with a small peek.

And Icarus wanted to fight, so he came out to confront the director.

It's a pity that this wave of cooperation was flawed, and the director used marksmanship and positioning to win it down.

"We have to be unified in thinking and not make too many mistakes. You have seen this VC, and every player has a unique skill."

"As soon as we gave the chance, you also saw it." Icarus really looked at these guys with admiration.

During the Fog City Major, Icarus clearly felt that the overall strength of VC was not that strong.

More depends on the state of the players and some novel tactics.

Today, the overall strength of VC has undergone a qualitative change.

This qualitative change still exists even after the substitution.

The VC team has a different level of understanding of the game and the game.

Now, VC can make them feel some pressure in the real game.

Icarus believes that if they are given a little more time, this team may enter the forefront of the world, and may even pose a threat to them.

but not now.

"The suspension time is over, VC has the economy again, and kennyS has been used by the big sniper."

"AKA's economy is better than that of VC. They are still fully equipped, and VC's offensive pressure is still relatively high." Nobita analyzed.

Although VC won the last round relying on his personal ability, he still doesn't believe that VC can chase back a large number of points.

In the game, AKA's ability to seize opportunities and cooperate with synergy is much better than VC.

So they don't have much confidence in VC chasing points in the first half. If VC becomes the defensive side in the second half, that's not sure.

After all, the offense and defense of CSGO games are completely two games, and the most typical one should be the defense in North America.

In case today's AKA is infected by North American teams, maybe VC still has a chance to come back in Figure [-].

After the countdown ended, although VC wanted to take action against A, but his position was not good.

The director is the closest to University A, but he can barely compete for the position.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, they would not grab such a dangerous position.

In this round, under the command of Xigua, all the members still focus on controlling the map by default.

The director held the AK outside Gate A for a while, but did not see any forward pressure from the opponent.

kennyS, who was sniping at home, didn't find a chance either.

After the director heard that door A was bombed the second time, he quietly walked into door A again.

He has almost understood that to play this AKA, you can't use the conventional one, and you have to do some high-risk operations.

The smoke from door A gradually dissipated, and the director hurriedly walked out quietly.

At the same time, a smoke was pushed over at the big corner of A.

The director's eyes lit up.

"There are not many adults here, I can catch his timing, and see if you can beat Junior A."

The director feeds back his information to his teammates.

Xigua signaled his teammates to start controlling A, and he praised: "The director can do it today. This is the first time I have caught the timing."

The director smiled, accepted Xigua's praise, and walked quietly to the corner of University A.

Ten seconds later, as the smoke gradually cleared, Icarus came to investigate University A again.

His time was very stuck, but he didn't notice that he had already touched someone close by.

The director easily killed Icarus with a headshot.

Big A got the kill, and at the same time, Little A also took control, and began to put pressure on it.

The director of A major gave a flash, and then started to push forward, preparing to help A minor attract firepower.

The police's counterattack came quickly, Boo was so quick to match a good guy, and directly beat Sanji who got the information to death.

Ting, who was at the package site, was supporting Junior A, but the pressure on Major A was enough, so he had to turn his head to look at Major A.

But in the next second, the little devil in A was pulled out horizontally, and was instantly killed by Ting on the package point with one shot.

The director and Xigua also peeked out from University A, but just after peeking out, they saw a person squatting in the place where the policeman smoked. .

kennyS behind him took a big sniper and rushed to make up the gun, but fortunately there was no mistake.

"A wave of melee in University A was 2 for 3, and the checkpoint has been emptied, and the remaining two CTs are at the police's resurrection point and behind the middle gate."

"Xigua took the initiative to peek to find trouble with the CT behind the middle goal, but he made a mistake in marksmanship, and he never hit it!!"

"The situation has come to a 2v2 endgame. Ice God gave a small fire at the policeman's house to delay the time so that the teammates can reach A small."

The bun site was set on fire, and kennyS and the little ghost didn't force it down. They set fire to Xiao A first to delay the time.

Because of the exchange of fire between Xigua and the opponent just now, they already knew the location of the two CTs.

So now what needs to be guarded against is the CT who came from A small.

A's small CT gave a scalp of a small road a light cigarette, and then prepared to advance.

And Bingshen got into the elevator because he didn't know it.

But these two CTs didn't know that when they started to attack, kennyS was also looking for opportunities with a big sniper.

He pushed towards the ninja position little by little, and with the cover of the opponent's smoke bomb, he was able to catch a sideways timing.

But kennyS didn't see A's CT at the first time, he saw the ice god next to the elevator below.

The big sniper quickly finds the enemy and fires!

The bullet hit the ice god firmly and took his life away.

Little A, then CT heard about the victory, and knew that there was another person beside him, so he hurriedly smoked.

kennyS was beaten bouncingly with the sniper rifle. After pulling the bolt, he looked at the source of the bullet in the smoke and took aim.


[VC.kennyS used AWP to wear smoke to kill AKA.cypress]

Round won again!

VC finally scored once in a row!
 A little late, Figure [-] is over soon.

(End of this chapter)

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