CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 196 The old layer cake!

Chapter 196 Old mille-feuille!
"Look, I just said that VC's picture two is not without chances of winning." The Hanged Man turned his head and said, "Look, VC got the three-pointer in the early stage."

"How smooth the rhythm is!"

Lucky next to him was speechless: "Are you a spy? If they really win, it will show that our Lost City is really weak."

But the Hanged Man's Men Qing said, "If AKA wins this map, our Lost City will not be weak."

"Anyway, I hope that VC can come back, and more dark horses will be fun."

"And if we play VC, we can give the Lost City to Ban. You guys don't understand such a simple truth."

The Hanged Man looked at his teammates with a strange look, as if doubting their IQ.

Lucky sighed: "But have you ever thought about it, there is still a picture."

"Even if this picture is outrageous, will picture [-] AKA not have to show his real skills?"

"This is a knockout round, big brother!"

After winning the third round in Figure [-], Meng De heard the voice of Watermelon on the field who was relieved.

The ones who won this round were safe and sound. They were found by the opponent and hit two with Sand Eagles.

They still underestimated AKA's ability to seize opportunities and underestimated AKA's cooperation.

Icarus was able to hold a Sand Eagle and draw two players in the middle alone. This was beyond their expectations, and it also increased the pressure on them to start.

Fortunately, the director played a wave of stairs on the A2 floor afterwards, and took advantage of the position to successfully win this round.

Although there was no danger in this round, Meng De still had some pressure in his heart.

He moved his butt, feeling that the stool was still uncomfortable, so he stood up and took two steps.

When the team fell behind by three points in the early stage, the coach of AKA did not call a timeout, nor did he go over to cheer the players.

In his opinion, these three scores are far from the point where he needs to play.

In this situation, Icarus can handle it by himself.

So he seemed very calm.

He knew that they had now won a map and the advantage was in their hands.

Even if this map is lost, it's just going back to the starting point.

Moreover, now they only lost the first three points, so there is nothing to worry about.

He is quite confident about AKA Lost City.

Although they are not the number one Lost City in the world, their Lost City victory is also ranked in the top 5 of the first-line teams. The opponents they encounter are quite strong and full of gold.

At this time, he glanced sideways at the other side of the stage, and saw that the coach in a suit was already walking back and forth in the battle room.

Seeing this scene, AKA's coach showed a slight smile on his face.

In his view, from a certain perspective, VC has lost.

The game came to the fourth round, and the two sides finally came to the first long gun round.

VC has just been knocked out of two guns, so the economy in this round is not particularly healthy, so I chose to play it safe.

Watermelon arranged a position of 212 at the beginning, and made the default at the first time to prevent the opponent from playing unconventional speed-ups.

The director came to the long box with an M4.

At the beginning, he helped kennyS lose two COSCO flashes to help kennyS reduce the pressure, and then added an arch smoke, and slowly came to the arch.

"Did you pass the sandbag on the opposite side?" the director asked.

kennyS replied: "No, they gave sewer smoke and light cigarettes."

"Sewer smoke?" the director asked.

"Well, it should be a defect."

Hearing this, the director stopped being steady, and directly peeked over to shoot at the cigarette lighter.

Icarus originally planned to make a feint in the middle, but the props in the early stage have been given, so he planned to use fire to control the VIP in the second time, and then go to gather with his teammates.

But just as he was standing behind the smoke, trying to take advantage of the last few seconds when the smoke cleared to seamlessly continue the control of the VIP, he heard gunshots coming from the arch.

The M4 bullets directly strafed him to the point where Ikaros didn't care about throwing away his props, so he ran away to save his life first.

He is also the same, the remaining blood is very dangerous whether it is single or broken, so he can only go to Area A to gather with his teammates.

While he was on his way, he heard several people from A1 and A2 have started to touch quietly.

The little ghost hid under the second floor, with only a smoke in his hand, he was playing a functional role this round.

The director in the middle lane fumbled for a while, and noticed that there was no reaction in the middle lane. He felt something was wrong, so he turned around and went back to the jumping platform to see what was going on.

Since he didn't have any props in his hand, he could only peek in a small body.

As soon as he came out, he saw the two bandits from A1.

The M4 in the director's hand shot directly and easily took away one person.

He wanted to shoot and divert to hit the second person, but the opponent also shot!
"The Bingshen repair gun on the A2 floor is in place, and the director only changed one for one!"

"He didn't expect that there were too many people on the opposite side. Now the kid downstairs on the second floor is trembling. He only has a cigarette in his hand. There is no way to tell!"

"A1's fire was handed over, and he was forced to put out the fire with smoke, trying to delay the time."

The two commentators were a little anxious, and the audience was also a little worried.

The kid on the second floor knew that he could not protect himself, so he could only try his best to delay the time and let his teammates return to defense.

However, he soon heard the sound of ignition from the right side. He didn't want to move at first, but the voice of kennyS came from next to his ear: "I'll throw a white A1 flash for you, try to change the position."

After speaking, kennyS flashed and shot.

Hearing the flash burst, the imp in the smoke on the second floor also started to move.

But what he doesn't know is that not all the people on his right are in A1.

Unbeknownst to them, boo had come to Sandwich with an AK47.

Boo saw the flash from kennyS just after throwing a fire in the sandwich, and boo easily flashed back.Then I saw the kid who was about to run out, and shot directly to get the head easily.

"There is no way, this flash flashed to A1, and all of them were whitened, but the boo of the sandwich reacted too quickly."

"The number of people on the field came to 3 vs 4, kennyS switched from VIP to the police house, sanji sent a watermelon out with a flash, but the position was framed to death by AKA, and they couldn't get out at all!"

"Watermelon was directly shot and killed, and now only kennyS and sanji are left alone to face this 2v4."

The numbers were not dominant, so Sanji chose to force his way out for a shot, and Famas knocked out one.

kennyS soon came to the police house to gather with sanji, and ended the mess with a headshot.

Sanji gave a short box fire first, not allowing the other party to drop the package.

Unknowingly, boo has already touched the VIP and confirmed that there is no one in the VIP.

In the endgame of 3 vs 2, they have already confirmed that the policeman has a rifle, and they also know that the VIP has a big sniper just now.

Now that the VIP is empty, the remaining big sniper is very likely to go to a round with the rifle.

Icarus directly gave a police cigarette on A1, and started to turn around with Ting.

There is still 1 minute left, which is completely in time.

And AKA has not moved for a long time, which also makes VC and others a little suspicious.

The director said, "Have they changed the point?"

Watermelon thinks this possibility is very high, so let Sanji go to Area B to check the situation first.

Because VIP's control is lost, Sanji returns to the defense very carefully.

His carefulness bought him more time to react. He slowly previewed the VIP, and happened to see a bandit at the table inside the VIP. He replaced the M4 in his hand and shot directly, winning this wave of confrontation. .

Boo's death made the rest of the people even more convinced that the other party had transferred to area B.

Sanji ran straight to the supermarket.

"Wait!" Watermelon stopped Sanji from returning to B.

"If you switch to A first, they may not go to B."

sanji obeyed, and began to return to the police house, and kennyS gathered.

"AKA saw someone go to the supermarket, would they still go to B?"

"They may think in reverse, thinking that the police think we won't go to B, we will go anyway, and the fight is a surprise."

"They're still on a higher level of thinking, and they went up the arch upside down."

"But VC predicted their prediction."

"At this point Sanji has returned the same way, and the two of them are now gathering at the police house!"

"Both sides are old mille-feuilles!"

Icarus got off an arch bag, when he saw the box next to him being shot through by a sniper.

At this moment, he knew that this was going to happen.

In the next second, a low-throwing grenade flew into the face, and Icarus, who was already bleeding, was chased for his life.

And Ting inside the arch is still holding a big sniper in the straight frame of Xiao B. He doesn't know that Sanji has returned to the police house.

kennyS pulled out horizontally, and the usp pistol fired continuously, killing Ting who couldn't control his body position.

Another point for the team!
4: 0.

Great start!

(End of this chapter)

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