CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 198 I will attack with self-aiming form!

Chapter 198 I will attack with self-aiming form!
The door to the boss's office on the third floor of the VC e-sports club was locked, but voices could still be vaguely heard coming from inside.

".The director came out suddenly, and he was the last one left. He tried to fight this 1V2 endgame, but he only managed one for one!"

".Ting's big sniper at the beginning directly stole two people in the middle, and VC had to press forward to find opportunities, but the watermelon who pressed forward was also cut off, so he had to save his gun."

"VC chose to put the middle lane, and started the game against both sides, but just happened to encounter AKA's speed-up B small control, Sanji knocked out one in B small, and was taken away, leaving only the watermelon on the B2 floor trembling "

"Watermelon stole two kills! But the follow-up VC made a serious mistake in this wave of defense. kennyS was too aggressive, causing him to be killed by the opponent first, and the other two wanted to fight, but their positions were blocked. Already!"

"Because of kennyS's aggressive defense, VC's economy completely collapsed, and they had to do a round and a half to adjust the already chaotic economy."

"But this round they didn't even kill a spear, AKA got a kill."

"The score came to 6:5. If VC loses again, their early advantage will be tied!"

"Coach Meng also called a timeout."

rustle rustle
Xu Qingru kept drinking the milk tea, even though the milk tea cup was empty, she didn't know it.

She couldn't believe that the advantage that was so hard to get in the early stage would be chased back by AKA with a wave of consecutive scoring.

But soon, the sound disappeared from the office.

Xu Qingru sighed. Although he didn't manage much of the club, she also hoped that the club could achieve results and Meng De could go further.

Now it seems that she is too anxious.

It's the first time to play the main match of IEM, and it's not bad to be able to reach the knockout round.

The opponent is still No. [-] in the world, so it is not so easy to win.

At this point in her thoughts, Xu Qingru looked at the man in front of the screen, and now it's up to you to save the team.

"You are too anxious, I thought you could see it yourself." Meng De shook his head, "Now it seems that I still need to do this regulation!"

"The opponent's offense was not good, otherwise we would not have scored so many points in the early stage."

Meng Dexian affirmed his team's performance in the early stage and let them improve their confidence.

"But the formation behind us is also messed up, you all calm down, don't run around on the map whenever there is trouble!"

"Do what needs to be done. Let the director take over the right to exchange fire today and let him judge."

"Others do what they should do for me, communicate more when there is information, and give more feedback when there is no information."

"Don't be like a reckless man, jumping in without thinking."

Meng De called the name: "It's you, kennyS!"

kennyS smiled foolishly beside him.

"Their offense hasn't changed much. The important thing is that we don't make too many mistakes, otherwise even if they give us a chance, we won't get it!"

"Think about it carefully."

Although there were still a few seconds left in the pause, Meng De had stopped talking.

What should be said has been said, and then we will see how the players can adjust.

Several people are thinking carefully, and the pressure of the director is the greatest.

Because kennyS was restricted everywhere in this game, he was given the right to fight freely.

This made him have to take the initiative to find some opportunities. Although he made a mistake in time, his teammates would not blame him, but he couldn't accept it in his heart.

From the director's point of view, you have to take advantage of the resources, otherwise, wouldn't your resources be free?

Watermelon made a wave of arrangements: "In our position, let's counter-control the middle lane first, and try to fight against Qing?"

The kid nodded: "I can grab it, you can help me make up the A."

"Then I'll go to the arch to help you put pressure on it." kennyS said.

With a big sniper, he definitely can't jump into the middle lane with him. He can only help set up a gun for the side to cover the kid.

And the director's position is not good, and he can't keep up even if he wants to.

So in this round, the little ghost is the horse that VC has released, and it depends on whether he can get something.

Seeing that the team members had restarted the discussion, Meng Decai went back to the back and looked at the screens of several people with serious eyes.

He heard this opportunity to push forward, but he didn't think it was so good.

It's just that VC has reached the point where it is now, and in some cases it has to be rushed to the shelves.

Forward pressure is a high-risk and high-yield operation. Now I only hope that this operation can bring benefits to VC.

On the other side of the stage, AKA's coach became calm again.

After being scolded by him once, Icarus still had a hard head, but the result was good.

This 5 consecutive scores is proof.

The mentality of the VC players is on the verge of collapse, and he can easily watch the game behind the players.

As long as they win a few more rounds, they will have no pressure in the second half.

AKA saw VC's timeout and was a bit wary of this round as well.

At the beginning, under the command of Icarus, they made a quick grab to the middle.

VIP cigarettes in the middle road, after some cigarettes, the arch fires are given out one after another.

With a flash of light, several people rushed directly to the sandbags.

But soon there was the sound of fire extinguishing from the arch, and Icarus also specially gave a flash of light to the arch.

kennyS had just extinguished the fire, and was blinded by the flash when he passed the edge of the cigarette with a big sniper.

And the little ghost who pressed forward in the middle has been eating dodges all the time, and has never recovered his vision.

At this moment, only one line of lyrics flashed through the kid's mind:
"Boy don't cry~"

He waited, anticipating the moment when his vision would be restored.

But what was waiting was a headshot from an AK bullet, sending the kid to the auditorium.

The watermelon in the long box in area A was still catching the second COSCO flash, and was going to flash back as soon as the kid regained his vision.

But now that the kid is killed, there is no need to give this flash.

Although he is the only one here in Area A, he doesn't have to worry about safety issues, because he handed over the fire to A1 immediately to prevent the other party from grabbing A1.

As for A2, he didn't believe that the opponent A2 dared to do it so boldly at this point in time.

As long as kennyS doesn't miss the timing on the second floor, they won't be hit by people from Area A.

kennyS fired an empty shot, and just as he regained his vision, he heard footsteps coming from the left rear.

Although the coach reminded him not to be so reckless, but now he has the opportunity, he can't let it go.

kennyS took the big sniper, burst out of the smoke, and opened fire blindly!

【VC.kennyS used AWP blind sniper to kill AKA.boo】

kennyS got a kill and hurried back towards the arch.

kennyS is still a bit greedy for guns, he doesn't want to just retreat, he wants to continue fighting.

He got into the position of one-way smoke and continued to peek once.

But as soon as he stood up, he was shot a few times, and his blood volume immediately bottomed out.

kennyS saw someone in his field of vision, but panicked a little, and missed with one shot.

He wanted to run, but the opponent had already chased him.

"kennyS played a one-for-one. He was always looking for opportunities, but he was obviously a little anxious, and he missed two consecutive shots."

"But if this is the case, VC is still a bit troublesome. Their exchange of fire in the middle lane is 2 for 1. It's a blood loss!"

Seeing that kennyS was killed, Watermelon quickly added a smoke bomb for the arch, and wanted to delay the time, and at the same time, went to get the big sniper.

However, when he moved his position, a bandit on building A2 had already set up his gun position.

The watermelon was caught off guard and was killed helplessly.

With the death of Watermelon, the situation is even more uncertain.

All the trio in Area A were dead, leaving only the director and Sanji of Area B.

The bandits of A1 and A2 also started to put pressure on the A area together, and they made a wave of the arch clip A in the Ganla version.

"Save your gun." Watermelon said helplessly.

The firefight in the middle of this round ended like this, and he was also caught sideways later.

The situation has become 2 vs 4, how can this be played.

Only in this way, the advantages they gained in the early stage disappeared.

The director pursed his lips, he didn't listen to Xigua's instructions, he chose to look for opportunities.

He doesn't want to keep losing like this, he wants to try one.

The endgame of 2 vs 4 is not impossible.

If he can play a little advantage first.

"In an instant, VC collapsed completely, and there were only two CTs left in area B. Depending on the situation, they were going to save their guns." Although the commentary seemed neutral, the audience heard a sense of loss from it. .

Nobita continued to look at the screen, but unexpectedly found that the director was walking forward, and asked a little strangely: "Is the director on the top?"

"Do you still want to play 2v4 on this difficulty?"

The director moved forward slowly, but the other party wanted to find out his position faster.

The director picked up the M4 and immediately fought back. A short burst shot knocked out the bandit at the long box at the far point.

The bandits on the small channel B also pulled out to replenish their guns.

The director didn't let go of the trigger, pulled the front sight over, and managed to hit the little bandit B in the head with two bullets.

"Oh!!!" Nobita's voice suddenly became louder, "The director is not superior, he has this ability!"

"Facing AKA's Shuangla, the director first killed the bandits in place, and then shot and shifted to kill the bandits nearer!"

Xiejian next to him answered, "Like double pulling? I'll lock your head to pieces!"

"The director is still previewing, this 2v4 has turned into 2v2 in an instant, and now the situation is clear again!"

"Icarus was careful in the middle channel, trying to miss a scalp to get to the director, but the director is still aiming at the arch!"

"What, the director shot Icarus to death the moment he was hit!"

"What is this? I will attack in self-aiming form?"

"Lei Bao fell in the middle, and the last bandit was in the jungle. He chose to pull the arch and come to trouble the director!"

"Stay away and press the gun, Twistzz!!"

"He has gone crazy!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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