CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 204 Are you playing games?

Chapter 204 Are you playing games? (5.8K)

Lucky from the audience nodded. Although AKA picture [-] was turned over, he was surprised, but now the performance of picture [-] has also proved that they still have some strength.

Although the pistol round was won by VC, the decisions made by both sides were very reasonable.

If you lose in AKA, you lose in the marksmanship.

They did not show their marksmanship in the subsequent endgame.

The turnaround in Figure [-] still put a lot of pressure on them.

Now AKA only got two kills, they still chose to force it.

The structure of this map is narrow. Although their firearms are inferior in the second round, the combination of short guns and props may not be able to make a comeback as long as they play well.

After winning the pistol round, Xigua directed the team members to shoot.

If it is another map, Xigua might make the teammates take out the AK47 directly.

But at this time, in the small town, compared to the scramble, the exchange of props is more frequent on this map.

The first time the director came to the banana road, he directly gave a dilemma, and then spun and jumped to the groove.

Because of his superior position, he wasn't worried that the other party would draw out the lottery.

After a few seconds, when the effect of the fire was about to disappear, the director pulled out to confirm the opponent's action.

The other party didn't exchange props at the first time. The director thought that the defender hadn't released anyone near the banana road, but suddenly saw a grenade flying over his head and exploded in the tree position.

He immediately raised his vigilance.

He slowly moved to the back of the Banana Road stone slab, wanting to fight a wave of anti-clearance with Sanji.

But the opponent's movements were faster than theirs.

Sanji at the entrance of Banana Road saw a cloud of smoke falling on his face, trying to block the view of Banana Road.

It was impossible for Sanji to leave the director alone in the banana road, and immediately rushed in to support the director.

"Throw a sandbag on fire, and I'll peek after throwing it." The director waited in front of the stone slab.

Sanji gave the fire very quickly and immediately filled the sandbags.

At the same time, the director peeked out, and immediately saw the ice god with a gun in the corner, shooting Galil in his hand.

It's just a pity that the first shot didn't hit the head and didn't kill him.

The director continued to press in, and he also heard the sound of the sandbag fire being extinguished with smoke.

Although he didn't know if there was really someone inside, he still kept his vigilance full.

Sanji rushed over to help him with the left-hand corner.

The CT with the Sand Eagle on the left came over again, but he was repaired by the sanji hair dryer with only one shot.

The director asked Watermelon for a flash to prevent the policeman from finding a chance.

Most importantly, it is possible to lock his position.

The flash exploded, and Sanji also planned to shoot the corner of the sandbag directly as expected.

But suddenly, a bullet in the smoke hit his helmet.

He was hit by a bullet just now, and he wasn't full of blood in the first place, but this shot instantly killed him.

And even more bizarre things are still to come. The director rushed to fill up the gun, but he was also shot in the head on the way.

"Watermelon helped hand over a flash, and Icarus is all white, it seems to be taken away. Ah!!"

The tone of the two commentators fully reflected his astonishment.

Suddenly, he saw a huge change in the picture.

And it wasn't just him who was surprised, the tens of thousands of spectators in the audience, and all the professional players who came to participate.

Because this gun is really weird.

And it's not just the audience from God's perspective on the stage.

The director gave the main perspective to Icarus who played this wave of operations.

Icarus, who had regained his vision, glanced at the upper right corner, and he couldn't believe it.

In the main broadcast room:


"Icarus himself is stupid"

"Why is this so weird all of a sudden?"

"Icarus' expression made me laugh so hard, why did I suddenly kill someone?"

"It's all white headshots, this person is outrageous"

The watermelon in the middle has already made up. Although two people were knocked out, as long as he makes up for Icarus and prevents the opponent from getting the spear, he may not be able to fight.

However, he came to the wooden barrel, deliberately guarding against the opponent's flash bomb.

But it turns out that he was overthinking it.

Icarus ran away with big strides, blocked by smoke bombs, and just missed that bit of vision.

Watermelon is stupid, this timing should not be at all!

He felt that it was not good, so he took the initiative to touch it a little bit forward, and came to the groove on the right side of the B-way, which was straight to the line of a box of fountains.

"Ting knows that there is another person near Banana Road, and the failure of watermelon to repair the gun just now made him expose the information."

"Ting Yigao is bold and starts to peek directly. The watermelon is standing straight in the groove. Will he search for this point?"

"He searched, and even took the watermelon away!"

"This time the problem is a bit big, kennyS can only take the mine bag with the kid, and come back together to explode the bomb."

kennyS and the kid have gone nowhere.

There are 40 seconds left to get the thunder bag again, the opponent in area A is playing very hard, they didn't get too much information, so now they can only come back to play B again.

Fortunately, the amount of props for the two of them is still sufficient.

You can hand in two smoke, but also burn a fire.

Two people can put a lot of pressure on a bun.

The two of them kept a medium speed and came to the nearest point of the banana road, and quickly launched a wave of explosive bombs.

The cigarettes in the police house and the coffin are sealed.

Give a three-box fire, and give two packs of flashes, and the two start to go to the pack.

The pressure from the two was enough, but the problem was that there was a small problem with kennyS's props today.

His fire could have filled the second box and half of the third box.

But the aiming point was a bit crooked, which led to a defensive CT in area B hiding behind the dead corner of the second box.

After kennyS burned that fire, he thought the second box was empty.

But the little ghost took a special look at this side, saw the hidden CT, and killed him without any risk.

Ting at the dead center was also knocked out by kennyS.

The situation came to 2 vs 2.

The little ghost immediately put down the thunder bag, and there are 18 seconds left in the time, and their blood volume is not too much, so they have to get the gun position as soon as possible.

But just as the kid was about to put his bag away, he saw a person approaching from the direction of Banana Road!
He immediately canceled it and tried to fight back.

kennyS pushed the CT back earlier.

But there is also a problem, they have no props to use, what to do with the thunder bag.

Time passed by, and the kid twirled and jumped to a box, trying to use the cover of a box to put down the mine bag first.

But something that made them desperate happened again.

kennyS set up the direction of Banana Road, but the smoke from the coffin dissipated.

Icarus shot from the coffin and killed the combat-capable kennyS in seconds.

Another shot killed the kid who was under the package.

1: 1.

They were flipped.

The kid sighed, there was really nothing he could do.

The speed of the opponent's return to defense far exceeded their imagination.

The enemy of Banana Road has far surpassed their imagination at the close point, but they didn't expect that another CT would also arrive.

This ability to obtain information is too fast.

"What's the matter with your wave, you dropped two at once?" Watermelon turned to ask the reason.

The director shook his head: "It's a matter of luck. The opponent shot two heads in vain from the smoke. There is nothing wrong with our beating."

"Then there's no problem, let's just force this one directly. The economy on the other side is not much, try to play a dozen, otherwise the pure eco props are not full."

"Try to knock out more of the opponent's guns, and don't let them complete the economic operation."

The fans who watched the game also re-viewed the exciting defense of the game under the leadership of the director.

Then they saw the whole process of Icarus's operation affecting the battle situation from the main perspective.

I saw Icarus in the smoke holding an FN57, all white, and kept firing in the direction of Banana Road.

During this process, he has no vision at all.

Then with the continuous firing, two more heads appeared in the upper right corner.

The explanations are not well evaluated:

"What is this..."

Daxiong and Xiejian both laughed.

"He was really pure luck, without any skill."

The evil view said beside him: "I don't understand, but I was greatly shocked. Is this the fate of the strong in the legend?"

Several people were joking. In the third round on the screen, the two sides had already engaged in an exchange of fire.

VC played a 2 for 2 with the Sand Eagle on Banana Road, and successfully entered the bunker, which is a bit of a pity.

In the case of insufficient props, they failed to win this endgame in the end.

But for VC, their tactical goal has been achieved.

Their strong play this round was originally a blow to the defense's economy.

Now not only has the bag been successfully placed, but also three firearms have been destroyed. The goal set at the beginning of the round has been completed.

When it came to the fourth round of the first half, the director asked, "Then is our half-armored Sand Eagle?"

Originally, they needed pure eco, and at most they only had unarmored Sand Eagles.

But after putting down the mine bag, plus the heads brought by the three kills, there is a surplus economy.

Xigua thought for a while, then shook his head, he was going to make a new attempt: "Sanji, send an AK47 to the director."

"Let's create a hero AK to increase the combat effectiveness of the team."

"Keep around 2000, and use the rest to buy props."

Watermelon simply made a distribution, and Sanji had no objection.

For him, playing is important, but the team is more than everything else.

Team wins are far more important than individuals.

And as a support, isn't he here to help the team solve problems.

The director was flattered to accept AK, this kind of treatment he had only seen on S1mple.

"Let's go to Banana Road and try it." The director suggested.

At this stage, the banana road defense of the world's first-tier teams is basically divided into two modes.

One is to control the flow of Banana Road, which means simple and clear, which is to use a large number of props at the beginning to directly take control of Banana Road.

The advantage of this mode is that after taking control of Banana Road, the defense in Area B can be liberated, allowing the players to return to Area A.

Even if the players in the front point are lost, the A zone can still make up the defense.

The other is to set up an array near the banana road.

They just keep the banana road and come closer.

The whole is to keep this side of the slate.

The fault tolerance rate of this style of play is relatively high, but the experience requirements for the defensive players are relatively high.

And AKA defense is a small variation of the second.

They are generally triple-A defenses, but the two of them in the front are not scouts, and they exchange fire with each other to fight guns.

On the basis of the second mode, they play a little more aggressively.

So the director is also going to seize the opponent's style of play and try to find opportunities.

The director came to the middle of Banana Road with AK in his stride. The watermelon behind him handed him a cigarette in advance to help him put out the fire, while the watermelon at the gangster's house had already grabbed a window flash.

However, the opponent's anti-rush fire has not been thrown, and the timing they want to catch cannot be caught.

This cigarette was handed over here, but it became an obstacle to the attack.

The director was forced to stop.

He slowly got closer to the slate, and then said in the voice: "I'm close to listen to the movement, and if someone grabs the prop, I will pull it out."

Soon, he heard the sound of someone grabbing props, and the director immediately peeked out from behind the slate.

However, the opponent's cooperation is very good, they are one person grasping the props, and one person holding the gun.

The director's horizontal pull is entirely to give the other party a chance.

"The first kill has already been sent out, but fortunately, AK was knocked out and was taken by Xigua. They still have a standing force."

"Someone is fighting and someone is handing in props. AKA's small cooperation is still very solid. Now that the director is dead, Icarus and Ice God also understand, and start to use props to counteract it."

Watermelon immediately escaped from the banana road and threw the AK47 to the kid.

He doesn't have a lot of HP, so it doesn't make much sense to hold an AK, not to mention that he is only a semi-armor.

The Ice God held Galil and fired at the entrance of the Banana Road to cover Icarus' forward pressure.

But he didn't know that after the kid got the AK, he glanced at the direction the bullet was coming from, and then squatted down to shoot.

The ice god next to the barrel was headshot by the bullet shot out of the smoke!

Icarus saw the trajectory of the bullet and wanted to come over to fill the gun.

But the kid never stopped triggering, because he heard the director report that there were two people.

Icarus hit the bullet by himself, and was shot in the head by the smoke.

Within a second, the audience in the audience was in an uproar.

The two commentators also expressed their puzzlement.

"What are these!"

"You always have to pay back when you come out to play, right? Someone is indeed a ghost in the smoke! He directly gave the opponent two headshots, and now the luck of the strong is on their side."

"They're all playing games, right?"

After Icarus got the first kill, the third player in Zone B moved to Zone A to defend.

Now the two of them died at the same time at the front point, and the CTs immediately started to supplement the defense.

A few people from CT used flashlights to delay, but they didn't succeed.

VC and they still have props to use.

Delayed by the CT's flash for a while, Xigua rushed to the package point to pull the gun.

Then he was shot and taken away by Ting Da, who was back on defense in the back garden.

But Ting didn't expect that there was a kid with an AK47 behind Xigua.

The little ghost came over and fired at the gun, and succeeded in repairing Ting.

The situation has come to 3 vs 2, and apart from Sanji's lack of armor is a problem, the other two are half-armor spears, this endgame is still an advantage for them.

Sanji and kennyS came and squatted in the direction of Banana Road.

And the little ghost also slowly came to the dead point.

The two CTs didn't know where they were, so they could only move forward slowly.

"The three of VC chose to dodge. This endgame advantage is in the hands of VC, and there is no need to fight head-on with AKA."

"The little ghost at the death point fought alone, chose to move around to investigate, and saw someone!"

"It's better to strike first, the kid shoots the gun, and takes away one first, but then boo makes up for the kid."

"VC really will never have five kills." Evil View complained.

This is also a stalk in the GOGO circle recently.

Because some fans of VC discovered when they were making highlights that the players of VC were all very beautiful in their operations, but why didn't they have a few bright pentakills?

All four kills and four kills.

There was a lot of complaints later, so there was this stalk, VC will never have five kills.

Boo didn't see the other two, and probably knew where they were.

Drop the bag directly, and then put on the banana.

After standing for two seconds, no one came out. He was just about to dismantle it again, when he saw all the banana roads being pulled out horizontally from left to right.

He wanted to fight back, but he was powerless!

After kennyS finished playing, he immediately ran to the church to get a big sniper, but there was too little time.

But it doesn't matter.

The score came to 2:1, and they successfully came back with a half-up hero AK, which is enough.

Moreover, the opponent's economy has not been supported.

Now they are turned over again, and the economy is directly blown through.

Although it is only 2:1 now.

But the opponent's economy has problems, and it's time for them to chase points.

Xigua recalled the scene just now, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously: "To be honest, our comeback has a lot of luck. The AK over there was blown to my side."

"My mixed smoke has no technical content?" The kid raised his eyebrows.

"If you can take down the last person, it will be more technical." kennyS said.

"Don't mention which pot is not open!" The kid pretended to be angry.

Several people played with each other for a while, and quickly returned to normal.

The opponent's economy has exploded, and they chose to try to find opportunities.

Although they failed to catch the previous CT force, it was really because of luck.

Those two kills had no skill at all.

This time the goddess of fate did not stand by AKA's side, and VC successfully won this strong start.

After that, AKA five people without armor usp chose to bet, but they made a wrong bet in the end, and the kid got all the information in area A early.

The score also came to 4:1.

The first long gun round in the real sense of the first half finally came.

Watermelon is the first position of Banana Road in this round, and the tactical early stage of the spear round is still dominated by control.

They want to test and test the opponent's positioning habits in the long gun round.

After the watermelon came to the banana road, it directly threw a wooden barrel fire, originally trying to hide in the tree and set up a gun.

But he saw that CT handed over a slate cigarette at the first time, so he didn't hide now.

Standing directly on the woodpile in front of the tree position, the scalp facing the stone slab is just a shot, otherwise the opponent will come and get closer.

However, with the obstruction of the smoke, he could only sneak away, after all, he couldn't see the other party.

If you stay here for a long time, it is easy to produce props.

They themselves are good players at bombing mines, so they have a way of countering them.

The director and Watermelon have nothing to do with them for a while, they can only wait for the smoke to clear before making plans.

But as soon as the smoke dissipated, the other party gave a set of banana counters.

A smoke in the middle and a fire behind the slate made them get closer to safety again.

The director looked at where the smoke fell, and felt that he could seize an opportunity.

He took the initiative to jump onto the wood pile and moved forward a few positions.

In his field of vision, it was a one-way smoke for a small amount of information.

However, Icarus pulled the M4 across and knocked out the director with two shots.

Watermelon chose to play an unconventional one, and jumped on it. This time, he really caught it by surprise, and used AK to make up for Icarus.

But the vision he gained in the smoke was limited, and he didn't see that another one was already approaching.

Bingshen pulled out and shot the watermelon directly.

This time, the trio in Area A had no choice but to look forward to find opportunities.

The second floor was controlled with the cooperation of the kid and Sanji.

kennyS started to single touch the link after searching for the closest point in the middle.

He wanted to see if he could put some pressure on the link, and then help the two people on the second floor open a hole.

"kennyS single-touched the link, and clicked on a Ting after the link. Two snipers were fighting with rifles. Ting kept moving around. He finally saw kennyS and pulled the gun horizontally ahead of time. KennyS fired, but never fired. .”

Once the linked kennyS dies, the opponent also knows VC's attack intention.

When there was no one on the link, I handed in a fire directly to A1 to delay the time.

And the fire just reached Sanji, exposing their position.

Sanji throws a cigarette to put out the fire, intending to catch the person who exchanged fire.

Now this endgame is already very difficult, they can only play a few and count.

He threw another big pit fire to help the kid reduce his stress.

After shaking around several times in a row, he rushed directly to the bunker point.

But he still hasn't packed the boo on the old six's box.

The last little ghost was left, and the little ghost quietly moved out from the balcony.

The fire that Sanji extinguished gave him a little room to display. He slowly searched for one, wanting to hit one first.

Ting, who peeked out from the door of the study, became his target. The kid pulled the trigger, aiming at the enemy.

Ting didn't react for a while, and was instantly killed by the kid.

But the kid killed Ting, and his position was exposed.

Boo, who was the sixth child at the bunkering point, didn't hide anymore, and pulled out to fill up the gun.

"Boo hasn't beaten the kid. The kid killed two of them by himself, but he couldn't deal with the policemen between the big and small pits on the side."

"AKA recovering one point, the score came to 4:2, both sides were biting to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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