Chapter 206 The Entire Area A Became a Mess (5.5K)

After the end of the first half, VC got a short rest and adjustment time.

Watermelon let out a foul breath, then stood up, moving his neck slowly.

This fierce BO3 has entered the most critical stage so far.

The VC players are still very passionate about fighting, and they can't wait to enter the competition quickly, kill AKA without leaving a single one, and completely establish their reputation.

But Watermelon, who is in the worst shape in the team, has already protested physically.

The long-term high-intensity competition is a particularly big test for the energy and physical strength of the players.

In a way, the longer VC and AKA compete, the greater their advantage.

"What's the matter, can't it work?" The little ghost said when he saw the movement of the watermelon.

"Watermelon, you rewarded yourself last night, but today's BO3 is unbearable." KennyS next to him said with a smirk.

Hearing this, Xigua couldn't bear it, and pretended to be annoyed and said, "Fuck off, you're the one rewarding yourself."

A bunch of people are booing.

Meng De came over and said while holding the scoreboard.

"We played well in the first half, and Xigua's last impromptu change was also very beautiful."

Meng De affirmed the performance of the players in the first half.

Their performance in the first half was indeed remarkable.

VC has done a good job in seizing opportunities and using tactics.

Facing AKA, which is stronger than them in terms of overall strength, they have now overtaken by a score, and Meng De naturally can't say too harsh words.

But after boasting, Meng De also restrained his expression.

"We scored 8 points in the first half, and now we naturally have a score advantage."

"And we also tested it out in the first half. AKA's state doesn't seem to be that good today."

"If we say that our previous goal was to play against AKA, to test our own tactics and style of play."

A smile appeared on Meng De's face: "Then boys, can we change our goal now?"

"Today, this mountain called AKA, do we have a chance to turn them over?"

Although Meng De said this sentence in the form of a question, everyone could hear the affirmative tone of that sentence.

They didn't respond positively, but Mengde saw the scorching light in the eyes of the team members.

Today's last-minute encouragement seems to be done without him.

After all the players came back from the toilet, Meng De also hurriedly arranged the play style in the early stage of the second half.

Poseidon Club European training base.

Aloha got up from the bed sleepily.

He washed up casually and came to the training match, planning to start a live broadcast for a while to have fun.

Because the first competition of the offseason was in China, there was some conflict with their next competition, so the Poseidon team did not participate in this competition of IEM.

And they also plan to adjust their state, strictly update their tactics, and then come to compete with these international first-line teams.

It's just that, just after returning from rest, the team members haven't adapted yet, as if they won't be able to sleep peacefully afterwards.

Aloha has played professionally for so many years. As the captain and star player of the Poseidon team, he knows that he can't control others and can only control himself as best he can.

But now the teammates are not up, and he has nothing to practice by himself.

After practicing the gun for a while, he turned on the live broadcast after warming up.

As the big brother player of the Poseidon team, he also expected to perform well in this Major, so he attracted countless fans.

At this moment, the live broadcast has just started, and many viewers have already entered the live broadcast room.

Aloha chatted with the audience for a while about anecdotes about the offseason, and then saw a fan tip $50 and asked a small question.

"How do you view today's match between VC and AKA?"

Only then did he remember that there was still a match to watch today.

Aloha quickly searched for IEM on the live broadcast platform.

Because this is the first game after the offseason, the strength of the participating teams is relatively strong, so the overall gold content is still quite high.

It's just that compared to the Major event in the end, it must be insufficient.

After all, other competitions still have to consider various schedules and various other reasons.

As for the Major series, all teams need to prepare specifically for it.

"There are quite a lot of people." Aloha looked at the barrage on the screen, said something casually, and then turned off the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Aloha glanced at the game casually, and extracted the information.

"It's 1:1."

Then he reacted: "1:1!"

"This VC got one point?"

He expressed a little incomprehension, and he continued to watch the game carefully.

At this moment, Figure [-] has already entered the second half, and VC actually leads by one point.

"Although I have said it many times, this VC is really a dark horse!"

Aloha expressed his incomprehension.

The audience in his live broadcast room also expressed incomprehension of Aloha's attitude.

"Isn't VC already very strong since the Major? Is it necessary to be so surprised?"

Most of them thought that VC was originally a dark horse, and today they just won a map by surprise, AKA their poor state.

Aloha saw this barrage, and began to explain: "What surprised me was not that VC scored a point, but the speed at which VC improved."

"During the Mist City Major, several of our North American teams had scrims against VC, and their strength wasn't very good at that time."

"But in the end, they really relied on a lot of hard work to get the qualifications for the legendary group."

Aloha had even discussed the matter of VC with a few familiar professional players before, and the result was that VC was not studied by anyone, and rushed to the legendary group with a rush of recklessness.

But the performance of VC now shows that they really don't just rely on that recklessness to play the game.

Otherwise, FG and SSS wouldn't all be defeated by him this time.

Now the world's No. [-] AKA is also at risk of losing the game soon.

This can only show one thing, VC's growth rate is amazing, and his understanding of the game has improved too fast.

"The overall cognition and level of their coaching staff and players is too strong."

"The Huaxia Division is not even as good as North America. They are really scary to be able to achieve this result in a short period of time."

But not many people believed Aloha's words, after all, the stretching of the hips in the China Division was obvious to all.

It is completely impossible for them to believe that a team can be born in a short period of time.

After all, during the Fog City Major, most of the audience's homework 0-3 was filled with VC.

Then they were all backstabbed by VC.

The several teams they filled in were overthrown by VC, resulting in many people not getting diamond coins.

Therefore, VC has not won the favor of many people internationally.

"If you don't believe me, let's just watch the game. These guys are still very difficult to fight. AKA may really have a big news today."

As he spoke, he took off his earphones, took a bottle of Coke and a bunch of snacks from the side, and prepared to watch the game slowly with the audience.

Anyway, his teammates haven't gotten up yet, and he is idle by himself.

"The second half started. The camps were switched. VC came to the defensive side. All five of them bought semi-armor at the beginning. It seems that they are ready to defend steadily."

As an active first-line professional player, Aloha has a good understanding of the game.

He looks at AKA the early prop again.

"Two smokes, two flashes, one fire and one decoy."

"This prop configuration can be used on both sides, but relatively speaking, it is more likely to hit the banana road, because this decoy bomb can be used to detect information behind the stone slab."

"Now let's see if my analysis is correct."

AKA switched to the offensive side. They didn't play a wave at the beginning, but stuck at various points and made the default.

When VC didn't have any information at the first time, he chose to let Sanji take the initiative to touch, and came to the wooden barrel of Banana Road to investigate the information.

At the first time, Sanji didn't notice any movement in the banana road. He and a bandit at the bandit's entrance fired at each other, but they both spoke martial arts very much, so they stopped.

But in the next second, Sanji caught a flash and fell into a short-term blindness.

"I was stunned. They should be playing bananas. Come back one." Sanji slid towards the reporting point while reporting the time.

Sanji moved quickly, and the opponent was far away from him, so he was not chased.

Watermelon, who had already gone to the link, came back, but AKA used the flash to seize the opportunity to no avail, so he could only wait for a while and prepare for the second attack.

So there was no movement on the map for a while.

Watermelon in the coffin frowned. He originally asked kennyS who was linked to defend back, but the opponent suddenly stopped moving, which made it difficult for him to make a judgment, so he could only keep the reason formation unchanged.

"A district finds a way to get the information of the middle lane, and if there is no one in the middle lane, come back one." Xigua said in the voice.

The director and kennyS immediately started to touch the middle lane.

kennyS peeked carefully and found that there was no one in the middle.

But he didn't dare to go any further, who knew if the other party was keeping someone in the side lane.

They were beaten to death many times by the sixth son of AKA before.

kennyS launched a return defense, while the director stayed at A1, taking a very tricky position.

But kennyS's speed was still a bit slower. When kennyS just decided to return to defense, bombs began to explode in area B.

The cigarettes from the police house and the coffin were thrown out.

Watermelon watched the smoke coming from the coffin, predicted the trajectory of the smoke bomb in advance, and blocked it with his body.

The smoke hit the watermelon's body, causing 1HP damage to the watermelon.

However, the watermelon managed to slow down the speed of the smoke, which eventually caused the coffin smoke to fail to reach his destination, unable to block the view of the back garden.

Watermelon can be used as a one-way smoke by using the opponent's smoke.

The offensive team lost a three-box fire again and started their own offensive journey.

Watermelon came to the edge of the smoke and began to aim.

A bandit tried to jump on the first box, and searched the first box and the second box by jumping.

This way of searching for points is very dangerous, and he is still not aware of the location of Watermelon and Sanji.

One was next to the coffin, the other was at the point of death, they shot wildly and successfully got the first kill.

And kennyS also returned to the defense, he chose to get out of the police smoke to catch Timing.

But as soon as the peek came out, he was shot back by terrifying firepower.

kennyS also had no choice but to fight and retreat, returning to the smoke.

Sanji, who was at the dead center of the bag, moved his position and began to find a way to come out and find someone to kill.

But as soon as he moved over from the dead point pillar, he was shot in the head by a bandit.

Although he was not killed, his blood volume also turned red.

Sanji hid in the bunker and tried to delay, but he was shot to the body with residual blood and was killed.

"After a wave of melee, one member of both sides died."

"No, there are two VCs. The kid behind them was beaten to death in the banana road." The two commentators made a summary of what happened on the scene.

kennyS and Xigua are next to the back garden. They want to find a chance to fight each other.

But as soon as kennyS peeked out, he was shot in the head by Icarus on the water tank at the dead point. He didn't pay attention to this position.

Knowing that the other party did not place a package, the watermelon was erected in the back garden, and wanted to be the first to break the situation.

But the person in front of the coffin was pulled out horizontally, and Glock had too much advantage in close combat.

In the end, the watermelon was still not beaten.

The director who returned to the defense at the police house advanced alone, 1 against 4, which was an impossible endgame.

He ran his head to find a solution, but before he could think of it, the other party peeked out first, and sent it to him in seconds.

"T faction wins!"

The score came to 8:8.

Listening to the radio sound of the system, Aloha commented, "We won the pistol round by AKA, and the score came to an 8-8 draw."

In his live broadcast, the audience saw the outcome of the pistol round, as if the game was over, and they all said that Aloha's point of view was incorrect.

Aloha was not angry, but smiled instead: "Don't worry, this pistol round has just ended, and the second half is still early."

"Now it's up to VC to make a strong move in this round. If the strong move succeeds, AKA will be in big trouble."

"If it can't be overturned, the score may be opened a little bit."

"Keep watching the game."

Lost the pistol round and only got one kill.

There is nothing to say, the watermelon directly makes everyone stronger.

Because their evaluation economy is only about 2000, even if this one is full of eco, it can’t afford anything, and the next one can’t be full of armor and bombs, and the economy is very embarrassing.

So it's better to force yourself to find some opportunities.

"KennyS first come to B with us, buy a grenade, let's see if we can blow him up."

"Don't delay time with cigarettes?" kennyS put forward his own idea, but still bought a grenade.

"Try to seize the opportunity. Let's get some information at the second time to see if we can kill one directly, or blow it up, and let Sanji flash to help counter it."

At 1 minute and 55 seconds, the three of them came directly to Banana Road.

The director got inspiration from Watermelon and bought a grenade.

At the beginning of the game, he came directly to the middle, took out a grenade and threw it towards the sewer.

It doesn't matter whether it is fried or not, just run back after throwing it away.

On the Banana Road side, the attacker immediately set fire to the barrel, and first defended against an unconventional VC attack.

Immediately afterwards, Icarus threw a grenade closer to B Tong.

The grenade exploded near the watermelons, and if conservative, it caused at least 60 HP.

The two hurriedly took a few steps back, and Xigua peeked around the corner to check for information.

On the other side, a bandit with a hair dryer jumped up from behind the slate and shot the watermelon.

Of course the two of them couldn't bear it, the last sanji gave a flash,
Watermelon and kennyS threw the grenade in their hands directly.

"Icarus was blown into a cripple, so he had no choice but to retreat. The watermelon added a smoke at the entrance of the banana road. Looking at the situation, he was ready to fight back!"

"Chicken's good flash! kennyS came out and made up for the bloody Icarus!"

"Icarus was beaten up in the air, but AKA's decision-making was very fast. Knowing that the three of you, Banana Road, were still in a state of pressing forward, they immediately started to turn to speed up."

Hearing the flash explosion in the middle, and the sound of three smoke explosions coming from the link, the director who clicked after the link immediately retreated.

He casually pushed a puff of smoke towards the bag site, and hid in the cemetery.

The opponent's attack on the link is too obvious, and now he can only fight with the kid in coordination with each other.

The director hid in the cemetery, quietly waiting for the opponent to make a move.

"The pressure from the link was enough, and the two defenders in area A chose to stand in the pit and the cemetery to hide, and the dump truck from the link began to charge. They came directly to the bag site and planned to put down the mine bag first."

"But AKA's play is a bit flawed. They don't care about the two positions of the big pit and the cemetery!"

"Then this AKA may really have an accident."

It's not that Daxiong is talking nonsense. In the current situation, the people around the bag site haven't finished clearing the bag, so the thunder bag was put down.

The players on the offensive side were all locked in the bunker, and they couldn't move at all.

And their judgment was really a bit wrong. They pushed a smoke bomb with a large and small hole, trying to put the bag first and then clear the people.

But no one went to stop the cemetery, which is the most important thing.

Wary of someone coming to trouble him, the director casually glanced at the map.

The trio in Area B has returned to defense, and Sanji is in the study at the moment.

The director said, "Can Brother Chicken shoot a few shots at will?"

"Pull it up for me."

"No problem." Sanji immediately fired two shots at the bag from the smoke.

The director didn't know if the other party paid attention to his position, so he asked Sanji to shoot twice to help him pull it off.

Then the director stood up from the cemetery and saw a bandit arm hiding in the dead center.

He did not rush to fire, waiting for the bandit to move.

The director wants to pursue a fatal blow.

Soon, the squatting bandit started to move, but he didn't know that someone had already held his position.


During the scuffle, a Sand Eagle shot was not obvious, but it took away the life of the bandit at the dead point.

This round of bullets also started the prelude to the chaotic battle.

Watermelon, who was in the middle, fought with Ting, who was broken by the opponent.

Watermelon only had a sand eagle in his hand, and lost in this wave of duel.

But kennyS rushed out of the link bravely, and then Shaying caught Ting who was walking towards A1, and got the kill with a headshot.

The Ice God in A1 knocked out Sanji in the study, but the kid in Dakeng turned sideways.

The entire area A is in chaos.

But after the scuffle, only the last bandit was left.

The director in the cemetery was not in a hurry, he shook it a few times, trying to trick the gun.

Now there are more people and fewer people, and there is still enough time.

Finally, in another sway, he seized the opportunity and Sha Ying shot.


This conspirator with the four-company MD on it fired the first shot in the chaotic war, and finally ended the final battle.

The director casually picked up a long gun at the packing point and began to unpack it.

Comments from two commentators:

"AKA is really very anxious. The big pit is not finished, and the cemetery has not been cleared. How dare you make a contract!"

"Their offensive intentions are too obvious. The people in this trap have not been cleared. As soon as the thunder bag is put down, VC's defense is in place."

"Afterwards, everyone was trapped in the bunker, completely besieged on all sides."

"VC relied on pulling off each other, firing side shots, and completely hanged AKA at the bag point."

"As long as they shoot a person to clear the cemetery, stand down the cemetery, and separate the personnel, the endgame will not be so uncomfortable."

"The bonuses in this pistol round didn't even get hot, so the comeback came."

"AKA's mentality is already messed up, VC can start chasing points!"

The two commentators looked at each other and smiled. Although they wanted to comment on the game from a neutral point of view, VC was their home team, and they wanted AKA to pull their hips.

Then VC can win the third picture and successfully win the second place in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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