CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 208 Martial Soul Fusion Skill

Chapter 208 Martial Soul Fusion Technique (4K)

Facts have proved that everyone still thinks AKA is too simple.

After being turned over by VC, they quickly made adjustments and re-examined their performance.

Although they are anxious, they also know that in the current situation, it is useless to be anxious.

Fortunately, after all, as the second in the world, their resilience and ability to adjust themselves are very strong.

After calming down, Icarus led his team members and managed to recover several points.

VC was even beaten to an economic reset.

The score came to 10:11.

"Relying on economic suppression, AKA surpassed VC by one point, but the score gap has not widened, and VC has a long gun round to play again." Nobita said.

"But they have to look for opportunities, otherwise if they lose this long gun round, the score will really be widened. The further they go, the smaller the VC's fault tolerance." Evil View added.

The expressions of the AKA fans in the venue are finally normal now.

At the end of the first half, they really put on the mask of pain.

Fortunately, AKA did not live up to their trust. Although the start of the second half was a bit impatient, the subsequent games were played pretty well.

Now they have surpassed by one point, and it seems that the state is back, and they are looking forward to the next performance of AKA.

As long as you maintain this level and play methodically and slowly, then in the end today AKA will have no danger, and you will still advance to the semi-finals.

VC voice.

kennyS sighed: "The opponent is very targeted, I have no chance to shoot today."

Today is also the first time he has been treated so specially, and now he has no chance to shoot at all.

Compared with S1mple, his ability to find opportunities is still not enough.

Moreover, his experience is not as rich as that of S1mple, so if he is targeted by the opponent, he will not be able to open the situation.

If S1mple is here, the big sniper may not be as good as him in terms of burst, but the overall performance should be better than him.

kennyS secretly thought in his heart that he still has many shortcomings.

Originally, his smooth performance at IEM this time made him a little swollen.

Now that he really met a powerful opponent, he realized that there was still something lacking in strength.

"Can't you get control of the early stage in the middle?" Xigua asked.

kennyS shook his head: "Even if I play a little bit more steadily, if I fight a little bit, I will get flashes, and I won't be given a chance in the middle lane."

I have been persuaded by the flash, and there is no chance of a firefight. It is difficult to guarantee the follow-up feel.

He worries about this problem.

kennyS added: "How about we try the game of blowing up the sewer?"

"They were very aggressive in controlling the map in the middle lane at the first time."

Watermelon said: "You can give it a try and try to get the first kill. If you can't, it's not bad to take some damage."

Kid: "Then let me hand over this cigarette to you. After I hand it over, I will go to the second floor to help you look at the side."

kennyS nodded, and ran straight to the middle of the game.

The little ghost was given a smoke bomb at the beginning. The smoke flew from the police house and finally landed a little deep in the middle.

kennyS came to the middle lane without stopping, and the director learned that the kid gave the smoke bomb, so he didn't take a long way.

The two found a good aiming point on the left and right in the middle, and then began to count down.

"3, 2, 1, go!"

The two people holding the grenade immediately started to act. The grenade drew a perfect arc in the air, and finally flew to his destination - the sewer.

After the attacker saw the smoke grenade explode in the middle of the road, they raised their vigilance slightly.

For CT, this smoke bomb can get more control over the approach point in the middle, and there are many things that CT can do.

Whether it's front-pressing sideways, double-frame smoke, and various unconventional styles of play, they can all be done with ease.

Boo turned on the mic to remind his teammates in the side lane: "I lost a deep smoke in the middle, you should press forward carefully."

After that, he kept firing on both sides of the sewer facing the smoke in the middle lane.

If someone presses forward, he can get a lot of income from this wave of smoke.

After shooting one shuttle, he squatted down to change the bomb, and planned to shoot another shuttle.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard something wrong.

what sound?
He was still thinking and judging, but there was a loud bang in his ear.


Boo couldn't even react, and was smothered to death in the sewer by the two grenades.

[VC.kennyS used grenade + VC.Twistzz to kill AKA.Boo]

The audience in the audience was in an uproar, and the two commentators on the scene only reacted.

"What kind of routine is this VC, directly blowing up Boo in the sewer with two grenades!"

"Director Aladdin, what are you doing!" Nobita said helplessly.

The angle of view of this wave of broadcasting was all on the item exchange of Banana Road, and they did not see this wave of thunder-exploding operations at all.

The barrage is also complaining about this matter:

"It's Aladdin"

"I saw a kill in the middle, and I vomited"

"Don't worry, there should be a wonderful replay later."

Boo leaned his head weakly on the chair, and Icarus' questioning sound came from beside him.

"How did you get killed?"

Boo said helplessly: "I was targeted, I ate a double mine set meal, and two mines were stuffed in my mouth, and I didn't react."

After the explanation, he didn't speak.

For this round, he sent a first kill in the early stage, which was a particularly great pressure for the subsequent attack, especially when the first kill appeared so early.

Icarus' decision-making was also quick, knowing that Boo was killed by two people, and just now there was the sound of incendiary bombs coming from the spiral staircase.

Judging from the props, there are at least three defenders in Area A.

In this case, just start a wave of speed-up in area B.

"Let's play a wave of fast break in area B, come and gather quickly." Icarus said in the voice.

In this round, most of their personnel were concentrated on the Banana Road, and this gathering was just to let the people after the side road was broken come to help.

After seeing that the players were almost in place, Icarus asked the players to start giving props in front of the slate.

A slate flash and a sandbag fire are given almost at the same time.

The watermelon who was investigating in the sandbag smashed the fire with white eyes.

Soon Xigua glanced at Sanji's screen immediately after being whitened, and found that he was deep in the flames, took out a smoke bomb, and threw it at his feet casually.

The sound of smoke extinguishing the fire came, and the watermelon reacted quickly, and did not receive a lot of damage from the flames.

On the other side, AKA hurried over to fill up the gun, and directly chose to use smoke to put out the slate fire thrown by the watermelon.

For a while, the entire Banana Road was smoky, and it was difficult to get a view.

The few people who ordered after AKA originally planned to speed up, and directly gave the police smoke and coffin smoke, and the overall props were basically shot at the same time.

This made Icarus very anxious. He frantically fired into the smoke, but he didn't see any kills.

If he can quickly kill the watermelon, then this wave of speedup can still be completed.

But the watermelon is always here, so it is impossible for them to advance to the bun site.

Sanji saw the smoke flying towards him, and he immediately changed his position and moved to the third box: "Watermelon, do I need a flashback?"

He originally wanted to throw the wooden barrel on fire, but he thought that there would be a lot of smoke near the wooden barrel, and he was afraid of wasting an item, so he gave up.

"Here!" Watermelon said eagerly.

The flash in Sanji's hand was thrown out immediately.

- Bang!

Sanji's flash exploded behind Xigua, which had no effect on him.

However, Icarus and several team members in the melee looked at this direction in vain, covered their eyes and began to cry.

Watermelon moved to the edge of the smoke, saw Icarus covering his eyes, and started shooting directly.

After getting a kill, Watermelon was not in a hurry to leave. He heard footsteps beside the smoke, and shot straight at the stone slab.

However, it never occurred to him.

Ting's reaction was quick. After throwing a coffin cigarette, he wanted to go over to help.

But he didn't have any props in his hand, so he could only hold a big sniper and be on guard here.

Seeing Icarus being killed, Ting judged the opponent's position through the sound, and the big sniper shot him directly.

Watermelon was beaten to death through smoke and wall.

"The firefight on Banana Road was very intense. Watermelon spent a long time using props on Banana Road. His spiritual position in the smoke made him wait for Chicken Brother's rebellion!"

"It's a good flash match with a good guy. Watermelon managed to get a kill, but he was still messing around. The ice god in the smoke was beaten to a residual blood, but Watermelon was shot to death!"

"Ting's ability to judge is so strong!"

"But for VC, it's not a big problem. kennyS has already returned to Area B, and directly fired a smoke bomb to delay it."

"This time AKA is a bit of a bullshit again. They thought this wave of fast break was foolproof, so the props were given decisively."

"Now that there is only one smoke in their hands, what should they do now?"

"Should we continue to play the hidden smoke flash from before? But this round of VC has two players, so this move is not very easy to use!"

Icarus counted the remaining props in his team, one smoke, two flashes, and two Molotov cocktails.

It is not impossible for this set of props to really hit B with explosive bombs.

They can give a police smoke, another coffin fire, and a flash to help get close.

From the existing props, they can still continue to play B.

But the premise is that the opponent cannot have incendiary bombs.

Otherwise, if they were stuck in time to fight a wave, the opponent would throw a molotov cocktail at B, and the situation would freeze.

So after thinking about it, he chose to let the players turn around and try to play A.

The structure of Area A is relatively more complicated, and they can use incendiary bombs to help them count.

And one smoke is barely enough.

However, before the official explosion, Icarus chose to let the team members touch the link to see if they could take control of the link.

But he didn't know that after kennyS in Area B gave Sanji another B-pass smoke bomb, he didn't notice the follow-up movement, so he chose to return to the link study.

Sanji still has a smoke and a fire in his hands, and his props are all saved, so there is not much pressure to defend alone now.

kennyS took the big sniper and switched to the link and clicked the straight frame. He helped his teammates take a look at A1 from time to time.

There has been no movement from the other party, which makes them a little anxious.

"The three of AKA took control of the middle lane quietly, and VC is now standing in a straight line in area A, and kennyS is watching the link with a big sniper."

"Ice God took the team to find the trouble of Link, can kennyS realize that Link has come?"

"He was still shaking. I saw it. The big sniper shot and killed the ice god who was walking first."

"But he didn't seem to see that there were two more people in the follow-up. The position of his peek just now was a bit small."

"Ting puts on a rifle, first pulls the line of the gun, and kills kennyS together."

kennyS peeked out again, he didn't control his position very well this time, and gave the opponent a little chance.

Ting shoots wildly with AK47. On the UI of the game, kennyS' blood volume keeps dropping.

The team members next to him also hurried over to fill up their guns.

The AKA fans at the scene became excited when they saw this scene, and all kinds of voices started fighting.

In their view, as long as kennyS is killed, the two of them will go to the police house and find trouble with Sanji, there is still a chance.

But the next second.


KennyS' reaction made him fire the shot anyway.

The picture seemed to be frozen, and Ersimov's muzzle burst into orange flames.

Under the impetus of gunpowder, the bullet rotated at high speed in the air, constantly speeding.

The two bandits kept firing, and the shell casings kept flying out of the AK47.

However, this powerful AWP bullet passed through the right chest of the bandit who wanted to move, and hit the torso of the person behind him.

After one shot, kennyS turned his head gracefully and cut out his own butterfly knife.

The two kills in the upper right corner show his impressive record.

The audience at the scene shouted frantically for this wave of operations, and the commentator also said that he was dumbfounded.

"This kennyS hit AKA's heart with one shot, two shots with one shot, the reaction was really too fast."

"This is the advantage of the big sniper. One shot is fatal. Although the shooting speed is slower, his damage is too high."

This is the evil view next to him reminding: "The director should show exciting kills, we can see how this wave is played."

"And what happened to the grenade at the beginning."

This is when the director started to play their wonderful scene. I saw kennyS and the director took out the grenade at the beginning of the game. After waiting for the preparation, the two crossed the middle with the grenade, and then threw it out.

It eventually fell into the sewer, killing Boo who was full of blood.

"This VC routine is so coquettish." Nobita laughed at the sight.

The evil view next to him commented: "The bird eats the cricket!"

The bullet screen audience saw this little routine, and they were swiping the screen one after another:

"It's too hot, VC always has some weird ways of playing."

"Props to VC, you can look forward to it"

"I don't want to mention the effect, but I think it's a handsome horse"

"Martial Soul Fusion Technique Haha"

"It's pleasing to the eye!"

"Coach, I want to learn this!"

"Coach: I want to learn too."

The audience is excited in the area where VC fans are, and these new things always catch their eyes.

And the scene where kennyS is linking one to three, once again made the two commentators feel the talent of kennyS.

"Once this guy gives him room to play, he will be completely unstoppable!"

 A little late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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