CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 215 Li Tu's Article

Chapter 215 Li Tu's Article

".In the semi-finals of the just-concluded IEM-Didu Station, we reached the semi-finals for the first time. Our home team VC from China met the champion team of this Foggy City Major. The ruler of all major competitions recently is from Denmark. AE team."

After Li Tu wrote this, he pushed up his drooping bangs with his hand, took another sip of water, recalled the game that just ended, and continued to beat.

"As the home team of this IEM-Emperor Capital Station, the VC team has carried the expectations of the Chinese audience before the start of the game. However, the injury outbreak of VC's main sniper S1mple before the game caused the audience to have some concerns. Although Mengde quickly promoted a sniper, kennyS, from the second VC team. This player has always been good in the evaluation of the audience, but facing today's S-level competition, people can't help but doubt that, as a newcomer, kennyS, Can he really handle the pressure?"

"Under this unfavorable situation, VC's record speaks for itself. In the group stage, they met SSS from the UK in their first match. VC once defeated this team from the bottom of the first line in the Fog City Major. If we say that the last time we met VC, we were struggling, but this time VC has improved significantly. In this game, VC won the game easily without the slightest pressure."

"Facing strong opponents in the group stage, VC also relied on their progress to win the group's top spot with a 3:0 advantage and advance to the knockout stage."

"At the knockout stage, they met one of the strongest teams in this IEM, AKA from the Commonwealth of Independent States. After the grouping, everyone thought they would fail."

Li Tu shook his neck and let out a crisp sound, recalling the scene that day. Although the audience in the audience was trying their best to cheer, but the gap in strength was so large that the audience did not have the slightest confidence in the word upset.

That game was very exciting, and the various games in it made the audience reluctant to look away, for fear that they would miss some wonderful scenes.

When the game came to picture two, the teamwork and discipline shown by VC caught their eyes, and he was even more amazed by the endless tactics that emerged afterwards.

Of course, this is inseparable from the wonderful performance of the players.

After the little ghost circled the big heart on the Lost City, director Sha Er's A big five kills, kennyS five kills on the banana road in the town
Li Tu still remembered that every time he saw such a wonderful moment, he couldn't help but recall their scenes in the competition.

He thought of the scene where they lost to AKA by a small margin in the final of the Fog City Major, and he couldn't help but smile at this moment.

They once lost to AKA by a small score, and this time AKA lost to VC by a small score.

It was such a critical two-point difference, but AKA lost completely on the Huaxia field.

Although their relationship with AKA is not bad, but seeing Icarus's angry appearance after the game, he only felt refreshed.

Although they are old and they will not have the chance to take revenge, but today's VC can be regarded as helping them take revenge in a disguised form.

At this point in his thoughts, his hands didn't stop.

".VC finally won the game against AKA with a score of 2:1, officially toppled this former dynasty team."

"And after this game, all the fans were very excited. After all, AKA is currently ranked No. [-] in the world. Will they have a chance to meet No. [-] in the world next door?"

"As they expected, AE easily won the eight-to-four match."

"Soon the final four games will come. Tens of thousands of spectators gathered in the stands of this game. Because of the news of VC's upset, many domestic audiences are looking forward to it. So the tickets for this game are basically It has been sold out, and I heard that the ticket price of the scalpers at the door has been fired to more than [-]."

"In addition to the spectators, there are many other people in the stands. The bosses of several other domestic e-sports projects, they are not only here to watch the games, but also to view the situation of this project in China."

"At the same time, I also saw the scouts of many teams. They came to evaluate the situation of the VC players today and observe the true strength of this team."

"Under the eyes of everyone, the semi-final match finally started. After a short BP link, the map of this match was finally determined to be Death Amusement Park, Purgatory Town, and Nuclear Crisis."

"In the Death Amusement Park, VC started off as a gangster. They performed quite well in the early stage. With the fiery state of the director and the kid, they got the first 5 points smoothly."

"But the good times didn't last long. Although they didn't make it to the long gun round, they were overthrown by the Hanged Man in eco with a wave of Sand Eagle's quadruple kills. The situation was reversed instantly. This scene was very similar to the director's pentakill against FG at IEM. .”

"Although the individual strengths of the VCs are strong, the comprehensive strength of AE is suffocatingly stable. Relying on the steady map control of props and the unpredictable timing of counter-clearing, the balance of victory is tilting towards AE."

"IEM is a stage for the strong, but it is also a moment for the team to shine. Compared with VC and AE, they are still too immature. The first game finally lost to AE with a score of 8:16."

"Come to Map [-], everyone still has some confidence in them. After all, yesterday was on this map, and VC successfully turned the tables."

"In the opening game, VC's little routine was eye-catching, and he successfully won the pistol round, but in the second round, AE chose a tactic of flying to the second floor with full details, and the kid on the balcony didn't catch it. First, the subsequent situation has gotten out of control.”

"VC recovered some points by relying on personal ability, but Xigua's tactics were completely understood. The AE team has thoroughly studied VC, and Xigua was almost led by the nose."

"Consecutive bets failed, the defense was broken, and the defense was forced to save the gun, which completely collapsed VC's hand."

"Although kennyS got a triple kill in the follow-up, which opened up the situation, they didn't hold on to the lucky endgame. This round also indicates that VC's mentality has completely collapsed."

Li Tu sighed, as a former professional player, he knew that feeling.

After all, the old ancestors have said that once you work hard, you will decline again, and you will be exhausted after three times.

The opponents they face are too strong, and it is difficult for them to maintain their state under strong pressure.

After all, at the finals of the Fog City Major, they were just so short of breath.

"VC lost to the Danish dynasty with a score of 0:2. This result is in line with the predictions of most rational audiences before the game. It is already incredible that VC has been able to defeat these terrifying opponents from the group stage. "

"Honestly speaking, with VC's strength, it's already a miracle that they can get here. Mengde can even be proud of them, but it will make people feel a little regretful after all."

"If they can really win, that would be great!"

"However, compared to last year, we didn't even have the qualifications to take a look at opponents of this level. I think this is already a very good result. I hope that Mengde can lead them to continue to grow and truly rise, instead of always standing in front of people with an upset attitude"

Li Tu hit here, and he could have ended this post, but he took a puff of cigarettes, but felt that something was missing.

At this time, he heard a message from his mobile phone. Several people in their old waste group were still chatting about yesterday's game.

Su Xing crazily told him to go up and overturned, and 366 said that he was bragging.

Inspired, he went on to write an epilogue.

"Our ACE once fell at the last step in the Fog City Major, and we didn't hold on."

"Now I hope that VC can really take that step one day, we are waiting for that day to come"

Li Tu opened the window to allow the smoke in the study to disperse.

His white hair was gently blown by the breeze, after a cigarette.

Li Tu returned to the study, clicked the left mouse button, and sent the article.

 Calvin, I'll code slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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