CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 226 Harsh Environment

Chapter 226 Harsh Environment

After VC arrived in Seoul, the first thing everyone needed to adapt to was the new environment here.

Because the time zones are not far away, the problem of adjusting the time difference is eliminated.

For all VC owners, this is their first time in Seoul.

Diet, environment, and a series of reasons need to be overcome by themselves.

One of the biggest problems is diet.

The food here is all kinds of kimchi, even gla1ve, who has always been careless about food, couldn't help complaining.

He couldn't figure it out, there were all kinds of kimchi every day, how could he keep eating this!
Fortunately, Meng De had food experience in the Fog City Major, and quickly ordered meals at a Chinese restaurant for a few weeks.

External factors are resolved, and they are affected by environmental factors.

Every time I go out to play a game, I basically hit the local server to adapt myself to a lower PING value.

This is because the ping value of the game is very low. If they still play the ladder with high latency before the game, it will be difficult to correct it for a while, and there may be problems with the advance amount of some previews.

So under normal circumstances, everyone chooses to "do as the Romans do".

But this time, they discovered that it is really impossible to do as the Romans do.

Because they have the ID of a professional player, they basically get hit a few times on the ladder every day.

The situation is good, the teammates just seem to play well.

If the situation is not good, it is to hang up the game directly.

There are also bad passers-by who serve them with various props, and this ladder is completely unplayable.

The daily hand feeling cannot be maintained, and the mentality is also affected. It is not an option to continue like this.

"These people are too disgusting, it's the first time I've seen professional players disgusted like this." gla1ve complained.

But the problem must be solved after all.

"I'm going to find some more training matches with the teams next door. This stick is really disgusting." Meng De was helpless. He was not an official, and he had no right to title. He could only scold these South Korean bastards. .

They have actually seen it clearly by now. It is very likely that the South Korean home team BAB made things up. They have brought a little rhythm from public opinion.

When Mengde turned on his phone, he received a message from Lihua, the administrator of the fan group.

Pear blossom: [picture]

Meng De clicked on it, only to see that it was a post on a Korean forum.

Meng De took a few glances and verified what he thought more and more.

The content of the post is probably how many times the Huaxia players who came to Asia RMR played this time.

Most of the replies below are the number of times I acted, and I am particularly complacent.

Lihua: This stick is too disgusting, so let's play it hard.

Lihua was very unconvinced, because recently he saw foreign CSGO videos all saying that VC did not perform well on the Korean ladder, and belittled Chinese teams in various ways.

It gives people the impression that the Huaxia team is short-lived, and the previous legendary group is their last glory.

Mengde was thinking about how to reply to Lihua, when he saw Lihua continue typing and sending messages.

Lihua: Should we fans wash it up? I can't stand this anger.

Meng De quickly replied: "There is no need for this. They are blowing up their team to the sky now. It's good to see the real chapter during the game."

He has just finished chatting with Lihua, and he is going to contact several other teams for a training match. If it doesn't work, he will pull them into a scuffle and choose players at will, just to maintain their state.

In the domestic team, Meng De still has the right to speak.

But before he found the communication group of the domestic team, he heard the sound of smashing the table in the battle room.

He hurried over to see what happened.

kennyS is playing a ladder with a blank face, and this is already the last game of the second half.

The score above the big screen has reached 4:15.
The opponent got the match point.

Although it seemed like a big disadvantage, kennyS pressed TAB and saw that the number in the MVP column at the end of his stats was 4, feeling angry and helpless.

He didn't even know why he met such an outrageous teammate, pushing out the top and dropping points.

He steals people everywhere, but he can't make up for his teammates' mess.

He barely got 4 points, but in a team game, it was too difficult for him to rely on his own ability to win.

He already wanted to play badly, even if he won this kind of game, it would be meaningless.

At the end of the game, he had a 1v4 endgame, and his teammates chatted wildly on the mic.

All kinds of Smectas were flying around his ears, making him very uncomfortable.

After he knocked out two and finally lost the endgame, he originally wanted to quit directly and fight a deathmatch.

But at this moment, he saw their camp on the public screen, and typed tauntingly:

BAB universe first: VCA lose
BAB universe number one: OK?

BAB Universe First: WIN BAB!

In an instant, kennyS' mentality exploded, and he directly turned on the mic and sprayed wildly.

He didn't stop until the other party quit the voice, but the flame of anger in his heart still didn't diminish.

"What's the matter?" kennyS suddenly felt someone pat on the shoulder, and there was no need to turn around. This familiar feeling must be from the coach.

"I was acted by someone, and in the end I felt disgusted on purpose, I couldn't help it." KennyS's anger gradually subsided, but after the replay, he felt more and more unhappy.

Obviously I didn't do anything, and I have been playing the game seriously, so why are these guys ridiculed?

"It's okay, just play deathmatch from now on, just keep in good shape, if you're proficient in the map, I'll make an appointment with a few other teams." Meng De comforted kennyS.

"Then we have nothing to do with them?" kennyS clenched his fists and said angrily.

"Why not?" Meng De smiled, "As long as you successfully qualify in this Asian RMR, wouldn't it be the biggest blow to them?"

"What do you think these Korean players are doing this for?"

Without waiting for kennyS to answer, he continued: "They just want to make you angry, make you so angry that you can't sleep, so as to affect the state of the game."

"It's just to prepare for BAB's qualifying."

"Just the BAB that we defeated in the Fog City?" Tig asked. As a person who experienced it personally, he was still very impressed.

"This time, there is only one team in South Korea that is qualified to play Asian RMR. You say it's not for this, but what else is it for?" Meng De replied.

"Luck is something that often has a woman's temperament. The more you want to get her, the farther away she will be; but when you no longer have any fantasies about her, she will come to you by herself. "

"What do you mean?" kennyS said he didn't understand.

"It means that our luck can't be so bad. This series of actions are all man-made." Meng De said angrily, and thanks to himself, he deliberately dragged the reply.

"I guess it won't be long before BAB can't help but jump out again." Meng De felt the same as Der Spiegel about this.

He had analyzed why BAB did that in the Fog City Major before, and he finally figured it out.

These guys are not very strong, so they want to influence their opponents through off-court factors.

"So you guys, as long as they are eliminated in this Asian RMR, that is the best response."

When the team members heard this, they felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

"Don't let us meet, or watch how I blow them up!"

gla1ve nodded beside him: "I agree this time."

Meng De raised his eyebrows, the mystery of luck is here.

Before, he was still thinking about how to mobilize the competitiveness of these guys, but now it seems that he doesn't need it.

 Have a meal and continue coding, there are still about 6000 words today.

(End of this chapter)

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