CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 245 Broky's Speech at Versailles

Chapter 245 Broky's Speech at Versailles
"gla1ve and kennyS stand in the direction of the third floor, and sixer comes out!"

"The positioning of kennyS directly beat sixer to death!"

"I got the 16th point, congratulations to VC!"

"2-0, VC won the third day of RMR Asia. They became the No. [-] seed in Asia and represented Asia in the Katowice Major!"

In the battle room of VC, the dead three had already raised their hands at the moment they entered the endgame.

The moment kennyS beat sixer to death, he started to raise his arms and shout!

With a 'swish', a group of people took off the sound-proof earmuffs and earphones with lightning speed.


"we won!"

"Coach, we got the tickets, we can go to Katowice too!"

kennyS shouted excitedly at Mengde behind him.

He came to Meng De's side, and danced and danced around him, as if dancing samba.Meng De smiled. In such a happy situation, he didn't care whether everyone was big or small.

But he never thought, Broky, he was too excited to manage his limbs at a time like this.

While bouncing and bouncing, his arm knocked Meng De's jaw off, causing Meng De's mouth to bleed from biting.

Mengde looked at Broky with a sullen face, this guy really can live out his whole life for himself at any time.

Broky also saw the blood on Meng De's mouth, and stopped awkwardly.

He looks like a Erha team who has done something wrong.

"KFC will be canceled later."



Seeing a few people making noise, gla1ve only felt that life is really wonderful.

At first he came to VC, just to let himself have a short shelter.

In fact, he still yearns for Danish CSGO in his heart.

After all, the strength of Denmark's CSGO ranks among the top in the world.

But after coming to VC, the coach taught carefully and the players helped each other.

All this made him see a very special club.

He also slowly integrated into it and became a part of it.

Now, he is really grateful to his previous club.

If he hadn't kicked himself, how could he have the chance to be noticed by the coach?
So, my old club, are you ready?

Welcome to my revenge!

After Mengde and Broky finished their fight, they came to gla1ve.

"What's the matter, aren't you happy to win the game?"

Gla1ve adjusted his mood and shook his head: "It's just that I didn't expect that I would be able to enter the Major one day."

Mengde smiled, and he can empathize with gla1ve's thoughts.

"You'll get used to it gradually."

"As I said before, you will become a very good conductor. Given a little time, you can enter the door of a world-class conductor."

Gla1ve blushed a little upon hearing the compliment: "That's a bit exaggerated."

"Okay, it's almost over, go shake hands, the opposite side and I are also acquaintances, don't waste time." Seeing that the celebration was almost done, Meng De interrupted everyone's conversation, not allowing them to continue chatting.

Otherwise, they can really chat with you for three days and three nights.

Several people in the Snapping Turtle team were very depressed now. They took off their earphones and slumped in their seats.

Although the coach had already vaccinated them before the start of Figure [-], it was still so unacceptable to face failure.

Their nuke tricks were originally prepared for Major opponents, and it took a long time.

Unexpectedly, even if they used all their tricks, they still couldn't stop VC's progress.

What kind of monster is this MD coach, two Major teams a year, you put it aside for wholesale?
Brother Greasy looked at kennyS in front of him, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

When he knew this player, it was from IEM.

Greasy thought he would be a strong contender for S1mple in the first team.

But later it was discovered that he was put back to the second team. At the very beginning, they said that the MD coach would not be able to employ people.

Now it seems that they are thinking too much.

MD coach doesn't know how to employ people. He has too many good players and knows how to plan their positions.

Now that the two VC teams have entered the Major, before the start of the game, he also said that the big sniper kennyS is useless.

However, the style of play of the VC second team allowed kennyS, a big sniper, to always make key kills at key points.

kennyS doesn't need to use all his talents, just one or two dangerous shots is enough.

But even the short shot or two, they didn't catch it.

"You guys played very well." Brother Greasy said to kennyS.

kennyS couldn't understand what Greasy Brother was saying, but he could understand the meaning of his thumb.

Same goes back to: "GG!"

GG usually refers to a pleasant game in the game, and it is also applicable here now.

Brother Greasy nodded and shook hands with the next one.

A few minutes later, Greasy Brother watched VC return to the battle room, feeling a little melancholy.

"You said how happy we would be if we won the game."

He looked at the high-spirited VC crowd, and his heart was filled with the appearance of his dream.

They could only pack up their peripherals and prepare to go back to the hotel in despair.

The coach looked at the big brother in the team and patted Greasy Brother on the shoulder.

"Don't be discouraged, we still have a chance tomorrow, as long as we win LL, we can still qualify for the second Major!"

"If we lose this time, we can just win it back next time."

"Compared to us, the [-]nd team of VC lacks experience in major competitions, and will definitely suffer a big loss when we wait until the Major. Our performance may be much better instead."

Brother Greasy listened to the coach's words and nodded unconsciously.

But I felt that something was not quite right.

If the opponent is really that weak, how did they lose today?

And the experience of the competition, just play a dozen more.

He knew the coach was comforting him, but he still couldn't let go.

This one was almost dragged to the third picture.

But, almost is much worse!

Although the game was over, most of the audience in the live broadcast room did not leave.

Many of them are now waiting to see what the state of VC is now.

Soon the post-match interview they were waiting for finally arrived.

Broky was invited up today.

Broky was invited to the stage as the player who played the best in the game, that is, the MVP.

Their old acquaintance, the bald man with white hair, appeared again.

"Congratulations to you for winning the third day of Asian RMR and successfully getting tickets for the Katowice Major."

"First of all, the first question, the nuclear crisis."

"We only saw Nuke in three appearances on your game map. You showed a lot on this final map today. How long did you prepare for him?"

Broky smiled when he heard this, they hadn't played this map as his weak map for a long time, and finally took it out today, which made him happy for a long time.

I have worked hard secretly for a long time, and it only makes sense to show it off.

"Actually we practiced for this map for a long time, and basically played against the brothers of the first team every scrim."

"So for us, the nuke in the second picture is just amazing."

The audience in the bullet screen was a little surprised when they heard this answer.

"The other party thought it was targeting my weakness, but I didn't expect it to be our strongest map!"

"Cao Thief is an old silver coin"

"Bait bombs have been placed on the map pool, and Cao's tactics are already in the atmosphere."

"Why is Broky peeking all the time?"


While accepting the interview, Broky was shaking happily from side to side.

Li Tu continued to ask: "Then did you enjoy playing this map?"

Broky forced himself to smile when he heard the words, pretending that he didn't care:

"Not really, but I don't know why I got 28 kills while playing, so I guess I played a role."

Li Tu controlled his smile, but this wave was really faked by Broky.

His Versailles speech is too lethal.

He continued to ask: "On the map of the small town, you once played an amazing big sniper 1V1 at the A4 bunker. How did you think about it at that time?"

"Are you fighting instinctively, or have you thought about it carefully?"

Broky's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth were raised wildly. He felt that today's reporter was too suitable for his appetite.

He controlled his expression, and then said: "I just clicked the mouse, and the other side was fucked by me."

"That's what I'm doing, I'm not thinking about anything."

When the bullet screen heard Versailles' speech, it immediately began to refresh the screen:
"Broccoli, you put it in a cup, right?"

"Packed up"


"Damn it, it was pretended by him"

"The bloodline of Latvian berserkers is awakening!"

Li Tu felt that he could no longer let the broccoli in front of him pretend.

He poses a third question:
"If I remember correctly, in the town of Purgatory, you were the attackers in one round, and you shot gla1ve because of the noise made by a chicken. What did you think at that time?"

"You're remembering wrong!" Broky said immediately.

But then he saw that Li Tu didn't believe it, so he started to explain:
"But got a little nervous and thought that chicken was the last bandit, and that was just a mistake."

The audience in the live broadcast room will be laughed to death by Broky:
"You remember wrong, haha"

"I still remember gla1ve's death stare"

"Cool knowledge, this Broky killed 9 chickens"

"Revenge, hahahaha"

Li Tu knew that this question would definitely attract laughter from the audience, so he continued to ask a few more normal questions, and then he planned to end the interview.

"The last question, after successfully approaching the main match of the Major, do you have any small goals?"

Broky thought for a while, then replied, "Small goals."

"Let's get to the same position as the brothers in the first team first."

Li Tu's eyes lit up, he didn't expect Broky to be quite ambitious when he was serious.

After all, the current position of the first team is the legendary group.

Playing in the same position as the first team, isn't that a struggle for the legendary group?

Li Tu finished the interview and waved to Broky:

"See you in Katowice."

"Goodbye, I'm going to eat free KFC now!"

Li Tu took back that sentence, this guy has no ambition.

Not at all!

 Not today, went to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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