CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 250 Unimaginable Pressure

Chapter 250 Unimaginable Pressure

The pistol round only dropped two armors to win, which is very impressive for VC.

Not to mention that neither Tig nor Lin Yi's half-armor suffered even a little damage.

This allows them to upgrade from half armor to full armor for only 350 bucks.

In the second round, Wild Lion's economy was not much, so he directly chose to strengthen and adjust.

Under such circumstances, gla1ve still managed to control the opponent's actions, using props and firearms to suppress them, and successfully broke into the bunker.

Although kennyS and Broky were in a hurry to farm the economy, which resulted in them being killed in the end, but fortunately, there was no danger.

The early points were all successfully won.

"Where did the second VC team come from? The gun is very accurate!"

Quit lost the contempt at the beginning, because the opponent's marksmanship is something.

During the two rounds of probing, he found that if he didn't hit the instant kill immediately when confronting the opponent, the opponent's counterattack would definitely catch them off guard.

Although at the professional level, the gun position must have reached a very high level.

But the professional brother's marksmanship is also different.

The marksmanship of kennyS and Broky on the other side, in his opinion, can also be included in the level of a gunman.

It's already very good.

In this case, in the next spear round, he will exert his strength.

Quit pressed TAB at this time, saw the number 5900 on the head of OUT, and immediately said:

"OUT, send me a big shot."

OUT had expected this for a long time, and threw a big sniper over:
"I knew that you guy was after Lao Tzu's money."

Quit smiled: "Isn't this what the team needs?"

The opponent's momentum made him also start to get excited.

OUT didn't say anything, and took the M4 thrown by quit.

Although quit eats a lot of resources in the team, he has to admit that the other party has the ability to eat this resource.

But in this way, their B area is only left to defend at the back point, and there are no props for them to use in the early stage.

Banana Road's item control is absolutely impossible.

On the VC side, they continued to follow Meng De's early deployment.

KennyS in the first position rushed to Banana Road with AK. At the beginning, he directly threw a sandbag fire, and Broky behind him threw a wooden barrel fire.

Immediately afterwards, kennyS took out a smoke bomb and extinguished Broky's wooden barrel fire.

It wasn't that he was having trouble with Broky, it was that they needed to disrupt each other's control of the banana lane.

kennyS took the AK and swiped at the corner of Pass B from the smoke.

Under the pressure of their two props, the opponent can only stand in that position.

But judging from the feedback the two received, they had wasted three items in this round.

"Banana Road, they just hid and clicked, and didn't give any props in front." kennyS provided information for gla1ve.

Gla1ve frowned.

This long gun round directly puts the front of Banana Road, what kind of play is this.

They originally wanted to play aggressively with Crazy Lion, using a set of unconventional props to directly compete for control of the next point.

But now it seems that their previous preparations were not right.

"They probably don't have many props in Zone B. Let's counter-control the middle lane, put some pressure on Zone A, and then turn around and fight B."

Now that it was confirmed that the opponent's area B did not have many props, their thinking became clear.

"Banana Road didn't get any results. The guys from VC chose to turn around and come to A to find trouble."

"Compared to the first team that plays with individual abilities, the second team seldom plays some dry play, and they still have a lot of props now, so they don't need to do this dangerous style of play."

"The smoke from A1 was sent directly, and Tig who was ready was pulled out under the cover of flashing lights. The moment A1 smoke exploded in the traffic jam, Tig was killed by the quit sniper on A1. He wanted to catch timing, but he didn't think of the other party. It's a big shot!"

"The lads from the second team are playing in a bit of a hurry. The middle lane is still flashing. VC also lost a smoke bomb that was clicked after the link. Their real purpose of this wave is to control the link and the middle lane. There was only one person standing, and VC didn't expect that the big sniper A1 would retreat, and there were still people hiding."

"Zero started shooting with the M4, Lin Yi was directly knocked out, and Broky was also left with residual blood. This wave of situations is not ideal!"

This wave of offense and defense in the middle lane is a blood loss for VC. While they invested a lot of props, they were also beaten into a 2.9 for 1.
It's 3 vs 4 right now.
However, Broky's blood volume is almost dead, and it is gone in one shot, and his combat effectiveness is not very sufficient.

"Withdraw, let's hold your hand first."

"The Banana Road on my side is still quiet." kennyS had just responded, when he heard a partition smoke being put on the B-communication.

"Now it's anti-smoking, what should I do?"

Gla1ve continued: "No one came out to fight against the Qing, which means that the people in Area B are good, so we will fight B, and when the smoke clears, we will rush out."

Several people came to Banana Road one after another, and Broky with residual blood was aiming at the spot, ready to give props at any time.

Gla1ve has been counting in his heart, and after confirming the time of the smoke, he immediately said:

"Give me smoke!"

After all, he directly threw a self-help bag Dianshan.

Then he and kennyS flashed back and charged off the stage.

"gla1ve's timing was very good. The opponent was defending the B area alone, but after recovering his vision, OUT directly peeked from the coffin and beat the bloody Broky."

"The next time kennyS and gla1ve came over to fill up the guns, they still successfully won the bag."

Gla1ve continued to throw a fire in the back garden, and asked kennyS to help him set up a cigarette, and immediately started to release the bag.

He intended to put a bag on the stage, and then he hid at the dead door, and fought a 360-degree gun line with kennyS at the dead point.

But he didn't expect that the opponent's return to defense was faster than he imagined.

As soon as he 'dropped' his bag, he was constantly shot through by bullets from the police house.

Gla1ve thought that the opponent would only cause some damage to himself, which was harmless.

But he didn't expect that, as a Dane, one day he would be drowned in the smoke.

Coke, who has been paying attention to the second team, laughed: "I didn't expect you to have today at gla1ve. I have never suffered such a big loss in my life."

Fortunately, the thunder bag was put down, at least kennyS doesn't have to worry about finding another opportunity to put the bag.

Watching the smoke from the police house gradually dissipate, kennyS decided to take the initiative to look for opportunities in this kind of situation.

He took the AK47 and went to the peek police's house.

Tig reminded: "It should be a big sniper."

kennyS understood immediately, thought for a while, and shot the exit of the corridor in advance.

The quit sniper in the promenade was doing well, and suddenly I saw a bandit pulling out horizontally, and was knocked out before the gun could be fired.

"Wo! KennyS took the AK47 and tore quit's big sniper. As a sniper, he knows the sniper position the opponent will choose."

After kennyS knocked out the big sniper, he knew that the remaining two were already in the church, so he directly flicked a flash behind him, trying to catch that chance.

But the actions of the two bandits were not as fast as he had imagined. Not only did he not find an opportunity, but he exposed his position.

"There's no other way. One person sets up a gun and the other lights a fire. KennyS has no choice."

"If you don't take the initiative to come out to fight, you will be burned out. This round of gla1ve was so deadly that it didn't give kennyS room to play, but it's not a big problem. VC still has money, so we can continue to play long guns."

"I was thinking too much." gla1ve apologized for his reckless actions.

He was indeed too greedy just now, otherwise, if he survived safely, he would still have a chance to win the endgame.

But the problem is not big, gla1ve glanced at the score above - 3:1.
They are still in the lead, so don't worry too much.

And because of the economic accumulation in the early stage, they can play a long gun round with full armor and ammunition again.

"KennyS, let's start a big sniper." gla1ve arranged the early tactics, "They don't grab the banana road very much, so we will use props to take the front point first."

"No matter what, the right to control the Banana Road is still important."

kennyS responded: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with our fight, and your way is also the best solution, but there is no way for the opponent to kill you with a shuttle."

"We can't deal with the mixed smoke."

Gla1ve didn't let bad emotions stay in his heart for a long time either.

Continue to do the details of the early stage, and then start to set off.

At the end of the countdown, gla1ve's position is not very good.

But kennyS, who is in the first position, needs to beware of the big sniper from the middle lane coming to make trouble, so his way of grabbing the banana lane is relatively stable.

Cut out the fire in advance, threw it towards the barrel, and then retreated to a place where the barrel could not see.

After waiting for two seconds, gla1ve made sure that the opponent's big sniper could no longer fight straight, and then returned to the banana road.

When the police are defended by big snipers, they need to pay attention to grabbing points in each position, otherwise, if they are not careful, they will get the first kill without injury.

This is where the deterrent power of the big sniper lies.

Crazy Lion today carried out their idea of ​​not fighting or grabbing the Banana Road to the end.

They asked the defenders in Area A to throw them a fire extinguisher, and they didn't give them any other props.

This prop can help the two defenders in Area B save a smoke bomb, which is 15 seconds.

Gla1ve and others did not blindly grab a closer point, although they had already figured out some small habits of the opponent in the early stage.

But what should be done is still done by default.

If the other party directly uses the habit of doing it for them, and then uses it in the opposite direction, even if only one person stands up, it will cause a very big blow to VC.

As the smoke dissipated, gla1ve and kennyS touched back to back to make sure no one was hiding behind the barrels and sandbags.

"I'll give you a flash, you look like a policeman."

Although kennyS is a big sniper, it has advantages when used for inventory.

But this advantage is based on the large sniper rifle.

They don't know the location of the opponent's big sniper yet, so it's better to be careful.

The B pass flashed, and kennyS looked at the police with a big sniper.

No one showed up.

kennyS continued to fight for a few seconds with the big sniper, and the opponent was really a top-notch, so he didn't fight back.

They counted in waves, and it was impossible to end it so easily.

kennyS added a smoke bomb to the police house, then squatted down and slowly used the mirror to push the coffin into place.

The police didn't have a big spy standing by, so the possibility of the other party's big spy in area B is not great.

Because the speed of returning to defense like that is too slow, under normal circumstances, the players running on both sides are watched by the police.

So he just used a mirror to push the coffin.

At the first moment kennyS didn't see anyone, but soon, he saw a very small scalp passing by.

The opponent played a spring head squat in the coffin.

kennyS threw a shot, but missed.

But kennyS finally forced out a smoke bomb from the opponent.

The opponent made a big mistake in this partition cigarette, and they might be able to make a fuss about it.

Gla1ve threw a coffin smoke, wanting to continue to put a wave of pressure and give a little more props.

But the B area of ​​the Wild Lion is really too calm, even if they saw the coffin smoke, they just flashed out a self-help to check it out, and then went back after finding no one.

Gla1ve has a bit of a headache, this intensity is completely different from the previous games played in Asia.

The opponent as a whole is much stronger, and they all played too cautiously.

There are a lot of movements here. If you were in Asia, you would have given various props to delay the defense.

But this made Wild Lion Area B completely indifferent, did not get specific information, and did not give props at all.

Gla1ve counted the time and wanted to take advantage of the smoke to play a wave to speed up, but the opponent's time was stuck, and he continued directly three seconds before the smoke cleared the previous moment.

This smoke complements that smoke perfectly, almost seamlessly.

"The Wild Lion still didn't move, it's still the default defense of 3A2B."

"Both sides were very quiet in this round, and VC didn't put pressure in the middle, but the police didn't get much information about VC."

"If the B smoke disperses again, VC will launch an attack."

As soon as Coke finished speaking, he saw VC start to explode.

"Sure enough, the police smoke and the coffin smoke were directly offered, but here OUT gave two off-stage flashes and smoke after fire to delay time."

VC was stunned by the opponent's prop for several seconds. After regaining his vision, he used smoke to extinguish the fire, and then launched the second wave of offensive.

But the rhythm of the attack has been interrupted, and they will be a bit chaotic when they charge again.

Tig, who was in the first position, took the lead and entered the bag site. He was the only one who didn't stop, and he was also the first person who was killed by CT after a box.

"Broky and Lin Yiheng pulled over to replace a box of defenders, but smoke came out from the coffin!"

"OUT knocked out Lin Yi, who was half-healthy, and lost Broky in seconds with another strafing diversion! Oh, this wave of his marksmanship has been brought into play, VC has suffered a lot!"

kennyS took the big sniper to complete the shot, but the opponent's time has been delayed for a full 15 seconds. According to his and gla1ve's judgment, the opponent's defense is already in place.

The bloody gla1ve went to the next safer coffin bag this round, while kennyS moved to the third box.

But just as gla1ve put the bag away, he heard gunshots from the back garden.

He only had two shots of blood left, but he didn't dare to let people put on a few shots and change positions immediately.

kennyS heard the movement and hurried to set up a coffin cigarette, but someone from the police family pulled out directly and knocked out gla1ve holding the mine bag.

There are 10 seconds left in the top time, and kennyS knows that this one is gone.

But he is still a peek policeman, and he wants to get one more kill for the team and reduce the pressure.

But when he fired the first shot, he didn't make an emergency stop, and it was empty.

When he wanted to shoot the second shot again, he was killed by the big sniper through the box before he could go out.

kennyS looked up helplessly.

After losing two consecutive long gun rounds, they had no money.

(End of this chapter)

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