CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 253 Suffocating Economic Pressure

Chapter 253 Suffocating Economic Pressure

After the first half of the game, the pressure in the hearts of several people gradually decreased.

Although the pressure of the game was greater than they used to be, they were still able to keep up.

And relying on Broky's fiery state, they have gained a big advantage. If they win the pistol round at the beginning of the second half, they can push the score towards the match point.

"Everyone played very well in the first half, especially Broky, who just needs to be in a state of daring to fight." During the half-time break, Meng De affirmed the performance of the players in the first half.

As the offensive side in the first half, they led the opponent by 5 points. For the town's defensive map, this is already a huge advantage.

If they win the pistol round in the second half, VC can even get the score to 13 without being overturned.

That way they only need to win three more rounds to win the first day of the game.

Looking at it this way, they seem to be only a short distance away from winning the game.

But that's just a prospect.

After all, the game is played by people. If they fail to win the pistol in the second half, even if the opponent only has 5 points now, after winning the pistol round, the Wild Lions can still gain the advantage and successfully win the first three points.

At that time, the score will be 10:8, and the advantage they gained in the first half will not be so obvious.

Before winning, his advantage is only an advantage after all.

So after the encouragement, Meng De also told the players: "Everyone had a good idea in the first half, and we must continue to play according to this momentum."

"However, Wild Lion's performance on the offensive end is still very strong, everyone should be careful."

Meng De looked at Broky, recalled the few criminal props in the first half, and said:

"Especially you, don't throw away props so casually."

Broky waved his hand: "It's okay, I just smashed them up, and I won the game today."

gla1ve next to him gave him a blank look: "What you said is like farting."

"I also said that I will kill 5 people and go to AE tomorrow?"

The rest laughed.

There is nothing wrong with saying this, if you kill five of them, even cheaters can't beat you.

Broky is full of confidence, and the others feel pretty good too.

The big advantage they got in the first half made them very confident now, and they even couldn't wait for the second half to come.

It's just that the next second half didn't go as they wished.

In the second half, the offense and defense were switched, VC came to the defense, and they played one for one on Banana Road in the early stage of the pistol round.

But the follow-up Wild Lion kept making noises at two o'clock in AB, pulling VC back and forth.

In this case, VC's defense was forced to become 2A2B, sharing the existing defensive strength equally.

Wild Lion seized this point and carried out a siege of Area A.

They put pressure on the bunkers from three points: the link, A1, and A2 buildings.

The most deadly problem is that the two people in Area A did not replace even one bandit.

In pistol rounds, marksmanship is more important than tactics.

The opponent occupied the bag, and the two of gla1ve basically lost the meaning of returning to defense. They directly started Baojia and Thunder Clamp to prepare for the next round.

After losing the pistol round, the defender's economy is only at 2000. Even if you don't buy anything in this round, the next round will only add 1900 yuan to the economy.

Even in the third round, they only have an economy of about 3.

An economy of less than 4000 is quite embarrassing for the defender.

Even if they only spend 650 yuan to buy half armor, they still need to have more money to buy props for map control.

Moreover, the firearms of the defenders are relatively expensive, which is too little for them.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, after losing the pistol round, most teams will choose to fight hard.

VC chose to play strong, using the half-armored and full-armored Sandhawks to find some opportunities.

Wild Lions used 4 spears in this round, and the score gap was so large that they were more worried that VC would make a comeback.

With long guns, they can carry out long-distance confrontation, and the possibility of being overturned is smaller.

VC finally lost in the second round of the second half, but kennyS directly knocked out two of them with Sand Eagle in this strong start, and got a Galil, and he directly started to save the gun.

The score came to 10:7.

VCs now need to make an important decision.

"Are we going to shoot after kennyS?" Broky asked.

"I can't start. If I fail to turn over this round, it's over."

gla1ve is very sensitive to the economy.

This round they saved about 2700 economy, if they continue to remember, then they can fall into a cycle of constant strength.

Unless they successfully come back this round.

But it's not that easy to turn around with a short gun.

So he still chose to let kennyS play freely with the Galil he picked up.

kennyS also didn't play too many props.

Although his economy is relatively rich, he still has to save money to buy guns.

"At the beginning, the Wild Lions used grenades to bomb A1. They were worried that someone from the enemy would use Sand Eagles to draw prizes."

"But this round of VC chose the opening of 3B2A."

"The three unarmored USPs came to point B, and kennyS's Galil and Broky's Sand Eagle defended at point A."

Wild Lion knew that VC didn't have a gun, so his actions in the middle were bolder.

After constantly swaying around and searching for spots, they finally determined that there were no people standing at the regular spots in the middle.

Broky set up the link direction at the package point for a while, and seeing that there was no one coming from that direction, he walked over quietly again to explore A1.

But they didn't expect that the opponent was bolder than they imagined in this round. At this moment, they have advanced to touch A1, holding the direction of the bag.

Broky probed towards a1, the head that was sent directly to the door, and was shot by zero Galil, sending the first kill.

"Zero got the first kill, he continued to search for points on the balcony, kennyS happened to be in that position, the two looked at each other, and the battle was about to start."

"kennyS has the advantage of being in cover and successfully won this wave of confrontation."

"Although he got a kill, kennyS, as a single-A CT, has nothing to do now. Facing a lot of flashes, he can only hide in a small pit and forcefully counterattack."

But when the Wild Lions failed to make up the gun in the first wave, they felt that the CT had already defended in place, so they chose to turn to avoid the long gun.

They made sure kennyS was in the pit, so point B is safer anyway.

The bandits came all the way to Banana Road, sealed a police cigarette from Area B, and Ganla launched an attack. They really didn't have many props.

Tig, who was in the police smoke bomb, took advantage of the moment the smoke exploded, pulled it out and grabbed him sideways.

He manages to get a shot to the head, but since he's holding a usp, it doesn't produce a kill.

Another defender in area B1 is gla1ve, who is standing at the coffin with a P250 at the moment.

While the bandits were seduced by Tig from the police, gla1ve took the P250 and swung out to confront the guns.

A bandit just jumped up a box of steps from the stage, gla1ve seized this opportunity to shoot two consecutive shots with P250, one of which successfully headed and took him away.

"The two CTs of the police started a double fight after smoking, but this wave of double fights was not very successful. The people on the flower bed were beaten to death as soon as they showed their heads."

The number of people on the field came to 2v3, and Tig, holding an unarmored usp, was still looking for opportunities.

kennyS had already decided to save his gun, and he still had a Galil in his hand, which he could send to his teammates in the next round.

But gla1ve suddenly had an idea.

"Kenny S, come over and try, see if you can kill one or two of them."

"The economy of this wild lion is not much."

"Tig, you can help kennyS delay here."

"Okay, let's try."

Hearing that gla1ve had an idea, kennyS chose to believe him.

kennyS quickly came to the corridor, used the railing at the end of the corridor to cover himself, and set up a very insidious position.

Tig is leaning against the wall of the back garden, listening to the movement of the bunker.

If there is any footsteps from the other party who wants to leave, he will immediately catch up.

He is an unarmored USP anyway, and his death doesn't have any effect.

But if you can drag the next one, you will make a lot of money.

While Tig was waiting, he finally heard someone wanting to go offstage.

Tig reminded: "KennyS attention, someone wants to go over."

kennyS raised his vigilance, fired directly at the moment the opponent revealed his body, and instantly killed the opponent with Galil.

"It's true that one of them was killed by K Baojia, but there is another bandit in the bunker, can he go away?"

"He was shot in the head by Tig from the side, and kennyS completed another shot from the police house. Only one bandit survived this wave."

"Tig even made a fake voice, trying to drag another back, which is a bit overthinking, and the other side has already run away."

"Then although the Wild Lions won this round, their economy is in a bloodbath!"

Although he won this round, he lost 4 spears.

This caused a glimmer of gloom in the hearts of the Wild Lions.

They underestimated VC
No, this time all the participating teams underestimated VC.

They were not as weak as they were analyzed before the game.

Otherwise, where does this suffocating economic pressure come from?
They won three rounds in a row as the attacking side, but every round was miserable.

Now it's the long gun round. They are the dominant side in the early stage, and one of them has no AK to use.

quit In order to contain the opponent, he must save money to start shooting.

This round of OUT is only a poor full-armor CZ.

Everyone watching this scene in the live broadcast room was a little stunned:

"Who loses!"

Although they knew that VC's continuous shooting would deal a severe blow to their economy, they didn't expect it to be so serious.

It's a bit outrageous to fight with a full-armor pistol in the long gun round.

Moreover, the amount of props of the Wild Lion is not rich, and the props of everyone on the offensive side are scattered and lacking in some cases.

Surrounded by its guns and props, the wild lion rushed to the side passage at the beginning of the game, and controlled the A2 building.

OUT was arranged by them at the front point.

With not many props, they are going to play a second-time fast attack on the second floor this round.

OUT has only one CZ, and they put it in the first position.

The next step is to prepare the bombs. Whether they can succeed or not, the people on the A2 floor are very important!
Unlike the crazy lion's style of play that controls the B area, gla1ve still likes to collect information on the banana road.

Knowing that the opponent's economy is not much, he is wary of speeding up the opponent's B area.

In the early stage, we made a 3B2A start.

Banana Road gave out two anti-rush props, gla1ve took another look and found something was wrong.

"KennyS, hurry back, it's time to hand in the items in Area A, be careful to speed up on the other side!"

While talking, gla1ve stayed on Banana Road for a few seconds, and then started running towards A.

There are too few actions given by the opponent in area B. There is no props given at this node, and there is only one result——

The focus is on A!

After hearing what gla1ve said, Broky immediately handed over the smoke bomb on the A2 floor.

In the next second, he heard the sound of various props.

The people on the opponent's floor A2 rushed out with the flash, but the flash had little effect on him.

Broky just ate a half white.

He took the M4 and fired at the OUT that rushed out of the A2 building, and the opponent died under his gun just as the smoke came out.

"Broky took away the OUT on the A2 floor forcibly, and now the synchronization on the second floor cannot be done!"

"A large group of bandits from A1 started to attack, Broky has already retreated into the small pit, and can only rely on the old sixth Tig to deal with it!"

For Tig, the bad news is that there are too many people coming in from the opponent A1!
But the good news is that the other party came in with his eyes covered after he got the flash of the bandit's own people!
Tig took the Galil thrown to him by kennyS and started shooting.

Zero, who was rampaging around the bunker with white eyes, was directly taken away by him, and he immediately wanted to attack the No.2 bandit.

However, gla1ve has already defended in place and helped to make up the gun successfully.

"This wave of Broky is very critical. He withstood the first bandit on the second floor, so the follow-up pressure was much less. Broky's marksmanship is superb today. He withstood too many key shots."

"Now the three charging bandits have been defeated, and the thunder bag fell on A1, so we can't fight this round."

"A1 also handed in a fire to delay the time, and the linked kennyS got another kill with a big sniper. This shot is so fast."

It was confirmed that Lei Bao was in A1, and the last defender in Area B also rushed over.

In the current situation, they only need to keep the bag.

Their economy is also good, there is no need to do the action of handing over their guns.

quit was quite helpless seeing this scene.

The four teammates his age were all killed in an instant.

And not a single kill came out.

In this impossible endgame, he couldn't find any chance.

The coach of the Wild Lion was originally sitting on the chair in the back with a godlike attitude, but when he saw this scene, he could only helplessly cover his head.

He looked at the only surviving quit, and now he can only believe in miracles.

As he expected, quit didn't intend to save his gun.

It really doesn't make much sense to protect the gun. Relying on the money he saved before, he can still play half of the round if he loses this round.

So he decided to give it a try, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable to get 3 AKs.

quit carefully touched in from the link.

Because of a timing problem, Kenny didn't find him.

"quit walked all the way into the study, but Lin Yi was standing in the recess of the study, quti came out of the study, saw Broky in the big pit, and gave Broky a second!"

"Fortunately, Lin Yi's gun is in place, Broky is stupid, I'm so C, you still don't protect me."

(End of this chapter)

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