CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 264 The Familiar Script

Chapter 264 A Familiar Script (5000 words for tickets)
"Chicken soup here~"

In the hotel officially arranged by the Katowice Major, a group of VCs were chatting casually, while watching the game screen on the big screen.

On the field is their brother team LL struggling hard.

Unlike the situation where Mengde led two teams to win easily, the opponent LL met today was BIKG, which was once defeated by the first team.

The 'Old Six' type sniper who was crushed by S1mple caused LL a lot of trouble today.

Although this 'old six' has a very slow personality, he will not take the initiative to press forward to find opportunities.

But BIKG can use him, and is willing to use him, it is definitely because of his superiority.

In this game, he showed the audience what it means to be terribly stable.

All of his sniper shots today were empty shots. Once someone drifted past his lens, he would die.

In this case, the aggressive LL was killed in various forward pressures, and the overall fight was very uncomfortable.

"This LL is gone!" S1mple said with some regret.

Although the game is not over yet, they are like a bright mirror in their hearts.

LL started to worry.

But BIKG's current personality is very slow as a whole.

The more anxious you are, the more opportunities you will give BIKG.

As S1mple expected, soon LL lost several points in a row, which made them feel a little embarrassed.

"Don't look, come over and drink chicken soup." Meng De said to a large group of people in the battle room while holding a takeaway box.

Hearing this, S1mple immediately got up from the slumped position on the sofa.

"It's so rich today." S1mple took a box of chicken soup with a smile, and then used his mouth to remove the plastic film from the disposable chopsticks.

Just when I was about to speak, I heard the coach's voice:

"Don't drink it all by yourself, share it for two people and eat it separately."

It's not that Meng De is stingy, but the main reason is that there is too much chicken soup, and he can't eat it all at once.

S1mple didn't say anything, picked up a few pieces in the chicken soup box with disposable chopsticks, and poured some soup into his own bowl.

Meimei had to take a sip, and finally warmed up his empty stomach.

"Drinking chicken soup and watching the game, what a beautiful thing!"

S1mple lay down again while drinking the chicken soup.

"You're not afraid to make you fat 4:3." The director ate chicken next to him, and complained about S1mple next to him.

S1mple has a confident smile on his face:
"How is it possible? I exercise hard every day, and it is impossible for me to gain weight."

Speaking of which, S1mple took another mouthful of chicken soup.

Looking at S1mple's increasingly rounded face, the director is not ready to attack S1mple.

Although S1mple does have daily exercise, it is not enough for normal people, it is just a warm-up.

"I envy you, you actually won so easily." At this moment, Broccoli moved closer to the director.

The director smiled and did not deny this sentence.

To be honest, they are a little confused about winning today's game.

According to their judgment, GG shouldn't be so bad, at least it should be more than twice as strong.

VCs are ready even today to just learn.

But the result of the matter was beyond everyone's expectations, and VC has become the biggest beneficiary of the GG team's hip stretching today.

gla1ve added on the side: "Don't think about such a good thing, let's not talk about whether they will stretch their hips next time we meet the GG team."

"Let's say they stretched their hips, do we have the strength to seize this opportunity?"

gla1ve is very rational, so his question hit the nail on the head and hurt people very much.

Translated, he meant that our second team really met GG, even if they gave us a chance, we really might not be able to win.

"It's still clear to gla1ve that the first team won GG, which was unexpected and reasonable." Mengde explained to everyone while drinking chicken soup.

"The strength of the first team, even if they lose to GG, they will definitely win the next two games. There is no pressure on them to enter the legendary group."

Meng De looked at Broky: "But you are different."

"You have little experience in competitions, and there are still big problems in making some judgments and decisions in the competition, so it is still a mystery whether you can enter the legendary group."

It's not that Mengde is not confident enough, it's just that the intensity of this Major is much higher than the previous one, and in the last few days of fighting, anything can happen.

So he needs to let the second team put away that relaxed attitude and put a little pressure on them.

Inside these guys.

Tig's performance is stable, so don't worry too much.

Lin Yi also feels a little like Shroud now.

The three of gla1ve are all big-time players. If you put some pressure on them, at critical moments, they can break through themselves and play at a higher level.

Broky drank the remaining chicken soup in one gulp, and started a wonderful life of browsing the forum.

He wants to see how everyone praises him and makes him happy.

But when I opened the post bar, it was all related to the GG team.

[This GG team is purely for fun, no one will unpack it after killing everyone]

[The business of revitalizing the team is no longer limited to video, they have begun to revitalize in the game]

[After an endgame, they were all punching each other, thinking that their teammates were going to unpack, this wave is too teamy]

[One look at the thimble, identified as a post! 】

Although VC finally won the game, there are still many fans of the GG team who are dissatisfied with the performance of the GG team. It is difficult for them to accept that Match Point lost in this situation.

Many radical fans are saying that the GG team is worthy of being a Grand Slam winner, it is simply not worthy of the championship, and its professional attitude is really bad.

Most of the posts were talking about the game between VC's first team and GG, but with the search of 'Broccoli', he still saw what he wanted to see.

He nodded contentedly and put away his cell phone.

On the big screen, the LL team had lost to BIKG with a score of 8:16, and it was officially announced that they had entered the 1-2 life-and-death stage.

If the LL team loses another game, they will really go home.

Seeing the loss of the LL team, even the normally cheerful Broky couldn't help feeling a little bit sad.

He brought himself into LL's situation, and the pressure in his heart was immediately full.

He couldn't believe how nervous he would be if it was really close to being eliminated.

Then, on the fourth day of the game.

GG completed the achievement of brushing the Huaxia team three times.

He also succeeded in labeling a few people from VC.A as passers-by.

Pure crushing, no power to fight back.

Yesterday Broky imagined how he would face this scene if it really happened.

Now he already knew the answer.

At the same time, in this game, he really saw what kind of strength the world's top group of people is.

The highlight moments of Broky and the others in the game are their normal performances.

The Sand Eagle King on the opposite side even used a Sand Eagle to educate them many times and taught them a hard lesson.

It was the first time for the members of VC.A to experience such a great pressure. After a game, they were all a little delirious.

A complete defeat allowed GG to successfully advance to the top 16, and also brought VC's second team to the final match.

Their score has come to 2-2.

If they win this game, they will be able to advance to the legendary group.

But if they lose, they just declare to go home.

"Welcome to Day 5 of the Katowice Major Challenger Group. I am Henry, the commentator for this game!"

"I'm Johnny, the commentator for this game."

The official English stream commentary simply made an opening remark.

"After four consecutive days of hard work, the challenger competition has come to an end."

"But there are still 6 teams today. They need to compete for the last three places in the legendary group. The winners qualify, and the losers leave. It's very cruel!"

"First of all, today's first match is between the VC.A team from China and the BIKG from the Commonwealth of Independent States."

Henry is well-prepared, and the description of the materials is very familiar:

"The VC.A team, they are the second team of the VC team, led by the same coach."

"If they can win BIKG today, then they can successfully join the VC first team in the legendary group."

"Two teams from the same club entered the Major. This happened in the ancient times of CSGO, but two teams from the same club entered the Legendary group. This has never happened in the history of CSGO."

"If VC.A really wins BIKG, they will break the record that no one has broken since the Major was held."

But Jonny next to him smirked and said:

"But if VC.A really wins this game, they will also become BIKG's nightmare."

"You should know that the last Fog City Major, when VC sent BIKG home, was the same scene."

"So this game, whether it's on or off the field, is full of gunpowder."

The two commentators laughed and told about the history of the two teams, and the players had already started to enter the arena slowly.

The team members of VC.A began to install their own peripherals and debug the machine.

Meng De gave a routine lecture later:
"I think yesterday's game should have put a lot of pressure on everyone, but we have to be clear about our position."

"GG ​​is currently ranked second in the world. It's normal that we can't beat them."

"We are a small team that has just entered the Major. If there is no famous team, we are only the first team to enter the Major."

"You should use the first team as the benchmark, but don't put too much pressure on the existence of the first team."

"Although we can't beat GG, BIKG is not afraid. There is a problem with their overall structure now"

After some lectures, the BP stage of the field began.

Meng De used to guess the boxing game and lost the right to the first round of the game.

BIKG first gave VC's nuclear crisis to BAN. The scene of VC beating FG a few days ago is still vivid. Today's game of life and death, they dare not play casually.

Meng De immediately dismissed the mystery of the dead city.

When it came to the first selection of BIKG, they chose the map of Burning Sand City.

When I came to the VC option, I chose the train when there was no nuclear crisis.

The two sides then moved out Lost Desert City and Death Amusement Park respectively.

In the end, a picture of Purgatory Town was left.

This BP result is a script acceptable to both parties.

After BIKG saw the BP result, he breathed a sigh of relief visibly.

Picture [-] is the scorching sand city they chose, and they have prepared themselves.

Picture [-] is the train that has never been released, their strongest trump card.

If they play well in Figure [-], then there is basically no pressure in Figure [-], and they can take away VC.A in one wave.

"Brothers, it's time for revenge. We lost to VC in the Fog City Major last time. I don't believe we will lose again when we meet their second team this time!"

The contestant nicknamed the librarian next to him said, "I'm flustered by what you said."

"What's wrong?" Qiyu asked.

"Use Huaxia's words to describe your state."

"Now you are like an old general on the stage, with flags on your back."

"Isn't that handsome?" Qiyu said puzzled.

The librarian replied: "But that kind of old general usually finishes that sentence and is about to wrap up."

qiyu: "."

Can you expect me to order something good.

At the order of the referee, everyone started to enter Desert Ash.

The game officially begins.

Map: Burning Sand City

T: steady, library, qiyu, ji3, mnc
CT: gla1ve, kennyS, Broky, Tig, L
"The game has officially started. Let's take a look at the ammunition situation of both sides in the pistol round."

"The first is the VC who is the defensive side. They fired one smoke and two flashes, and the other four are half-armored pistols."

"Besides, BIKG as the offensive side is different. They fired two smoke bombs, three flash bombs, and even sent a P250 to steady." Henry finished analyzing the previous information.

The black commentator Jonny next to him added: "Actually, the P250 in the pistol round originated from the VC first team. Now most professional brothers will give a P250 to the star player in the pistol round, so that he can play better. .”

"But now it's being used on VC itself as well."

Steady is a person who holds a P250 at the beginning and wants to take advantage of the distance to hit the middle gate sand.

The cunning gla1ve has already taken usp to hit the bandit in the middle near the middle gate.

Before Steady went out, he was shot by gla1ve.

If it weren't for the distance decay, gla1ve might have won the first kill.

Even so, it is still very good to be able to cripple the opponent's star player in the early stage.

Steady had no choice but to give up the P250 in his hand to his teammates.

He can also play his steady character perfectly, starting the break.

"The smell of gunpowder is very strong. gla1ve didn't show any kindness, and almost took away BIKG's big brother."

"Fortunately, the bandit's xbox smoke has been put on, which cuts off the police's vision in the middle."

After the xbox smoke bomb was sealed, the rest of the bandits with healthy blood immediately grabbed a wave of Little A and took control of Little A first.

On the defensive side, their position distribution in the pistol round is 212.
Glave swayed behind the middle gate with props to see which area the opponent was going to attack, and was ready to counter-clear with a flash at any time.

The two people in area B retreated into the bunker, and the two people in area A wandered on the aisle.

gla1ve heard a few footsteps above A, and slowly returned to Area A.

"Broky stays in University A, kennyS, you make up for it first."

In the current situation, it is impossible for them to release the buns easily after they are triple-A.

kennyS made it to the bag point, and he didn't peek casually, but stood up and waited for the opportunity to be pulled over.

In this situation, they still try to be more stable. If he breaks this point, there will be cracks in the defensive structure.

Bandits, on the other hand, are smart.

They didn't have any brains to attack A directly, and threw a police cigarette in the middle, and then began to occupy the sand.

The two of them in area B were already huddled in the bunker, and Tig kept shooting at the bandits coming out of the middle in the dog hole.

But after a few shots in a row, he became a little confused.

Because the bandits who came out in the middle had no desire to push them in the face at all.

It seems that he is not worried about the police's return to defense at all.

If you are not afraid of returning to defense, then the only possibility is!

The opponent really wanted to clip B in the middle!

"Be careful in area A, B is a feint attack!" Tig no longer wanted to fight, and retreated directly to the bunker.

He changed a bullet casually and went up to check again.


The middle lane is empty!
"Let's beat A, Lin Yi, let's go!" Tig didn't delay in his movements, and immediately started walking to the police's house.

On the other side, gla1ve, who had received the information in advance, was already waiting.

gla1ve under A's small stage shot continuously, trying to scalp A Xiao Guolu's scalp. Although he didn't succeed, it also attracted the opponent's attention.

kennyS took the opportunity to peek from the bag and successfully drew a head.

After getting a head, he stopped moving and continued to hold the second pass, taking advantage of the cover.

gla1ve's flash in the audience was quickly given.

Following the flash explosion, kennyS immediately pulled out.

The pistol exploded one at a time, and several shots in a row maimed one person.

gla1ve's second flash struck again, although this time he made some mistakes in judging the enemy's position and failed to flash.

But kennyS held the usp, used the cover to sway continuously, and still caught a very good opportunity to fight the gun.

Because the opponent was constantly being shot at by the two policemen under the platform A and platform A, their bullets were slowly consumed in the process. During the continuous shaking of kennyS, they fired the last few bullets in the magazine.

kennyS saw that the opponent had no power to fight back, so he aimed slowly and locked the head precisely.


kennyS got the third kill of this round, and Broky in University A also killed a bandit who sneaked up on him from Gate A.

This time only Steady was left on the offensive side.

Steady, who broke the rear, caught a policeman who wanted to go around during the small firefight of A, and successfully got the kill.

If it's a long gun round, he's already saving his guns.

It's just that this is a pistol round, and he is a bandit. Baojia has no benefit at all, so he can only look for opportunities.

His blood volume was not much, and he didn't have too much expectation this time.

"The dam collapsed on the frontal battlefield. Although Lao Liu got a kill after the middle gate was broken, it was just a drop in the bucket. The general situation is gone!"

"He was shot in the head at the beginning, and now he only has 13 HP left. This 1V4 is impossible for him to complete."

"The police should also know that he has residual blood, so they just need to beat his body."

"steady didn't kill any of them in the end, and lost the pistol round helplessly."

"The 4-on-1 police didn't give a chance. Everyone swayed around in a small position, first defrauded Steady's position, and after confirming it, several people pulled simultaneously."

"Putting several people at the same time, this steady can't handle it at all, and it was played to death."

 I updated 9000 words today, but the whole thing is still a bit stretched, and I will try to work harder tomorrow.

  Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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