CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 270 The best defense is offense!

Chapter 270 The best defense is offense! (5200 words for tickets)
"They don't want to go home, and neither do I!"

Broky's voice came from the battle room, and the audience felt a burst of sadness when they heard it.

Yes, this is the brutal Major.

This game has reached the moment of life-and-death elimination, and if one is not careful, the whole game will be lost.

This is very similar to the arena in ancient Rome, where two soldiers compete in the arena with real swords and guns.

The winner continues to live and continues to fight down.

The loser is covered with a white cloth and declared dead.

There is no other difference in this game except that the loser does not need to cover the white cloth.

Live broadcast barrage:
"Honestly, I cried to death"

"Broky wants to win so badly"

"Broky is brave and invincible!"

"This 1V4 endgame is pissing me off."

"It's unbelievable, brothers, how do you fight if you're hanging up!"

"Hero AK is here!"


The audience talked a lot about this round, but the BIKG players on the scene were stunned.

Actually... Broky really did it?

The librarian was stupid, because he was so shocked that he was in a stunned state now-what's going on, aren't they four against one?How did it become like this?
Broky killed all of them abruptly by himself?

Everyone in BIKG was more or less confused. Borky's endgame was a bit exaggerated, and they were greatly impacted.

This 4-on-1 endgame, in their expectations, was already a winning result.

But because he was too inflated, he didn't pay much attention to Broky, so he chose to go to Area A to find trouble with him, wanting to save trouble.

The results of it?
Even if they shifted to the B area to place a bag, it stopped the team from continuing to fall into a bad situation.

But how did Broky get into the smoke of the police house, and why did he return to defense so quickly?
They couldn't figure this out.

Moreover, what is the last instant kill that turned around!

Can you do some operations that normal people can understand?

The BIKG players ordered a timeout, and their personal ability turned a winning game, and their mentality was greatly affected.

On the other side, the morale of several people in VC.A has been raised.

Broky's performance in this endgame won a round, which greatly inspired his teammates.

"You are amazing, Broccoli!" Even gla1ve, who is usually very stable, praised Broky.

Mengde standing behind grabbed Broky's shoulders and shook them a few times:

"That's how we fight. As long as we put enough pressure, we will definitely be able to come back."

gla1ve added: "Yes, we need to put more pressure on the opponent so that they don't have the chance to suddenly pull."

"If they lose in a row, they will collapse themselves!"

This round also made gla1ve figure it out. For this kind of uneasy team playing cards, their previous conservative style of play is no longer feasible.

The 40-second timeout ended, and gla1ve was quick to test out his ideas in-game.

As he expected, under the pressure of gla1ve and the others, the opponent's unconventional actions in the early stage would not be effective at all.

But it was more of Broky's round that brought confidence to the players.

kennyS also played well, and he used a big sniper to get kills in the middle for several consecutive rounds.

The situation began to reverse unknowingly, and now BIKG has fallen into a situation where the hand feeling is not good, and they are racking their brains to find a way.

However, the second half of the first half passed quickly.

After being overturned by Broky, the opponent didn't even get a point, and the score came to 8:6.
The final game of the first half is approaching, only one step away from the small goal set by VC.

As long as they win this final game, they won't have so much pressure in the second half.

And this round is very beneficial to them, gla1ve has already calculated it, and the opponent's economy is very embarrassing, so they can only do a wave of strong play.

"Brothers, we just need to hold on to this one, BIKG's economy is blown up, just don't get shot in the face with a short gun." gla1ve asked.

But the situation between the two sides reminded kennyS of a long-standing tactic of VC.

"gla1ve, should we try the tactic of letting go of the B pack?"

"The tactic of letting go of the B site?" gla1ve didn't understand for a while, but after thinking about it carefully, his eyes lit up:
"It seems to be possible!"


"Brothers, team A has overtaken the score." Cole said happily looking at the numbers on the screen.

"The current score is 8:6. In the second half of the first half, Team A started their continuous point chasing mode, and BIKG didn't get a single point."

Niu Niu next to him shook his head and added: "BIKG has no money here, and VC is likely to get the ninth score."

"The three of Banana Road started the game, and directly lost a wave of mines. This is a lot of pressure."

"Three people guard B, they didn't rush to the front, so they should be more stable." Niu Niu wanted to judge their thoughts from VC's actions.

However, Niu Niu will soon be slapped in the face by his own words.

Because they saw that after throwing the first round of props, the trio in area B turned around and walked towards the police's house.

Niu Niu was dumbfounded: "What's the situation, why don't you watch Area B?"

I saw the trio in Area B slowly and quietly returning to the defense in Area A, betting on a 5A position.

Coke was also confused: "Is this area B alone? I have been explaining for so many years, and I really don't understand this round."

Some impatient barrage audiences have already started to spray:
"Is this VC.A eating food, acting like this?"

"How can there be such a gambling point, and the economy is not bad, there is no need for props at all!"

"My whole life is black, this VC.A really impresses me, I smiled"

"Really don't deserve to win"

"What is the hook eight?"

...It's no wonder they couldn't understand it. Many professional players who watched this game were stunned.

Icarus, the world's best betting conductor, was stunned:

"How can there be such a gamble, it's too forced."

I saw that the BIKG troops on the screen began to give a round of props on the banana road to clear the near points.

At the moment, Area B is empty. As long as BIKG is not hesitant, Area B can be successfully captured with a wave of explosive bombs.

Everyone in gla1ve set up the default in Area A, and did not do anything redundant.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is a wave of very serious bets.

BIKG on the other side passed a wave of explosive bombs, successfully entered point B, and started to download packages.

BIKG can't figure it out either, they probably never thought of it in their life.

I started eco, but I was able to enter the bunker unscathed.

I have never fought such a smooth battle in my life.

But Icarus in the hotel suddenly exclaimed, causing several teammates next to him to look over.

"I understand this tactic of VC.A!"

Icarus put his head in his hands, he realized it!

"Look at BIKG's props. They have almost used up the props in this wave of explosive bombs and inventory, and only two flash bombs are left."

"After the offensive and defensive swap, they have no defensive props!"

Icarus pointed to VC.A and the others in the projection and said:

"If you regard these people as bandits now, and they are about to bomb B once, will they be under a lot of pressure?"

"Fuck! x4"

The members of AKA seem to have discovered a new world.

Not only them, many professional players who watched the game were surprised by VC's whimsy.

They discovered that the game can still be played like this!


Hearing the explosion of two smoke bombs in area B, gla1ve led the large team to the banana road.

Their props are well stocked, so they don't need to expand from multiple angles.

Just hit Huanglong directly.

Qiyi flashed behind the stone slabs on Banana Road, and when he heard footsteps, he wanted to fight against Qing.

But in an unexpected situation, the teammate's flash was a little slower, causing gla1ve to rush to the face, sweeping and killing him.

This time, the players of the non-professional team also understood VC's thoughts.

"Sorry, I was wrong, it turns out that VC tactics are in the atmosphere"

"Is this VC trying to attack again from Banana Road?"

"Man, am I watching a comeback game?"

"I'm tired of beating the police, so I'll experience what it's like to be a bandit in advance. It's amazing."

"Turn the unknown into the known"

"This wave is to gain the initiative in reverse."


After winning the first kill, VC immediately started his own bombing.

Police cigarettes, coffin smoke, one box of fire, three boxes of fire, the flash of the package...

A lot of props hit the face, only the hair dryer and Tec-9 bandits found themselves fooled.

I was caught in the urn!

VC used props to clear the left side of the bunker site. After they rushed in, they only needed to clear the right side of the bunker site.

Steady is wrapping the pillars with a hair dryer.

In the case of medium distance, this hair dryer has no advantage at all.

Soon he was instantly killed by the police who rushed in.

The ji3 in the coffin was pulled out horizontally to help share the pressure, but all VC members had set up their guns, and he just fired a single shot before being shot away.

The people in the smoke of the police house just moved a little, and they were killed by Glave's strafing smoke.

In an instant, only mnc in the coffin smoke was left.

Just now they were two people hiding in the smoke together.

He seized an opportunity to rush out, and killed kennyS next to the box at the dead point with two shots, then quickly sucked in the big sniper and ran into the smoke.

But if he wants to run, it depends on whether VC will let him run!
"mnc is trying to jump to avoid bullets, but gla1ve's smoke is too deadly!"

"I finally understand that the best defense is offense!" Coke understood everything.

"If BIKG were to play in Zone A, the five of them would gamble there and defend with iron barrels, so it would be impossible for you to get in."

"If you're going to attack Area B, you know that you don't have a lot of money. VC can turn defense into offense and use a wave of explosive bombs to beat them in."

"Besides, this is the final game of the first half, even if you give BIKG a bag, it won't hurt!"

"Put your bag however you want, the first half is over!"

Niu Niu next to him couldn't hold back, and laughed: "But this wave of tactics is really a bit abstract, subverting our cognition."

"They are the defensive side this round, and when they return to the defense, a wave of explosive bombs is really exactly the same as when they were bandits."

"Police smoke, coffin smoke, three boxes of fire, one box of fire, the props are exactly the same as the attacking side."

"This VC's tactics are so interesting, the style is exactly the same as Cao Bandit's style of play, it's too abstract."


After winning the final round of the first half, everyone in VC finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they stumbled in the first half, at least their small goal was completed.

They scored 9 points in the first half.

With these 9 points scored, if they win the pistol rounds in the second half, they will only need a few long gun rounds to win.

In the map of the small town, when the police get 7 points, they can fight, if they get 8 points, they can pass, and if they get 9 points, they can be regarded as excellent.

The advantage in the first half made them very satisfied. As long as the next pistol round can be successfully played, then this game basically has no worries.

"After a short half-time break, the game came to the pistol round in the second half."

"With the current score, the pistol round in the second half is crucial. If VC.A wins, they can take advantage of the trend to open the score and gain a huge advantage."

"But if BIKG wins, then VC's advantage in the first half may be gone."

"So in this critical game, both sides must not be sloppy." Coke explained the cause and effect to the audience.

The pistol round started in the second half, gla1ve didn't make too many arrangements, and sent a P250 to Broky, who was feeling overwhelmed, and then added a smoke and a flash.

At the beginning, the gun is still the default, and each uses information to find opportunities.

There is no problem with VC.A's item coordination, but the steady economy of BIKG made several commentators a little strange.

"Why didn't Steady pay for anything? Do you want to go back and buy it again?"

They were a little puzzled. Although professional guys basically aimed at the head in the pistol rounds, not all of the professional guys were headshot machines, and the frequency of hitting the body was still very high.

If you don’t buy armor, once you get hit on your body, the whole person’s camera will shake, and you can’t keep facing the gun at all.

If you need to buy props, there is nothing you can do, tactical needs.

But he didn't buy anything, which is a bit puzzling.

Followed steady all the way to Banana Road, got Broky's first bullet.

Steady found out by himself that he didn't buy armor.

This is not a special arrangement, it's just that they were beaten out of their minds.

Relying on the fiery feeling in his hand and a P250 in his hand, Broky confronted Banana Road very bravely.

Steady was a good thing at first, but because he didn't buy armor, he was shot through behind the plank at the beginning of the game, and his blood volume became crippled, so he had to retreat and give up the right to close firefights.

Broky didn't continue to push forward, because their attack direction was no longer bananas.

He is just a decoy to release information.

gla1ve said: "Broky, keep making some noise, we're going to fly out after we clear the second floor."

Broky nodded, and continued firing his gun at the slate.

On the other side, gla1ve and the others easily controlled the A2 floor, and then gla1ve was in the middle, ready to throw a flash that flew to the second floor.

"The bandits have already taken their positions in Building A2. Whether we can fight this wave of defense depends on how well the two police officers from Area A fight each other."

"Qiyu from Dakeng didn't get the flash, but his marksmanship was a bit wrong, and he couldn't get a kill after clicking for a long time!"

"He's finished now, kennyS killed him after landing!"

But just after kennyS killed qiyu in the big pit, he was stolen sideways by the dotted bullets.

"There are still some buns!" kennyS shouted.

When Tig heard the words, they immediately started to break out, and Glock came close to close combat, and the advantage was huge.

They still managed to get the second kill.

BIKG realized that Area A was attacked and quickly returned to defense.

They were happy for a second to see that the other party didn't throw away the partition cigarette. They can order A1 from the study room.

gla1ve's partition smoke was given in the second time.

Almost after they took down the bag, the cigarette just hit the ground.

This kind of smoke will be a bit dangerous. If there is a third person in area A, the link can cause damage to the bandits rushing out of A1 and A2.

The smoke did not fall for the first time, so their safety could not be guaranteed.

However, he is harmful, and naturally he has his role.

The smoke basically exploded when the thunder bag was put down.

It can fill up the 15 seconds of smoke, making it very difficult for the opponent to return to defense.

Moreover, Broky also came to the side of the middle lane near the link after the explosive bombs in Area A started.

His timing was very clever. When he just pulled the link from the middle lane, he saw the policeman in the study just coming out, just above Broky's crosshair.

Broky shot without hesitation and successfully got the first headshot kill of this round.

He hung up the link for a few seconds, but didn't see any desire to come out from the other side.

He turned around and walked toward Banana Road.

"I'm going to hand over my guns, you guys keep your bags." Broky left a sentence and started charging with the P250 in hand.

The opponent wants to save their armor and prepare for the next round.

Borky was hit by a shot of armor in the opening match, and they must buy full armor after winning the pistol round.

His incomplete half-armor can no longer be upgraded for 350 yuan.

So even if he made a mistake in handing in his gun and was knocked out, he would just lose a P250.

But if you get a kill, you can greatly increase your winning rate in the next few rounds.

Broky rushed all the way to the stone slab of the banana road, and he slowed down.

He took the P250, carefully previewed, and did not give up a single regular position.

Soon, he found an enemy standing on the left side of the sandbag.

With small adjustments, the P250 will find the enemy with one shot.


The P250 bullet blasted the enemy's head, adding another head to Broky's scoreboard.

Both the Thunder Claw and the Flash were knocked down, Broky was not in a hurry, because he felt that the opponent would come to find a way to pick up these two things with a high probability.

And gla1ve is already coming from the police house, there is still some time.


The last policeman had already struck first.

Broky started counterattacking early.

The two shot at each other a few times, and finally Broky squatted down and shot into the soul, successfully getting the last kill in the pistol round.

Watching the number on the big screen change to two digits, Broky raised his fist and punched gla1ve next to him.

"Brothers, I'm awesome! It's another triple kill, and the opponent will be knocked out by me."

Seeing Broky winking, gla1ve said speechlessly:

"If you still hit me so hard next time, then I guess the other side is not dizzy, and I will retire early."

Hearing this, Broky, who had been bullied just now, withered away.

He stroked his head and smiled sarcastically: "It's not that scary, I just exercised a little more recently."

gla1ve rolled his eyes: "Got it, you don't call it fitness, you cheat meals every day, right?"

The others couldn't help laughing when they heard this, remembering Broky's takeaway diary at the club.

Other people's fitness is to have a cheat meal occasionally to reward themselves.

Broky is Crazy Thursday. If KFC has a golden VIP, it must have Broky's name.

When the situation is good, the mood of several people is not so depressed.

But after chatting, several people turned their attention to the game again.

For them, it is just an advantage now.

There is no moment when the game is over, the advantage is just a process.

Their next goal is to take down BIKG in one go!

 Still today.

(End of this chapter)

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