CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 273 Suffocating Grouping

Chapter 273 Suffocating Grouping

After the happy supper that day, the VC team went back to eating regularly.

The reason why they dared to go outside so suddenly was because there were a few days of rest between the challenger group and the legend group, which allowed them to adjust briefly.

In the next few days, they will practice all the previous tactics and strive to perform better this time.

The first team played so smoothly in the challenger group this time, and Meng De was a little confused.

Meng De, the strength of the second team, is Menqing. In this round of 16 in Katowice, he should be ranked among the last few, and he is completely experienced.

However, Katowice's 16-to-8 match is still the Swiss system.

It also gives them a little chance.

Because of the Swiss system, it is possible for strong teams to start BO3 ahead of time, so if they are lucky, they are not without a chance.

It's just that this chance is too slim.

With the end of the challenger group competition, the official guessing activity has also come to the legend group competition.

The VCs who had been training for a day now had nothing to do to discuss the quiz.

"16 into 8, it's so hard to choose, brothers!" S1mple said casually while sitting cross-legged on the gaming chair.

"It doesn't matter if I choose this one. The main reason is that I'm very nervous about the lottery waiting for a while. If one of them is not drawn well, it will be a big problem." gla1ve replied.

For the Swiss system, the importance of the first draw is self-evident.

Several people changed their lottery results, but it was only caused by nervousness.

Broky said his suggestion: "First put our two teams below, and then put AKA, GG, Poseidon, and AE..."

"There are two more?" kennyS asked casually, the previous ones are all right, everyone is similar.

"You don't choose YSG? Be careful that ogres eat you!"

Broky shook his head in disdain: "It's not necessarily true, YSG may really overturn."

YSG is the old club of gla1ve and the second in command in Denmark.

Among them, the star player SRM in the team, because he often makes hyperthyroidism during the highlights of the game, has attracted a lot of fans, so he is one of the most famous funny players in the CSGO professional circle.

The team is currently ranked 7th in the world.
The strength of this team fluctuates quite a lot, and they are a typical research team.

For those old strong teams, they can use professional coaches to analyze the team and find very clear targeted ideas in a short time.

That's why they can often put down the top teams in the world.

But there are often scenes of being blown away by some less-than-famous teams.

In China, CSGO fans have a nickname for this team-Xia team.

Because their approach is simply a model in martial arts movies, eliminating the strong and helping the weak.

You will never know where his strength is today.

This is why Broky said that YSG may not necessarily qualify.

"If you don't choose YSG, who do you choose?" kennyS asked.

"The Finnish skaters and the Angry Bears of the CIS." Broky replied, "The Finnish system looks very stable, and the Angry Bears of the CIS, his big brother Angel is very unlucky in the game, but this guy really breaks through. It's fierce."

"Couldn't you be better than him?" Meng De came over and patted Broky on the shoulder.

"I'm sure I'm not afraid of him, I want to be the number one in the world, no one deserves it." Broky said nonchalantly.

"Why do you feel that you, the number one in the world, can't beat the director." S1mple insulted him.

Broky immediately bluffed, and wanted to find the director to fight one-on-one, let them see who is the stronger breakthrough player.

"Okay, the lottery has almost started." Mengde dragged a chair over from the side, and then motioned for Broky to open the lottery page.

"Brother Qiang, turn on the camera, and help me record the lottery."

They didn't have this link before, but a few days ago, he saw their fan base gradually growing, and he began to think about interacting with fans.

Although they are not as good as GG, it is still good for fans to see the daily life of the players.

They turned on the live broadcast, and the host was already introducing the game.

Broky took off the earphones, adjusted the volume to the maximum, and used it as a simple stereo.

"After the fierce duel in the first round, the confrontation between old and new in the challenger group is over."

Familiar team logos began to flash across the screen.

"First of all, GG from the European Union, the No. [-] seed in the European division, although they were eliminated early in the last Major, but this time GG has the help of MUWO. In the challenger group, they lost to After VC, everything else is overwhelming!"

The wonderful performance of the GG team in this competition also began to appear on the screen, and MUWO's baby Sand Eagle appeared many times.

"From the Asian division, the old legend group VC!"

On the screen, S1mple and others appeared excited about breaking into the legendary group in the Fog City Major last year.

Everyone was laughing loudly.

In fact, the competition team didn't want to put in the material of a Major, because the performance of the first VC team this time was too mediocre.

Even after entering the top 16, it felt like he had won a ladder match, without any fluctuations in his heart.

"And then, a team from the Asian division, VC.A!"

"This new star team has appeared in front of us since this winter, and their whimsical ideas always surprise us."

The strange tactics of VC began to appear on the screen.

Some other teams from behind also appeared one after another, making a debut in front of all the audience.

It wasn't until all the teams were introduced that the camera turned to the studio again.

I saw that the team logos of 16 teams had been prepared on the table.

The host next to him said: "Next, we will invite a guest to draw us the first day's battle situation."

Soon, everyone was more curious about who would be invited today.

The ancient master lion was invited last time, which has exceeded their expectations, so what about this time?

The camera showed the door of the studio, the door handle was slowly opened, and a man with glasses appeared in front of the camera.

Although he wears glasses, he still can't stop him from being handsome.

The domestic live broadcast room exploded in an instant:
"Damn it, Team Su!"

"Brother Xingzi went to Katowice?"

"I have tears in my eyes, the youth I once had!"

Not only domestic live broadcast rooms, but also foreign discussions are very hot.

As great gods in ancient times, Su Xing and Lion were benchmarks at that time.

The two fought against each other in the same event, and staged many exciting games for the audience.

However, with Su Xing's retirement, that era has finally come to an end.

However, they were also the idols of many people.

That thing, in almost no game, everyone's ID has one or two about them, which is enough to see the charm of the two of them off the field.

"Fuck, I'm a god!" The little ghost shouted from the side, "Su team, give me some strength when you draw lots!"

As the new generation of professional brothers, many people of their age grew up watching the games of the ACE gang.

So there is nothing wrong with that.

The director next to him said, "Legendary player, I didn't expect to see him again in the form of a spectator."

"Look at the lottery," Meng De said.

Su Xing has been in contact with this person before, except that he likes to say half of every time he talks, everything else is pretty good.

Awakening in the studio has put all the team logos into a bag with the Katowice Major logo on it.

After putting them all in, shuffle them out of order.

Su Xing took out one at random, opened the bag, and put the A4 page with the team logo in front of the audience.

Although the blue team logo is on the A4 paper, it is not the two teams of VC, but the Poseidon from North America!
Everyone became nervous. The Poseidon team is in the middle of the top 16. No matter who draws them, it is an acceptable result.

Su Xing put the Poseidon team logo on the small blackboard next to it, and then started to draw the second one.

This time, it was still a team with a blue team logo.

"It's us!"

The team logo of the VC first team appeared in it.

The VC was drawn out so quickly, and the result was quite satisfying to everyone.

This opponent's strength is not bad, and the guys in the first team also want to try, whether they can achieve a good result against Sea God this time.

They want to use their performance to verify their improvement in the past six months on Sea God.

Soon he woke up and drew several teams one after another, and finally the team logo of VC.A was also drawn.

VC's team logo as a whole is a huge "cut" character. The whole team logo is mainly blue and white, and the first team is mainly white, with blue as a supplement.

The second team is just the opposite, with blue as the main color and white as the supplement.

The one drawn this time is the official VC.A team logo.

Su Xing put the VC.A team logo on the blackboard. At this time, the lottery has come to an end, and there are not many remaining teams.

Tig murmured to the side: "The wild lion! The wild lion! The wild lion!"

But the team logo that appeared from the bag in Su Xing's hand was a clown!
GG from the EU!

Broky lay down directly on the gaming chair:

"Really? Come again!"

They fought GG once in the challenger group, and they were crushed and beaten all the way, without any power to fight back.

If they really want to win, it depends on how far the opponent can stretch their hips.

You must know that although the GG team is the world's number one active brigade, their strength is really not the result of active work.

The Sand Eagle on the opposite side is even higher than S1mple's.

Everyone in the hotel knew that the first day of the game of the second team was coming to an end.

The strength of the second team is considered poor in the entire top 16.

The game on the first day is basically a certainty. If you lose the game on the first day, the difficulty will only become more difficult after that.

"It's a bad thing!" kennyS said painfully.

Although they also have confidence in themselves, recognizing their current situation is also part of their strength.

GG beat them up a few days ago, if they still think they can beat GG.

That's not self-confidence, but stupidity!

The kid patted kennyS on the shoulder: "I take that back, Team Su's luck really stinks."

He looked at kennyS sympathetically. In the first match against GG, the situation of the second team was very serious.

Even if they face GG on the first day, the situation will not be easy.

At most, they have a few percent more winning percentage than the second team.

Several people were discussing how to deal with GG, but the game time was approaching, and they couldn't be too busy even if they studied overnight.

Su Xing quickly helped all the teams find their home.

After the draw of the game, there was an uproar on the Internet.

 Today, the monthly water friend competition organized by the group has started again. I will play one game today. If I play fast, there will be another chapter in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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