CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 276 A Slow Play

Chapter 276 The Slow Rhythm

The pistol round was lost, and the defense's economy was low, so Watermelon organized his teammates to play half-armor pistols.

This is also the most common operation after CT loses today, and it is mainly a matter of economic planning.

If you directly eco in this round, then the economy in the third round will only be in the early 4000s.

In the early 4000s, even if you don't buy a full armor, just buy a half armor, plus a 3100 yuan supplementary gun, then you don't have much money to buy props.

If the map is Purgatory Town, you can still play like that.

After all, the structure of the map is small, and a submachine gun can also play a miraculous effect.

But this map is Lost City in the Desert, and most of his anti-gun distances are in the middle distance, and the submachine gun is not so effective.

In the second round, S1mple got a bird sniper, thinking about causing some trouble for the opponent in the middle.

The bandits rely on their own wealth, and use props to keep control of the middle lane, preventing VC from getting information about the middle lane.

In the end, he used a wave of bombs in area A to win this round.

Although the director beat two people in A1, and the kid also managed to get a kill, it was still too difficult for S1mple to leave the end game.

In the end the round was lost.

After losing the strong start game, VC directly came to eco to adjust the economy. Even though S1mple survived the strong start game and saved a sniper, it still had little impact on the situation.

The opponent knows that S1mple has a bird sniper, and the smoke and flashes in the middle are very respectful.

The game also came to the first long gun round of the first half.

S1mple also got a big sniper as he wished.

After the countdown ended, S1mple went straight to the VIP with a big sniper.

Because he knew that the opponent had been throwing VIP cigarettes in the first few rounds, S1mple threw a fire into the VIP at the beginning of the game.

He threw the fire ahead of time, and if the opponent threw the VIP smoke, he could use the mechanism of the smoke to extinguish the fire, causing a one-way smoke to come out.

S1mple doesn't want to take advantage of this one-way smoke, he needs to make the bandits afraid of the middle lane, and let the other party know that this VIP is a one-way smoke, so don't mess around.

He can use this fire to delay the opponent's map control time.

Their mid lane control map is not just that.

The position of the director this round is the closest to the VIP, and he immediately jumped out of the VIP.

Holding the M4, I was ready to do a forward press.

S1mple was ready to cooperate with the director's forward pressure, but the bandit's mid-lane control made them a little suspicious.

Because the VIP fire he threw was not extinguished, and the other party only threw one to light a cigarette, it seemed that he didn't intend to pass the sandbag immediately.

"Director, be careful, someone in the middle may shoot at the back."

Having said that, S1mple still shines after being thrown by the director.

The director came to the area near the bandit's entrance in the middle passage, and was reminded by S1mple. He began to preview carefully, guarding against the position where the opponent could stand.

In his constant preview, he finally met the other party's eyes.

"The director took the initiative to go forward, but he was inferior in firearms. The director shot Aloha first, but he only had an M4 in his hand, and was shot back by the opponent's AK47. Aloha was too deadly."

"Getting the first kill at the beginning is very flattering to Seagod, so in this case, they directly started to go through the process of bombing."

"All the staff returned to Area A, ready to start a bomb."

One person was lost in the early stage, and VC can only make a mid-term judgment.

With this kind of numerical disadvantage, you can either gamble or counter-pressure to get information.

Watermelon chose the betting point and called S1mple back to Area B, leaving a kid stuck in Area A alone.

The kid thought for a while, he only had a Famas in his hand, if the opponent really bombed A, he would definitely not be able to catch it at the police house.

It's better to make the fault tolerance higher and take the initiative to go into the jungle.

If the opponent really hits B, he can make up defense immediately.

When the two people in the commentary saw VC's position, they knew that this round was over.

The opponent's bomb exploded in area A, and all the gun lines of the VC are connected at this angle, which is difficult to deal with.

The three most common smoke bombs in Area A exploded, and the Poseidon team was very detailed, losing the sandwich fire, the bench fire, and the fire under the second floor.

The kid knew that there was a high probability that he would be gone this round, but he still wanted to fight.

He took the initiative to mix into the smoke of the platform link, and waited quietly until the other party ordered the bag.

Two seconds after the "didi" sounded, the fire on the bench next to it gradually dissipated, and the little ghost turned into a ghost in the smoke, and walked out of the link smoke.

This round, Sea God dropped an A1 bag on the other side of the short box, which happened to be exposed to the kid's sight.

The little ghost Famas shot, and without anyone noticing him, he easily knocked out the bandits.

Seeing that the thunder bag fell, the kid didn't want to be greedy for a gun, and just slipped away. He just did the operation just to kill the bag bandit and delay time.

Once the goal is achieved, there is no need to continue to knock the gun.

Poseidon was a little dumbfounded. They searched all the positions of the site, and confirmed that VC was not guarded.

They speculate that VC has gambled a bit in Area B, and they are a little lax.

I didn't know that VC still has such a thing as mixing smoke and catching timing.

Several people pointed their guns at the smoke, but the little ghost was agile and retreated into the jungle.

Nobita and the two looked at it, how could this situation seem to have another chance.

"Is there a chance?"

"The Poseidon's props are almost handed in, now as long as VC can fight this wave of counterattacks, they can take them!"

"EZboy changed positions, put a police bag, and the return to defense officially began."

"Xigua and Sanji went to the police's house to search and return to the defense. The double S team probed forward inside the arch. This return to defense seems to have hope again."

"Hengla, the bandit behind the long box, wanted to take a look at the police, but was immediately killed by the kid. Famas knocked on the head continuously, good marksmanship!"

S1mple was already in position with the big sniper on the link, he first went to the A2 floor to seal the smoke, blocking the field of vision of the second floor investigation.

Then stand still and let the teammates go forward to find someone. There is not much time, and they must seize the opportunity.

The two policemen directly spread out to get the information, and the location was found in Aloha on the second floor.

Aloha killed the watermelon in seconds, but the kid's shot came very quickly.

The bandit at the dead point also wanted to pull out to fill up the gun, but was shot and killed by S1mple who jumped off the platform.

To be precise, he was shot dead by a sniper the moment he showed his head.

However, the opponent's gun line was drawn wide, and the last bandit was left at A1. He completed the task that the bandit at the dead point had not completed, and made up for the kid.

In a 2v1 endgame, there is still an advantage in terms of numbers, but there is not much time, VC has to hurry up, they don't have lightning clamps!

"I'll go find him, you unpack." In a critical situation, S1mple said directly.

As he spoke, he immediately moved and jumped off the platform.

He knew the other side would hear his position, but he wasn't afraid of it.

Now the close game is to see whose reaction is faster.

S1mple took a few steps forward with a large sniper in his hand. He didn't plan to open the scope for this kind of close-range confrontation.

He moved a little bit to the right with the big sniper and the small body. The enemy of the opponent A1 had already seen his position and couldn't help but fire.

S1mple retreated after taking a bullet, and then made a big pull.

Snipe the location of the A1 box in advance.


【VC.S1mple killed NP.fish men with a blind sniper】

The packaged sanji is already unpacking, and the time is just enough.

"In half a second, it was almost impossible to dismantle it. S1mple's decisive attack made the fish men have nowhere to escape."

"S1mple is also one of the representatives of aggressive players. As long as he has the opportunity, he will basically take the initiative to do it, and rarely pay attention to the fault tolerance rate."

"Then the first long gun round in the first half was won by VC. They stabilized the situation and got better."

The commentator believes that the rhythm on the field has been brought back by VC.

But what happened in the next few rounds was beyond their expectations.

VC's players are still a bit slow, they are still adapting to the opponent's offensive rhythm.

For several consecutive rounds, neither S1mple nor the director found a good output environment.

The score was beaten to 1:6 by the opponent.

The game was also called a timeout.

"How does it feel to you guys?" Meng De didn't explain the problem, but asked a question.

"The gun is a bit ruthless, but there are not many tactical things. Basically, it is to get the advantage to fight a wave." Watermelon replied.

In this case, Mengde will know how to fight in the future.

"I looked at the middle lane. S1mple couldn't get the control of the middle lane for many consecutive rounds. We just let go of it. S1mple, you try to jump the B small or jump the arch, steal a first kill, you are still playing too much A little more stable."

"If it's not enough to rely on S1mple alone this round, then we will defend the middle lane, push the two sides, and take the initiative to obtain map control and information."


Before the start of the game, domestic audiences had great expectations for VC, but the current situation is not ideal, and many black spots have jumped out of the barrage.

"I just said that VC is a fish frying team. The challenger group is so strong, but once it gets to the legend group, it collapses."

"That's right, you're so bullish in the Challenger group, and when you hit the front line in the Legendary group, you'll pull your hips straight away."

"How could it be possible to beat the North American Gunmen's team? This time, it's revealed."

Some VC fans rebutted, but under the current situation, there is no good point to refute.

They can only hope that VC can play better in the game, and shut up these sunspots!

At 1 minute and 55 seconds, the countdown ended, and S1mple rushed towards the VIP without stopping.

He obeyed the coach's arrangement and directly showed a wave of jumping B small.

Poseidon threw a smoke in the middle, and there was a huge gap at the edge of the smoke.

S1mple didn't take the big sniper straight, because they knew it.

European games are different from Asian games.

They will throw a flash first, and then go to pull the point across.

S1mple waited quietly with a big sniper, and finally let him hear the sound of flashes exploding in the middle.

After hearing the flash explosion, S1mple immediately pulled out, scouted the enemy and opened fire.

The kill in the upper right corner also tells the audience that the first kill has occurred.


There was an encouraging voice in VC's voice.

Continuously being chased for points, they said that it is impossible not to feel depressed.

But my job is still not forgotten.

After Sanji got a kill in S1mple, he added a smoke to the B2 floor to prevent someone from the opponent's B2 floor from coming out to catch timing.

From God's perspective, Aloha is behind the smoke in Building B2 at this moment. He wanted to speed up but was stopped by the smoke.

After getting the first kill, S1mple did not stay for long.

Now adding that he has three members in Zone B, the defensive strength is a bit too heavy.

And his big sniper needs to contribute more to the team.

S1mple returned to the defense and came to area A, and directly stopped at the police house.

In the current situation, they no longer move around.

Under the most basic default position, Area A also made a little thought.

The director guarded alone in the jungle, showing the VIP and the arch.

S1mple is at the police house, holding A1 and A2.

And the little ghost is a very chicken thief and has to be in the box on A1 close to A2, and go straight to the A2 floor.

If someone pulls out from A1, S1mple will finish one shot, and the kid can turn around and give S1mple another shot.

It's just that this kind of position really needs S1mple's performance.

If S1mple's first shot is empty, the kid basically has no chance to turn his head.

After thinking about it, he changed to building A2 and went down.

"The time has come to 40 seconds, Sea God must attack."

"They took a 22-kick, the two came out of the sewer alone, and the two walked A1 to prepare for an attack. This is to hit the arch to clip A."

"A B small fire, a long box of cigarettes, the action is done enough, and the sea god rushes to the arch to attack first."

Sea God's idea is very simple. They know that there is a high probability that there will be a big sniper in Area A, and they want to protect themselves first and take down the jungle.

If jungle wins, they can kill VC's back defense. Even if the number swap is not dominant, they can still have a chance to revitalize it.

They speeded up and charged towards the jungle, only to find that someone in the jungle was confronting them.

"Director Famas shot one first, retracted the cover and then pulled it out horizontally. The other party wanted to catch him and burn him, but he found the opportunity!"

"This wave of directors hit two Famas with one blow, and they all got headshots. How ruthless!"

The director finished dealing with the two people in the arch, and now S1mple knew that the other two should be in A1.

At the same time, the kid downstairs in A2 also spoke to confirm his thoughts.

"Two of A1, they want to kill me!"

S1mple heard the words, and pulled out with a large sniper.

Sure enough, the two bandits in A1 were holding props in their hands and were throwing them in the direction of the short box.

This simple sniper S1mple hits easily when the opponent has no defense at all.

After S1mple shot one, he didn't continue to greedy for guns.

"He should have looked at me, kid, catch me."

The little ghost moved instantly when S1mple spoke.

He climbed up the stairs from downstairs in A2, and a bandit in A1 was looking at the long box.

When the opponent was unprepared, the kid easily took the head.

"We still have to rely on the two big brothers of VC. This made the two big brothers get four kills and made a lot of contributions to the team."

"A timeout from the coach helped them find the problem, but whether they can score consecutively is the key issue."



S1mple exhaled a foul breath, and bumped fists with the brothers next to him.

Sure enough, the coach's idea hit the nail on the head.

The teammates also worked hard this round, they won the round without dropping a spear.

Although there is still a gap in the score, it is a good start.

It seemed very difficult to gain an advantage in the first half, but with a few more points, they can still play against the slow heat.

(End of this chapter)

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