CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 281 Stop!This is not CSGO at all!

Chapter 281 Stop!This is not CSGO at all!

After winning the pistol round at the beginning, VC directly picked up two AK47s and three submachine guns.

Under the economic advantage, VC chose to start a wave of speed-up directly at point B.

This round YSG chose to force it.

However, the Danish ogre chose to gamble when the firearms were not good.

This wave of their bets is very solid, setting up various crossfires throughout the area.

But the problem is that they gambled in the wrong direction.

They set up a dragon formation in the A area, but VC rushed into the B area.

Without any pressure, VC put Lei Bao down easily.

After the thunder bag was put down, Xigua also understood what was going on, and he asked S1mple and the director to keep the bag.

The other three submachine guns started to move.

In the end, at the cost of Sanji's hair dryer, they got 4 kills, which is a bloody profit.

After the failure of the strong start, YSG could not fight in the early stage, and could only wait for the arrival of the spear round.

The score came all the way to 3:0.

Being able to successfully get this score in the early stage is a very good start for VC.

The next long gun round will only be more important.


"Looking at the expression of the ogre, the smile on his face has disappeared, and the spear round is going to be serious." Coke looked at the camera given by the director and analyzed it casually.

"However, in the long gun round, they directly launched two big snipers. This point may be a big threat to VC."

"The depth of this map is very long. A weapon like a sniper that can cause huge damage at a long distance is still very useful."

"VC has all AK47s here, let's see how they respond."


Watermelon's position is good this round, and he wants his teammates to cooperate with him.

"I'm trying to grab control of the Red Staircase. Let's light a wave of outfield players first, so as to put some pressure on the teammates."

If someone has an idea, unless it is particularly outrageous, no one else in the VC team will reject it.

So at the beginning of this round, S1mple and the kid directly handed over two smoke bombs to the infield.

These two smoke bombs successfully made the opponent cautious.

The person who went to guard the position of the red staircase deliberately stopped at the electric box to prevent the bandits from suddenly pulling out to catch him.

After a little confirmation that the bandits did not pull out the enemy, he rushed to the red staircase.

But just when he peeked in, he found a bandit already standing inside the red staircase. He counterattacked early, but it was too late.

The watermelon strafed it with a headshot to take it away.

The policeman didn't know that the watermelon jumped off this wave by spinning around.

When he was about to land, he stood on the stairs for a while, so that no information was revealed.

details make a difference.

Watermelon was very happy to successfully grab a first kill.

He went on to throw a flash into the field electric box, to put some pressure on the police.

Then climbed up the stairs.

He put some pressure, and the opponent responded immediately, giving a fire to prevent speeding up.

The bandit S1mple also cooperated with him and threw a flash in.

The pressure is full.

"Watermelon's first kill is very nice, and there is enough pressure in the A area, forcing YSG to transfer the large forces to the A area. Now there is a problem. The B area is only defended by the ogre. If no one is killed in the bottom line, then YSG can save their guns again."

But as soon as the taro ball finished speaking, she saw that Xigua didn't give any props, and jumped into the low slope with a spin.

This kind of dry pulling operation is too contemptuous of the Danish ogre's big sniper.

As the big sniper at the bottom line pulled the trigger, the watermelon was pierced by bullets, and blood spattered on the spot.

"Why is this? It's a sudden dry pull. I got an advantage in the early stage and just gave it away."

In fact, Watermelon wants to make an unconventional breakthrough.

Use a spinning jump to get into the dip, then knock out anyone the dip might be hiding, to surprise you.

But the position of the opponent was beyond his expectation, and his own operational risk was a bit too high.

In short, his operation is too taken for granted.

Perhaps the only benefit brought by this wave of operations is that a few people on the high platform successfully descended to the bag site.

After entering the bunkering point, several people directly pushed the partition cigarettes on the bunkering point, and then prepared to search the middle sections of several carriages, and started to unpack.

But before they finished the search, someone in the police smoke doubled up and knocked out the unsuspecting S1mple with one shot.

Moreover, VC didn't realize that after the ogre hit one on the bottom line, it moved to the tail.

With the help of his teammates to help him attract attention from the police, he groped in from one side alone.

After the little ghost circled around point A, the director and Sanji stood in front of two smokes respectively.

None of them noticed each other's big sniper before the meeting.

As a result, sanji suffered a disaster.

He was taken away by the big sniper shot.

As the smoke cleared, the Director took a chance.

The other side's deputy was standing at the end of the third carriage, looking in the direction of the regular bag.

The director swept with his gun and successfully killed him with a headshot.

Because of Sanji's death, he knew that there were people behind him, and he was already in a state of being attacked.

After the director killed the enemy in front of him, he turned his head and wanted to kill the other big sniper behind him.

But turning around was a bit slow, allowing the ogre to catch Timing and kill the director with one shot.

This time, all the VC staff was left with a little devil who circled behind.

"Hey, this is a bit embarrassing. The kid figured out Area A by himself, but all his teammates died in Point B. This 1v3 endgame has to be completed by him alone."

"The little ghost came out from the police. If no one finds out that his position is still manipulable, and the other party turns his head at a critical moment, the little ghost can only open fire and kill him."

"Footsteps came from the direction of the police's resurrection point, and the kid also knew that the other one was at the encampment point. Under the situation of being attacked, the kid chose to stand in the direction of the policeman, but the Danish ogre had already found it, and the loud sniper sounded again. , he completed four kills!"

In the battle room, VC and the others had already heard SRM's shouts from next door, as if they were celebrating his quadruple kills.

The battle room at this stage can only be regarded as a battle area at best.

There is no sound insulation at all, which is one reason why VC can hear it so clearly.

As long as it is really in the offline competition, there are spectators and off-site factors, the competition team will arrange expensive sound insulation equipment.

"Why don't you guys drop the bag?" The little ghost wandering outside the team was a little strange.

He saw that the large army had entered the bag spot area for a long time, but the bag hadn't been put down, which made it difficult for them to deal with the mess. After all, the thunder bag fell in the opposite field of vision, and the police only needed to guard the bag.

"My, I was a little too focused." S1mple said apologetically.

They cleared the near point, and then prepared to send people to unpack.

But S1mple is very focused during the game.

He didn't even notice that he was carrying the Thunderbag.

This also caused him to rush to the front to get the information at the beginning, but later he noticed that he was carrying a bag, and when he was about to come back to unload the bag, he was knocked down by the double-armed sniper on the opposite side.

Watermelon said from the side: "It's okay, it's only one point, we still have money."

"Next, S1mple will use the big sniper. There are two big sniper on the opposite side. You have to use the big sniper to limit them."

S1mple nodded: "No problem."

This is his main task as a sniper.

"I'll go to the bandit hall and try it out, see if I can take down the big sniper in area A." S1mple said his plan.

They watched YSG's game video before the game.

In the case of double snipers, this team will not go to one point to defend at all.

The other train station is used to him, and he just glanced at it.

This big sniper in Area A especially likes the position in the police.

Although it is a bit dangerous, with the help of his teammates' flashes, it is not impossible for him to get a counter kill.

Sanji was at the front and came to the bandit hall first.

He came here to help S1mple find the way, and to be S1mple's guard with a knife.

At the beginning of the game, Sanji came to the bandit hall non-stop to grab the position, and soon he was greeted by a big Ivan.

The opponent's grenade at the beginning directly blew up more than 30 HP of Sanji, which was a bit painful.

S1mple also rushed over.

The two fought for a while, seeing that there was no movement from the other party, they wanted to do a double fight in the gang hall.

Use an unconventional position to call the police.

But the other party threw a smoke bomb in the direction of the police.

However, the smoke bomb finally exploded beside Liudao, and instead of being thrown into the bandit hall, it turned into a cigarette of the bandit.

Seeing this situation, the watermelon and the director above the red stairs moved their minds.

He just threw a fire into the red staircase and was counting the time to enter.

The moment the flame was extinguished, the watermelon slipped down from the top of the red staircase.

But as soon as it landed, a fire was thrown in from outside the red staircase.

In an instant, the red staircase turned into a teppanyaki, and the watermelon quickly climbed up the stairs.

But at this time, there were some mistakes in the communication between the two.

The director was thinking that once Watermelon died, he would go to replace the gun for him.

Unexpectedly, Xigua would return the same way, so Xigua climbed up, got stuck on the stairs for a second, and was blocked by the director.

The man on the other side, the Red Staircase, rushed in after throwing the fire, and easily repaired the watermelon with his gun.

The gang hall on the other side saw this situation, and Sanji immediately jumped up the six stairs, rushed to the top and peeked to get the information.

His action is more dangerous, but if he can get some key information, it will be more valuable.

Because he believed that the guy with the ID S1mple behind him could make the most of the information he got.

"Sanji climbed up the six stairs and saw bii on the six carriages. As YSG's breakthrough player, bii's style of play is quite aggressive."

"However, Sanji's agility is very sensitive, he only got shot once and ran away."

"Oh...he didn't make it there, the police sniper shot him down."

"This situation is not optimistic." Coke sighed.

Yuyuan added: "Two people lost in the early stage, VC must take the initiative to find opportunities, but the bii in Liudao is still throwing mines at the mouth of the bandits, S1mple was blown up by a full mine, it is very uncomfortable."

"If the information is missed once, bii will not choose the very conventional position again. He hangs on the ladder and only wants to get the information on the opposite side."

"S1mple on the other side also climbed up the ladder with a big sniper..."

In the next second, what happened on the field stunned the two commentators.

Because S1mple, who had climbed the ladder, saw the bii on the opposite side, and subconsciously shot him blindly.

This response was nothing.

But the problem is!
This shot blindly knocked out the bii on the opposite side of the carriage!

"What is this, S1mple's big sniper hung on a ladder and blindly sniped and killed bii? Stop, this is not CSGO at all, you must know that hanging on a ladder, even if the big sniper opens the scope, there is no accuracy at all!"

"Does this man know what he's doing?"

"This is something that can only appear in fantasy novels, it's too ridiculous!"

The two commentators who had undergone rigorous training were a little at a loss as to what to say at the moment.

S1mple has done that inhuman kill before.

But now, even the rules of CSGO have to be ignored?
too exaggerated!

At this moment, the barrage audience is full of question marks:
"It's all frames, don't you hit them?"

"This man plugged in a USB drive to play the game."

"VC core technology"

"How to play if you have hooks"

"YSG: I can't afford it, can't I (angry)"

"Strange thing, I'm stupid anyway"


In the battle room of YSG, after the bii in the camera was killed, his entire face was wrinkled together.

I really can't figure it out.

He hung there for that message.

Unless someone came from the side, he couldn't die!

But the kill information in the upper right corner told him clearly.

The opposite side held a big sniper hanging on the ladder and shot him blindly.

This is so bullshit!
Fortunately, they still have the advantage in numbers. Although the opponent is a little strange, it is not a big problem.

Bii thought so.

Above the red stairs, the director took the initiative to attack and tricked him into shooting with a spinning jump.

After confirming that the policeman in the area of ​​the red staircase was inside, S1mple gave a fire to force him inside.

The opponent handed over the smoke to protect himself.

But the director found an opportunity to rush down, shooting him in the smoke and killing him.

The little ghost who touched Lutong also had an exchange of fire with the opponent.

When he wanted to find out the green pass, he met the policeman at the bottom line.

He won the gunfight with an AK shot, but was replaced by the police behind him, and he exchanged one for one.

In the two-on-two endgame, it's time to show the team's style.

The director and S1mple chose to play alone, looking for opportunities from two areas.

With 40 seconds left, whoever got the kill, the other rushed over with a thunder bag.

There are more than 40 seconds left in the time, enough for them to play.

S1mple took a big sniper and slowly touched from the side of Liudao.

They knew that there was an enemy on the dark side, but they didn't know the location of the other person. This was the most important reason, and it was also an important reason why they touched separately.

But the main thing is self-confidence, thinking that they can get the kill.

S1mple was walking, his game experience all the time made him feel the crisis.

He was holding a big sniper in the direction of Lutong, and a figure squatted out holding a big sniper.


S1mple fired the shot.

The commentators don't know what to say anymore.

S1mple was wandering around with a big sniper for a long time, and there must be someone when he opened the shot.

This is changed to the ladder, and the report is directly full.

"S1mple's transparent world opened up, and the police on the dark side were killed by him. The director came with a thunder bag, but another big sniper was hidden in the police, and he was waiting for the police to arrive."

"The director came over to release the bag, and SRM came over with a big sniper, but he was in a hurry and didn't make a quick stop!"

"The director got up and shot and chased, and successfully got the kill. The two fathers ended up in the end, and won this round."

"4:1, VC got a huge advantage in the early stage!"

For the big police map of the train station.

When the police get a 10 it is a passing grade.

So for bandits, more than 5 points is a pass.

Now that VC has scored 4 points at the beginning, this advantage is simply not too great.

If they can follow this momentum, they can easily win the second day of the group stage.

The situation is great!
 Watching Tianlu's game tonight, I was really emotional, and finally won again.

(End of this chapter)

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