CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 294 Point A Press Conference

Chapter 294 A Press Conference at Point A
"Let's congratulate VC, who scored the last point in Figure [-] and broke through the last line of defense of the angry bear!" Coke shouted proudly in the commentary.

Why has he been breastfeeding today? Could it be that he didn't understand Taro's warning?

No, he wanted to prove himself today.

"I just said, I'm really not poisonous milk!" Coke laughed heartily.

VC's performance today is very powerful, completely in line with his expectations.

But he didn't know the true definition of poisonous milk patriarch.

When a commentator makes a professional judgment on the situation of the game, and the situation suddenly changes inexplicably, this is poisonous milk.

Utilitarian interpretation and judgment like his is not advisable.

However, Coke doesn't care.

Normal people, who would care if they are a qualified tainted milk commentator?

In the BO3 match, they took the lead in winning Figure [-], and the pressure was on Nuxiong.

Picture [-] is VC's own map selection. Nuxiong is not good at this map yet. It has to be said that this is a huge advantage.

But Meng De was not as happy as he imagined.

Although they are relatively better at Figure [-].

But the opponent didn't send this map to the ban position, which made him a little suspicious.

Moreover, the state of the players did not allow him to rest assured.

From the establishment of the first team to the present, it has always relied on the system of individual ability to play.

Although the system has been mended and improved.

But the fundamentals have not changed. It is still for the star players in the team to perform and find opportunities.

Even other people create opportunities for them.

Today's team members are not online, which is what Mengde is most worried about.

Relying on S1mple alone, it is difficult to withstand the pressure.

However, after winning the first game, the mood in the team was good.

Meng De just nodded slightly.

"You guys play more proactively in the second half, don't let S1mple steal all the heads."

When S1mple heard this, he couldn't accept it immediately: "Coach, you have no heart, why can you say things like don't let S1mple take the head."

S1mple clutched his heart, pretending to be hurt by Meng De.

The people next to him hummed and laughed, and Meng De also laughed.

He accompanied S1mple to make trouble, and said viciously: "Because your stats are too explosive, wait for the competition team to come for the urine test after the game."

"Which law stipulates that you can't play so well?"


After the atmosphere of the team is adjusted, VC immediately enters the server in Figure [-].

Although it seems that the chances of winning are relatively large, the pressure from domestic audiences is still great.

After all, this is VC's quarter-final promotion match, excluding the record in ancient times.

It's a scorpion shit - the only one.

At the beginning of the second half, Mengde refocused his attention on the players' screens.

There is no room for loss in this game.

Because it was the map chosen by VC themselves, they lost the right to choose the camp.

Angry Bear unceremoniously chose the defensive side, planning to find a hand first.

FW's performance in the scorching sand city made them want to throw up, now at least let them get used to it.

As the offensive side, Watermelon's command leads the rhythm of the game.

This round he did not issue P250, but negotiated with Sanji to buy a round of props with him.

After the props were purchased, one kid was left behind, and the rest were ready to attack in the outfield.

Watermelon threw a smoke bomb next to the main entrance, and then used two flashes to help the large troops pass.

With the help of the flash, they successfully entered K1.
Before entering K1, they briefly exchanged fire with each other when the flash burst.

I also understand that my actions have been seen.

So several people quickened their pace.

Everyone came to the locker room, which is the fake door.

As soon as the door was opened, the smoke bomb in Sanji's hand was thrown out.

The thinking of several people is very clear, that is, they want to put down the thunder bag first, and then control the entire K1 near point.

Surround a few doors to guard this minebag.

But they are a little too idealistic.

"After getting the information, Hole quickly moved from the iron plate to the upper layer of Area B. No one knows this position!"

"The unlucky S1mple was directly defeated, but the location of Hole was also discovered. The director counterattacked with a gun to prevent the disadvantage from spreading."

The director knocked out the hole, and took a look at the iron plate by using the pillar on the right side of the bunker.

When he pulled it out, he didn't find anyone.

But when he wanted to come back, two people appeared on the left side of the iron road and at the bottom dead center of the control room!

He wanted to retract the bunker to the left, but Sanji's idea was to use the incendiary bomb in his hand to clear the dead spot under the control room.

The two people's ideas conflicted a bit, and the director was held back by Sanji for a while and couldn't come back.

The director was knocked out by the iron CT headshot, but Sanji's fire was also thrown out.

However, because he has no armor, Sanji is not easy to operate.

The watermelon in the oil tank on the other side was stolen. He saw the man walking towards K1 and immediately reminded Sanji.

And the kid who had been hiding all this time also started to make a move.

He got stuck at a critical moment and rushed out of the yellow room.

Just happened to see Angle's back, and shot at the back, successfully getting the kill.

The firefight situation in area B is not ideal, so the kid is eager to help Sanji.

But he also knew that K1 had a CT going down, so he was very careful after going down the pipeline.

But sometimes it doesn't mean that there is no problem if you are careful.

Fw changed the picture, just like a different person.

The kid just got down the pipe and wants to get out.

I saw a CT pull over, and it collapsed as soon as it was sent to him.

No one can do anything about being shot in the head.

In today's situation, we can only see how Sanji's endgame plays out.

But the situation in Area B is not good.

Coke looked at the situation and analyzed it for the audience:
"Sanji has no blood, he can only open the dead door and escape."

"But there is another fw on the side of the pipeline. He died with one shot. This endgame is very difficult."

"The unpacking has already started in the bag site, Sanji took the initiative to attack, and wants to start from the trap door on the other side."

"FW came to intercept and was shot by Sanji with a headshot. This marksmanship is a bit ruthless."

"But there's no more blood, so I can't keep this bag anymore."

Sanji hurried, and finally opened the trap door.

But along with getting the view, there's an oncoming bullet.

Sanji fell helplessly and lost the pistol round.

Taro round concluded: "There is no way, Sanji's blood volume is too low, he has no props, no armor, no blood volume, he can play like this is already very good."

"However, putting down the thunder bag, VC should still be able to piece together a strong start, it depends on how the strong start is played."

But the angry bear's style of play afterwards made Meng De's heart sink.

The strong game started, and everyone in VC pieced together two AK47s and a bird sniper.

S1mple came to the outfield with a bird sniper to look for opportunities.

But the opponent obviously came prepared, and at the beginning of the game, two bombs were stuffed into S1mple's mouth.

Blow him up straight away.

Why do you say that you came prepared, because the opponent's two grenades would explode at the same time, and there was no chance for S1mple to react.

S1mple died in the outfield at the beginning, and the others didn't have many props, so they chose to look for opportunities on the iron plate.

But Hole, who was guarding the iron plate, set up a half body behind the iron plate red box, and took away one first with the expensive AUG.

Although the follow-up director successfully replaced the gun and completed a one-for-one exchange.

But the watermelon picked up by the bird in the outfield was knocked out again.

Leave them with a 2-on-4 endgame.

The kid and the director fumbled around and successfully dropped a mine bag in area B.

However, due to the disadvantage of the number of people, the opponent is still playing double pulls, and they are synchronizing from all angles.

No chance at all.

In the end, this strong game was also lost.

"What should I do!" Sanji asked.

"It's okay. Although we didn't win the endgame, it's enough for us to fight." Xigua looked at the team's economy and began to make arrangements.

He put down the tactical paper in his hand. He had been looking at it since the players were killed just now.

"The big brother in the opposing team likes to stand at the front door in the spear round."

"The other snipers like to stand on the warehouse and the third floor, but generally, he is more conservative, and he always stands on the third floor."

"We tried to hit the main gate. Everyone was flashing and ready to put pressure on the man at the main gate."

"After eating the front, what about going straight to the point together?" S1mple confirmed to him, this is related to how they will fight in the middle of the round.

"Let's just break out." Watermelon set the tone for this round.

Then several people continued to refine the tactics and distribute the props of each person.

One minute and 55 seconds, the round countdown ends.

Props group Sanji opened the four windows first, so as not to let these windows affect the trajectory of his props.

Then they came to the third floor of the bandit together with the director kid, and directly threw the fire on the yellow room, making it impossible for anyone to stand on the yellow room.

The director and the kid started to march from the oil tank to the main entrance.

The assault team in the bandit hall also took out grenades, ready to blow up the door.

The grenade was thrown, and the iron door was directly blasted open.

Watermelon rushed forward in no hurry, and threw a flash bomb at the main entrance.

S1mple and others behind him also made up flashes one after another.


Winning the first two rounds greatly increased the morale of Angry Bear.

They're actually not particularly good at this tactical map.

But before the game, they had been in a row for a while, and they planned to target GG at that time.

But later I found out that GG's nuke was better than them, so I didn't show it.

But before playing VC, they chose to take out this map and do something targeted.

The sniper positions in the outfield blasted mines before, which was what they got from studying S1mple's positions.

Angle also wanted to understand that it had become an established fact that Figure [-] was taken down.

As long as they make picture [-] well, things will turn around.

Thinking of this, he took the gun and planned to go to the outfield to play.

But the movement of the iron gate attracted him.

He looked over immediately, intending to help his teammates reduce the pressure and avoid being rushed in the face.

His fire was given in time, but soon he in the training room couldn't help turning his head.

He turned his head this time, because his body subconsciously wanted to hide after being dodged.

I also want to judge the situation from the screen of my teammates.

But the teammate sitting next to him is fw.

Fw this guy is very extreme because his face is almost a slap away from the screen.

Looking at the past from Angle's angle, you can't see anything at all!
He could only turn his head back to look at his screen.

But the second flash struck, and his screen turned white again.

Followed by the third, fourth...

"Fuck, what is this!" Although Angle was called unlucky, he had never experienced such outrageous things.

At this moment, in the eyes of the audience, Angle has become Tiga!

The live broadcaster zoomed in on Angle's camera.

Angle's snow-white complexion was in stark contrast to the dim battle room.

It highlights that Angle is weak and pitiful.

"Angle is in a panic, he doesn't know what to do, and he doesn't know what he can do."

"But the Director of Justice descended from the sky, took Tec-9 and blew Angle's head off, helping him complete his liberation." Taro also laughed.

After the flash rain, Angle managed to gain some vision, but it was the moment of his own death.

He reluctantly reported a point to his teammates, took a mouse shot, and his face was full of depression.

This kind of entertainment scene is absolutely rare in the profession.

"Angle's little face is pale."

"That's props for VC lol"

"Brothers, act according to my face"

"Point A has a press conference!"

The main entrance was knocked down, and the entire site A was in jeopardy.

A policeman squatted next to the box under the yellow room. He was on the yellow room just now and was forced down by the fire.

He took Famas and tried to fight the bandits.

S1mple rushed out from the iron gate, holding Tec-9 and teaching him how to be a man.

Two shots in the head in a row, sending him to Angle.

The little ghost in the outfield was caught by fw on the third floor with a big sniper, but it was not a big problem for VC.

The situation has become clear!

"There is one more package, everyone pay attention to the package." S1mple reminded.

He just saw a flashlight thrown out of the bag.

As they spoke, several people charged towards the bunker, and the police at the bunker planned to take the initiative and peeked out.

But when he pulled it out horizontally, he saw the direction of the main entrance. There were bandits under the yellow room and three angles of the yellow room.

For a moment he didn't know who to hit.

In the end, he was defeated by the director who got the AK47.

It was confirmed that the person at the bag site was dead, and the bandits hurriedly made a bag at the front door.

The director is very cautious. He just picked up a smoke bomb, and he continued to stuff it outside the main entrance. He wanted to keep the gun position at the main entrance first.

Peeked at the fw on the third floor, if he can play a little bit more advantage, maybe he still has a chance.

As soon as he peeked out, he was headshot and killed by S1mple Famas.

The last hole was helpless, and started the journey of protecting the gun.

A timeout was called within the Bears.

Several people at the bag site took the initiative to question Angle:

"What's going on, you can open the front door for us."

Angle was speechless, he directly slapped the little bear and said, "What can I do?"

"I also want to help you out, but I haven't even got the vision from the beginning to the end, and I have been being used for nothing!"

"The other side threw flashes at my face, and the infield kept asking me to help."

"How can I help!"

He was not in a good mood when he was targeted by such a wave.

Can his teammates not accept a wave of mistakes?
And it wasn't his fault last round!
He had no chance to fight back at all.

Angry Bear's coach sensed that something was wrong, and immediately came over to act as a peacemaker and make a mess.

Only then did the tense atmosphere ease.

However, looking at the somewhat silent team, the coach of the angry bear sank in his heart.

If the atmosphere is like this, it will be difficult to deal with...

(End of this chapter)

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