Chapter 303 The guy who shoots with a big sniper as a rifle (6600 characters for tickets)
Several people in GG thought about the way to lose the first point, but S1mple used a desert eagle to blast four consecutive heads and punched through the B area, which was obviously not what they expected.

In the round of long guns against the Eagles in the upper half, GG did not make any fatal mistakes in this round.

Their defense in Area B is very solid, and they use the method of jumping and scouting to get information.

But the person who jumped up was picked by Sand Eagle, and the person who handed in the props afterward was also shot in the head.

Their solid line of defense was breached by the 700 sniper.

Although there is MUWO in the team, they have also experienced many battles with Sand Eagles.

It's really fun to use the Sand Eagle to break points, but when the object becomes yourself, the feeling is not so good.


Accompanied by the passionate cheers in the arena, the VC players raised their hands high and shouted for S1mple, the four-kill point of the Sand Eagle!
S1mple, who was evaluated by Meng De as being crazy offline, even stood up and raised his hands high.

The audience in the audience became even more crazy.

This round is very important for VC. S1mple successfully scored the first point and achieved a breakthrough of zero score.

Three long guns were seized and could be used, destroying the economic operation that GG was about to complete.

In fact, if they lose this round again, it will be quite difficult for VC to turn around in the first half.

Because that means VC has to win several long rounds in a row in order to destroy GG's economy, which is not an easy task.

As the defensive side, the more economy GG has, the higher their fault tolerance rate will be.

Then it is relatively difficult for VC to score.

Fortunately, S1mple used the Sand Eagle to lead the team to a successful comeback, curbing this bad trend.

Then it's not that difficult.

S1mple took his seat again. Although he was happier with his high-profile performance, the game is still not over.

He threw the AK47 he picked up to the director, and he arranged a big sniper according to Meng De.

Watermelon is making early arrangements: "We have to do it by default on both sides. In the middle, let S1mple use a big sniper to control it. I will follow him. Sanji, you only control the sewer and pay attention."

The previous arrangements were over, and everyone started to set off from the resurrection point.

Although each of them needs to make a default, Watermelon's idea is to control the sandbags, at least there is some room for fighting back in the middle.

So the rest of the team members gave out smoke bombs at home to send S1mple's big sniper over.

One VIP cigarette, one over-the-top cigarette.

With the help of the watermelon's flash, S1mple successfully came behind the sandbag.

The middle road was also briefly won.

Thanks to S1mple's sand eagle breakthrough in the B area in the last round, GG did not dare to focus on the middle in this round.

Because no one knows if there will be another Sand Eagle on the B2 floor, blowing their heads off with two shots.

S1mple controlled the middle lane, and the opponent had no intention of rebelling.

Buildings A1 and A2 were sealed with props. GG was wary of VC's simultaneous attack. Once VC was organized, it would be very troublesome.

If you lose too much control of the map, the follow-up defense will be difficult.

"The map is temporarily calm. Sanji harassed Area B with a round of props in Area B, so that the two guys in Area B could not move around at will."

"The director and kid in Area A started giving props."

"This wave of VC is a real conspiracy. There is pressure on both sides of the map, let you tell which side we are going to fight?" Yuyuan praised, "VC's understanding of synchronous cooperation is something that I don't have on other teams. As you can see, their cooperation in multiple areas is too silky."

The time has come to about 40 seconds, and now it is really difficult for GG to judge which point VC wants to play.

Faced with such a dilemma, GG has only two methods to use.

One is to maintain the status quo and wait for VC to make the next attack.

The other is to take the initiative to get the information they want.

GG is not the kind of team that sits and waits to die. After a brief discussion, their personnel are approaching the middle.

What the audience wants to plot is clear at a glance from God's perspective.

With the help of two COSCO flash bombs, the GG gang directly started their anti-Qing prelude.

MUWO first took aim at a sandbag fire in the VIP, and threw it directly into the sandbag after the flashes of his teammates exploded.

But as soon as Huo Huo let go, he saw a large sniper pulled out from the right side of the sandbag, and S1mple didn't get the flash bomb!


This is what MUWO has in mind.


As the sniper's gunshot rang out, MUWO fell to the ground.

"GG's long-planned anti-Qing began, and the two directors in Area A didn't wait any longer. This round is very similar to the game in the first spear game, with exactly the same scene."

"But this time it's a bit different, because S1mple got a big sniper, and he flashed back ahead of time, knocking out VIP's MUWO with one shot!"

"MUWO is a bit too arrogant. In the absence of smoke cover, throwing sandbags on fire like this is a bit contemptuous."

After defeating MUWO, S1mple immediately withdrew his hand, and the smoke of the watermelon followed closely, putting out the fire.

S1mple then bounced a flash of light onto the wall behind him.

This flash was hidden in the smoke and was completely undetected by the opponent.

The watermelon was reminded and pulled out after the flash exploded.

The two policemen on Little B suffered a disaster. They were all whitened by the hidden smoke, and they had no fighting power.

Watermelon positioned and shot, and successfully took away one.

Just as he turned to shoot the second policeman, there was a shot through the smoke in the archway.

The watermelon was knocked out by enemies in the one-way smoke of the arch.

Fortunately, S1mple backed off his own flash, and pulled it out horizontally to help the watermelon succeed in replenishing the gun.

In this wave of firefights in the middle, GG lost three for one.

There was also an exchange of fire in Area A.

The loxi of the police house instantly killed the director who was pulled out from A1, but the kid on the second floor of A rushed out, got his sight, and killed him with a headshot.

The entire battle took almost 10 seconds, but GG left black alone in the arch.

"The last one is inside the arch, lock his position!" Watermelon shouted eagerly.

In a three-on-one situation, they can't let this guy play any more.

In this game, everyone's level is not low, and they can't give anyone a chance.

"Sanji, I'll give you an instant burst, and you look inside the arch."

Speaking of S1mple, he threw a flash.

As the flash exploded, Sanji, who was facing the wall, peeked to the left.

Black was very uncomfortable, knowing that he was locked, he chose to stand in a non-preview position inside the arch, and hit the opponent from the middle lane first.

But a sudden flash struck, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Sanji took the head easily.

"NIIICE salsa!"

"Everyone played very well!" S1mple laughed.

The opponent's counter-attack in the middle is actually no different from the previous round.

The only difference is that S1mple felt something was wrong. They put pressure on the props on both sides, but the feedback given by the director and sanji was that there was no movement.

This is really suspicious, and the other party's economy is not that bad.

He thought of Meng De's reminder, so he didn't stand up straight, and took the initiative to dodge back and wait for a while.

Then the opponent's rebuttal came.

His spiritual back flash gave him a chance for the first kill.

The other party did not expect that their VC would be prepared.

VIP's MUWO was killed, and the person in the middle of the gun line was killed. The only threat to S1mple is B Xiao.

If the black of the arch wants to make up the gun, he has to adjust the angle.

This gave them a chance to fight back in the middle.

The brat and the director of Area A appeared in time, and even wiped out the opponent's possible follow-up endgame.

The applause of the audience resounded from the audience. Facing the same anti-Qing rebellion, VC's handling this time seemed to be easy and pleasing to the eye.

If what VC showed them in the last round was personal ability, this round is about team coordination.

The numbers on the big screen are now 2:3!

VC is about to tie the score.

Being chased for two points in a row, GG also felt some pressure.

"Sure enough, there are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames." Fox complained, "This S1mple is really inappropriate."

Twice, he was instantly killed by S1mple and couldn't even pay back.

"Let me also get a big sniper, otherwise the situation will be very difficult." MUWO said.

The distribution of personnel in the GG team is a bit strange.

MUWO is not only the second breakthrough player in the team, but also the sniper in the team.

Their team structure actually makes the other first-line teams a little puzzled, and they don't understand how they got to this ranking.

But existence is reasonable.

MUWO's big sniper is quite strong, but because of his personal habits, he is used to using rifles, which leads to a relatively small number of big sniper kills.

However, buying a big sniper also caused him to only have one and a half armor.

The loss of two rounds made their economy not good. If they lose again, they will fall into the situation of being overtaken.

This is not what they want to see.


"In this position, let's just hit a speed boost." Xigua said.

Although the consecutive defaults have gained an advantage, he doesn't want GG to figure out their offensive habits.

So take the initiative to let the team play a wave of fast middle A.

This shifting style of play is also a point that VC annoys those teams.

S1mple was very close to area A, so he went directly to A1 with a big sniper, trying to take a shot, and at the same time give the team a check.

The director directly pulled out the first position, saw a policeman who was transitioning to the short box, raised his gun and opened fire.

The sudden increase in speed, GG didn't take precautions, and this time he was hit hard.

The first kill was obtained in such an easy way, and they immediately accelerated towards the bunker.

MUWO in the arch is holding a big sniper. He originally wanted to grab a timing and pull it out from the middle.

The firefight in Area A let him know something was wrong.

However, he didn't rush to defend the A area, but took the initiative to pull out and look at the middle road. He had to make sure that there was no one at this angle, so that he could face the return defense with his teammates.

This round VC is sanji and the kid in the middle.

Although Sanji watched the arch move forward, but at the moment MUWO came out, he happened to be in the air and had no way to fight the enemy.

MUWO swiped Sanji ruthlessly.

The kid heard the gunshots and positioned the shot.

But MUWO is agile and runs fast.

By the time the little ghost was pulling across the small passage B, MUWO had already adjusted, and the big sniper was holding it up a bit.


The big sniper fired for the second time, and the little ghost was also killed.

The audience at the scene was shouting, this wave of MUWO's proactive attack hit the personal heroism in their hearts, and they were looking forward to the follow-up performance of MUWO.

MUWO turned to support Area A with a big sniper. His teammates had died under the siege, the link smoke was filled, and there was fire on the platform.

It looked like he had no chance.

But VC seems to have forgotten to add a fire to the link bench.

MUWO walked out quietly with the sniper in hand, and saw the sniper at A1.

The big sniper fired for the third time, and S1mple didn't expect that someone would come out from this angle, and he was still setting up the top of the diving platform for his teammates.

The occlusion of the smoke prevented him from seeing MUWO.

The thunder bag was put down, and now only the director and Xigua were left.

The director threw a fire at the policeman's house, and then went downstairs to the second floor with a cigarette linked to him.

MUWO is much more courageous than they imagined.

After the director released the mine bag, he was still moving when he saw the big sniper rushing out of the platform.

Yes, the director did not describe the error.

This person rushed out!
Because his speed is very fast, far faster than ordinary sniper moves out.

He immediately stopped to position and shoot.

But the damage of the big sniper is too fatal.

With a gunshot.

【GG.MUWO used AWP to kill VC.Twistzz】

But in the next second, another kill message appeared in the upper right corner.

【VC.XIGUA used AK47 to kill GG.MUWO】

"Xigua added the shot to the director, but in the endgame of 1v2, his position was locked, and the opponent's police house and the jumping platform were occupied, so it was difficult for him to deal with this endgame."

Xigua also knew about this situation, so he planned to take the initiative to peek the police, hoping to catch a timing and take the lead.

But a three-point shot exploded in his face, and Kun Kun couldn't help but praise him.

The process of watermelon peek was slowed down, and the CT of the police saw the body first, and died on the spot.

Watermelon hammered the table twice angrily, and he was disgusted by the cooperation on the other side.

The opponent's timing was too good, and he was originally an endgame with a numerical disadvantage.

When the mine exploded, he even lost his only mobility.

The main uncomfortable thing about Watermelon is that this point still failed to win after all.

Although Meng De told them to treat the game as usual, the cheers of the audience echoed in their ears.

Who can be normal on such an incomparable big stage?

MUWO told VC with his big sniper, not only S1mple will use big sniper.

His big sniper can kill as well as affect the situation.

After this round, the balance of the game began to gradually tilt towards GG.

The feeling of the entire GG team began to heat up, and VC continued to lose points.

Of course, they didn't get a point.

Although MUWO's big sniper is powerful, it is still not enough in front of S1mple.

S1mple made a mistake in the first big sniper facing the gun, so he knew what to do next.

Because he discovered that this MUWO is not a sniper in the traditional sense at all.

He was shooting with a big sniper as a rifle!
Except for a few regular sniper positions, the rest of the positions are wide-angle.

In other words, this person is simply relying on his own reaction and positioning in the big sniper.

S1mple found MUWO's way of confronting guns, but he didn't give MUWO a good look later.

The big sniper tore it up with his hands continuously and hit him to the back. MUWO didn't even dare to start a sniper.

Because not only can't limit S1mple, but also keep sending heads to S1mple, it's better to use a rifle.

But even so, the situation of VC is still not ideal.

At this level of competition, especially VC and GG are teams that play on their individual abilities.

The shortcomings of sanji and watermelon are magnified, and their winning rate in one-on-one is pitifully low.

If you compare the data, the two of them together don't have as many kills as S1mple alone.

Basically every time the trio got an advantage against guns, Xigua and Sanji sent them back.

Although their position in the team is support and information, this reason should not be used to talk about them.

But in today's competition of this level, who can stay out of it?

As the game continued to progress, the final game of the first half came.

The game above the big screen also came to 5:9.

This score is by no means a good thing for VC, but if they can win this round, then there is hope for a good start in the second half, and they will continue to play.

Consecutive losses in long gun rounds made VC poorer and poorer.

Now S1mple can't afford a big sniper.

Sanji suggested that he give S1mple a hand.

But S1mple took a look at Sanji's economy, and it was only 4800 yuan.

If you buy him a big sniper, Sanji can't even buy armor.

So he shook his head, rejected the offer, picked up an AK47, and a lot of props.

The countdown ended, and S1mple followed Xigua to the middle with a gun in his hand.

In the early stage of this round, the basic default is still the main one, playing a control map.

In their view, CT is no longer a big spy, which is really good news for them.

Because this also means that in long-range confrontation, they don't have to beware of a big sniper holding a gun.

There are still two smoke bombs in the middle, this time it is S1mple who lost the flash.

The watermelon went into the sandbag.

After throwing the flash, S1mple continued to stuff a Molotov cocktail into the arch.

The Molotov cocktail is quickly extinguished by the smoke, creating a classic one-way smoke.

S1mple is in the one-way position of the arch, and he is ready to fire if there is any abnormality.

The watermelon in the sandbag ate a fire at the beginning, so he had to hand over the smoke to extinguish the fire so that he would not be roasted to ripen the watermelon.

And he threw a fire at Little B to put some pressure on Little B.

But from God's perspective, GG's preparations are far more than that, and their targeted mid-lane anti-Qing is coming again!

"S1mple has an arch, and the watermelon's vision is deprived. The two of them don't know that someone has already come from the middle!" Coke said with worry.

"However, S1mple's position is relatively back, he didn't catch the opponent's anti-clearing flash, but instead caught the CT coming from the middle!"

S1mple ran away after killing one. Although he got a kill, the opponent's marksmanship was also very ruthless, and he hit him on the head.

With residual blood, he gave priority to ensuring his own survival.

Xigua knew that the opponent's pressure might be more than this, and while pulling out from the side of the smoke to find someone, he shouted in the voice: "Directors, seize the opportunity."

In this kind of concentrated firefight in the middle, there must be not many people in Area A.

The director and the kid also knew about this situation.

Because of this situation, they have played several times in a row in the first half!
The director came out of A1 with a gun and quickly searched for points.

But what they didn't expect was that the gunshot of the big sniper sounded from the direction of the jungle, and the director was taken away with one shot.

"There is a big sniper on the opposite side!" The director shouted.

This situation was somewhat beyond their expectations, the opponent hadn't launched a big sniper for four or five consecutive rounds.

So he was very surprised.

The firefight in the middle is still going on.

The watermelon was pulled out horizontally, and the AK47 took the lead in killing one in seconds.

But he didn't follow up, because someone opened fire on him at the same time in the small passage B and outside the arch.

He didn't even have a chance to switch fire, so he was knocked out with a supplementary gun.

The sewer was the kid this time, he seized the opportunity and took the initiative to attack.

The CT outside the arch was knocked off by him splashing water.

The little ghost walked towards the bench, trying to find the person left by Little B, but he didn't find any trace of him.

The smoke from the arch on the side also dissipated, and the kid didn't stay for long, because I just found out that there was a big spy on the VIP and the arch.

He retreated to the sewer and chose to hold a group with his teammates.

The current situation is 3 vs 2, they have a numerical advantage, so he doesn't need to worry.

"The little devil in the sewer is silent. This guy B's fox is very embarrassed. Now he has to beware of the sewer and COSCO."

"The bunker site A has already taken this opportunity to start its own actions. Sanji lost the smoke on the second floor and wanted to go down to the bunker spot."

"But MUWO's timing was great. He happened to see Sanji in the middle of the smoke and the bunker, and took him away with one shot. He was paid for the toll!" Coke looked anxious.

The taro ball next to him could only comfort himself: "It's not a big problem, it's just a 2v2 situation now."

The kid and S1mple got together, and S1mple took the initiative to say, "I'll take the bag to the front line later, I don't have much health."

This is the most ideal solution to this endgame.

The two of them had only one smoke bomb, and after thinking about it, they sealed a jungle smoke, trying to seal off the VIP's vision.

But the two also have a doubt, because they don't have control over the middle lane, and they don't know the information about the middle lane.

In other words, if the other party jumped the arch, they would not know it at all.

S1mple jumped from A1 to the platform, but because of some nervousness, he even missed this simple operation.

In desperation, he could only move upstairs to A2, trying to find MUWO from a non-preview position.

It's really good that he got the advantage of the non-preview position.

He was also the one who fired first.

But MUWO's talent is extremely high, even if he is using his rifle talent to snipe.

Good reaction speed and positioning ability made S1mple lose this wave of guns.

The little ghost was a little lucky with the distance, and it couldn't help him make up for the shot.

He can only play this endgame by himself.

The little ghost searched carefully, making sure that he would not miss every non-preview position.

Finally he came to the short box and picked up the dropped mine bag.

But in a short while, he heard the sound of a large sniper in the direction of the jungle.

The location of the big sniper was determined, and he didn't know the location of a rifle.

So the kid was not in a hurry, and took a holiday.

Then the police came out alone.

His idea was correct, that is to let the kid lock up at the bunker point, waiting for MUWO to gather with him.

But the problem is, the kid's marksmanship has come into play.

He swung out, but failed to retract.

The roar of the scene sounded again, but it stopped soon.

The game came to the 1V1 bullfighting session, and the audience stared at the game seriously.

After the kid finished releasing the mine bag, he took the initiative to peek at the platform.

Then he took another bold look in the direction of the jungle.

no one?

The little ghost thought of the big sniper on the opposite side that had shot in the jungle just now.

So now the other party has only one possible place to go, and that is the police house!
The kid knows that these guys from the first-line team especially like to search for points first, knock people out in the endgame, and then unpack them.

This is their confidence in themselves and their habitual rigor.

So under the attention of tens of thousands of people in the audience, the little ghost went straight to the direction of the jungle.

In the jungle, he even ran straight away.

However, since the last time they lost to VC, GG learned from the pain and studied a lot of their videos, just thinking about finding a place with VC next time.

In the endgame of the kid, his personal style is particularly obvious.

MUWO has a very deep impression on him.

Like to mix smoke, also...

I like to go around!

So after the first wave of packages were randomly searched, MUWO directly started hard demolition.

The thing that made several Chinese explain the most worrying thing happened.

"No way, the kid dared to go here with big strides, but MUWO unpacked it in a daze!"

"It's really demolished in 10 seconds, how dare he!" Coke shouted anxiously.

But he couldn't win things on the field, but fortunately, the kid was getting closer and closer to the bag spot.

The audience at the scene was already gaining momentum, and they were also curious, who will succeed in this wave of psychological games between the two?
The kid finally arrived. He saw MUWO who was unpacking and immediately started shooting.

The English streaming commentary on the scene stirred up the atmosphere: "Somebody's bold detour is almost at the police's house, and he doesn't care about revealing his location now."

"But MUWO's unpacking is coming to an end, 10 seconds of long journey, MUWO heard the voice, he no longer cares!"

"somebody shot, but!"

"MUWO was dismantled before being killed, somebody thought he was in control of everything, but MUWO moved faster!"

Current GG fans stood up and yelled excitedly, reveling in this endgame for their star player.

On the opposite side of the stage, the kid covered his face in silence.

After all, he still lived up to the expectations of his teammates and lost this important endgame.

 There are more in the evening, and today it will cost more than ten thousand.

(End of this chapter)

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