CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 308 Dangerous Wanderer

Chapter 308 Dangerous Wanderer

As the game time passed, the first half of the game finally came to an end.

Because of the performance of the director in Figure [-], and VC's world-class banana road control.

Let them end the first half and get 10 points directly, leading GG by 5 points.

Such a huge advantage is definitely something to be happy about for a VC who has fallen behind by a map.

It is worth mentioning that the somewhat invisible director in Figure 18, in this game map, got [-] kills and is in the first sequence of the team.

Sanji and Watermelon's performance was not as bad as in Figure [-]. At the end of the first half, the kills in their hands also broke through double digits.

This is enough to explain the state of VC in Figure [-].

The fans are very excited, because according to this trend, as long as VC doesn't have too many problems in the second half, there will still be a game to watch today.

That also means that the game has been dragged into the third picture, and VC still has a chance to let the first chase the second.

However, it is really doubtful whether there will be no accidents. After all, VC games must bring their own quick-acting heart-relief pills, which is enough to prove its excitement.


After the first half ended, several people in the VC team could truly feel the relief of those around them.

Figure [-] lost in their strong picture, and they were actually under a lot of pressure.

If Figure [-] hadn't gained an advantage in the first half, under high pressure, they don't know how to play the subsequent games.

Fortunately, the team members have a good touch, and even the duo known as the "Second Treasure" did not lose the chain.

During the halftime break, Meng De reminded everyone not to relax. In CSGO games, no one knows what will happen until the last moment.

Because they had an advantage in the first half, there was a great chance of a comeback, so the enthusiasm of everyone was very high.

We must work hard to discuss the tactics in the second half, and try to use tactics to win in the early stage.

"Cao thief applauded the players at the last time, and served as the team's rope-twisting brother. The second half of the game finally started." The commercial time ended, and Coke continued to work.

"After halftime, the teams switched sides and VC now came to the attacking side, playing the bandits."

"They started the game with two people buying props. Which direction are they planning to fight from?" Coke asked, "Are they planning to fly to the second floor? How can I use the extra set of props?"

Then the director's perspective was given to Sanji, who threw an A1 smoke bomb.

VC's large forces gathered in the side lanes, and then headed towards the middle lane and started to set off.

Taro Yuan has already seen some clues from this: "VC should directly increase the speed and hit the link."

"As for whether to play link A or link B, it depends on their follow-up arrangements."

Sure enough, the director on the screen took the lead in the charge, jumping directly into the middle lane.

Coke was a little worried: "But this round GG happened to put a large force in the middle, isn't it a bit dangerous?"

The director jumped to the middle lane, and the policeman on the other side's link was a little slow to react, so S1mple became the director's stand-in messenger.

The director also reacted quickly. After landing, he looked inside to the wall in the middle, and there was a policeman squatting here.

The director fired with bursts of fire, and the precise positioning allowed him to successfully get a kill.

"Chasing links!" S1mple yelled.

But Watermelon reminded: "Everyone in A1 smokes!"

The situation was a bit chaotic for a while, but thanks to the normality of their communication, Xigua was holding an A1 cigarette.

The kid rushed to help the director.

The linked policeman was greedy for guns, and wanted to shoot another one, delaying until his teammates returned to defense.

In fact, there is another reason, because his teammates in A1 are now trying to find a way to synchronize with him.

That's why he took the initiative to attack.

But before their synchronization was completed, the director and the kid had already set up their guns. In this kind of close-range confrontation, Glock has a much higher advantage than USP.

Moreover, he was facing the line of guns of two people alone, and he fired a second shot before killing them.

His A1 teammates, whom he had placed high hopes on, did not end well either.

He didn't even get out of the smoke of A1, and was killed in the smoke.

"Most of the firepower in the pistol round was collided with the link. Fortunately, the director's firepower was better and he scored two kills."

"And the A1 policeman wants to mix smoke, isn't it a bit too late, the watermelon took this kill."

"VC played three for one in the middle, and didn't have any ideas for the follow-up, just play A directly."

"Regardless of whether GG is heavily defending Area A, or the standard default start, there are definitely not many people in Area A."

MUWO, who was guarding B alone at the second time, had already returned to the study. He heard rumbling footsteps outside and was ready to fire at any time.

They pushed forward from the link to the bunker in one go, and they certainly didn't expect him to arrive at this position.

A bandit was throwing partition smoke on the ground, and MUWO immediately opened fire.

However, his marksmanship suddenly made a one-in-one mistake!
12 consecutive bullets, three opportunities for him with his back.

He didn't kill any of them!

There was an exclamation from the audience below the stage.

I was really surprised.

In their view, such low-level mistakes should not happen to MUWO.

You must know that MUWO is Shi Yiying, so the aiming ability is not covered.

But the facts are in front of him, and MUWO has to admit that he may have lost the only chance to turn defeat into victory in this round.

Loxi hid in the boiler room for a long time, and his teammates died prematurely, so he immediately started to hide himself, trying to seize the opportunity to fight the situation back.

But VC's discipline is frightening. When three people died in Area A, they didn't try to break through the smoke bomb of A1, and even sent one person to stay behind to help others follow up.

"It's too stable." Loxi complained.

VC's change in style in the town gave him a bad feeling.

Being separated, he knows that his chances are slim, so he puts his hope of making a comeback on MUWO, hoping that he can bring hope to GG again.

But until the opponent's large army entered the bunker, nothing he expected happened.

Now, we can only take one step at a time.

Loxi carried the USP and walked quietly from the A2 floor to the balcony.

He squatted down and carefully previewed to see the inside of the big pit.

But as soon as he got up, the bandits in the pit who only missed the scalp rewarded him with a shot and beat him to death at the exit on the second floor.

"MUWO is the only one left. He picked up the lightning clamp of his teammate in the link, and he still has a flash bomb in his hand. Does he have a chance?"

"Can the brain hole in his hand create a miracle for him?"

"No, Sanji rushed out after pulling a few times, beat MUWO's brains out of his head, and won the pistol round."

After winning the pistol round, the rhythm of the second half was in the hands of VC.

But if nothing else, there were still surprises.

VC didn't make too many mistakes this round.

Their early thinking is based on the default control map.

GG was strong and played more impatiently. At the beginning of the game, a sand eagle was in front of the middle.

However, this positioning of Sand Eagle was somewhat wrong, and it did not put VC at a disadvantage.

VC gained the advantage in numbers, and VC then began to compress GG's map control.

I want to take both Banana Road and A2 Building, and then choose a point to start bombing.

Sanji, who was able to get information alone on Banana Road, was shot and killed by MUWO's Sand Eagle.

VC decided to speed up a wave of explosive bombs in Area A.

They launched an attack from buildings A1 and A2, but the police hiding in the pit had a fire extinguisher in their hands.

After extinguishing the VC's big pit fire, pull off each other with the enemies in the bunker and the cemetery.

The packaged lox played a wave of very superb operations.

Take advantage of perfect body control, as well as amazing positioning ability.

Killed three members of VC.

Although the little ghost succeeded in making up for everyone else in the follow-up.

I have been entangled in the package point for too long, and the speed of MUWO's return to defense has also exceeded the kid's expectations.

As a result, the position was locked just as he put down the mine bag.

MUWO easily won the endgame and successfully came back.

The situation on the court was reversed in such an instant, and what happened to GG in the first half was also revealed to them.

This is the intensity of the Major competition, you never know, who can stand up and play this round.

Successfully put down the mine bag, and VC got a little bit of economics.

Give them a chance to try it out.

But the miracle of economic turnaround did not happen again.

VC can only adjust its own rhythm, save money and play long gun rounds.

The score above the big screen came to 11:8.

VCs finally have money.

The first spear round in the second half was particularly important. Meng De even did not hesitate to call a timeout to plan the tactics to be carried out.

He deliberated for a while, then opened fire and said: "GG is on the map of Purgatory Town, they basically gave up the control of the middle lane."

"We will use this to make a fuss. After the timeout is over, we will go directly to the middle lane to speed up."

"Director, you and S1mple are in a good position, you two directly fill each other's guns."

"Then where do we attack?" the director asked, it's about where they need to look, and what smoke bombs others need to throw.

"Just increase the speed and hit the middle lane alone. The two of you will look at the link first, and then hit the link with this person together."

"After the fight, turn your head and look at A1." Meng De told several people the tactical details.

S1mple feels a little irritating.

Meng De's tactics are pure gambling.

It's just a bet that A1 doesn't fight them straight at the beginning.

If there are A1 policemen in the straight frame, they are relative to the meat delivered to their mouths.

"Of course it's not that simple. Sanji, you throw A1 flashes at the beginning of the game, and throw them in conjunction with it. Just one will be fine. Be careful not to affect their vision when they turn their heads."

Sanji understood what Mengde meant.

"As for other things, there are no more for the time being." After Mengde finished talking about the tactics, he took advantage of 2 seconds left and continued: "Everyone stabilize your mentality and play our own things. We will definitely win!"

"Come on, come on!" Several people bumped each other's fists.


Meng De took the initiative to call a timeout, and GG would definitely be on guard in his heart.

In order to avoid problems, they put the team's focus on the defense of the B zone.

Because they suffered a big loss in the offense and defense of Banana Road in the first half, after switching sides, they didn't want to lose in the same area.

Since the control props can't be played, then the only way to fill this hole is to use the number of people.

In the start of 3B, they first grabbed the control of Banana Road.

Sure enough, VC's Banana Road props came very quickly!

A slate fire, followed by a partition smoke, and the thunder and flashes of the sniper position.

The pressure is full.

"Back back!" MUWO said in voice.

This wave of pressure is too great, so they can predict the small routines they will face later or some anti-clearing packages.

So he planned to let his teammates stabilize first, and then take the initiative to clear the Banana Road closer.

His thinking is simple, and he thinks he's doing it wisely.

Two of his teammates in zone A boldly stood up to defend at the near point in the middle, and one of them listened to the movement at the corner of the middle.

But he suddenly frowned, feeling that the information he and his teammates had fed back was wrong!

Because the sound of two footsteps came from the middle!

Xiao Hei, who was in the link, immediately threw out the incendiary bomb in his hand, raised his gun and prepared to fight back.

"Come on, speed up in the middle!" Coke said, "Xiao Hei turned back and prepared to meet the enemy, but VC's speed up was faster than he imagined. The link smoke has not yet unfolded, and the person has already been pulled out."

"Both director and S1mple looked at the link at the same time, and knocked out Xiao Hei in less than a second."

In the double-A defense, Xiaohei and loxi are at the forefront again.

It is impossible for them both to go straight to the middle at the same time, and they must play some small routines and cooperate.

The routine of this round is that Xiao Hei grabs props and listens to the sound in the early stage, while Loxi flashes behind the stable.

Once there is an exchange of fire in the middle, loxi will pull out horizontally to fill up the gun.

He also did it according to the previous plan.

As soon as there was an exchange of fire in the middle, he immediately pulled across to the right, ready to fire.

But in the field of vision, the two bandits turned their heads at the same time, and the moment they saw him, it seemed as if one person was controlling two people's computers.

Crouch down at the same time and instantly kill him.

Such a suffocating scene made loxi put on a mask of pain.

Such an exaggerated scene made Taro balls happy.

"What kind of victim's perspective is this? Loxi can't even react. It's too deadly."

"The two of them not only double pulled at the same time, but even squatted at the same time. The efficiency of refilling the gun is terrible. Did you find out that loxi didn't even fire the gun."

In the barrage:
"Dangerous Vagabond"

"Our minds are one"

"This synchronization is really cool"

"I never doubted VC's marksmanship, it's all here in seconds"

"Cao Thief's tactics are still very good. Basically every time a timeout is called, the situation will be better later on."

"Give Cao thief 16 timeouts, he is invincible"

"God damn 16 timeouts"

GG's trio in Area B was dumbfounded.

They were still discussing the follow-up response, who would fight against the Qing Dynasty, and what would happen to Plan B if the fight against the Qing Dynasty failed.

However, the object of the rebellion did not discuss the reason, and the A area was completely dead.

To be so outrageous!
It's only 1 minute and 40 seconds now!
Only 15 seconds to start!

There is no need to fight back to defend.

VC's discipline was full, and he cleared all the points that should be cleared in Area A, and started his own bag keeping time.

The GG trio have nothing to say, start 'save' mode.

Moreover, in the future, they will not be able to do that by default in Area A, which is a very troublesome thing.

MUWO thought to himself.

This picture [-] seems to be really bad.

 There are still 7 days left in this month, and then I will break through the limit and write 10 words.

(End of this chapter)

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