CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 310 The Little Ghost's Shocking Queen!

Chapter 310 The Little Ghost's Shocking Queen!
The pause timer in the middle of the screen passed by every minute and every second, which also urged GG and others to start discussing how to fight next.

This round they were directly played, although there is still money to be strong.

But the average is only about 3000, which is obviously not enough for them to hit one person with full armor and full ammunition.

And if they do not succeed in winning it, they will fall into a vicious circle of bad economics.

But if the strong players can come back, then there will be an extra score tolerance, so that this point will not be directly awarded to VC.

"Let's let it go." MUWO said.

He is still confident in his ability.

If there is no good timing and opportunity, the possibility of a forced comeback is almost zero.

In the current situation, the balance of victory has been tilting in the direction of VC.

They don't have much room for error.

The big brothers in the team all spoke up, and the others didn't have any strong opinions, basically acquiescing.

They continued to discuss how to fight the long spear round, refining their ideas...


GG's strong start didn't win.

After finally having enough money to play a long game, they focused on Banana Road.

If you want to get the front point of Banana Road at the beginning, use a lot of props to send a person there. If there is no subsequent firefight, the defense of Area B can also be declared liberated.

The problem is, they're a little too taken for granted.

They started with a lot of props on Banana Road, which made S1mple realize GG's idea immediately.

At the beginning of the game, three fires were given on Banana Road, and their information has been explained.

VC made a decisive decision and made a speed increase towards Area A.

Although the two people in Area A were standing at the rear this time, they did not withstand VC's attack.

Only one sanji was replaced and all of them died in the latter point.

Faced with this unexpected situation, after thinking about it, GG chose to preserve his strength and save three spears to prepare for the final match point.

The front row of the stands belonged to professional players.

quit sneered: "GG is simply in a daze."

The Danish ogre next to him glanced at him: "It's not like you're in a daze when you run away."

quit: "Can this be the same?"

The ogre hooked the corners of its mouth and refused to answer.

But he also obviously agrees with quit's first sentence.

GG played too indecisively, and the number of saves was a bit too frequent.

After coming to Figure [-], their bravery in the Lost City seems to have disappeared.

Start to save your guns frequently, start to stabilize the situation, and save money for the future.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this, but in their view, GG, as a team that plays individual abilities, has too high a frequency.

"VC may really have a chance to come back today." The Danish Ogre commented.

He seems to have seen the end of GG.

quit retorted: "That's not necessarily the case. It's a question of who wins in the second picture."


The arrival of the match point made all the audience at the scene more excited.

Because every next point may become the last point in Figure [-].

The audience shouted the names of VC and GG loudly in the audience, cheering for their favorite professional players.

In this enthusiastic atmosphere, the first match point in Figure [-] finally started.

VC got the match point first, and didn't do too many messy things.

I still plan to be more stable and collect information first.

In the last round, they relied on this method to easily win Area A.

This is where information matters in team games.

At the beginning, sanji was the first player of VC. After the countdown ended, he raised his knife and started off on the banana road.

Because his teammates were some distance away from him, after he finished throwing the barrel fire, he planned to jump to the tree position.

According to the past, apart from the follow-up props, there will not be too many voices on Banana Road.

But this round was different. After he finished throwing the fire, he saw a policeman pull out from the direction of the barrel.

The most important thing is that this policeman is holding a big sniper in his hand!
"It's over!"

A word popped up in Sanji's mind.

In the next second, in the banana road where the props were flying, the gunfire of the big sniper rang out, taking away Sanji who was jumping in the air.

Loxi, who got the kill, didn't stay too long, turned around and walked to area A.

Relying on the advantages of body position and firearms, getting a kill is already very impressive.

Just leave the next banana road to the three teammates.

Yes, they put four people in Area B.

But the big sniper was in a good position, so they deliberately zoomed in and went out to shoot.

If the big sniper is lost, then they will be hidden in the package point later.

Deliberately seduce VC to go deep into area B, they rely on a few gun positions set up in advance to fight.

You can even use VC's selling S1mple tactics to create a wave of opportunities for teammates.

This is one of their conspiracy.

Fortunately, loxi successfully got the first kill, and their follow-up preparations were useless.

The two English stream commentators on the field are good, and they can see GG's plot.

Henry raised his eyebrows: "Banana Road released four people at the beginning, and let the big spy leave on purpose. There's something wrong with that."

"They wanted to give VC the idea of ​​having more people in the Banana Road, but GG actually only left two people in the Banana Road."

"But they tried something they hadn't done this whole inning, and the bananas crossed pretty close."

His old partner Jonny said: "But VC doesn't seem to want to go to A, and the large army is still standing still at the entrance of the gang, as if waiting for the smoke to clear..."

"This is interesting. There are only four of them in the crossfire near Banana Road. After the firefight, they may not be able to gain an advantage."

"Whether VC has the ability to close games remains a mystery."

The watermelon gave a banana-like slate smoke, and they didn't expect such a crop.

But the other party suddenly added a smoke bomb, which let them know.

There must be someone close.

Otherwise, with a big sniper in hand, it is completely possible to use a big sniper to guard the banana road.

Now they are wasting smoke bombs instead, which makes them a little suspicious.

With 1 minute left, they didn't plan to wait any longer.

I gave a slate smoke and divided the banana road into two parts.

Then use the flash to burst out the smoke.

The Director took the lead in the charge and jumped out of the smoke.

Point to the groove position of the banana road.

At the first moment, he was slightly affected by the flashes of his teammates, but after recovering his vision, he immediately began to replenish his guns.

But there was a problem. S1mple behind him backstabbed him and killed him with one shot.

The other party was completely whitened by the flash, and was already in a desperate situation.

But suddenly the enemy in front of him was destroyed, which gave him a chance to revitalize the situation.

"VC flashed strong, but S1mple accidentally injured his teammate!"

"This gave MUWO a chance to survive and defeat S1mple!"

"The watermelon made up for MUWO, but there is still a fox in the tree position. The fox knocked out the watermelon, and he is still shooting!"

Johnny concluded: "The kid finally got his gun back, but this time the problem was bigger. They didn't have a big advantage in the face of crossfire."

"On the contrary, the number disadvantage has been expanded, and now there is only somebody alone."

The little ghost cutter speeded up and came to B Tong. He didn't know the other party's position information.

So after sealing the policeman's cigarette, he randomly threw a flashlight at the policeman's house, wanting to find the enemy who packed it.

At this moment, he heard a big sniper from the police house suddenly shot!

The other party's bag is absolutely empty!
This is my only chance!
In an instant, several thoughts appeared in the kid's mind, and he immediately got out of the smoke.

Loxi held a big sniper and wanted to take the time to get a shot, trying to get a kill by mixing smoke.

As everyone knows, the brat got a huge amount of information through his reckless operation.

After loxi pulls the bolt, go out to get the information.

But he found that under the double frame of the police, the kid was already holding his position with an AK47.

He didn't even fire his gun, and he was shot down.

"Good gun, somebody's style of play is really spiritual, loxi didn't expect him to be so bold, and now the situation is ups and downs again."

"somebody seems to have a chance to win the endgame again."

The little ghost cutter returned to the bag spot, he knew that the opponent's approximate location was far away from him, otherwise the big sniper wouldn't have shot.

Take out the thunder bag and place a world bag.

"Although we all know that less fights are more proactive, somebody's ability to seize opportunities seems to be a bit too strong. He still needs to face two enemies now, but the pressure is not so great anymore."

Henry looked at GG's props: "The two policemen only have one dodge and one thunder. It seems that there is really a chance for somebody to operate. He can't really save VC's match point."

Henry didn't quite believe what he said.

The little ghost in the screen is previewing the banana road, beware of someone coming back from the side of the banana road.

But then, he peeked and began to draw out the knife.

After a few seconds, he started to walk forward again.

Henry thought of the kid's style, and couldn't help but have a guess in his mind: "Oh, he didn't want to go around the corridor, did he? How dare this person think, it's too crazy!"

Johnny's eyes widened: "This kind of position-changing style of play usually appears in the Lost Desert City. It seems that there is no successful example in the town of Purgatory."

"He won't come for real."

There was a rustling sound from the audience, and the audience was also whetted by the commentary, staring at the big screen carefully.

The thoughtful director divided the big screen into two and began to project the perspectives of the two camps.

The little ghost cutter has already run into the link, and the two policemen are still searching the banana road.

After the little ghost entered the corridor, they dropped a thunder bag.

In fact, this round is a hard gamble for the kid!
In the firefight on Banana Road, the man he killed had no headgear.

They knocked out two spears in the last round, and there is no head armor in this round.

It is very likely that GG has no money to buy props.

He also knows that two people's handling of the endgame is very different from one person's handling of the endgame.

Therefore, it is very likely that GG will finish searching the package, destroy him first, and then unpack.

This is the mental journey of the little ghost.

He was taking the last quiet step, preparing to pull out of the corridor.

The two people on the other side were also a little suspicious.

Given the superiority in numbers, they chose to search the Banana Road first.

Then pretend to want to seduce people out.

MUWO said suspiciously: "I won't go around the back."

But several others rejected his idea.

As professional players, although they don't know the specific time needed for this wave to go around.

But it probably takes close to 30 seconds.

They didn't believe that somebody would be so brave.

But in the next second, a bandit ran elegantly from the corridor.

Hold the AK47 in your hand and start shooting!
"GG ​​is still searching, they finally decided to unpack!" Henry shouted excitedly, "but somebody finally appeared!"

"He shot and knocked out Black who was unpacking, and Jiya succeeded in filling the gun immediately, and then started unpacking."

The audience at the scene applauded somebody's bold operation, even though somebody didn't manage to kill the two.

Henry sighed: "It's a pity..."


"It's a pity that he couldn't kill the second one. In fact, it just needs to be delayed." Cole sighed.

At this time, Taro suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

"Wait, it seems that GG can't dismantle this thunder bag!"

"Fuck, kid, he didn't fail, he succeeded!" Yuyuan shouted excitedly, "This will definitely be a highlight of the endgame in this championship group. His style of play is really unconstrained!"


The barrage in the live broadcast completely exploded:

"What did I see, playing games like this?"

"A player with a really big heart, the little ghost in the picture was sanctioned after going around, and he will continue to come in the second picture!"

"Little devil, he is really smart!"

"It would be even more exciting if both were killed."

"He is really good at going around, and he dares to go around too!"

"Now I declare that this map is called VC Town!"

"Picture Three!"

The victory in Figure [-] made most of the audience heave a sigh of relief.

At the same time, they also began to look forward to the game in Figure [-].

Today's VC seems to have a chance to go further!

In the VC battle room, I saw that the kid had just killed one, and the following policeman quickly took over the task of unpacking.

S1mple sighed, but still patted the kid on the shoulder, and said comfortingly, "Brother, it's okay, I'll do my best."

But then, they also found out that something was wrong!
At the moment when C4 in Area B exploded, S1mple directly changed his words: "Fuck, brother is awesome!!!"

"Brother Sun, it's too fierce!"

Although the others did not have S1mple's face-changing Sichuan opera, they are still 'NICE'!
Only the protagonist, somebody, who won the endgame, pretended to be expressionless.

After S1mple found out, he slapped the kid's hair and messed it up.

"You guys actually put a cup, I can't accept it."

"Is it easy for me to win an endgame?" The little ghost broke through in a second, gritted his teeth and started to fight back.

"You can't let me pretend!"



"How could this happen, how dare he!" Black couldn't believe it.

He was the unpacking CT who was beaten to death.

He still can't accept it, why the kid dared to fight like that, why the kid appeared in that position.

Is he really not afraid of taking the blame?
He leaned on the gaming chair, unable to accept everything in front of him.

Like him, there are several other members of the GG team.

They all froze in their positions, staring blankly at the game screen.

The green 16 on the left means that the opponent has won Purgatory Town.

also explained,

The game begins and enters picture three!
Life and death!

 There may be more, but don't wait, maybe it will be posted together tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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