CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 314 Crazy chasing points!

Chapter 314 Crazy chasing points!

When night fell over Katowice, the temperature difference between day and night caused the temperature to drop sharply, and a trace of autumn wind took away the last temperature of the city.

But in the center of Katowice, in the UFO Arena.

The tens of thousands of spectators at the scene did not think it was cold today, and even felt a little hot because of the anxiety of the game.

Today's game definitely made them feel that it was worth the ticket price.

Before the start of the game, they thought that the situation would be one-sided, and no matter how good VC was, it would just be something new.

If you show your style a little bit, you will be taken away by GG 2-0.

Except for the VC fans in the venue, most of the audience thought the same.

You could say their minds are fixed, but it really represents the minds of the vast majority of them.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, VC and the others were not discouraged by the lagging behind in the first half.

Everyone can see that they are actively discussing how to play in the second half, trying to adjust.

Probably the adjustment was over, they saw the handsome coach of VC, interacted with the audience again, and played the game of clapping and shouting.

This also made many viewers have a better impression of VC.

After all, there are still relatively few players who like to interact with the audience, not to mention this player is a bit special.

The Danish ogres in the audience were deeply moved when they saw this scene.

As Denmark's second-in-command, he knows how hard it is for a team to win the love of offline audiences.

In the absence of star players, most of the audience are a little bit against the new team.

Of course, in his opinion, after this Major, at least two VC players will become famous and become T1 players.

The extremely arrogant S1mple even has a chance to step into the ranks of T0 players.

But again, the data sample is too small.

VC now has recorded offline competition data, but it is only three competitions.

The overall enemy data is still a bit small, according to them.

As for the match against VC, they actually suffered a lot of hidden losses.

They want to target VC, but there is too little data, and they have not found a standardized way to play VC.

It is very troublesome to find ideas.

But after this competition, the data this time will all become a style of play against VC.

If they can still maintain the current level at that time, then they will really gain a firm foothold in the front line.

And if the score is really overturned by them letting one chase two, then GG will lose face.

He is now like a netizen who eats melons, looking forward to the explosion of this big news.

Quit next to him saw his expression and knew what he was thinking.

"I'm afraid you are not joking, now GG is the advantage."

"Although VC is also good, GG can still win."

"Should be able to win..."

In the end, quit thought of the unstable characteristics of GG, and his thoughts were not firm anymore.

After all, that was the team that had lost in the final for a year. If they could hold out with their last breath, they wouldn't be awarded the title of 'Great Manya'.

There is one thing to say, the level of the team GG is quite good, after all, I have become a part of the team.

However, they can't say for sure about the situation of the game. After all, apart from pulling the hips a bit in the final, GG is still quite strong in the usual spear rounds, which is easy to be overturned by Sand Eagle.


Although they didn't get an advantage in the first half, VC's momentum has actually been recovered.

Now, it depends on how they played at the beginning of the second half.

If you can win the pistol round, then there are still plans to play a dozen in the follow-up.

After all, a dead city is not the same as a small town. Because of the problem of the map structure, it is still quite difficult to force a comeback.

So basically only by winning the pistol round, the early scores can be won.

In the anticipation of the audience, the second half of the game in Figure [-] finally started.

The camps of the two sides are switched, and VC comes to the defensive side.

According to Meng De's arrangement, they directly made a bet in Area A in the pistol round.

This is a tactical arrangement made by Mengde based on the opponent's data.

Compared with their data scarcity, GG has a lot of game samples.

On the map Mystery of the Dead, they hit an A in 64% of pistol rounds.

So Meng De directly let the pistol round squat four A directly.

There are three people at the Baodian station, and the kid is setting up a gun on the floor of A2.

VC is ready and quietly waiting for the arrival of GG.

From God's point of view, GG did not surprise Meng De, and really came to attack Area A.

This scene made the two domestic commentators very excited: "GG started with 41 splits, and wanted to play a wave of seduction in the B area, and then began to attack from two angles in the A area."

"VC just did heavy defense in Area A, and now everything is ready, just waiting for GG to attack."

A lighted cigarette was thrown from Hall A, and the four people in Area A cheered up instantly.

The director at the corner of the blue door didn't feel very good, so he took the initiative to go out and use it as a hook for his teammates.

He turned around to look at Hall A, but was shot twice in a row and knocked on the head in an instant and took him away.

Although the bandit's Glock is not fatal at this distance, the efficiency of GG's replenishment is a bit too high.

"It's definitely an A!" the director said, because he saw the bandit.

"Don't worry, don't worry, let's go out after the kid shoots the first shot." S1mple held Sanji back.

Now the opponent's attention is on them, so it's not easy to do anything.

At the same time, the blue door was opened, and several bandits began to exchange fire with the imps upstairs in A2.

The little ghost kept moving his body side to side, aiming and firing rhythmically.

Successfully knocked down the No.1 bandit coming out of the blue door.

Then a flash of light was thrown from Hall A, turning the kid's screen completely white. He lost his anti-gun status, and was headshot and killed by the enemy inside the blue door.

S1mple didn't continue to hide either. Proper hiding was for better timing, but if he didn't do it all the time, he would really become the sixth child.

He peeked out, and the USP pistol shot a precise headshot, killing one person in Hall A.

He turned around and continued to aim, there was a second person in Hall A.

Sanj, who was behind the red box, came out to help, and with the same shot, he knocked out the last person in Hall A.

Sanji feels really hot today, which is why the director is willing to make a wedding dress for Sanji.

Because I saw the bandit very early, the watermelon who stayed behind in area B also rushed over.

At this moment, he climbed up the stairs to the A2 floor, and just ran into the GG people who were planning to reorganize in the blue door.

The two exchanged fire with each other several times, but because of the narrowness of the blue door, they did not kill each other.

S1mple at the package point directly closed the blue door for him.

He prevents the watermelon from having an accident.

Now the situation is 3 vs 2, the opponent's thunder bag fell next to the forklift, and the initiative is in their hands.

Just keep the bag.

GG chose to return to Hall A alone, intending to fight the endgame from two angles.

Although they were at a disadvantage, they did not intend to give up.

MUWO played wildly inside the blue door, opening and closing the blue door all the time.

He didn't open the door until his teammates took their positions in Hall A.

"Give me the props, I'll try to take the initiative to fight." MUWO said.

He knew that it was impossible for the other party to give them a chance now.

Jiya in Hall A nodded.

He tossed out a forklift cigarette, and then gave two white packs of sparkle.

The flash exploded, and MUWO rushed out directly from the blue door, assaulting the bunker.

But how could VC not think of the operations they could think of.

Sanji in the red box was flashed white, but S1mple at the dead point had been flashed back in advance.

After the flash explodes, the peek comes out as soon as it is fired.


The usp gunshots are so pleasing at the moment.

The timely kill information in the upper right corner also shows the precision of S1mple.

Now, only Jiya in Hall A was left alone.

He tried to take the initiative to attack, broke through the encirclement and scored the bunker point, and faced enemies from three angles.


MUWO rolled his eyes at the position, and the pistol round was completely a trap for VC.

With only three defenders, their offense wouldn't be as tough.

It can only be said that VC has done some thorough research on them.

Since then, both of their pistol rounds in Figure [-] have been declared failures.

After losing the pistol round, they did not choose to force it.

Because the map structure is relatively large, not as small as a small town, the chance of a comeback is very small.

So they made a decisive decision and chose pure eco for all employees.

They probed on both sides, and then found the director who held Famas.

They didn't expect Glock to come back, so they concentrated their firepower to find a wave of trouble in Area A.

The director took down three of them with Famas before he was knocked out.

The little ghost next to him caught the two with a hair dryer and swiped a wave of economy.

Although a long gun was dropped, it was not a big problem.

Because the director himself can feel that in this economic situation, his hand is gradually recovering.

The score above the big screen came to 9:8, and VC finally took the lead for the first time.

There was a wave of screen swiping just now, but the director actually got a good kill economy.

S1mple looked at the kid's economy, and took the initiative to say, "Give me a big sniper."

On this map, due to the problem of the angle of the gun, the appearance of big snipers is relatively frequent.

The kid pretended to sigh: "You're really not polite at all, I'm going to be drained."

"What b-word." S1mple took the big sniper thrown by the kid and said with a smile.

"We still have two hair dryers. We will take the initiative in this round. We will try to use the hair dryers for close firefights."

"S1mple, can you defend with B alone?" Xigua turned around and asked, if S1mple found it difficult, he would have to make some adjustments.

"What I can do is that you need to give me feedback as soon as possible. Even if you don't see anyone, you have to report to me. This is related to my position selection and decision-making." S1mple replied.

After finishing their defensive thinking, everyone raised their guns and set off.

At the beginning of the middle road, a smoke bomb was given to seal the bandit middle hall.

Watermelon asked Sanji to throw him a flash bomb, and he quickly came to the door of the bandit hall.

As for the hill, of course it was a fire.

On the side of Area A, the director got an MP1 thrown to him by S9mple.

Yes, S1mple is pretty cheap.

But this is also because S1mple needs to buy a lot of props, otherwise without props, the difficulty of single B will increase exponentially.

The director came to Hall A, grabbed a fire in advance, and threw it at the entrance of Hall A.

"Come on flash."

The director said.

The kid who made the order was already ready, just waiting for the director's words.

A flash exploded in the center of hall A, and the director charged with his MP9.

He didn't see anyone at the first time, but he didn't search on the surface, but came over to look at the boxes in Hall A.

The other party was also waiting for the supervisor after flashing back, and the two of them pointed at Maimang and started a fierce exchange of fire.

But in close firefights, unless the AK47 kills with a headshot.

Otherwise, the advantage of MP9 is still quite large.

For example, this time, the director pulled twice in a row by relying on his movement speed, and successfully got the kill.

However, the opponent's follow-up teammates threw smoke to put out the fire, and rushed out to make up for the director.

The MP9 in the hands of the director is still quite low in medium and long-distance combat capabilities.

There is a one-for-one exchange in Hall A. From the perspective of firearms, VC is quite profitable.

But GG on the other side started his own actions.

In the early stage, they were countered by Area A and pushed forward in the middle, and obtained important position information of VC.

They know that there are absolutely not many people in Area B now.

So I made a decisive decision, waited for the smoke at the entrance of B package to clear, and planned to launch an attack.

"The situation is not good. Today's VC only has S1mple defending in the B area. He needs to face at least three spears alone."

"He only has a big sniper in his hand. Whether the first shot can be killed is very important."

MUWO stood in the first position. He first turned around and looked in the management room a few times, trying to try to cheat the gun position.

But they didn't know that S1mple played a big sniper in the third round.

This caused S1mple to see his little arm and kill it with a single shot from the sniper.

Several other people in VC immediately started to switch points.

GG also felt that time was running out, and immediately threw a B1 smoke bomb and headed into the bunker.

"But S1mple quickly moved to the headshot position, beautifully moved, and then quickly opened the mirror and hit a kill."

"The thunder bag fell at the door of the B site. S1mple got up again after squatting down, and shot to the left. He blocked all the firepower of GG with a big sniper. He has already got a triple kill!" Henry's tone was a little hasty, "GG's last person is rushing over, can he still kill S1mple?"

Watermelon came back to defend from the middle channel. He thought the opponent's speed was not that fast, so he was still changing guns.

It was knocked down by loxi in the next second.

But the death of watermelon can also be regarded as a warning function for S1mple.

He opened the scope with a large sniper and took the initiative to walk in the direction of loxi.

loxi wanted to throw a cigarette and pick up a bag, but was caught by S1mple!


Henry shouted passionately: "S1mple, he used a big sniper to disintegrate GG's attack!"

"This monster is crazy!"

(End of this chapter)

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