CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 318 The Birth of S1mple's Awakening New Skill

Chapter 318 The Birth of S1mple's Awakening New Skill
After returning to the hotel, Mengde asked, "What do you all want to eat?"

Because of the competition, most of the players didn't have dinner. Even if they were hungry, they just drank a cup of coffee or ate some bananas.

Professional players basically don't eat full before the game, because studies have shown that a full stomach will make him feel sleepy and have trouble concentrating.

Distraction of attention is very fatal to professional games.

So even if they are hungry, they don't want to make mistakes because they are full.

"KFC!" It's Broky.

"I want a Coke, anything else."

"I want to eat fried chicken."

Listening to the voices of most of the team members, Meng De replied: "Then let's go to KFC today."

As he spoke, he ordered a few family buckets on the food delivery platform, and then turned on the projection to watch another team's game.

After the VC game, the next game was played by the Danes against the Germans.

There is not much suspense in this game, and everyone present does not think that the Danes will have problems.

Several people watched a few rounds. Although they had psychological expectations, they were still a little impressed by the strength of the Danes.

Not only did they play very well in tactics, but the cooperation between the players was top-notch.

The hook play that VC is good at has been used to the extreme by them.

"There's no suspense, it's better to swipe your phone." Broky complained.

The outcome of this game is somewhat important to them, but not that important.

Because the outcome of the match in Group A will not affect VC for the time being.

Their opponent must be a member of Group D.

Seeing this situation, the team members also dispersed and began to take a shower, and swiped their mobile phones.

Three full games and nearly four hours of high-intensity combat have already made them feel exhausted.

S1mple just waited for the late night snack to come, and then went to bed.

Broky stood at the forefront of web surfing, and soon entered the forum and started blowing water.

He is no longer the person who could only watch, he can even start his own group.

But today's game has nothing to do with himself, he turned to S1mple and said, "Look at the forum, today must be all about you."

The one-sided game is relatively boring. S1mple only saw the full details of AE, but the Germans were unable to fight back, and the game was still less enjoyable.

He was about to do something when he heard Broky yelling.

Hearing this, he turned on his phone and went to the forum to play.

Sure enough, Broky's prediction was correct. S1mple just swiped up and saw that all the posts were discussing the game that just ended.

[VC's sniper S1mple is exactly what echelon player? 】

[I can only say that I am convinced. This game was full of state throughout the game, and I lost my sleepiness. Although he did not show that kind of terrifying strength in the game in Figure 1.49, but in Figure [-] and Figure [-] The dominance of the No. [-] Middle School is beyond doubt, and the average data of [-] in the final statistics of the No. [-] Middle School shocked him even more. 】

[I think it's really a first-tier sniper, look at this Major, S1mple is really a middle belt]

[I can only say that MUWO is not as good as S1mple. I mean all aspects. S1mple's performance tonight is really outrageous. I jumped down from the B2 building and shot two shots. I screamed when I saw it. 】

[Winning today has already exceeded my expectations, and I hope to make persistent efforts in the future, continue to go up, and at least restore the glory of ACE. 】

[The above requirements are too high, but I hope they can continue to win, but don't have too much expectations, not every game can have such a good state]

[That's true. 】

The audience discussed the game very enthusiastically. Even though it was already early morning in China, they still couldn't dispel their excitement.

S1mple's performance today made the Chinese audience very excited, and it was almost time to award S1mple the MVP medal on the spot.

However, as a first-line star player, MUWO's defeat this time also caused many people to sigh.

You know, in this year's forecast, he could have entered the TOP5.

However, due to consecutive empty shots by the Sand Eagles, they lost their tickets to the semi-finals.

After a few of them swiped for a while, the takeaway ordered by Meng De also arrived.

The three games had already made everyone hungry, but now they were even more turbulent, and quickly wiped out all the KFC on the dining table.

The tasks of the contestants were over, and after lying on the sofa for a while, they began to rest.

Meng Deben planned to review today's game by himself first, and then look at the battle between the Germans and the Danes.

However, it was found that the strength of the Danes was a bit too terrifying. In today's two maps, the Germans basically had nowhere to fight back and were crushed across the board.

In the final two maps, only nine points were scored.

After the game, the Germans' minds were buzzing.

This game let them know that even in the quarterfinals of the Major, there is still a gap.

The strength gap between the Danes and the Germans is quite amazing.

Meng De also gave up his dream of winning the championship with an upset all the way.

The impact of AE in this game is a bit too huge.

In their game, almost every round was full, they worked hard, and finally won by two points, which was almost four hours of suffering.

This group of Danes seemed to be playing the ladder, crushing the whole process.

The Germans couldn't find a place to fight back, and the final game time was less than two hours.

Meng De couldn't help complaining: "Are you guys in a hurry to get off work?"

The end of the Group A competition also announced the official end of today's competition.

Two teams have successfully advanced to the quarterfinals.

Meng De used the computer to record some small details of the game just now, although their next game is not to play AE.

But some things can still be used.

After everything was over, he finally remembered the system's notification sound during the game. At that time, because he was concerned about the game, he didn't care about it.

Now I finally have time, so I turned on the system and checked the system.

[Role mission: Deadly National War, Blind Sniper Angel]

[Mission description: In the map of the mystery of the dead city, use blind snipers to save the team in key rounds and complete a shocking reversal. 】

[Task Status: Completed...]

[Task Reward: Unlock the mentality lock of the player, and the random attributes will start to increase by 5 points...]

Meng De nodded. S1mple's strength and talent have always been obvious to all, but his mentality is also really easy to explode.

Often when the team is still in an advantage, he will start arguing with his teammates because of a wave of small mistakes.

But these 5 attributes are too few.

After Meng De complained, he planned to shut down the system, but found that the changes in S1mple were not over.

[S1mple's attributes have reached the threshold, and the awakening begins! 】

[S1mple data began to change...]

Meng De raised his eyebrows and continued to watch. He had a hunch that it might be the same scene as the kid.

But the previous kid was upgraded to S-level from A+, and now S1mple is S-level, so it is only possible to upgrade to S+ in the future!

Meng De had a guess before that among today's professional players, there may only be a few of them who are S+.

This kind of player, even for the professional circle, is the real pride of heaven.

Although he has the ability to detect players, it is basically difficult for him to detect powerful players.

So far, he has only seen a few S players in the first line.

He didn't find even a S+ player, and for a while, he even doubted his own judgment.

Now, he didn't have to think about it, because a genuine S+ player was right in front of him.

[Player S1mple's data panel has been updated, please check the manager by yourself...]

[It takes a while for players to awaken, and they need to fight to adapt...]

[Player: S1mple
Affiliated team: VC
Role Positioning: Almighty

Status: Awakening (strength fluctuates greatly)

Mindset: B 75
Consciousness: S+ 97
Response: S+96
Marksmanship: S+ 96
Sniper branch:
Rack point spy: S-92
Snapshot: S 95
Shot: S+ 96
Blind Sniper: S+ 99
Overall rating: S+
ps: In addition to mentality, S1mple has become a humanoid hacker. The most terrifying thing is that his ability is still being perfected.

Skill: There are no living things in the crosshairs.

Skill description: When S1mple uses AWP to get key kills consecutively, the skill is activated and S1mple's marksmanship attribute is increased by 2 points.

Skill: Blind Sniper Angel
Skill description: When S1mple uses blind sniping to kill, there is a high probability of increasing one's mentality by 3 points, a high probability of reducing the opponent's mentality by 5 points, a very small probability of plundering the opponent's skills, and a small probability of causing the victim to suffer from "phobia" '.

Meng De:? ? ?
What the hell is forest phobia?
He continued to look down, and soon realized that this was a freshly baked passive ability of S1mple.

Passive Skill: Morphophobia

When S1mple gets a high-difficulty kill against the enemy, there is a very small probability that the enemy's total attributes will drop by 1 points when facing S5mple.

"Damn it!" Meng De, who was usually steady, swears.

He is stupid, the effect of this skill is too outrageous.

And he found that there is already a player in the follow-up of Morphophobia.

They are very familiar with that person's ID, he is their opponent tonight, the deputy sniper loxi from the GG team.

In short, the next time loxi and S1mple face each other, he will face a debuff that reduces all attributes by 5 points at the beginning.

Although the conditions for triggering this skill are very difficult, the effect is really terrifying.

All attributes dropped by 5 points, what kind of concept is that.

An S-level player may only be able to perform at an A-level or even lower level in this game.

He continued to check back and found that because of S1mple's performance tonight, he created a world-class famous scene and gave him very considerable points.

Now, after this competition, if you can draw good players, you don't have to worry about running out of points.

After watching the whole process, he turned his head and glanced at S1mple's data, and found that VC might really have a phenomenal player.

Not only the attributes are far beyond ordinary people, but this skill is also terrifying.

Friends in the professional circle, you may not know.

Next, you're going to see a real monster!

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day everyone in VC finally got the right to rest.

But it was only in the morning, and in the afternoon they began to review their tactics to keep their hands feeling good.

The game soon came to night, and the BO3 match between the other two teams in the quarterfinals will start tonight.

First of all, the first game was played by Denmark's second-in-command, the YSG team that once had victories in VC, against the samba from Brazil.

Speaking of which, samba and VC still have a relationship, because after the Fog City Major, samba tried to poach the core figures of VC, and wanted to make Mendela the core of the team.

But Meng De refused, and the matter was left alone.

Failed to dig Mengde, they could only find another talented player in Brazil.

When it comes to the country of Brazil, the first impression may be football.

But their ability in the field of e-sports is also not weak.

The Brazilians got a guy named Gintan.

This guy is somewhat similar to the style that Mengde showed in the Fog City Major before, but it is not the same.

If Mengde's style of play in the Fog City Major is free, then this player named Gintan is crazy.

This kind of gunman will only release the W button once in a round, which is the time he died.

The first game was against Lost City in the Desert, and Gintan directly overwhelmed YSG by himself.

They didn't expect to have such an idiot style of play, and the Danish ogre even cursed several times in the voice.

Although YSG has been adjusted in the follow-up and can also guard against Gintan's charge, but the score in the first half is too small, and there is not much room for error in the follow-up.

That's how I lost Figure [-].

But it's on picture [-], on the nuclear crisis.

The Danish Ogre used his powerful commanding ability to integrate the entire team into a whole. Quick attack and map control were played in a new way in his hands.

The Brazilians lost the nuclear crisis without doing anything to fight back.

It seems that I found some feeling in the second picture. The ogre came to the third picture, and even got 10 kills directly in the first three rounds. On the map of Shacheng, I got a very considerable advantage.

Afterwards, the Brazilian repeatedly broke through YSG's defense in A University and successfully recovered the score.

But helplessly, in the latter part of the game, YSG's breakthrough player stood up again and helped the team get the rhythm.

Figure 16 was finally won by YSG with a score of 10:[-].

Announced that they have successfully entered the semi-finals.

After a brief rest of more than ten minutes, the game also came to the highlight of tonight.

AKA played against Finland's HC, but most Chinese people like to call them Cold Wave.

From the king of the Commonwealth of Independent States, against the first-line top dark horse reorganized in the past half a year.

The confrontation of marksmanship and system.

Like AE, HC also exists as a system team. There are no outstanding star players in their team, but the level of players is not too low.

Many people call them the civilian version of AE.

However, in Meng De's eyes, the two teams are completely different.

The AE team relies on the tacit cooperation of the players, as well as mutual cooperation. Although there are tactics, they are just old routines with new wine.

As for the HC team, they relied on their own strict discipline and those novel tactics to fight again.

At this stage, no team can beat them in terms of discipline, not even AE.

This is also an important factor why they can become dark horses from now on.

Both are dark horses, but there are actually many comparisons between VC and HC.

But the roots of the two teams are different.

VC is a new player, slowly finding a system and adapting to the first-line competition.

And HC is a veteran player, reorganized and run-in, forcibly worn out his personality, and fit into a system.

This game has received a lot of attention from many people. Everyone wants to see how far the old Bs like HC can go and how much pressure they can bring to AKA.

But after the game, they discovered that AKA was simply not in shape.

Although the two maps scored good scores, it can be clearly seen that they are far behind the previous level.

In the end, both maps lost to HC by a small score.

People can't help but sigh that all the heroes are rising together. If the old strong team fails to keep up with the rhythm of the times, it will be eliminated.

In this Major, GG is like this, and so is their AKA.

If you haven't kept up with the changes of the times, even if you have a foundation, it won't work.

And they are even more firm in the idea of ​​team CS.

In today's game, whether it's AE or HC, what we showed them was the team system.

Although the viewing effect may not be very strong, the effect is really good.

They have a feeling that CSGO in this era may be developing rapidly in the direction of the team.

And VC's opponent tomorrow is this HC from Finland!
The audience is also very curious about the collision of the two dark horses.

Is the newcomer's personal ability stronger, or is the old man's experience more useful?

 I made a mistake yesterday. There are four games in the quarterfinals, which will be played in two days. I will correct the previous article immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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