CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 321 Blame yourself if no one blames you

Chapter 321 If No One Blame You, Blame Yourself (7000 words)
The opening of Figure [-] is what VC does not want to see.

But when they really need to play picture three, they will not be afraid of anything.

After all, Lost City in Map [-] is their own strong map, although on this map, they have lost a bit miserably recently.

After Meng De comforted everyone's emotions, he began to point out the tactical thinking in Figure [-].

"Everyone should be more serious in the knife fight, and try to let us get the right to choose sides."

"When we were the defensive team, we had to work hard to get more points. We underestimated the strength of HC."

"Indeed." S1mple's face no longer had the frivolity at the beginning of picture [-].

He knew that the next map was crucial.

If they win, they will enter the finals of the Major for the first time. Even if they may not be AE's opponents in the end, they will still fight AE to the death under the witness of tens of thousands of spectators.

But if they lose Lost Desert City, then they can only regretfully become part of the audience.

Before the picture [-] was about to start, the audience in the audience cheered and cheered.

They also know that the players may be under a lot of pressure, so they want to use this method to make them more motivated.

Hearing the shouts, VC and the others felt a little better.

Then they put on their headphones and put their minds into the game.

But they knew that the difficulty of the next game would be very high.

But the players who used to be talented teenagers have a wealth of competition experience.

Turning around to play the road of the system again, the best way to avoid the decline in their level due to their age is how much strength they will have.

Today VC may have to learn very thoroughly.

Ten players from both sides entered the competition. After a fight for sides, relying on S1mple's performance, VC got the right to choose the side in picture [-].

In the pistol round, relying on Meng De's preparation, VC succeeded in betting, and relied on marksmanship to contain the opponent's offensive.

Taking advantage of the economy, S1mple and others started to score in the early stage.

Until the fourth round of the game, HC's economy improved and they started their first long gun round.

The score on the big screen was already 3:0, but the tense situation did not allow VC to take it lightly.

At the beginning of the long gun round, HC prefers to make a fuss on both sides of the map compared to the map control in the middle.

They played a wave of unconventional advancement in the B area at the beginning, and the defenders in the B2 floor and the B area played 1 for 1.
Although it seems that HC is not dominant in terms of numbers, the attacker has an advantage in the early exchange of equal numbers.

They turned around and tried to control the middle lane again, giving VIP smoke and smoke inside the arch, giving VC the illusion that they were going to hit the middle lane to clip B.

But this intention was quickly seen through by the little ghost and S1mple's arch anti-clearing.

They realized that the opponent's intention was Area A, so they began to defend in a targeted manner.

HC's attack came very quickly, a wave of speed-up and fast break in Area A.

The people come out together with the props, and the main thing is a surprise.

S1mple was holding a gun on the telephone booth. He wanted to collect a toll, but was shot and killed by the bandit pulled out by A1.

Standing on the top of building A2, the director first knocked down the bandits in A1 by surprise, and then turned around and took the initiative to go up to building A2 to find a way out for himself.

Cooperating with B's little Sanji's anti-clearing flash, the little ghost took out the link smoke and wanted to anti-flash.

But sanji's flash trail was a bit shorter, resulting in only one bandit flashing.

The little ghost opened fire and killed one person, and he was also replaced.

The director went up to the A2 building alone and knocked out the bandits who were about to synchronize in the A2 building, but his blood volume was not much, so he could only wait for Sanji to return to the defensive position, and then look for opportunities.

"In a 2v2 endgame, Sanji comes out first to get the information."

"A1 heard footsteps landing on the ground, and the bandits in the short box have not been found yet."

"Sanji walked towards the long box. The bandits in the short box heard the footsteps and pulled out to look for it. Sanji's marksmanship was better, but before he had time to adjust, he was replaced by A1."

Originally, this has no chance for VC.

The position of the director is locked, and the blood volume is not much. We can only try to see if the director can kill the opponent with a headshot.

Suddenly, the screen of the remaining bandit suddenly went black!

He felt that he turned his head to look at his teammate's screen, standing on building A2.

But such a delay gave the director time to act.

The preview was good, and when the opponent made a mistake, he peeked out from the A2 floor and strafed to kill him.

HC is really numb.

Can you play, can you play?
How come there is such a trick as explosively changing the display power supply?

But this was just a joke, and they quickly turned around and asked the referee for a technical timeout.

The staff of the competition team came and found that the power supply was only a little weak, and it would be fine to replace it soon.

For this sudden accident, HC and others did not apply to the referee team for a return.

Because they know, that's totally against the rules.

According to the rules of the current CSGO game, once the round starts, the two sides have exchanged fire and caused damage, and the round cannot be reset.

The problem with their computer was late in the round, and there was already a firefight.

For this kind of accident, the expressions on their faces don't matter, it's just a point.

I still have some regrets in my heart, after all, this is already considered an off-site influence.

After losing the spear round, HC had to play the economic round again.

In the economic bureau, they did not try their best to overthrow the situation, but to seek the optimal solution of the economic bureau.

For example, use a few props to try to put down the mine bag.

A wave of explosive bombs in area B that came prepared at the second time allowed them to successfully put down the mine bag.

Although the price was being swiped by VC's two defenders in Zone B.

It's just that, for them, the economy has adjusted just fine.

Soon HC re-entered the battle of the long gun round. It was not until the sixth round that they relied on a bomb attack in area A to win the first round of the third picture.

They were not impatient in the fight, and they were not flustered by the previous loss of points.

The various styles of play in front seem to be more of a test.

Since they started to get the first point, they began to bomb continuously with a purpose.

All kinds of false fights and real fights are mixed together, making it impossible for VC to judge their ultimate purpose.

"Aiming at VC's defense, HC adopted various points of oppression. On both sides of the map, they began to take turns to count with props, preventing VC from having the right to get close to the entrance."

"In fact, the idea of ​​HC's style of play is very simple. It is not new to the current professional arena, and it can even be said to be a bit retro, but they have done a good job in details, making it difficult for VC to judge. Two points Which side are you going to fight?"

"They've kept the bare-bones default architecture, but that's not a long-term solution."

"VC must take the initiative to change, and now they are left with two options, forward pressure and betting."

"I have been at a disadvantage in the first wave of firefights many times, which makes it difficult to return to defense. I hope VC can adjust it sooner."

Although the HC team has several former talented teenagers, it also has many fans in China.

But in today's competition, Coke and Taro will also stand on VC's side without hesitation.

Even though HC's reputation in China is good, their impression is also good.

But VC is their own team after all.


Faced with the pressure from HC's props, it's not that VC didn't think about taking the initiative to adjust.

This tactic of HC is not a secret, but once the forward pressure is used.

If they take the initiative to find someone to fight, the advantage in marksmanship will disappear.

After all, you only need to look at one point for a stand, and looking for someone in front of you needs to find someone in your field of vision.

Not a concept at all.

But after losing consecutive rounds, they began to look for variables.

In fact, the opponent's score is too high, and there is no other way.

There is no choice left!

Coming to the long gun round again, VC directly gave up the middle lane, and S1mple came to the B area with a big sniper.

With the help of sanji, he came to the B2 building.

Take the initiative to walk quietly and start walking forward.

One of the opponents made a default at the sewer position, and was shot dead by S1mple in seconds.

While reaping the kill, S1mple reminded his teammates to speed up carefully.

S1mple's reminder didn't even finish, and there was a voice calling for help from Area A.

HC's decisiveness is really outrageous.

When S1mple got the first kill, they began to speed up to the A area.

He even planned to break out and enter the bunker first, and then come to fill up the cigarettes.

The director caught a classic anti-clear flash downstairs in A2.

The three people in A1 were flashed into all white by him.

He knocked out one, and wanted to shoot and transfer to the second person, but the enemy on the A2 floor made a move.

His director was shot and killed by the bandits on the A2 floor.

The little ghost is at the long box and wants to come out to help the director replenish the gun.

But as soon as a shot was fired, the two of A1 had recovered their vision.

He was instantly killed with a headshot.

Today's opponent, even if he plays the tactical system, is a guy who has been famous in the first-tier arena before, so how bad will his strength be?

Watermelon rushed over from the jungle and threw an A1 grenade, trying to make up for damage to his teammates.

Now, he can only wait for the two teammates in zone B to return to defense.

"VC's return defense is in place, and S1mple shoots a fire towards the dead point to clear the position."

"But the three bandits were hiding in building A2, downstairs of A2, and platform A1. They crossed over one after another, and the crossfire was full!"

"The bandits in Building A2 will not take the initiative to pull horizontally even before their teammates die."

"Xigua took the initiative to pull the gun line, but S1mple came again. He directly started to pass through A2 downstairs, and disabled people with one shot."

"Watermelon pulled to search the spot, trying to confirm the location of several people, but someone in A1 was holding it up, and Xigua wanted to fight back, but was directly knocked out."

"Fortunately, Sanji made up the shot and eliminated the hidden danger of A1."

"Sanji continued to search forward, and S1mple was also coming. The people downstairs finally made a move. He shot directly and knocked out Sanji who was focused on the dead point."

"S1mple's big sniper made up for it with one shot, and the situation fell into 1V1."

"S1mple doesn't have lightning clamps on him, so he has to deal with it faster."

"S1mple pretends continuously, and then shoots in the direction of building A2, can't people get out?"

"Wandering out, but is it useful?"

"I have to say, S1mple is simply unsolvable."

HC fans are suffocating, this S1mple doesn't give a chance at all.

Deceived the people on the second floor, and then shot them down with a lightning-fast shot, and took down the spear round.

VC and the others were extremely excited, and planned to continue to score a few points in accordance with Meng De's philosophy, so that it would be easier in the second half.

But in the following rounds, they did not defend HC's offense.

The score stayed at 8:7.
At halftime, VC leads by one point.

The score could not be opened, which made VC feel a little anxious.

They have also seen HC's defensive ability. After changing sides in the second half, they may face even greater pressure.

In the second half, VC played a slightly complicated tactic in the pistol round.

First of all, they framed the sewer and the middle road, and then determined the information of the middle road.

Force the police standing on the other side's VIP back.

After taking control of the middle lane, the rest of them returned to the B2 building.

Watermelon dropped a linked smoke bomb on the B2 floor.

With the foreshadowing in the early stage, HC naturally thinks that VC wants to clamp A in the middle.

But in fact, VC's focus was on area B. After the attention of area A was drawn, a wave of explosive bombs came from the B2 floor.

I also saw props flying in the back of area B, and knew that I might have been cheated.

But they had already launched a return defense, and now they forced their way back, having lost the best gun position.

After the first wave of firefights, the two defenders in Area B replaced only VC.

And what made their hearts sink was that they were delayed, and Area B easily fell again.

In the case of bad gun positions, insufficient props, and inferior numbers, the chances of winning this endgame are too slim.

They still failed to win the pistol round in the end and were stunned by VC.

The pistol round was won, and VC wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to open the score.

But in the strong start game, they were sniped by HC and scored three headshots in a row. With the subsequent performance of Sand Eagle, they successfully came back.

Unprepared for the turnaround, VC's economy exploded directly, and the score was quickly tied.

VC focused on the first long gun round in the second half, trying to regain the rhythm of the game from the long gun round.

But it didn't work.

HC's dynamic defense is more solid than they imagined.

The efficiency of information acquisition is not low, coupled with impressive marksmanship, the effect of shooting is pleasing to the audience.

VC can't find too many loopholes to exploit.

The balance of victory began to tilt, and VC did not start to score slowly until the third long gun round in the second half.

Fortunately, S1mple and the director made an endgame play, which rekindled the fighting spirit of the VCs.

They even overtook the score all the way back.

But the good times didn't last long, with a mistake made by the director.

HC gradually became familiar with their offensive rhythm.

The score also came to 13:13 unconsciously.
Although in terms of score, no one is behind.

But Coke and Taro Ball, who have been watching the game, are a little anxious.

Because they know that the economy of VC is already somewhat stretched under the situation of being continuously chased for points.

After losing a long gun round, their economy exploded.

In the case of an economic explosion, even if VC chooses eco in the next round.

That also means that HC may get match point.

Darkest hour!


"Steady the situation and win this round, we still have a chance!" S1mple encouraged in the voice.

The few people next to him wanted to respond, but today they didn't feel good.

Several people were a little silent, only Xigua opened his mouth and was doing the early command.

"We still have to control the middle lane, be careful of their front top in the middle lane, and go to the sewer for two people." Xigua briefly talked about the early layout.

Everyone started to set off, and the director was the closest to the trash can, so he walked over and threw a VIP cigarette.

But today I don't know why, his condition is not good.

At this moment, he even aimed at the point, but forgot to press the jumper.

A smoke that should have fallen on the VIP exploded in the bandit's house, resembling the chaotic emotions of VC.

"Whoever comes back, I didn't throw away a VIP cigarette." The director said.

S1mple was going to give flashes to his teammates to help them grab the middle.

Hearing this, he immediately started walking back.

"Director, go and help them lose flashes, and I'll make up for it." S1mple said, "Don't be so anxious."

There is no VIP smoke in the middle lane, and there is no flash, so the danger of them trying to pass is very high.

S1mple lost a VIP cigarette, and the director gave his teammates flashbacks and asked them to start grabbing sandbags.

Although they made some mistakes, they adjusted very quickly to the mistakes.

On the other side, HC player kuku immediately jumped into the sewer.

He is here to play unconventional this round.

He took out the smoke bomb and threw it into the sewer with a slight aim.

This is a sewer smoke and a one-way smoke in the middle.

He was quickly whitened several times by VC's flashes, but he was not afraid, but continued to cross the sandbag position.

A cloud of smoke flew over from the bandit's house, and it looked like it was going to make up for the VIP.

But what puzzled Kuku was that the VIP cigarette was not thrown in either, but landed in front of him by accident, covering his one-way vision.

Kuku: ...

what is this?
The gangster VC also planned to push forward, but finally found out that his VIP cigarettes hadn't been thrown in.

Standing in the middle of the road is definitely not a good thing.

The director and the watermelon immediately started to cross the line.

"But kuku decided to seek wealth and insurance, and directly pushed out this sewer smoke."

"Watermelon peeked out again and found kuku. He previewed and pulled it out, but he didn't hit it."

"What is the watermelon doing!" Coke yelled.

If it was normal, he wouldn't face the players so directly.

It's just that the situation is tense now, and he can't take care of it so much. He vented out the most basic feelings in his heart.

Fortunately, the director knew the situation and came out to make up the gun successfully, which made the two commentators heave a sigh of relief.

S1mple next to him supports the arch to prevent others from interfering with the battlefield.

Sure enough, someone rushed out of the arch with an AK.

But S1mple is also empty gun.

"There's one out of the arch!" S1mple quickly reported while retracting.

The two men in the sewer heard the report and began to speed up to make a fuss.

However, the two still played with a small detail. One of them walked quietly while the other took a step.

I want to make the other party think that there is only one person in the sewer.

After completing the information, the two successfully came to the VIP.

The opponent noticed that there was a big sniper in the middle, and there was no head iron to continue chasing, but retreated to the back point.

The watermelon put the little ghost on the VIP, stepped on the edge outside the VIP, and set up in the small direction of B.

Here, he can see Little B and the inside of the little black house.

After the first round of firefights, there was no movement on the field for a while.

Both sides lost one player, and the control of the middle lane is in the hands of VC, which is barely acceptable.

"How to fight next, which side to attack?" The director asked, which decided which way he would go in the future.

"Get ready to clip A, you guys go back."

"S1mple fills up an arch cigarette, help them buy some time, don't get caught up." Xigua said.

Watermelon's order was given in a timely manner, because from God's perspective, HC was already approaching the middle lane, and someone wanted to catch the flash.

The smoke from the arch fell to the ground, and finally saw HC start to stop.

Sanji from the sewer threw a cigarette into the VIP to give some pressure.

He and the kid planned to go up from the VIP and the arch separately later, so they needed to use props to clear the inside of the VIP.

The VIP fire was thrown out, and the kid standing outside the VIP window suddenly heard someone being burned by the flames.

A good timing was in front of his eyes, and it was impossible for the kid to give up so easily.

The little ghost walked quietly into the VIP, trying to take control of the VIP by taking advantage of his unpreparedness.

Then when the opponent returns to defense, he breaks his hand, isn't the situation open?

"But the brat never imagined that at this point in time, someone actually set up a VIP in the small black room. HC should not miss this detail." Yu Yuan felt suffocated.

jk23 in the small black room did not make the mistake of MUWO. Facing his back, he easily strafed and got the kill.

I originally planned to go to S1mple on A1, but when I saw this situation, I turned around and returned to the middle lane.

In the current situation, there are not many props and the number of people is inferior.

Can only take the initiative to attack.

The director of the bandit family found the optimal solution for tactics.

He directly gave a police cigarette at home, and this smoke bomb was picked up from a watermelon.

Then he went to building A2, ready to synchronize with his teammates.

The A2 floor and the arch put pressure together, which can maximize the dispersion of the opponent's gun line.

The angle between them is a gun line of more than ninety degrees.

S1mple and Sanji smoked out of the archway.

Start to find someone slowly, and there are 45 seconds left in the time.

They have to get some advantage.

"The progress of the promotion is good, but the CTs have all retreated to the back point, preventing VC from having the opportunity to regain the advantage of numbers."

"They're avoiding the fight again."

Sanji dropped a jungle cigarette, and then S1mple quickly started searching for points from A1.

They haven't cleared this position, so they must take the initiative.

After searching A1, time is running out.

S1mple was a little anxious and didn't hide the information, so he started to hit the downstairs of A2 and other places by means of dots.

The director spun out from building A2, they knew that the people in area A could only be at the police house now.

But there are not many props in hand, so I can only use this most adventurous way.

The big sniper of CT didn't hold up the director, and the CT of the telephone booth wanted to shoot again, but was forced to retreat by Sanji.

The two just held guns and passed through the bunker.

S1mple started to set up the gun, and the director put down the bag.

Race against time!

The police sniper peeked out, but S1mple held back and did not let the director be knocked out.

But on the other hand, Little B's CT kept shooting at the director, but the director still failed to complete the contract after all.

"It's almost, can the director be pierced to death?" Coke was very nervous, and his voice kept getting louder.

"Sanji was shooting through the enemy in the phone booth, but he didn't go through the opposite side, he was knocked on the head by an AK47!"

"Now there is only S1mple left, a one-vs-three endgame!"

There was expectation in Coke's words, just like they had seen S1mple create miracles so many times.


Teammates died one by one at the bag site, and there were only 12 seconds left on the big screen.

Jungle just threw a flash over, and someone under the police phone booth killed Sanji.

The director reported that another person was in Elementary B.

Some fights in this endgame!
S1mple leaned forward so he could focus more.

According to HC's personality, he likes to seek stability.

That means there is a high probability that the policeman will not make a move.

S1mple started moving from the short box, holding the big sniper frame jungle position.

Almost as soon as the scope was opened, a CT appeared in the sniper scope.

It's not so much that he's looking for someone, it's better that people are looking for someone.


The gunshots from the sniper rang out from the short box, and the jungle left a corpse of CT.

After S1mple turned his head and returned to the long box, the opponent did not come out immediately.

"S1mple killed one person, but no one from the police showed up! There are only 8 seconds left for him, and the police CT only needs to delay for 4 seconds to win the long gun round!"

"But S1mple changed his gun, he directly pierced the police CT to death!"

"My God, he has time to order again!"

"The endgame of one against three was turned into one against one by him!"

S1mple didn't have time to reload, so he quickly put down the mine bag.

While unloading the bag, he asked, "Do you know where the last person is?"

"Small B should have hit me. I'm not sure where I am now," the director replied.

"It's Xiao B, that person was in the little black room just now." The kid said.

S1mple lost a flash after downloading the bag, and then moved to the police's house, only to let him go to the police's house, and use a big sniper to fight this mess.

But in the process of moving from the long box to the police house, he saw the last policeman in the archway.

Flash was backed by jk23, but it also allowed S1mple to successfully move to the police house.

S1mple held an AK47 and peeked out.

"Da da da!"

Three quick short shots missed the enemy, and S1mple immediately retreated to the cover and picked up the big sniper on the ground.

Then peek out again.

He originally thought that this shot could kill the opponent directly, but at the critical moment, the opponent was much more aggressive than he imagined!
He pulls peek horizontally, and the other party also pulls horizontally to look for it.

S1mple swipes to the right!
But empty guns!

He ducked behind cover, intending to fire again.

But because he was coming to the right, the opponent was also pulling horizontally. Because of the angle problem, he was a little far away from the bunker.

This is also the most deadly shortcoming of the big sniper.

After one shot is fired, there is no way to fire another shot in a short time.

The opponent's bullet kills the soul.

S1mple fell...

The moment the result of the 1V1 bullfight came out, the audience was in an uproar.

"S1mple failed to shoot with AK, peeked out again, it's a big sniper!"

"He didn't hide in the bunker, but he was going to shoot again, but he fell!"

And S1mple covered his face unwillingly, unable to believe everything in front of him.

He supported his face with his hands, and the oppressive atmosphere made it impossible for the team to say anything.

After all, he screwed up the endgame, and the players may give themselves a "Nice Try".
No one would blame him, but he couldn't forgive himself.

Winning this round, he felt that they had a chance to make a comeback.

Unparalleled pain.

He watched the footage of the game, watching the opponent spray a graffiti on his body.

As if mocking him, the winner still belongs to HC in the end.

He thought he wouldn't care so much about a game, just like losing to AE before, he was just a little upset.

But when a game that could have been won was lost due to his own reasons.

Only then did he know what true regret is...

(End of this chapter)

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