CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 339: Dragon Sniper from Heaven!

Chapter 339: Dragon Sniper from Heaven! (5800 word chapter)
HC's crazy turn was unsuccessful. Although they managed to put down the thunder bag in that round, the economy and deposits of the bag were not enough for them to play long gun rounds.

However, as an attacker, the price of the long gun is relatively cheap.

This allowed them to bring out a hero AK, and paired it with a few props, trying to put some pressure on VC.

In this way, even if the round is lost, it will not have a great impact on the subsequent long spear round.

However, if such pure eco points are released, VC's economy will start to accumulate.

Even if they succeed in the long gun round, it will be very difficult to regain the rhythm of the game and face the economy of VC's already operating account.

Only, ideas are just ideas after all.

HC only had one hero AK, barely three AK47 CTs, and a full set of props. They did not break through the CT's defense.

Unknowingly, the score came to 3:3.
HC's early advantages disappeared, and VC has already reviewed the score, and even achieved an economic overtake.

From God's point of view, the three consecutive rounds of victories, coupled with the fact that the loss of firearms in each round is relatively rare, has brought VC's current economy to an average of 7000 yuan.

This kind of advantageous economy can support VC to still play two barely long gun rounds after losing this round, and the fault tolerance rate is very high.

This is also the change brought to VC by the two newcomers after the new lineup.

VC is now more in-depth in polishing the overall details. Compared with only focusing on the gains and losses in front of them, their understanding of the game mechanism has become more thorough.

A team that focuses on individual abilities does not only play on individual abilities.

There are two teams under Mengde, they are two different branches on the same road.

It doesn't mean that there is no contact. They have a good understanding of each other in the game, and they have learned new skills, and they will communicate with each other.

This is also a scene that is difficult to appear in other professional teams.

After all, at this stage, the same club can have a first-team, a quasi-first-team club, only VC.

For other professional teams, they are more of competitors than friendly exchanges.

Some new understanding of the game, new routines, it is more realistic to score points in the game.

HC can't calculate the specific economy of VC, but they haven't destroyed many firearms of VC for several consecutive rounds, and they know in their hearts that the next few rounds will be difficult.

The 7th round of the first half began, and everyone in HC was ready to go. They must win this long gun round, otherwise they will really be overtaken.

After several consecutive rounds of special structure of VC, it will turn to normal by default.

The opponent has failed several quick attacks in a row, and will then think about how to play slowly to control the map.

So he dispersed the personnel and asked the players to play the most common 212 control map.

S1mple's position is close to University A. He is the kind of person who likes to seize every advantage. Once he has the opportunity, he will not let it go.

This A is naturally going to touch it.

After he went over with a big sniper, he didn't receive any pressure. S1mple guessed that the other party had no status, so he gave up big A.

After opening the door for a few seconds, NIKO added another smoke bomb, and easily controlled A.

The addition of the two new members has greatly reduced the pressure on S1mple, so that S1mple does not have to go to the whole map to find someone to fight.

So now under normal circumstances, S1mple will still become that member of the system, and it should be a point of reference.

Unless he has an active idea, then the entire team system will start to cooperate with him.

"HC played very cautiously. They didn't release anyone in the middle at the first time, and they didn't intend to challenge S1mple."

"Instead, B2 took away 4 bandits, and then reversed, using double racks to clear A's team, and then cleared the middle lane, a very safe way of playing."

Nobita took the perspective of HC and thought about it: "Although they have a lot of props this round, they only have four spears in total, so in the early stage of the control map, we still have to be careful and careful."

"They are worried. If they accidentally make a mistake and get knocked out by S1mple in the middle, leaving a long gun in the middle, it will be a very troublesome thing."

Xiejian then said: "Indeed, you can see Kuku holding a big sniper, rubbing against the middle door little by little, to line up for the team."

"I think it's the suppressive power of S1mple's big sniper, which made him cautious."

"Just look at their positions." Xie Jian glanced at the mini-map, "The three HCs gathered at B2, and the gangsters are also stuck here. This wave should be going to B area."

Daxiong took a sip of water from the side, and continued: "But Lao Wang is in this position, standing on the false door frame B, this position is a trick."

The time came to 40 seconds, all the arrangements in the early stage had been completed, and everyone in HC was ready to start the bomb attack.

Two flashes from area B and a smoke bomb from door B were fired, and the bandits launched an attack.

As the two commentators expected, Wang Yuning stood in a non-preview position.

Under normal circumstances, the non-preview position can get the advantage of the gun position, but why does he become the non-preview position?

Because this kind of position eats flashes seriously, and basically there is no bunker.

After Wang Yuning took a flash, he immediately raised his gun and fired into the B channel.

"Old Wang fired at Tong B while moving towards the white car after eating a flash, why did he still run and fight?" Xie Jian said jokingly, "I'm really good at this wave."

The other party did not expect Wang Yuning to run and move so boldly. At first they thought the target was in the sniper position, so they took out the fire to clear it.

But there were some small mistakes in coordination, and no one came closer.

This led to Wang Yuning being released directly.

The director retreated from the dog hole with a big sniper, and straightened B Tong: "Old Wang, you hide inside, I will shoot you before you come out."

The little ghost also rushed over from the middle to help, and this wave immediately became a 3B formation.

Because they didn't know the specific situation, they didn't see Lei Bao, and the two players in Area A didn't move.

40 seconds is enough time for one turn, so it's better to be careful now.

A B was pushed out by lighting a cigarette, and the director held the big sniper and shrunk to the dead point, which meant nothing.

Not only can you not get the vision, but you may also be stolen by the one-way smoke on the opposite side.

The director made a decisive decision, moved to the big box with the big sniper, and moved to the far right of the smoke.

As soon as the big sniper was set up, a bandit squatted and pulled out, and the director big sniper opened fire!
[VC.Twistzz kills HC.poe with an AWP headshot]

The first kill officially appeared, which also explained the final direction of HC's attack.

Everyone moved immediately.

The two S1mple in Area A began to return to the defense, and the bandits in HC in the B channel immediately accelerated.

time does not wait!
The director got a kill, but Wang Yuning and the kid unknowingly went out to finish the anti-clearing in the middle.

Now the two immediately used the director's back to dodge to help.

On the small side of A, NIKO rushed back to defend, but he didn't expect that there was still the sixth brother behind him, and was directly knocked out by the big sniper.

After the middle lane is cleared, Wang Yuning and the kid can return to defense without distraction.

As the smoke from Gate B dissipated, Wang Yuning rushed in directly with the flashes of his teammates.

But someone was holding a gun on the box at the B exit, and Wang Yuning was shot and knocked out with blank eyes.

The little ghost wanted to fill the gun from the dog hole, but the moment his body leaned out a little, the bullets shot over.

His reaction was quick, and he retreated in time, but his blood volume was already red.

Wang Yuning's death and the kid's retreat made it difficult for the director in an instant.

He could only carry a big sniper, and he was still dealing with people at the big box.

He was the only one in the bunker site B, and the opponent could expand the space without any scruples. jk23 jumped directly on the box, shot with the AK47 in his hand, and knocked out the director's headshot.

The kid still wanted to continue to break through. The bandits who had knocked out NIKO in the middle of the road had already rushed to the sandy ground, and shot the kid to make up for it.

The S1mple of the A major was holding a big sniper to press forward, but now he can only save his gun. After all, in a 1v4 endgame, if he bites the bullet and picks it up, it is basically the same as giving it for nothing. It is better to save the gun rationally.

After watching the whole episode from the director's perspective, Nobita expressed his strangeness: "Why did Lao Wang and the kid suddenly give up the B package?"

"This is a bit too irrational."

The barrage audience was also dumbfounded:

[Why did you sell the director? 】

[The decision is not ideal, even a bit outrageous. 】

[Is there a communication problem?]

[Lao Wang and the kid were killed later, this is the key. 】

[I want to go to the middle of the Qing Dynasty, I don't understand it. 】

【The director is bored】

Not only did they not understand, but the director as the victim also felt very strange.

Originally, he was leaning against the big box, and someone was meeting him from the side, and the gun line was pulled away. The other party wanted to put pressure on him, and the price they paid was not ordinary.

Relying on crossfire, they can also get a lot of benefits.

But suddenly the teammates on the side disappeared, and the opponent's attention was on him. In this partial firefight, fighting the enemy alone and having teammates are completely different concepts.

"Why did you run away?" The director asked strangely, with a little complaint in his tone, after all, he was sold out for no reason.

"We came out before the other party gave the cigarette, we thought they would not pass so quickly."

"At that time, the little ghost and I thought that the opponent was playing a wave in the middle to clamp B." Wang Yuning explained, "I saw that NIKO's position was small in A, and B didn't make much movement, so I thought there were more people in the middle."

"I thought, the three of us will eat the middle lane in one wave, and then fight back to defend after gaining the numerical advantage."

"Then you should tell me." The director was still sulking.

"We said at the time that you were too focused." The kid said helplessly, and the director almost got into the screen with his whole body.

The screen is only a dozen centimeters away from the tip of the nose.

"The reason for this wave is still due to mistakes in decision-making." S1mple concluded, "You guys played well, but you shouldn't think subjectively about what the opponent is doing."

"Brothers, we need to get information and make decisions based on real information!"

Newcomers bring benefits to VCs, but also something they didn't know before.

Because the players are very strong and confident in their own consciousness, they often make some predictive decisions.

It's not that this kind of decision-making is bad, it's just that without information, this kind of decision-making involves too much gambling.

After losing this round, HC's economy has improved slightly.

Winning a round with only one pike dropped was a big buffer against their crumbling economy.

The countdown is over, HC has good guns and props, and the system refreshed position is also good, so he actively plans to come to A to compete for a wave.

At the beginning, the 5 people went directly to University A. With the help of the flash, everyone went out directly.

They had already made adjustments in the previous failure scene in A. No. 1 dodged with their backs, and the second faced the enemy directly.

In this round, VC put two people in the A area, and the first one was NIKO.

With the help of S1mple, he flashed back and walked towards the big pit.

Already seeing two bandits in his field of vision, he immediately stopped, adjusted the muzzle of his gun, and opened fire.

The M4A4 in his hand knocked out one, but the bandit's follow-up gun came very quickly, and he was knocked out by the gun before he could turn to the second person.

Area A didn't have too many people in the first place, and the surviving S1mple has a big sniper in his hand, and it is impossible to continue to replenish the gun.

So after A's big wave and one change, the control is so easily handed over to HC.

HC stood for a few seconds to make sure that there was no anti-clearing, and then he was relieved.

The English stream commentary sighed: "This wave of HC is really not easy. They have tried many times in this game, but this is the first time they have succeeded."

His partner said from the side: "So HC is going to play a wave of A-level push? I haven't seen them play a wave of A-level yet."

At the very beginning, HC also thought about the possibility of a large flat push.

But just when jk23 got the kill, he keenly noticed that the ID of the person assisted by the opponent's flash bomb was S1mple.

After thinking about it, they decided to take their time.
Facing S1mple head on will bring misfortune.

After thinking for a while, they turned around and planned to transfer from home to Area B, where they continued to shoot a wave of explosive bombs.

In the previous attempt, Area B broke through easily, giving them a taste of the sweetness.

S1mple stood alone on platform A, but University A did not put much pressure on him, which made him a little suspicious.

"The opponent may have moved to another position, everyone be careful." S1mple glanced at the map, and then said, "Can you take a look at B1, kid? Let's cooperate to clear the middle lane."

"No problem." Hearing S1mple's request, the kid immediately approached the middle door, adjusted his body, and peeked out.

An xbox smoke bomb just happened to be thrown over from B1, and the kid immediately knew that there was someone in B1, and tried to catch him.

"But a magical timing, as soon as somebody turned his head, someone appeared in the middle of the road, and he was attacked on both sides, so he died directly." The commentator sighed, "It's a bit too backward."

"Rule took the AK and headed towards A, watching their positions. They are planning to make a feint in A, and then turn around and go to B to explode the bomb."

"But Rule doesn't know that Little A has an enemy that frightens them!"

S1mple was closer to A, raised his vigilance with a big sniper, heard the sound of footsteps, directly pulled his small body to the right, and shot blindly.

[VC.S1mple used AWP blind sniper to kill HC.rule]

Rule reported a point to his teammates, and then he looked helpless.

How many times this big sniper has knocked them out, and the position where it appears is always so weird.

S1mple took back a head, and stopped staying with Little A, throwing a flash at random to cover himself and retreat.

"Be careful in area B. Looking at the opponent's trend just now, it feels like you still want to fight B." The kid reminded.

Even so, S1mple still didn't move in Area A, because they didn't see the thunder bag and didn't know the opponent's real action.

And now there is still a lot of time, and the specific goal is still unknown.

On the other side, Wang Yuning was rushing towards Gate B in a hurry.

The director stood alone beside the white car, ready to meet the enemy.

A flash bomb exploded in his face, and its slow trajectory made him throw it away at random.

Wang Yuning took the lead in exchanging fire with B Tong's enemies, strafing and firing, but was instantly killed by the headshot of the opponent.

This time, only the director was in communication with B. He was holding the M4A4 in his small body and was shaking, ready to fire at any time.

"The director is still insisting. Now it's his 1V3 in a small area alone. He has to play a few more, otherwise S1mple will not be able to play against the return defense of the B area with a big sniper."

"HC started to shoot! The director's headshot line is very good, strafing and firing, first one second, HC pulls horizontally again, strafing and moving, continue to kill him in seconds! Director!!"

"But he faced too many enemies. He hit two in a row, which is already his limit! HC's shot came too fast."

The director killed two people in a row in the white car, saving the situation.

Although the opponent succeeded in replenishing the gun, there was only one person left.

Because of the time he bought, S1mple has come near the sand.

"There is a bullfight between jk23 and S1mple left. If I remember correctly, in the Major some time ago, jk23 whipped S1mple to death."

"That time S1mple missed the shot that shouldn't have been missed, at this moment, just like that moment."

"Different maps, different games, but the same two people, will the ending be different?"

The two English stream commentators are looking forward to it.

jk23 pushed a smoke bomb towards door B, and then walked silently the whole time.

Because he doesn't know the position of S1mple, he plays relatively cautiously.

And the sudden disappearance of area B made S1mple also start to become suspicious.

He walked slowly towards the middle road quietly, and took a careful look at the position of the xbox box.

After making sure there is no one there, turn around again.

jk23 jumped onto the packing box, put it on for a while, and then deliberately peeked into the sandbag to get the information.

But his action made the two commentators exclaim: "What kind of timing is this? jk23 only needs to go a little further to the left to see S1mple, and he just missed it!"

"jk23 downloaded a dead package, and S1mple also heard the sound of releasing the package, and came over!"

S1mple is very clear about the source of the sound and knows that the other party's position is at the dead center.

The picture of being sprayed after the game appeared unconsciously in my mind.

Who is he, no one in the team has a bigger temper than him.

He can remember a little grudge for a year.

With a bold idea in mind, the S1mple cutter stepped forward, making no effort to hide his footsteps.

It was not until the dog hole was approaching that S1mple took out his big sniper.

In the next second, he made an operation that shocked all the audience.

S1mple raised his head and directly threw the Dragon Sniper in his hand, holding the P250, and rushed into the bunker.

Jk23, who was inside the package site, heard the sound of footsteps from outside, and became vigilant.

In the next second, he saw a dragon sniper appearing in front of him.

jk23:? ? ?
What is this ghost?

He couldn't figure out the situation for a while, why a dragon sniper came in.

Then, a policeman held a P250 and shot jk23's helmet twice in a row, killing him.

At the same time as he got the kill, S1mple took his dragon sniper in the air into his bag and turned around to unpack it.

"S1mple started to take the initiative to release his footsteps. Is he planning to go straight in to find jk23? Isn't this a bit too high?"

"S1mple came to the dog hole, he threw his big sniper into it, what kind of operation is this?"


"The bold and imaginative operation is completely humiliating while riding jk23 on the head." The English stream commentary commented: "This will definitely be the most classic scene in this game, and even become the most classic scene in the entire event. Classic picture, I have never seen anyone play a game like this."

"S1mple is so crazy!"

In the picture, S1mple took off the mine bag calmly and even changed the bullet.

After doing everything, he is even used to this kind of operation.

[Fuck, I never thought that I could win like this! 】

[4750 bait bombs, this is too extravagant]

[S1mple: Weren't you crazy before? 】

[Simple boy, but the operation is no longer simple]

[This time he won't miss the shot, because he used a P250, haha! 】

[He really dared to fight! 】

[Did you see that the players in the competition are all laughing. 】

Yes, after S1mple's imaginative shot, eight of the ten players on the field were laughing.

Because this kill is too outrageous, they don't think it can really be done now.

Not only the VC players, but even the HC players were shaking their heads in admiration.

At the same time, they also gained a new understanding of S1mple's style of play.

Dare to try anything!

They thought about it, if the shot was empty, it would not be a highlight reel, but a forced operation.

As for the other two of the ten players, one is S1mple who is filling the cup, with a calm expression on his face.

The other is jk23 as the background board.

How cool it was to fill the cup in the Major last time, how painful it is to be the background board now.

If you don't play like this, this S1mple has a big sniper in hand, just play?
This operation is simply too nonsense... jk23 has a constipated expression on his face.

 Almost [-] words have been updated today, so I can barely ask for a vote and try to continue later.

(End of this chapter)

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