CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 342 Two Tactics

Chapter 342 Two Tactics
"Congratulations to VC for winning Figure 16 with a score of 8:[-]."

"Today's game was one-sided as a whole, but it was still very exciting. Whether it was S1mple throwing the big sniper out to play jk23 in the first half, or jk23's Shaying quadruple kill in the second half, the players played very well. play."

"Not to mention the scene where VC rookie NIKO used the Desert Eagle to fight a total of 9 people in two rounds, which is amazing." During the intermission, Nobita made a summary of the situation in Figure [-] , "It also made us look forward to the game in Figure [-]."

Xiejian then said: "After winning the scorching sand city chosen by HC, VC took the lead and held a map score in hand, and the next pressure came to HC."

"The follow-up map is the purgatory town chosen by VC himself. Did VC win the second map with a bang, or did HC rely on discipline to win back a city? After the advertising time, we will continue to come back..."

The two commentators are temporarily offline for adjustment, and the audience is still discussing fiercely about the game in Figure [-]:

[One thing to say, VC's replacement is indeed stronger this time, and you can't even see the time when S1mple is especially needed to play]

[NIKO played really well, but it can also be seen that several veterans have not yet found a more suitable position. Today, the director and the kid have given up many times for nothing]

[It’s just one win, the strength of the first-tier teams fluctuates greatly on different maps, it’s not as outrageous as you said]

[Indeed, why did Tu Yi win the first place in the group immediately after winning?Champagne is open at half time? 】

With the increasing popularity of VC in China, their relatively aggressive style has attracted many fans.

But at the same time, there are still some bad voices, who think that VC's actions in recent years are too inflated.

These people don't have a good sense of VC, and many of them have even become black fans.

When VC lost to Xy before, many ten-year-old fans of the Xy team came uninvited, and most of these black fans cameo.

They don't like VC. A few days ago, VC lost to Xy with that kind of score, and they couldn't wait to jump out.

The rhythm brought out at that time made most spectators feel uncomfortable.

Even because the follow-up VC can't produce evidence, the mocking VC can't beat it now and started to slander.

Until VC successfully overthrew Xy and found a way for the opponent to cheat, these 'ten-year-old fans' of Team Xy seemed to disappear overnight.

It's ridiculous.

Meng De doesn't interfere too much with the rhythm of the Internet. He has previously adhered to the principle that the strength of e-sports is king.

After that ten-year memory, I know the importance of grades.

In e-sports, if you have no results, no matter how good your operations are, it will be futile.

Once you have a result, it means that the team has become the focus of discussion. Even if you win the championship and your strength is incomparable, there will still be a negative rhythm.

This is inevitable, because everyone sees things differently. Once there are more fans with different ideas, there will always be some bad feelings during the quarrel.

This point, even the AE team in the memory of those ten years, the AE team that has won 5 Major championships, still failed to do it.

In memory, they are indeed very powerful.

But at the same time as it is strong, it brings about crushing in strength.

The game becomes useless.

Many viewers think their style of play is ugly, how can you say that?
So, unless someone artificially takes the initiative to bring the rhythm, Meng De will not interfere with these matters.

In contrast, the control of the player's status and the planning of their future strength are what Mengde needs to think about seriously.

After Figure [-] won, Meng De and his team members clapped hands one after another.

After winning the first picture, everyone is in good condition.

However, they were not particularly happy, because this game was a BO3, and they just won a map.

If there is a careless move in the future, it is still possible to be overthrown by the opponent.

For this point of view, S1mple is the one who most agrees.

But he won't show it on his face, and his mouth is even more rigid: "What are you afraid of, we chose the second picture by ourselves, just hit it casually."

"It's just a pity that the opposite side has banned the Lost City, otherwise I will take revenge on the Lost City once."

NIKO smiled disdainfully at the side: "Just brag, how did you lose in the first place?"

He also had a joking tone, and knew that S1mple was not the kind of person who couldn't afford it, so he started to poke his pain mercilessly.

"Isn't that an empty shot? Now let me shoot again, and I will hit it." S1mple said that he was still a little unwilling.

The director patted S1mple on the shoulder and said firmly: "It's okay, next time at the Major, we will definitely not let you fall into this moment again."

The previous Major games were S1mple's regret, so why not his regret.

Throughout the event, although he played well, he was only good.

For his own strength, he did not show it at all.

After entering the top 16 of the Major, his marksmanship had serious problems, and he lost his confidence in hitting.

It is a pity for S1mple to watch S1mple fail to win the endgame with empty guns.

But for him, why not.

The serious words of the director made the happy atmosphere in the team a little bit wrong, and the few people were a little uncomfortable, so they could only change the topic to the game in picture [-].

Meng De came to the director's side, and he still recognized the child's professional attitude very much.

God's talent for food, hard work like a demon, as long as he can solve the problem of ups and downs in the future, he must be able to leave a name in the history of the CSGO profession.

He picked up the tactical paper next to the director, and found a map of Purgatory Town on the last few pages.

"I analyzed several HC's purgatory towns yesterday. In the pistol rounds, they used a basic 32 as the default." Mengde twirled the pen at will, and then said, "So we can directly put the target in the pistol round. In Area A."

"After all, their area A is relatively less crowded."

Student Xiaogui raised his hand to speak: "My suggestion is to use the speed-up link. After a wave of speed-up, watch the firefight before making a decision."

"The speed-up link is indeed a good choice."

Meng De's signature pen pointed to the position of Banana Road: "But once they don't feel the pressure in Area B for the first time, the follow-up defense will be very fast."

"The two of them in Area A were placed at the back for scouting, and they played relatively steadily."

"If the speed-up link fails to get a kill, it will make the team stuck in the link and become very uncomfortable."

Hearing this, Wang Yuning next to him said, "The question is simple, let the person in the first place go to trouble with Banana Road."

"Let him use props to feign a wave of B area, put the pressure on the opponent, and make B area unable to get information."

The tactics of the pistol round gradually took shape under their discussion and communication.

This is also the easiest way for VC to communicate on the spot.

In general, their tactics are divided into two types.

One is to do it according to the characteristics of the opponent, and then find the weak point of the opponent's tactics to target and exploit.

The other is that you have already prepared the speed-up bombs for the pistol round, and you directly hit the speed-up bombs, regardless of the opponent's defensive structure, it is just an on-the-spot reaction.

Now this is a targeted tactic based on the opponent's characteristics.

The advertising time finally passed, and the game in Figure [-] started as scheduled.

Map: Purgatory Town

VC vs HC
T: S1mple, Twistzz, Yu, NIKO, somebody
CT: jk23, rule, kuku, Poe, H4ak
After losing Figure [-], HC was not very convinced.

After all, being blown up in his own map is a bit embarrassing to say the least.

But they are also very helpless. S1mple and NIKO played all kinds of magic, and they are not in good condition in picture [-].

For teams that play as a team, there is actually such a thing as status.

Their state is not good, which is different from that of the Gunmen team.

The state of the Gunmen team is not good, which is specifically manifested in the aspect of personal operation.

For a team like HC, the poor state is specifically manifested in the fact that there are great flaws in the team's cooperation.

In picture [-], their cooperation in most of the spear rounds is not ideal, and they feel uncomfortable playing.

After self-adjustment during the rest period, they also recovered some state, wanting to win back the lost map in Figure [-] and drag the game into Figure [-].

At the beginning of the pistol round, they equipped with two flashes and a lightning clamp, and then followed the three B and two A style of play, making the default in the early stage.

There are many people arranged on the banana road, and props are also arranged in the past.

The previous style of play has been predictable.

The jk23 in the first position is holding a usp pistol and intends to go out and draw a shot.

However, a pitch-black prop was thrown from the banana road.


The angle of view of jk23 was turbulent, and the grenade exploded on jk23's face.

"Fuxx!" jk23 cursed.

If no one sees it, only half of the blood is left, and anyone will feel uncomfortable.

With only half blood remaining, he had no intention of going any further, so he came directly to the corner and made a pass.

NIKO on the other side has already entered the banana tree position. At the beginning of the game, he directly followed the previous tactical arrangement and threw a thunder into it.

The main function of this grenade is to dissuade the opponent from continuing to investigate in the banana road.

NIKO kept moving up and down the slate, and after confirming that the opponent would not appear, he fired a flash bomb closer.

jk23 was forced to retreat by the flash, but he and the other two teammates became more vigilant.

But at this moment, a message came from the teammates in Area A: "The cigarette is lit after the link is closed!"

Both sides were put under pressure, and they didn't know which side to attack for a while.

Originally, according to the previously discussed preparations, they wanted to take down the link first, and then make a pincer attack from the link and A1.

As for NIKO, just play casually by yourself.

But Wang Yuning suddenly had a new idea.

"The three of you go to Building A2 and clear Building A2." Wang Yuning commanded, "Don't make any noise."

"NIKO, you should be back soon, you can go directly to the link now."

NIKO heard the command and confirmed that no one was chasing him, so he joined the tactics.

NIKO is walking on the link, and everyone on the second floor is already in place, ready to attack.

The few people in Area B didn't wait for the follow-up movement, so they took the initiative to make a wave of anti-clearance near Area B.

Using a flash to clear the barrel, no one was found, jk23 took another look at Banana Road.

Oops... jk23's heart sank, and he immediately opened his mouth to remind: "Return to defense and return to defense! There is no one in Banana Road, they are going to play A!"

As he said that, he pressed himself to the banana road and started to drive forward.

Although it was still early at this point, the opponent had already given two rounds of props.

The grenade and flash on the banana road, and the smoke after the link, these are props for two people.

He didn't believe it, these were just for foreplay.

If there is still someone behind at this time, he really admires it.

Sure enough, soon there was a link in the teammate's message.

But in the next second, there was the sound of a flash exploding in Area A.

After the players were ready, Wang Yuning started to attack.

Their previous arrangement was to control the link, but after thinking about it for a while, he decided to use the link as a cover and let the main attack direction be on the second floor.

The link was given a smoke bomb, and NIKO was asked to harass, the other party's attention must be divided into the link.

Then he attacked with a wave of explosive bombs, and he was able to catch the opponent off guard.

Dakeng's rule was immediately blinded, and after recovering his vision, he fired and shot the director who had landed.

But the director turned his head and shot him instantly, killing him.

Another policeman was at the dead center of the bunker, and his position was even more embarrassing.

A group of people directly shot their faces and killed him.

In an instant, the control of point A directly changed hands.

They didn't even kill a bandit, which made it very difficult for the three defenders in Area B to return to defense.

However, jk23's quick decision-making still allowed him to seize a chance.

After he walked out of the banana road, he saw Wang Yuning who had just thrown the flash in the middle, and immediately shot.

Wang Yuning was still turning his head, and he was already knocked out by a headshot.

"The situation has come to 3 vs 4, Niko shrank directly into the arch, he is standing in the position of the promenade, Kuku is coming!"

"He hit the head with one shot and knocked him out, but NIKO still couldn't deal with the poe who was pulling across from his right hand."

"The current situation is very difficult for the remaining two of HC. In the endgame of 2 vs. 3, although the number of people seems to be not bad, but the gun positions in the pack are lost, and they only have a flash in their hands. , although there are lightning clamps, it is not easy to play this offense."

"See how this endgame goes."

jk23 chose to walk A1 back to the defense. After peeking into the big hole, he found no one, so he walked over quietly and slowly, sticking to the carriage.

Poe threw a flash in the direction of Dakeng, and jk23 immediately pulled the bag.

The packaged S1mple was flashed completely white, and jk23 wanted to seize the opportunity to catch up and shoot.

But the kid who had been hiding in the cemetery made a move, and with a direct shot, he knocked out jk23 who was facing him sideways.

The linked poe wants to help make up the gun, but the marksmanship is not very ideal.

The directors of the cemetery and the big pit looked at him at the same time, and also knocked out the last policeman.

In the first pistol round in Figure [-], VC won easily again!

(End of this chapter)

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