CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 348 Broky is Already a Qualified Housing Manager

Chapter 348 Broky Is Already a Qualified Housing Manager

The first stage of the group stage of the Blast autumn competition has ended.

The first place in Group A was finally won by VC, and they also directly qualified to enter the Blast Autumn Finals.

And the other teams are not without opportunities.

They can enter the loser's group, as long as they can get out of the tight encirclement, they still have a chance to enter the finals.

In addition to Group A, the first two other groups are the Brazilian team Samba in Group B.

The Brazilian appeared in the eyes of the world for a long time, and also defeated the mighty GG team in the competition of Group B, and won the qualification for the final.

And the strength of Group C is relatively average. There are three first-tier and second-tier teams in it, and one second-tier and first-tier LL.

Even in that group, LL's strength is a relatively difficult member, but their marksmanship in the game is very amazing.

Even won a BO3 victory, and was not directly eliminated.

But the competition in Group C finally occurred between FG and Chariot.

The confrontation between the Germans and the French was very fierce, but the French finally pulled their hips. With a 6-point advantage, Chariot got the priority to get the tickets for the final.

The next game will start in the loser's bracket.

As for the VCs, they don't need to care much about it.

Their task now is to hurry up and finish this month's live broadcast.

After eating the bungalow hot pot meal, everyone in the second team started to set off with their luggage in hand.

Next, they have an Asian Invitational Tournament to play. Most of the well-known teams in Asia and some teams from the Commonwealth of Independent States will participate. For them, the intensity is just right.

Moreover, the location of the event is in the magic capital of China, so they don't have to worry about adjusting the time difference, which makes them very happy.

After arriving in Shanghai, Wu Qiang rented an e-sports hotel near the venue, which can be used for Wuhei.

It allows players to maintain a basic training state, and the most important thing is that it is cheap and affordable.

When they arrived at the e-sports hotel, everyone lay down for a while, and then started to buy daily necessities nearby.

Under normal circumstances, when traveling far away, it is still difficult to bring some unnecessary daily necessities with you.

So a group of people went out in a group to go shopping nearby, leaving Broky alone to look after the house.

The most important thing is that Broky himself needs to make up for the live broadcast time in the hotel.

It stands to reason that Broky, who is such an escaped person, should have enough hours of live broadcasting every month.

But the problem is, this guy always likes to hang out with the director and gla1ve as a housekeeper in the live broadcast room, and he never tires of giving gifts to the two.

I often forget to turn on my live broadcast room, and basically start to make up at the end of every month.

Before leaving, kennyS asked, "Do you want us to bring you something to eat?"

When they went out, they probably found a meal at a random restaurant on the side of the road.

Broky thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Today is Thursday, can you V me 50?"


The door was closed mercilessly. Although Broky knew the result, he still sighed: "In this ruthless society, as a teammate, I wouldn't even give me 50 V. I thought I would buy you a 4750 big sniper in the game. It hurts. It hurts so much!"

As he said that, he opened the takeaway app on his phone. He couldn't miss the madness of Thursday.

After spending more than 100 in one breath, Broky felt that he had made a lot of money today.

It's just that the teammates are petty and don't want to V me 50. People's hearts are too cold.

Broky shook his head, turned his head to turn on the computer, adjusted the downloaded live broadcast software, and started the live broadcast.

As one of the most popular domestic CSGO players at this stage, Broky has a huge number of fans.

He almost just started broadcasting, and there were many people speaking in the live broadcast room.

[Fuck, Lord Qingjie, broccoli is actually on the air today! 】

[Grandpa, the UP host you are following has started broadcasting...]

[What kind of wind is hanging on today, I am willing to start broadcasting]

[I just walked around the director's live broadcast room and found that the room manager was not there, so I knew something might be wrong]

[I'm working hard today, how many rounds are you going to broadcast? 】

[It's still a familiar picture, with a dark background, it smells like that]

Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Broky scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

As a CSGO anchor, he seems to have very little live broadcast time.

Broky said, "I can't help it. It's the end of the month. If you don't broadcast it, you will be told by the coach."

The barrage audience paused for a while when they heard Broky's words, and then rioted instantly:

[Good guy, it turns out that if Thief Cao didn't say anything, he really didn't plan to start broadcasting]

[I'm numb, does Broky think it's more interesting to start the broadcast and play by yourself than being a real estate manager? 】

【He might just think it's interesting to reward the director】

B casually thanked a few players who tipped him roky, and saw that the other people he followed were also broadcasting live, so he directly clicked into the director's live broadcast room and became Twistzz Channel [-].

The audience in the director's live broadcast room saw Broky's arrival and began to interact with each other:
【Welcome the room manager Broccoli to enter the live broadcast room】

A group of people below started swiping the screen.

Seeing this scene, Broky nodded in relief.

Almost every time the director broadcasts live, he is not behind, and he himself broadcasts it or not.

Seeing that the director on the field got another kill, Broky changed hands and swiped a gift.

This has become his daily operation. Day after day, Broky has become a housekeeper who can set his own rhythm.

The director was playing with the horizon, when he suddenly heard the sound of a reward, he subconsciously turned his head and looked over: "Someone gave a reward, thank you..."

"Oh, it's Broky..."

When he came back to his senses, the car had deviated from the route

Leaning his head on the gaming chair, the director collapsed: "Broky, what are you doing? Why do you make trouble every time? I want to block you."

It's not that the director has never done this, but Broky forced him to remove it every time.

For the collapse of the director, Broky did not repent at all, and continued to reward him.

At this time, a boss next to him with an ID called 'Sakurajima Mai My Only' was upset.

Because he was originally No. [-] in the director's live broadcast room, but now because of Broky's extravagance, he was directly squeezed out of the No. [-] list.

The director was driving silently, focusing on the contest in front of him, not knowing that there was another contest in the live broadcast room.

The ropz next to him finished his homework for today and came over to watch the director drive when he had nothing to do.

The competition in the live broadcast room caught his attention, and he said to the director: "I bet they won (referring to Mai Sakurajima, My One and Only and Broky)"

Mai Sakurajima also quickly began to give gifts to the director. With a large amount of money output, he quickly won his own first place.

But how could you let the shy room manager in the director's live broadcast room show weakness?

He immediately began to fight back.

The gift battle between the two aroused discussions among the audience.

[Wow, Broky is squandering his sticker money again]

[I'm going, how much is Broky's salary? 】

[Broky's money is returned in full, and Suiyou's money is divided in threes and sevens. Only the world where Mai is injured is born]

[New Internet Fraud 23333]

【Mai emptied Broky's sticker money】

[Broky's Major will soon become a free game]

[It seems that the treatment of VC is still good, Broky is so rich]

Only Broky was very strange: "I've swiped so many gifts, why didn't the director respond at all?"

【Perhaps this is the best driver for VC, he has nothing to do but focus on driving】

【God is the best driver】

But how could the troublemaker Broky stop himself?
He typed with rhythm in the live broadcast room: [Brothers deduct 1 to get Hellfire, first come first served (smirk)]

Of course, the barrage audience knew that he was joking, but they were also sluggish, and immediately started swiping the screen.

Soon the barrage in the live broadcast room was occupied by '11111'.

After finally driving to the first director, the onlookers also saw the sudden change in the live broadcast room. He was a little confused: "What happened, why are you all using 111?"

"I thought my studio was blown up."

Under Broky's friendly leadership, the water friends also started to make trouble.

[Can the anchor turn down the sound?Wheat is fried]

Yu Guang, the director, saw this sentence and was a little puzzled: "Is the microphone broken?"

But soon he heard his own voice in his earphones and knew that the microphone was fine.

The director complained: "You people are really poisonous..."

After a while, under the director's perfect driving skills, he finally won the first place in that round.

He also thought about thanking the barrage.

At this moment, Broky sent him a message: "Director, stop driving, come and play in duo for a while."

The director also had no choice but to Broky: "Okay, your live broadcast room is not open very much, I can't return the gift for you, and I will treat you to hot pot when I return to the club."

"So can you play CS on the number?"

"Okay." The director is already numb, and with Broky making trouble, it is really impossible to drive.

Broky's Planner also immediately logged into CSGO, waited for a while for the director to go online, and invited him into the room.

Although the divisions of both of them are the top group, the popularity of CSGO in China is still very high, at least in the ladder, there are a lot of talented teenagers online.

It took only a few minutes for the two of them to queue up.

Two people entered the game, and the three teammates were all passerby players.

It is worth mentioning that there is an acquaintance of theirs on the opposite side, the sniper PP of the LL team.

Although there are a lot of passers-by players in this game, the players ranked are all top [-] players on the ladder because of the high score of their accounts, and their strengths are quite good.

They were not in a hurry to start the game, so they took the initiative to open the knife game.

The map is a scorching sand city, and a group of people soon came to the middle road.

Relying on the knife fighting skills learned from S1mple, Broky successfully won the knife fighting round with one against three.

Then Broky chose to start as a bandit and pretended directly.

The director was also not used to him, and chose to be a bandit.

Several other teammates didn't know what they were thinking, and they all had the same goal.

Ever since, Broky's side, who won the knife fight, somehow came to the attacking side.

Broky rolled his eyes, and expressed his tiredness towards these guys: "I'll just pretend, isn't it bad for you to choose CT?"

In response, his teammates also responded: "I just want to pretend..."

An old fan of Broky said that this scene has become commonplace in his live broadcast room.

Known to them as [Broky and his fellow teammates. 】

Even so, as an attacker, with strong personal abilities, being a bandit in Scorching Sand City will not necessarily lose money.

Meng De has analyzed that if the offensive ability is very strong, it may be an advantage to give priority to being a bandit.

He gave this advice to North American teams.

So as long as their guns are strong enough, the follow-up is still simple.

Because of Broky's continuous work, the popularity of his live broadcast room is getting higher and higher, and even many people have become the leader of drainage on the forum, helping to further increase the popularity.

At the beginning, some teams expressed doubts, after all, there are not many slaves with high scores.

Broky said that it was time to refill the cups, and he turned on the mic directly and said, "Don't worry, everyone, I'll come to C, you just need to lie down."

Let the teammates believe it, everyone began to prepare for the pistol round.

Broky was very confident, and said to the live broadcast room: "In Sha Er's pistol round, as the offensive side, the easiest thing to do is to directly hit a wave of small advances, and rely on numbers and marksmanship to crush them."

"Director, start rushing straight away, and I'll throw you an Xbox cigarette."

The director nodded. He is in a good position, and he can indeed grab A's junior.

At the end of the countdown, Broky threw an xbox cigarette very casually, and said with certainty in his mouth: "Look at my xbox cigarette, it directly blocks the view of the middle door..."

He stopped suddenly, because his smoke exploded under the xbox box without hesitation.

The barrage in the live broadcast room stopped in Bengbu instantly.

[I thought that Broky's live broadcast room might be fun, but I didn't expect it to be this fun. 】

[I'm dying of laughter, isn't it really the effect of the show? 】

【The best prop user in the world, well-deserved reputation】

[I can't throw away xbox cigarettes, and professional brother can't throw xbox cigarettes well, I = professional brother]

[The director's heart is sold by his mother]

It's not just the barrage saying this, the director in the game has already scolded: "Broky, I'm xxxxxx"

If he was a passerby, he wouldn't be so excited, but the problem is how could he have forgotten Broky's characteristics just now.

The director regrets it very much now, how could he trust Broky's props?
Holding the Glock, he was forced to exchange fire with the enemies in the middle sand.

He managed to give the opponent a shot, but the opponent also shot him back, killing the director directly.

The other teammates were also dumbfounded. If it wasn't for the professional certification in Broky's personal information, they would have doubted whether Broky was a real professional brother.

An xbox cigarette can be thrown crookedly, you say it's outrageous.

Broky also said very unconsciously: "Don't worry, brothers, I'll throw a flash in the middle for you."

Although the director was killed, he still shouted immediately: "Don't!!"

But it was too late, the flash had already shot, perfectly whitening the three in the middle.

However, these three belong to their own family.

If there is ikun among these three teammates, he will definitely ask Broky friendly if he eats pancakes.

In the end, the three lost their names in the middle of the road because of that flash.

Perhaps, this is also the most essential reason why Broky couldn't find a teammate who opened the black.

Broky ended up being alone in the endgame, knocking out all three and losing the pistol round.

But everyone knew that he was the culprit!
(End of this chapter)

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