CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 365 Baosen Tactics?

After the VC game ended, the second game of the lower bracket started immediately.

Poseidon vs. FG.

The king of North America, who has been on the rise in the past six months, faced the traditional French team.

The final stage of Blast has been in full swing for three days, and after today's game, there will only be a total of four teams present.

So the result of this game will have a great impact on the situation of the next game.

The winner among them will have the opportunity to face the recently hot VC.

Although this is not good news for them.

But the outcome of the loser will be even worse.

The winners will at least have the opportunity to fight against VC, and fight for the slightest chance. The losing team will be eliminated directly and go home. At most, they can act as spectators on the spot and watch the game.

None of the players traveled across the ocean just to watch a game offline, to participate in the Blast event, they all came for the championship.

At the very least, today's winner can officially enter the big offline stage, instead of playing in the narrow indoor battle room in the background.

Even if you lose tomorrow's game, you can still show your glorious moment in front of the offline audience.

Therefore, the desire of the two teams to win today is very strong, and they both want to be the team that continues to go on.

After the BP ended, the map of the game was confirmed to be Lost City in the Desert, Sand City in Hot Sand City, and Amusement Park of Death.

Judging from the bp results, it seems that it is more beneficial to the Poseidon team.

The Lost City in the Desert and the Hot Sand City are both mid-to-long-distance jigsaw puzzles.

North Americans are notorious for their marksmanship, which also caused the approval ratings of the two teams to fall to Poseidon in the live broadcast room.

From a professional point of view, though, BP's results were less severe.

Although FG lost the opportunity, how could they not have a brush in the scorching sand city they chose?
What's more, the third picture in this game is Death Amusement Park, which is the top strong picture of FG.

At the beginning of the game in Figure [-], the two sides showed two completely different styles.

The Poseidon team's style of play tends to default to the wave of explosive bombs under the gun, and the style of play is fast and simple.

On the other hand, FG showed an amazing tacit cooperation. Many times they dealt with explosive bomb attacks, and they used the flash counter brush to get very good returns. They often saw Poseidon's explosive bombs, and FG began to counter clear. After getting several kills in a row, the sea god froze in place.

After the first half, FG, which won steadily, gained a greater advantage.

After switching sides, Sea God's style of play became impatient.

Facts have proved that there are only wrong names, but no wrong nicknames. The saying that there is no CT in North America is not only a joke from the community audience, but also a summary of historical experience.

After coming to CT, Poseidon as a whole is far inferior to the attacker in terms of default cooperation and map understanding.

The level is not at the same level at all. Facing the FG who is fully bursting out, he can't stop the offensive at all.

In the end, VOVO broke the situation completely with two endgames, and FG won a victory first.

The unexpected ending amazed the audience in the live broadcast room. They had no idea that today's FG state would be so good.

Everyone in VC could see it clearly, they chose to move the positions of several veterans forward, and let Xiaojiao more to meet the endgame.

Looking at the situation now, it has barely achieved good results.

After Tu Yi's defeat, the pressure came to Sea God.

In a BO3 match, if they lose another game, they will be eliminated, so the next map is a game of life and death.

As for FG, they have already obtained one of the first two maps, and there is actually no pressure in the follow-up. Even if they are included in the third map, it is still their own strong map.

In the amusement park, they are still confident that they are not weaker than others.

So when entering Figure [-], the overall state of FG is relatively relaxed.

What's more, although Sha Er is a picture of fighting a gun, it is also a picture of a big sniper.

FG's Little Pepper thinks that the strength of the sniper rifle is much stronger than that of the Sea God's main sniper.

In the game in Figure [-], FG is the first to attack. Unlike Poseidon's style of play, which likes explosive bombs, they are more willing to make some fuss about tactical transitions.

Their overall performance on this map is not impressive, but the problem is that North America's performance is even worse.

Relying on VOVO's command ability, FG got a very good advantage.

But the greater advantage was made by the North American team. Today on this map, Poseidon tried a more dynamic defensive mode.

How does dynamic defense usually work?
In areas with a lot of people, they will take the initiative to get more information and kill them; in areas with few people, they will mainly focus on observation and information.

But the problem is that they have too many ideas in areas where the defense is weak.

Not only do you want to get information, but you also want to get kills.

Poseidon only scored 6 points after the first half. This is not good news, and their cold touch continued into the second half.

It is worth mentioning that in the first half of the game, FG also threw a quick **ox smoke, which attracted the audience to @VC's players on Twitter.

In the second half, the pistol round was successfully won by Poseidon. They thought they could breathe a sigh of relief, but the good times didn't last long. FG made a strong move. In the process of advancing, the little pepper bird shot three consecutive headshots, and the rhythm was restored. Take it back.

After the comeback, the overall rhythm of the game was firmly controlled by FG. Poseidon could score one or two points occasionally, but it was a drop in the bucket for the overall situation.

Their disadvantage in the early stage was too great, and it was too late to fill the vacancy.

In the end, the game in Figure 16 ended at the score of 10:[-].

FG also defeated Poseidon with a score of 2:0 and successfully advanced to the semi-finals of Blast.


For this game, all VC members are very serious, because the winner of this game, that is, FG, will be their opponent tomorrow.

At this stage, most of them are looking for their own problems and making adjustments to the new lineup.

But they also need to pay attention to the changes of their opponents.

Other first-line teams can use tactics or avoid battles to target, so that S1mple cannot get a good performance. They can also use the same method to curb the role of the opponent's C position.

"With several veterans in the team not stretching their hips, FG is still playing pretty well." S1mple said sincerely.

The director and the kid also nodded: "That's true. They actually do a good job in overall structure and tactics. The problem is that those veterans can't stand the pressure, and they often kill single digits. Who can stand it?" what."

"Little Pepper is also unlucky. I was originally drawn to the first team from the youth training, thinking that I was out of the sea of ​​suffering, but I didn't expect to become a new cage."

This point is clear to VC himself, and Meng De made an experimental adjustment for a while.

At that time, when Sanji and Xigua were there, the team's firepower was not very strong, so Mengde built a complete system around S1mple.

To put it simply, all players will play around S4mple with 1 guarantees.

At that time, they had already established the system and practiced it for nearly two weeks.

The debut of the new system was in a competition in Asia. In the end, they did achieve good results. The data of S1mple is also surprisingly good.

But the problem is that the whole team is playing very uncomfortable.

S1mple is too tired, he needs to play every detail, and the whole team relies on him to open up breakthroughs.

As for the tool people, the normal sacrifices of the others also made them lose their self-confidence.

After the whole game, everyone was exhausted physically and mentally.

After Meng De found out that the situation was wrong, he felt that this style of play was terminated, and then he made some adjustments to make others focus on it, and finally it became VC's current style of play.

So they are very clear about FG's current state. Whether the opponent can perform in tomorrow's game depends on how well the veterans perform.

If several veterans pull their hips during the game, then the game is basically not difficult and can be won with a wave of flat pushes, but if the veterans perform well, it may be a bit difficult. After all, FG's tactical system is quite complete. France CS has a long history, so that they have sufficient background.

After watching all the games on the third day, everyone began to wash and rest.

Meng De communicated with Wu Qiang on WeChat, allowing the second team to spare time to play a training match tomorrow, and fell asleep.


the next morning.

Although it is unclear why the coach suddenly called them to play a training match, the second team still obeyed the arrangement.

Xiao Biesheng is newly married, this group of guys hasn't seen each other for a week, and the excited voice channel is going to blow up.

"It's not me, I've been crazy in the recent games, those opponents are not enough for me." Broky's voice sounded in the voice, "Just one word, quack kill!"

"So can you thank me for a gift outside the door?" NIKO unceremoniously took out the black history of broccoli.

In the hotel in Shanghai, Broky blushed and said loudly: "It was just an accident! An accident!"

The laughter of the crowd came from the voice, and Broky, a clown's coquettish operation, made them want to howl!

"It's almost done." Mengde spoke, ending their plan to develop the training game into a tea party.

Wu Qiang on the side took the initiative to say: "What is Mengjiao's arrangement today?"

He knew in his heart that under normal circumstances, Meng De would not take the initiative to contact the second team to play a training match, unless there were some special circumstances.

Meng De picked up his mobile phone and sent a file to the players' WeChat group, and then said: "Let the second team play in this way, a total of two games, one against S1mple, one against S1mple to avoid the battle .”

Everyone in the second team opened the file and checked the tactical content in it.

gla1ve was a little surprised and said: "Is this because S1mple has been targeted recently?"

As a top conductor, he quickly determined the answer.

"He was completely invisible in the last two games. This time, Blast's opponents came prepared, and they were avoiding him." Meng De gave a brief answer.

"S1mple has a lot of cards."

There was another burst of laughter in the voice.

In fact, they have already had a premonition of this situation, after all, S1mple's style of play is more aggressive.

As his opponent, he will never know where he appears.

However, with the efforts of analysts from other clubs, he was still able to get the positions he is used to.

For example, the small town likes to run between the link and the B area, and the lost city likes to be in the VIP and junle positions.

Although it is difficult to confirm his specific position, he can still get it if he can figure out a general position.

Since the exchange of fire with S1mple has no advantage, these first-team guys have started to avoid battles.

Once they got the information that S1mple was on that turn, they looked for another area to fight.

From the current point of view, the income they get is still quite high.

If NIKO hadn't been supporting this game, they might have been eliminated.

"Time is tight, let's start training."

After Meng De spoke, the game started soon.

There are two experimental maps today, one is Purgatory Town, this map does not have high requirements for sniper rifles.

So Mengde wanted to see how S1mple handled it.

The training match soon began, and Meng De's brows became more and more wrinkled.

Half an hour later, the first training match ended.

In this purgatory town, the second team won.

S1mple maintained his original style of play on this map, and the results can be imagined.


The overall record tends to be positive, but it is not good news for this game that has played 27 rounds.

You know, S1mple is the main output player of the VC first team.

Playing this performance is obviously not good news.

During one of the rounds, Wu Qiang couldn't help laughing.

S1mple seized the banana road at the beginning, and used his position to draw a shot on the banana road.

Then Wu Qiang heard gla1ve's outrageous command.

"S1mple is in B, brothers, let's speed up and play A!"

Faced with such a decisive turning point, the two in Area A were completely unable to defend, and the subsequent team fell into a mess and started to save their guns.

This is just one example, albeit a bit extreme.

But it also shows that the resources of the current VC are focused on S1mple, and at the same time, it is easy for the other party to judge some other problems from the position of S1mple.

Meng De recorded this point in a small notebook, and planned to tell it to Wang Yuning.

Armed with this information, they can sometimes do the opposite.

Even if you know that the other party will avoid playing with S1mple, you can let S1mple take the order, and the rest of the players will bet in another area.

The first training match ended, and everyone started the second without stopping.

As a result, Meng De was relieved.

I have to say that S1mple is a genius, his thinking and consciousness are unprecedentedly strong, making his opponent completely unpredictable.

With his active and aggressive style of play, although he is easy to be caught with some weird timings.

But the kills he got were also quite terrifying.

After the hot sand city in Figure 1 ended, S37mple was far ahead with the terrifying data of 3/17/[-].

However, the number of his deaths also shows the danger of this style of play.

Of course, after the correction of S1mple's style of play, it can still pose a considerable threat to the opponent.

"It's really not a person." gla1ve sighed.

Although it seems that S1mple has given him a lot of opportunities, this is only the first time he has adjusted his style of play.

After getting familiar with the style of play and gaining experience, you can definitely play more easily.

"Pervert." Broky felt a little uncomfortable after being beaten. Although his stats were not bad, they were just not bad.

The whole game was still dominated by S1mple.

Although today was just a training match, and only the most basic regular bombs were played, the performance of the second team still caught Meng De's eyes.

You know, it was relatively difficult for them to score this kind of score in the first team.

Today he felt that the second team hadn't used its full strength yet.

It seems that the second team also got a good workout in the Asian Invitational Tournament in China.

In today's training, Sai Mengde got the desired result, bid farewell to the second team, and everyone conducted a replay for more than an hour.

Now the adjustment is over, just wait for tomorrow's game.

Whether S1mple can handle the opponent as he said.

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