After accepting the host's brief pre-match interview, the two teams returned to the battle area one after another, adjusted equipment and parameters, and made preparations before the game.

"Your mouth is really poisonous." S1mple chatted with NIKO while adjusting the parameters.

NIKO shrugged indifferently: "My mouth is so poisonous, I'm obviously telling the truth."

"Is there any lie in the interview just now? If Xiaojiao doesn't play well, FG will be eliminated!"

"This is the consensus of everyone!"

The director added on the sidelines: "But sometimes the truth hurts the most."

"It hurts old iron."

Everyone in VC seemed relatively relaxed. In their opinion, there were not many points to pay attention to in this game.

The current FG, as NIKO said, exists as a single-core system in most cases. If a few other people can't stand up to help Xiaojiao share the pressure, VC will basically feel no pressure.

As for Pepper's speech just now, most of them thought it was just trash talk.

If there is really a way to deal with them, they probably understand that it is a way of playing against S1mple.

After all, in the last few matches, all major first-line teams have unanimously come up with similar styles of play.

Unfortunately, they figured it out last night and found some solutions this morning.

Even if this solution is immature, there are two completely different states between having this awareness and being targeted like headless chickens.


VC is in a relaxed state, but FG who is not far away from them is not so nervous.

Although they didn't have the kind of research to think of ways, they also developed a set of targeted tactics after watching the game video.

Once S1mple can be limited, VC is just a first-tier team, and if Pepper can play, the winning rate is still very high.

A sniper who can move has a great impact on the situation.

Although Xiaojiao praised NIKO's suggestion in the pre-match interview, but for NIKO's suggestion, Xiaojiao did not agree very much.

Because recently, whether it is from the game experience or data analysis, his teammates are slowly recovering, which is enough to help him.

The number of times he was "jailed" in the game is gradually decreasing, and he even has a hunch that he will enjoy the feeling of lying down and winning in the future.

But that certainly wasn't today. The hot status of VC is obvious to all. Today will definitely be a tough battle.

Soon the staff behind reminded that the bp stage of the game was about to start.

The coach behind Xiaojiao walked out of the battle room and went to the middle of the stage to engage in boxing guessing with VC's coach.


"Win or lose?"

In the battle area of ​​VC, everyone looked at the returning coach and asked.

"Of course I won." Meng De replied.

Seeing the surprised expressions of the team members, Meng De smiled: "Everyone wants me to lose, right?"

"It's not that coach, you lose too much in boxing guessing." The director sarcastically.

"Okay, okay, let's start bp." Meng De ended the gossip time, and after entering the state, his expression became serious.

He must have given the first Ban position to Death Amusement Park. They won't play this map in the near future, not to mention it is the opponent's strongest map, so it will be easier to ban it directly.

"VC is still a classic and old-fashioned way. At the beginning, we took away the amusement park of death." Henry, the commentator on the scene, recalled, "after the mystery of the dead city was released, the amusement park became a map that VC normalized and banned."

"To be honest, I feel a little pity. After all, what VC showed in the amusement park is still very exciting. There is even the map graffiti of coach MD on the front of the car. The last time the two teams played against each other, VC got it in the hands of FG. victory."

There was some regret in Johnny's tone, after all, the collision of top-level firepower is beautiful.

"Sure enough, I still didn't want to release the amusement park." Although VOVO had expected it, it still felt a pity.

If they can get the amusement park, their combat effectiveness can be greatly improved.

On this map, they are much higher than other teams in terms of personal ability and teamwork.

Although they lost to VC once at IEM, that time VC also relied on endless tricks and novel tactics to defeat them by a small score.

But VC's little tricks and novel tactics don't appear every time.

For the first-line team, this background is very limited.

New tactics and new skills cost one less VC, and it is impossible to have so many endless levels of things in the amusement park.

What can really take root on a map depends on their default system level and the tacit understanding of the players.

Moreover, all the skills and tactics of VC at that time have been learned by them, and even expanded into new things.

"Dead City or Lost City? Choose one." After deliberation, the old coach of FG chose to give the right to the first ban to the players, because whichever of these two maps is banned, it will definitely become the first map today.

"Forbid the dead city, they have played very well in the dead city recently." Little Pepper gave his suggestion.

The first round of the two parties is completed, and it is the turn of the VC to start choosing one.

As FG expected, they banned Dead City, and VC chose Lost City.

"VC chose Desert Lost City, which is also very interesting to say. Although this is a strong map they chose, their performance in recent times has not been very good." Henry looked at the information in his hand and talked about the recent battle situation of VC.

However, if Henry had taken the initiative to investigate the record of the first team Lost City in the Desert, he would not have said this.

Due to the problem of map structure and proficiency, most of the first-line strong teams have a good grasp of the old three (Misty City, Small Town, Sand II).

Under normal circumstances, even if these three maps are not the team's strongest maps, most of them are not bad.

Desert Lost City is a map with good marksmanship and tactical requirements. Generally speaking, as long as one of the marksmanship and tactics reaches the professional level, this map can be used.

If one of them is very good, it can even become a strong picture of the team.

Most of the professional teams are not bad on this map, and it is common for teams to win and lose.

However, this situation does not apply to unpopular maps such as Death Amusement Park Nuclear Crisis.

Because of these few maps, everyone's proficiency is relatively low. When there is a gap in the time invested, the level will naturally gradually increase.

This is why some teams can achieve exaggerated double-digit winning streaks on the maps of Nuclear Crisis and Deathland, but they cannot do so on the old three.

"Fg chose Nuclear Crisis, a tactical map that tends to be unpopular. In the last 10 Nuclear Crisis games, they have won a total of 7 games, which is already a very good statistic."

The first two map selections have been completed, leaving a total of three maps for selection.

They are: Scorching Sand City, Purgatory Town and Train Station.

Meng De thought for a while. Although he was confident that he could win the opponent in the first two maps, it was like the official CSGO reminder: Sometimes your opponent feels hot.

In that case, there is absolutely nothing you can do.

After pondering for a while, Meng De banned Purgatory Town. Although their winning rate on this map is good, compared to other maps, the effect is still worse.

FG sent away the scorching sand city, leaving a train stop, and wanted to play snipers with VC in Figure [-].

After the BP ended, both teams were quite satisfied.

Everyone started to enter the server in Figure [-].

Taking advantage of the waiting opportunity, under Meng De's gesture, everyone in VC hugged together again.

"The offline competition, the audience is very enthusiastic, don't be intimidated by them." Meng De comforted the two NIKO, lest they would be too nervous when they came to the real big stage offline.

"Just let the audience get excited!" NIKO felt his blood was boiling when he heard the cheers around him.

"I have no problem." Wang Yuning replied.

Seeing that their expressions did not seem to be fake, Meng De nodded, and then said loudly: "Then get ready for the competition, and let all the audience today remember our names!"


The players returned to their seats and began to enter the game.

It is worth mentioning that although the FG next door did not do the embracing action, they also put their hands together and did the final pre-match encouragement.

For the professional circle, once something new works, he will be quickly accepted and integrated into his own way.

In the past, most professional teams thought that VC's embrace was only secondary school.

However, some psychologists conducted an analysis, explaining that VC's embrace can help improve the morale of the team, and for a long time, can increase the cohesion of the team.

Those who think that the second team is the first to take the lead in learning.

The classic is the Danish belt villain.

Players from both sides start to enter the server in Figure [-].

VC vs. FG
Map: Desert Lost City

T: S1mple, somebody, Twistzz, NIKO, Yu
CT: pepper, VOVO, 0scar, meow, Bklev
Amid the cheers of the audience, the pistol round officially began!
At the beginning of the pistol round, VC, as the offensive side, played a wave of unconventional and simple tactics to FG.

rush B! !
Why is it unconventional, because for VCs, they usually like to make the default, and then shoot explosive bombs to speed up the second time.

The other teams must also know this information.

This is the case for FG in this round. They concentrated their forces in the middle, trying to engage in a firefight with VC's early solo players.

However, they were a little surprised that Area B was suddenly speeded up.

But the good news is that most of their forces are concentrated in the middle, and they return to defense quite quickly.

"The CTs in the middle lane are already rushing back to defend. VC must hurry up. NIKO jumped down to the B area with a spin, and fell to B's Bklev in seconds! This marksmanship is very accurate!"

"Meow on the outskirts of Area B wanted to try to catch up, but NIKO knocked him out again. What kind of ghost shot is this!"

It doesn't take much time for FG to return to defense, but they can't stand VC's exaggerated attack!

Two defenders in area B died violently on the spot in an instant.

This increases the difficulty of subsequent defense by more than several times.

Moreover, the two of them haven't been able to get even a single kill.

NIKO's bulldozer-like offense allowed them to quickly set up crossfire at the bunker point.

Thunder bag, attack and defense conversion.

Now it becomes the FG trio who need to attack a solid B area with 5 players.

This difficulty is simply a fantasy. During the trial stage of returning to defense, one player was knocked out, and the remaining two from FG started to save their guns.

After the pistol round, the two commentators on the scene were summing up.

"I have to say that the marksmanship of the VC team is still very fast." Jonny praised, "NIKO entered the bag alone, and two precise headshots directly established the result of the pistol round."

"And I don't know if you've noticed. In the pistol round, only NIKO was injured. That is to say, in addition to commanding the props, VC also had NIKO who was injured. The other three members only need to Spend 3 yuan to complete a full armor."

Henry focused his attention on the purchase of firearms on both sides, and saw that VC with a good economy directly took out three full-armor AK47s in the second round, and they even bought a few props.

This economy is simply scary.

NIKO and Wang Yuning did use the hair dryer, but it was only for a wave of money, otherwise the two of them could make up for Galil.

As the defensive side, FG also saved two half-ones, and naturally carried out a wave of strong moves.

VC still chooses to play what he is good at, control the middle lane and the sewer at the beginning, and then advance simultaneously.

After confirming that there was no pressure in the middle, they chose to send NIKO to the VIP.

The NIKO hair dryer swept away the little peppers in the jungle, announcing that the back defense would be killed.

After getting a kill, VC gave B a small fire, and then pushed towards the arch.

The short box and the two CTs on the second floor counterattacked. VOVO almost shot and killed the director with an MP9. Fortunately, S1mple's replenishment gun was in time, allowing them to succeed without losing anyone. Area A was taken.

The two defenders in Area B started another trip to protect their guns.

Confirming that the opponent will not return to defense, NIKO holding a half-armored hair dryer turned into the director of the barber shop branch Mr. Ni Muraoguchi, and wanted to blow a handsome hairstyle for the diehards who kept their guns.

The bouncing NIKO got another kill, but he was also knocked out by a supplementary shot.

He got two kills this round, the blower kills one person is 600, and two kills is 1200.

In terms of the kill economy alone, it is already very rich.

What's more, the semi-armored hair dryer still has to be replaced with a full-armored AK in the end, which is not a loss.

What made Master Ni feel a little heartbroken was that the next round was a good time for him to charge when he ran naked to the USP. He couldn't give the Frenchman another blow with a hair dryer. He really felt a blood loss.

But his worries are unnecessary.

In the third round, VC Master Wang killed three people with a hair dryer, and the economy in the early stage was very good.


On FG's side, VOVO opened the scoreboard.

Looking at a head of mewo and zero eggs lined up with others, I already feel the pressure in my heart.

The submachine gun kill on the right is a constant reminder of the opponent's economy.

But there is good news, that is, they finally came to the long gun round, and they finally had room to fight back.

VOVO took the initiative to stand up as the commander, and said in the voice: "Let's take the initiative, we have to score more points on the defensive side, otherwise it will be difficult to play in the second half."

"Little Pepper started a big sniper, let's compete with them in the middle."

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