CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 371 The oppressive feeling brought by the scroll king

There was a lot of voices in the Sydney Stadium, and the cheers of the audience were endless.

Just now, a wonderful game came to an end under their attention, and VC even won the victory in Figure [-] with a crushing momentum.

The voice of the English streaming commentary is amplified through the sound system and transmitted to the audience in the entire venue.

"In this game, FG basically had no room to fight back. From the first half, VC started to score all the way. After the score of 11:4 came to the second half, the ending of Figure [-] has basically been established."

Henry smiled and said, "To be honest, today's game really slapped me in the face."

"At the beginning, I also said that VC's Desert Lost City might not be that powerful, but in a blink of an eye, they responded to me with a big advantage."

The black commentator Jonny next to him added: "The game was played very smoothly, and I didn't even see VC being under financial pressure. From the beginning to the end of the game, it took a total of..."


"It took 38 minutes in total."

The HC team lounge in the backstage of the stadium.

A group of Finnish players looked at the end of the game in Figure [-] and unconsciously felt the pressure.

They won the opening BO3 today, and they also got tickets to the Blast Autumn Finals, so they will pay special attention to the next two games.

After all, isn't it just for that trophy to participate in the Blast event?
Among them, VC and FG are quite concerned by them.

VC is due to the recent fluctuations in strength and the performance of the new lineup on different maps.

As for FG, due to changes in the team structure, the focus of play has begun to change.

As for YSG, they weren't too worried.

The entire game in Figure [-] has been watched, and all the HC players in the lounge are speechless.

VC's dynamic defense on this map is really beautiful.

This also led to the fact that the game rarely entered the endgame stage. In the first half, FG, who was the offensive side, basically found it difficult to enter the bag.

Moreover, after watching the entire game, they did not see that VC was at a disadvantage economically.

This kind of situation is relatively rare in professional games, and it is also more complicated.

Because if you want not to fall into a disadvantage in the economy, in addition to continuously winning, you also need to keep good firearms while winning. Otherwise, even if you win consecutively, it is easy to get poorer and poorer.

This round of VC did not have such troubles, except for some economic pressures in the early stage of operation.

In the long gun bureau, except for the VC commander holding a submachine gun to save money, everyone else has enough firearms, and they basically have no financial pressure.

Of course, this kind of effect can be achieved if HC can win all the way.

But the problem is that VC's victories are intermittent, but they still operate the economy well, which shows that VC has a better understanding of the game mechanism and the overall economic algorithm.

VC is always like this, whenever you think his progress has been very good, it will give you a strong sense of oppression in an inconspicuous place.

"I hope FG can give some strength, otherwise even some of VC's back players will not be able to force them out, and then there will be big problems." HC team commander jk23 said sincerely.


The game in Figure [-] ended, and the two teams entered a short break.

However, the huge screen in the venue did not stop. The director first played the wonderful kill in Figure [-] for the audience to recall.

Among them, the scene where the director got 9 kills in two rounds in the second half made the audience cheer again.

The scoreboard in Figure [-] soon appeared in front of the audience.

The game went on for a total of 38 minutes, but 164 heads were killed.

In fact, from the kill data, it is easy to analyze where the problem occurs.

In the game in Figure 20, as the loser FG, only Pepper got more than 21 kills. He played a total of [-] kills in this map.

His four teammates averaged 11 kills, and meow, who played the worst, only got 8 kills.

And what about the VC who is the winner?
The overall average kills are approaching 20.

Except for Wang Yuning and NIKO who got 14 and 16 kills respectively, the kills of the other three have already broken the 20 mark.

The team's No. 24 director even got 8 kills, but only 3.0 deaths, a full [-] battle loss ratio.

In the simplest terms, a director can get three kills with one life.

"This Twistzz stat is exaggerated..." Henry exclaimed, "As expected, he must be the MVP player in Figure [-]."

As soon as he finished his words, the fixed-makeup photo of the director with his hands folded on his chest appeared in the middle of the big screen. The elegant hairstyle and resolute face caused Nantong in the venue to scream again and again.

"97.6 round damage, 75% headshot rate, it's a walking headshot machine." Although Johnny knew the result, he still took a breath.

"As the player with the highest headshot rate among first-line players at this stage, what he is best at is helping the opponent make a look."

The audience at the scene applauded thunderously, and the sound of Wuhu was endless.

The enthusiasm of the netizens in the live broadcast room was not much less enthusiastic, and the barrage almost filled the entire screen.

[To be honest, the director's aim is really smart]

[Lingdong, this is a lockpicker! 】

[Today's game is just like frying fish]

[Ren Shuai Qianggang can also be an atmosphere group, who can not love the director]

[FG is as I expected, only Xiaojiao is playing, he is really a little sick, and the others can't even maintain the basic state of fighting with guns]

[The director is really too ruthless today, FG's several key offensives were thwarted by him]

[Now VC feels that all the staff have returned to their positions, and the Trident model has gradually taken shape]

[The first team is so relaxed here, but the second team is still fighting BIKG next door, and the gap is directly widened]

[Looking forward to picture [-], take FG directly]

【Don't make fun of it】

After a short intermission and adjustment, the two teams began to enter the game in Figure [-].

Taking advantage of the fact that no one had entered the server, Meng De said, "Everyone, don't take it lightly."

"Picture [-] can crush the opponent in our own selection. On the one hand, we have a very good understanding of this map. But FG can take the initiative to choose nuke, and they must have their own self-confidence."

He turned his head to look at S1mple and NIKO who laughed the most, and said: "A team with a poor team environment may not be able to adjust well for a few days after being crushed in a game, but it should not be possible to have FG's name in it."

"Although they have played very poorly in recent months, the bad battle situation has also tempered their mentality. FG will definitely not lose one game and lead to abnormal performance in the future. Don't let your guard down."

After hearing Meng De's analysis, everyone who was still laughing suddenly became nervous.

They threw away their relaxed mood, each became serious, and started to enter picture two.

Map: Nuke

T: pepper, VOVO, 0scar, meow, Bklev
CT: S1mple, NIKO, Twistzz, somebody, Yu
Everyone in VC heard Meng De's reminder before the start of the game in Figure [-]. They played a little more cautiously at the beginning, but they still felt that the coach was a little too serious.

The opponent was completely pressed to the ground and hit by them in Figure [-]. Even if he adjusted his state, it should be affected, but they didn't refute it, because even so, the coach's reminder was not a big mistake.

However, in the early game of Figure [-], they found that the coach was simply predicting things like a god, and FG's state in Figure [-] was unprecedentedly good.

At the beginning of the pistol round, FG, as an overall tactical team, directly played a wave of dry pull to speed up A at the beginning.

This was completely beyond the expectations of everyone in VC, because the firepower of the entire FG team is not very strong, so under normal circumstances, their style of play is mainly tactical, using clever tactics to fill the gaps in firepower.

This is also a style of play that FG can't handle. After all, except for Pepper, the rest of the players generally don't get many kills.

Since the firepower is not enough, it can only be made up by tactics.

So at the beginning, Wang Yuning put the big troops on the outfield and the iron plate, trying to deal with FG.

The opponent's speed-up infield was beyond his expectation, and Xiaojiao even directly knocked out the director, occupying the bag at the speed of light.

Relying on the performance of the endgame, he easily won the pistol round.

At first, everyone in VC didn't care about the failure of the pistol round.

After all, a wave of speeding up and playing A does not explain anything.

Unconventional style of play, even passers-by in the ladder can play.

But then, the strong starting game faced another wave of speed-up iron plate, the kid and Wang Yuning did not defend, and the other three tried their best to knock out two spears in the endgame, and lost the game.

Next, the situation soon reached the long gun round.

In the long gun round, S1mple took out a half-armor sniper, trying to open a breakthrough for the team.

But S1mple in the warehouse was blinded by a flash, and the opponent's sniper shot out ahead of time and gave him a second.

The bandits in the back even used a wave of outfield to clamp A, easily tearing apart VC's infield defense, and the early rhythm was completely in the hands of FG.

FG's continuous scoring made domestic fans start to worry.

【what happened?Don't really just have fun! 】

[Everyone got up, why did everyone play their part in picture [-]? 】

[This is a police map, it's impossible to fight like this! 】

[It looks so anxious. 】

FG started from the pistol round and has won 5 rounds in a row.

On the map of nuclear crisis, as the defensive side lost so many points in the early stage, the pressure in the follow-up is a bit heavy.

A few people couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

S1mple saw something clearly, he pondered for a few seconds, and said: "Brothers, we may not be able to play according to the original structure, and take the initiative to change positions."

"I didn't have a chance to face the gun in the first few rounds. They should have studied our map no matter the position or the style of play."

The little ghost echoed: "I also have the same feeling. When they pull it out, they start at the head. The preview is a bit too accurate."

If you are facing a professional aiming master, such as a player like NIKO, it is normal for you to react slowly and be instantly killed.

But the state of FG in Figure [-] has already explained everything. Except for the relatively sufficient firepower of Xiaojiao, the rest of them are even a bit behind.

So there is no need to doubt the aiming ability, the only reason is that it has been studied.

Now they finally figured out why FG dared to take the initiative to fight nuclear crisis with them.

Most of VC's recent game maps revolve around the old three, so tactical updates on maps such as nuclear crisis and trains are infrequent.

This also allows other teams to seize the opportunity to deal with it in a targeted manner by analyzing the performance of VC in the past on this map.

Today, they are on the right track.

The countdown ended, everyone in VC quickly communicated and went to the area they should defend.

NIKO came near the main entrance with M4, this time he and S1mple swapped positions, he came to guard the warehouse, let S1mple guard the main entrance.

At the beginning, he directly threw a fire beside the main entrance.

Of course, this is not because S1mple is dissatisfied and wants to burn S1mple, but that FG gave the front door a line of smoke in the first few rounds.

This kind of smoke is the first one used by VC, and they certainly know how to destroy this first-line smoke.

A fire at an angle to the front can make a big gap leak from the edge of a line of smoke.

Once the bandits are too negligent, NIKO can get very considerable benefits.

But unfortunately, NIKO's idea fell through.

A fire was thrown, and there was no smoke bomb in the sky in the outfield.

S1mple saw that there was no movement in the outfield at first, and took the initiative to back away with the big sniper, and only stopped when he returned to the top of the glass room.

And Wang Yuning, who was under the yellow room, came over to fill the main entrance with a smoke bomb, so that the bandits who might be alone in the outfield could not act rashly.

On the other hand, FG's opening idea for this round is to clip A at the front gate of the outfield.

Don't give too much information at the beginning. After taking the outfield gun position, let the two members go solo to attract VC's attention.

Then others took the opportunity to make a wave of bomb attacks in the infield, and pushed into the A zone with a wave.

If the two bandits in the outfield can hold up, they can also play a synchronized attack.

The bandit in the outfield touched near the main entrance, looked at CT's smoke grenade, and took the initiative to fill one, wanting to inadvertently expose his information and create an illusion for VC that they wanted to fill up the first line of smoke.

He succeeded. NIKO stood next to the warehouse and saw the smoke bombs being thrown straight. He realized the position of the bandits and immediately opened fire and successfully got a kill.

Meow next to him wanted to go over to replenish the gun, but the smoke bomb just replenished helped NIKO get out of the way.

Meow was not reconciled, and jumped up to get the information.

S1mple above the glass room was helping to cover, and the sniper opened fire directly.

With a gunshot, the two bandits who were harassing in the outfield all fell near the main entrance.

The failure of the single touch at the main entrance also made FG realize that S1mple was near the third floor, so he chose to avoid the battle and turned his head to hit the iron plate.

Wang Yuning had a wave of firefights with the bandit army, but there were no kills.

He has rich experience, and in the case of superior numbers, he is not greedy for guns at all, and goes directly to the B site.

NIKO, who had already defended to the third floor, wanted to make up his gun, but an incendiary bomb hit his face from FG, blocking his way forward.

"Bandit forces are attacking area B. Yu is stuck in a non-preview position on the lower slope. He can no longer hide and can only delay!" The firefight is coming soon, Henry's voice is a little louder, "Yu took the initiative to cross Pull, grab the sideways first, is there a second one?"

"It's a pity that FG's refilling speed is very fast, which didn't give Yu a chance to hit the second one."

"But he delayed the time, and let others return to the defense in K1 to see the next wave of offense and defense of both sides."

The kid had already filled the trap door, and he threw a flash of light at the iron plate on the slope of the control room, trying to buy time for Niko who was chasing the back road.

But he didn't notice that someone had jumped into the control room the moment the flash was thrown.

Pepper picked up the AK47 to knock out the kid, and S1mple held the big sniper on the slope of the trap to take control, but because of a problem with the angle of the stand, the distance was far smaller than the distance.

Pepper in the control room saw S1mple's feet first, and directly pressed the gun.

【FG.prpper used AK47 to kill VC.S1mple】

"The outbreak of Pepper brought the number of people on the field back to balance again. Now the situation is 2v2, VC won't be overturned again!" Jonny shouted.

But Henry refuted him: "VC still has a great chance, because NIKO has already touched the way from the iron plate, and now the two bandits are at the trap door, I don't know if someone has come from the back!"

"VOVO's position was exposed first, and it was directly knocked out by NIKO with a headshot. Pepper came out to fill up the gun, and NIKO continued to pull the trigger, shooting corrections!"

"One drop of blood is directly locked, luckily!"

"After a tough fight, VC finally got his first score on nuke!"


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