CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 375 Unarmored Sand Eagle?Enough already!

In the Sydney Stadium, the match between VC and FG Figure [-] has reached the most critical stage.

The cheers of the two teams at the scene were also unprecedentedly loud, and the strong emotions in the voice seemed to make it a substantial sound wave.

Autumn in Sydney is the kind of place where you can still feel the cold inadvertently, but at the moment in the gymnasium, the chasing points in the final stage of Figure 5 made everyone feel excited. Just standing on the stands for [-] minutes, the sweat will tear the clothes get wet.

Even so, they still couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the audience. Under the peacock blue night, they shouted loudly under the dazzling and flickering bright lights, giving support to the ten members in the center of the stage, trying to help them in this fierce competition. Pass on a new force.

In the huge sound system of the venue, the voice of live English streaming commentary came:

"...After FG's attention was attracted to the outfield, VC launched a wave of strong infield explosions. This wave of A-zone's defensive strength is relatively weak, and they have caught a very good opportunity!"

"NIKO took the lead in breaking through, successfully got two kills, and completely tore up the defense in the infield!"

"The bag site was set on fire, and VC tried to go to the yellow room at the main entrance to see the thunder bag, but what! Little Pepper killed the bag bandit in the smoke at the front door!! Now the French also have Danish blood?"

"S1mple was delayed by the fire, picked up the mine and changed his position and planned to put it down, but the delay was too much, the smoke at the front door cleared, and the little pepper came out again, S1mple was killed..."

"The 0scar on the third floor also returned to the defense, and successfully gained the advantage in synchronization with the main entrance..."

"...After a wave of fierce firefights, FG relied on a few key kills, but delayed the time until the end, and successfully became the dominant side in the endgame."

"There is not much time. The director picked up the bag and took the initiative to bury it. The little pepper at the front door was knocked out, but during the fierce firefight, he didn't notice that someone on the third floor had already gone down to the bag site. Could this be a foreshadowing?"

"The director is still on the third floor, but the 0scar on the side has already touched it quietly. With a shot to the head, the score was tied again!!"


"It's worth mentioning that VC lost this round, and their economy has completely collapsed, so they can only choose to play with match points! The situation is not optimistic!"

"They've called the timeout again."


The VC battle room on the left side of the stage.

Looking at the score above the big screen, Meng De now also has a headache.

Although it seems that they were just tied by the opponent, VC's economy has been completely blown up.

Meng De frowned and sighed: "Let's let it go in the next round. Let's save the economy for the match point and try to catch up with them at the match point."

They didn't have a problem with the last long gun round, but the opponent's handling was better.

Facts have proved that none of the teams that have really reached the first level is bad.

After the long gun round in the second half, FG began to fight fiercely with VC.

The scores between the two sides were completely tied, and VC was able to regain the advantage for a while because they were the offensive side.

This has to talk about the game mechanics.

In the case of taking points from each other, the economies of both sides will be in an extremely poor state.

However, as an offensive party, VC will still have much less economic pressure.

After all, CSGO's offensive and defensive teams need to spend money on the purchase of firearms and props, which is not at the same level at all.

The attacker only needs 47 yuan to buy an AK2700 that can kill with one shot.

The defender needs to spend 4 yuan to buy an M4A3100.

In this regard, the power of M4A4 is even less than that of AK47.

And the bandits only need 400 yuan to buy a Molotov cocktail.

The police charge 600 yuan to buy an incendiary bomb.

The defensive side already relies more on props to defend and control the map, which will definitely cost more economically.

Therefore, when the two sides are chasing after each point, it is FG's economy that explodes first, and VC also takes advantage of the bonus of the attacking side's economy, and then slowly takes the advantage.

But the good times didn't last long. After FG regained enough money, they caught up again, holding on to the score.

And the most troublesome thing for them is that this time the VC economy has completely exploded.

"Let's calculate the economy, save enough money for the next round, and then start the Sand Eagle or something."

The average economy of the team is below 3000, so it is not impossible for the team to be strong.

For one thing, the defenders are now all equipped with long guns and props. They forcefully use short guns to attack in this round, and the chances of winning are not great.

Second, if you lose this round by force, you will still have no money to play a long gun round in the next round.

Compared to playing with half-armor pistols, Mengde is more willing to focus on the long gun round.

"For the rest of the time, everyone, adjust your mentality. If possible this round, you can discuss and discuss the formation of tactics..."

Meng De stood behind him and talked a lot.

Although they won a map first, they won't leave immediately if they lose in map two.

But it is not that there is no chance to win the second picture, why do they give up again?

The timeout was over soon, and VC played a total of 2 unarmored Sand Eagles and a few props.

There is no way, the economy is so bad, they must save up all the economy for the next round of long gun rounds, and strive for the match point to maintain their strongest combat power.

Because, that is already their last chance for Picture [-]...

It's not that VC was unprepared for everything. After the start, Wang Yuning, who was in the first position, strode into the bandit hall and blasted thunder directly at the iron gate.

After a thunder exploded, he quickly rushed inside.

This wave of sudden offensive made FG, who wanted to do item management, immediately hand over the first wave of rush defense.

Wang Yuning stepped on the fire and rushed into the pipe.

But Xiaojiao, who was defending the main entrance, had taken the initiative to pull horizontally to find the angle, and shot Wang Yuning with a big sniper shot.

But would Wang Yuning be so reckless to make such a simple attempt?
Of course there were other people behind him to help with the gun.

His door-blasting attack is not only used to consume FG props, but also to use his life to help the players seduce and create possible opportunities.

S1mple set up the gun in the back early, and the black smoke from the flames did not block his vision. He carried the Sand Eagle and quickly positioned it!

With a sharp shot, Sand Eagle's bullet flew from the bandit hall to the main entrance, nailing the little pepper's bulletproof helmet firmly.

[VC.S1mple used the Desert Eagle to kill FG.pepper with a headshot]

There was an uproar at the scene because of this kill, and the one-for-one change at the beginning was definitely a bloody profit for VC.

An unarmored Glock for the life of a long gun is simply not too profitable.

The opening situation came to 4 vs 4, and some VC fans were already looking forward to it in their hearts.

But soon they dispelled the idea in their hearts, it is too difficult to turn the game without armor eco.

An ordinary exchange of people brought VC an extraordinary excitement.

Although they can't get the long guns anymore, the exchange of equal numbers of people, the further back, the more beneficial it is for the bandits.

"S1mple played well." NIKO didn't call S1mple for the first time, but praised it instead.

But he continued: "Then I will take the initiative to find some opportunities!"

The second Sand Eagle in the team was in his hands, and he had to make some contributions after eating up the resources.

NIKO took a detailed preview of the oil tank on the third floor, kept looking at K1 in the outfield, the warehouse, and the main entrance, ready to fire at any time.

But before he could find the enemy, a grenade was thrown from the blue box next to the warehouse.

With a muffled sound, NIKO, who had no armor, was blown up to only a small half of his health.

After throwing the grenade outside the warehouse, VOVO was still very cautious. He jumped up and glanced at the oil tank, trying to get information.

But NIKO chose to live to death, and was hit by a full mine. Not only did he not retreat, but he took the initiative to take a few steps forward.

The VOVO jumping in the air instantly appeared in his field of vision.

The NIKO preview is near the main entrance, this time it only needs fine-tuning.

Stop and fire!

The Desert Eagle fired for the second time this round!
The Desert Eagle burst into orange flames. Under the thrust of the gunpowder, the bullets shot out quickly, and hit the VOVO jumping in the air with one shot, which really hit the eyebrows!
[VC.NIKO kills FG.VOVO with a headshot of the Desert Eagle]

"My God!!" Nobita looked at the screen incredulously, "What is this NIKO, VOVO jumped in the air and was caught by NIKO, and he was picked by Kong Kong with one shot, such a terrifying aiming ability."

"VC now has a total of two unarmored Sand Eagles, and they hit two kills. They are inferior in firearms, but they hit their own advantage!"

The evil view next to him shook his head and retorted: "Ah Lei, these two people are not holding a Sand Eagle, they are obviously holding a big sniper for changing skins!"

"That's too accurate."

It's not just that they, as Chinese anchors, are biased towards the VC side.

The exclamation of the audience also explained the power of these two kills.

And the kill that NIKO got completely affected the situation.

The number of people on the field has reached 4 vs 3, and FG is the defensive side, leaving only three players.

Even if they look at a large area alone, there will be a lot of defensive holes now.

One of the three people watched the outfield, one watched the infield, and one watched the iron plate.

But the pipe is still easy for people to run down.

The current situation forced FG to make a choice.

VOVO doesn't know how to complain about VC's foul kills, but the situation is already forcing him to make a choice.

"0scar help me to see the outfield, the iron plate will be released first."

"Just let them go to pack?" Meow asked suspiciously.

As a conductor, VOVO looks deeper:

"This round is against eco, and letting them drop the bag will have little effect on the next round."

"And in the endgame, as long as the opponent doesn't get the spear, it's easy to deal with."

"If the AK47 or the big sniper is obtained, it will be a bit uncomfortable."

At the critical moment, VOVO's decision is quite correct.

If you get a big sniper, even if the opponent does not buy armor, it will not have a great impact on S1mple.

But if they are only allowed to drop bags, a handful of Sand Eagles, the threat is still within a controllable range.

What's more, if they put the opponent into the B area, they can also let people stay in K1 in advance.

If the speed is faster that way, maybe even the thunderbag on the other side won't be able to put it down.

After knocking down the spear outside the main entrance, Wang Yuning directed NIKO and the director to try to collect money from the main entrance.

But finding that the firearms had been disposed of, Wang Yuning had an idea of ​​the current situation in his mind.

"All the staff turned around and met the iron board, and the director got stuck in the bandit hall first."

Wang Yuning added: "There is a high probability that there is no one in the iron plate now."

His analysis was very groundless, making S1mple, who has always been good at consciousness, frown.

But after thinking about it, they still chose to believe in the command's decision and boldly launched an attack on the iron plate.

no one?Really no one!
Several people in S1mple were surprised, but soon the second wave of decisions also appeared in front of them:

"The next step is to go to the third floor or speed up and hit B?"

"Speed ​​up and hit B. Although there are not many people in Area A, someone should be on guard on the third floor." Wang Yuning said.

Wang Yuning's decision was correct before, which made other members believe his information.

Several people started to walk towards Area B one after another.

A few people walked into Area B quietly, without making any noise for the time being, and wanted to occupy the gun position first, and then pack up to fight the mess.

Several people pushed forward, but soon, the sound of AK47 gunfire sounded from the control room.

Meow, who has been hiding in K1 for a long time, is like a poisonous snake, finally showing his fangs!

The little ghost was stolen from his back and was instantly killed.

Meanwhile, the broken director tries to repeat the tailgating trick.

But this time it was two members who entered the pipeline, and he acted a little too early.

After being discovered, the Glock in his hand only had time to fire a shot, and he was killed by a spike.

"Relying on the arrangement in K1 in advance, FG was beaten back by the numbers again." Nobita continued, "This time it's a bit bad. The situation has come to 2 vs 3, and now there are only two Sand Eagles left."

With 30 seconds left, S1mple took the initiative to jump to the bag point, wanting to clip the bag, and then turned to the man in the control room to exchange fire.

But as soon as he put it down, before he could turn his head, the bullet had already struck.

【FG.meow used AK47 to kill VC.S1mple with a headshot】

S1mple Guan Mai sighed, he should have waited for this wave.

The expressions of the others are not very good. Now only NIKO is left alone to face this 1V3 endgame. The best situation now is to knock out one more person, which will at least help the next round.

But in the face of three policemen who were only shot with a Glock, can NIKO really do it with an unarmored Eagle?

NIKO had already entered control when S1mple was killed, without revealing any sound during the whole process.

Meow stood up for a while, and found that there was nothing wrong with the bunker, and shifted his attention to the control, knowing that there might be a timing here.

He turned his head quickly, and immediately saw someone aiming at him with a sand eagle.

The two sides opened fire respectively, and both the AK47 and the Sand Eagle began to splash water.

Fortunately, NIKO was the first to shoot, and he managed to get the kill.

"But NIKO has only 1 drop of blood left. Will this be a foreshadowing?" Daxiong was full of expectations, but he also knew that it might be difficult.

Time is running out, and the two people in Area A have already descended from the pipeline to K1, and they have defended the living door and the dead door respectively.

Because Lei Bao is in the bag, this can prevent NIKO from finding opportunities to the greatest extent.

And because of caution, Bklev didn't go out to repair the gun even knowing that NIKO was bleeding in the control room.

He knew that the sand eagle in the guy's hand had a deadly shot.

If one of them is not handled well, he may become a sinner of the team.

With only 20 seconds left, they just need to procrastinate.

Soon the door of death threw a flash of light, and Niko stood there for a few seconds without noticing any movement, but the sound of moving footsteps coming from the door of death.

Bklev got a comfortable gun position in a jiffy and set up the gun on the spot.

But turning his head and walking over, the picturesque preview made it unnecessary for him to adjust the sight.

"A precise shot!! NIKO dropped another one in a second. What an amazing aiming ability, it's so silky!" Xiejian completed the man's task at this moment, and stood up in the live broadcast room.

Nobita next to him suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said with great anticipation: "There are 13 seconds left, NIKO and 0scar are fighting bullfights, he only has an unarmored Sand Eagle, and he still has 1 drop of blood, so he only has one chance to shoot!!"

NIKO finished beating the enemy at the trap door, and immediately returned to the control room to look at the trap door. Just now, a flash was thrown from that position, and he just caught 0scar changing positions!


Huoshaying's bullet went out again, broke the left glass of the control right, passed through the entire B package point, and hit 0scar near the dead gate with one shot.

The kill information in the upper right corner shows the ending of this round.

[VC.NIKO kills FG.Belvk with a headshot of the Desert Eagle]

[VC.NIKO kills FG.0scar with a headshot of the Desert Eagle]

"It really became a foreshadowing!!! This NIKO Shaying is simply exaggerated. He fired a total of 6 shots in this round, and all 6 shots were hit. 4 of them hit the opponent's skull and also hit FG. In the hearts of fans!"

"I have no other words to praise him except strong. Listening to the cheers at the scene, this is the best praise for NIKO's unarmored Sand Eagle!"

The scene at this moment has completely exploded! !
The audience is always strong, they like the inhuman performance of the professional brother, and like the tone of the weak defeating the strong.

At this moment, NIKO is full of all elements, and the robot-like preview also makes the audience gasp and contribute to global warming.



At first, there was a shout from somewhere, and gradually the people around them also shouted. At this moment, the audience in the audience was completely excited.

And this kind of passionate scene like a nightclub made NIKO couldn't help raising his arms and cheering, shouting loudly in response to the audience in the stands.

At this moment, this rookie who has just entered the competition has truly become the best player in the Sydney Gymnasium!

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