Watching the wonderful replay of the previous round, Yuyuan concluded in the live broadcast room: "The main reason for the loss of this HC is that Banana Road's anti-clearing was not done well."

Coke quite agrees with this: "Yes, although they caught a good anti-clearing time with this one, the first point is a short gun. If the short gun fails to kill, the control of Banana Road will fail. "

"And S1mple is also very accurate, and he was instantly killed as soon as he came out."

"If the CT wave of Banana Road can kill and take control, HC actually has a chance. Once the control of Banana Road is taken, CT will force HC to turn around and fight A. In this case 3A will not move, and the situation where the link was lost just now is impossible to happen."

Taro round echoed: "It's because B lost people, so the link was forced to make up B, but the magical timing is also a big problem."

At this time, the exciting back defense was over, and Taro began to change the topic, focusing on the next game.

"However, the economies of both sides can support them to fight another long gun round, and because HC saved an AK47 in the last round, they are not far behind in terms of firearm configuration."

"And VC also lost too many guns. Although he won the long gun round, his economy fell into a bad situation. So this round is the first key round in the first half. If the other side loses, his economy will suffer. Started to crash."


The team's economy is not very good, VC cobbled together 4 long guns, plus a full armor TEC-9.

As for the props, it must be taken as appropriate.

According to Wang Yuning's thinking at the beginning, the large forces were concentrated in the banana road.

Two window flashes and a sandbag fire, and S1mple is on the barrel.

The idea of ​​several people is to force the opponent to come out and fight.

But HC is not a fool. If the sandbag is burned at the beginning, then it is fine not to occupy the sandbag.

A near-ignition fire defense speeds up, and then throws mines into the banana road to do some damage.

The grooved NIKO was extra lucky for him not to be bombed.

But for the breakthrough player, the damage of the props at the previous point will never disappear, it will just be transferred.

S1mple became NIKO's stand-in messenger and ate a grenade full of it.

However, NIKO still noticed that HC's style of play is relatively conservative, so he took the initiative to propose:
"I've been bombarded by the smoke on this banana road, let's force it back from the close point first."

In this round, there are 4 members in Banditkou and Banana Road, and they are completely worthwhile in terms of firepower.

After getting confirmation, NIKO first gave a middle smoke near the slate, anti-CT anti-clearing and investigation information.

Soon got feedback from the other party's props, and a near-ignition was thrown from the rear point.

"The police should have one." NIKO explained the information he got from the props.

S1mple nodded, and threw a fire into the sandbag, forcing the opponent back completely.

NIKO moved closer to the slate, and S1mple started to catch flashes.


As the flash bomb exploded, NIKO directly took control of the near point.

"After NIKO stays behind, we put some pressure on the middle and force the defense of Area A to the back." Wang Yuning issued the second wave of decisions.

This is their recent offensive style in Purgatory Town, through a strong combination of props, to gain control of the front point.

Once CT is forced by their props to give up the previous point, it will be relatively difficult to return to defense later.

Yuyuan glanced at the small map, and began to say: "The second time Kuku took the big gun to point B, and let H4ak and rule guard in area A."

"And VC is repeating the old trick, controlling the map with a wave of props in the middle."

Link smoke, fire up and down the stable, and a flash in the middle.

The director in the first position directly pulled out, and the rest immediately followed.

I didn't see anyone near the middle lane, but S1mple, who just came out of the smoke in the middle lane, directly ate a dull thunder thrown by a link

S1mple immediately put on a face, raised his gun and fired at the link to suppress it.

His idea is good, but the H4ak of the link is not even mixed with the initiative of the smoke or not.

He was a little farther away from the smoke, waiting for S1mple to shoot first, and then spliced ​​​​to determine the source of the bullet and perform anti-mixing.

【HC.H4ak killed VC.S4mple with a headshot through smoke with M4A1】

For this kill, the audience gave a moment of applause.

VC also felt a little uncomfortable, although they did persuade their opponents to quit in Qingzhong Road.

But the problem is that they can't understand the opponent's murder by smoking.

Fortunately, the control was obtained in an orderly manner, and at the beginning Wang Yuning had a TEC-9 in his hand, not a big gun.

At this moment, I can just inherit the AK1 dropped by S47mple, which is not a big loss.

After the control map in the middle lane is over, the amount of props in VC is actually not much.

The large army in the middle walked back quietly, and didn't let go of their feet to run until they confirmed that the link could not hear the footsteps.

"Next, you should be ready in the early stage. After you are in place, we will directly blast the bomb." Wang Yuning began to analyze to his teammates, "We only have two cigarettes and one flash left in this wave, and we will be countered later. I also rushed in with my head stunned, and pulled the gun line away."

This was what he had thought before entering the banana road, but after a few people took a quiet step to control the near point, he found that CT had already pushed a B-pass cigarette.

Spring Water Commander S1mple suggested: "Why don't you try to hide the smoke flash, and the bombing distance is a bit long in the second time."

Wang Yuning nodded: "Yes."

Hearing this, NIKO and the director, two people without props, immediately sneaked into the smoke bomb of the B channel.

And Wang Yuning and the little ghost started to grab props.

After everyone is ready.

"Back flash!" Wang Yuning threw out all the white flashes in his hand.

The flash exploded, and the director and Niko pulled out of the smoke in sync.

There was a sound from a box, and the two immediately opened fire with guns.

Poe behind a box was flashed half white, raised his gun and started to fight back.

But the flash still got to him, and Poe didn't win the firefight.

"The flash shot was activated, and the smoke exploded in the second moment. The first kill was won, and the big sniper in the coffin was forced to retreat. VC did a very good job in this wave of attack."

Coke added: "But the coffin smoke hasn't exploded yet, Kuku still has a chance to shoot!"

Kuku moves to the right when the camera is turned on, and the camera looks to the left.


The expected kill in the upper right corner did not appear, Kuku was a little annoyed, he was a little too impatient.

The shot didn't stop at all when it fired.

Kuku took a deep breath, calmed down and prepared for the passing of the coffin.

But the smoke came in, obscuring all his vision.

This time he was not in a hurry, and an idea popped up in his mind. Kuku pricked up his ears and collected information seriously.

A wave of bomb attacks successfully entered the bunker with limited props, which is definitely good news for VC.

Wang Yuning came directly to a box with a thunder bag and downloaded a world bag.

The advantage of the world package is that you can watch it anywhere. For VCs who only have gun positions, keeping the package can play a big role.

But just one second before Wang Yuning's thunderbag was about to be put down, a loud shot came from behind the coffin.


The audience at the scene suddenly became loud, and Kuku's shot on the stage surprised them.

Because of this big sniper who seemed to have no information, he fired a kill prompt with one shot!

【HC.kuku used AWP to kill VC.Yu】

Many VCs in the venue held their heads, unable to believe what was happening before their eyes.

To know such a long distance, Wang Yuning did not disclose any information, but was shot by Geyan.

What is this!

Coke was a little confused: "What is this kuku! Are they really Finns and not Danes? This round has two kills with mixed smoke, and it's still the kind with no information."

"There is a frame inside the front sight, so VC will suffer a little bit after this."

Taro Yuan also didn't understand: "It's enough to kill once through the smoke, once the link comes, and the coffin comes again, isn't this a little too much?"

"This time it's a little bit bad, because VC only has one set of props when attacking. After they finish a wave of explosive bombs, they only have one gun in their hands. Once the mine bag is dropped, there is no room for error in giving them a bag."

"And HC still has two flashes, everyone is ready, and the anti-Qing has begun!!"

A bag flashed instantly, and the NIKO in the audience and the director of the three boxes were all white.

NIKO killed one person with white eyes, but was also shot down later.

The director pulled out to give NIKO a shot, but there were enemies at the end of the corridor, and he couldn't make it through under the firepower of the two.

This moment made the little devil who was putting the bag very embarrassed, he stopped his movements, and at this moment he was completely in a state of being attacked.

The policeman's CT was pulled out horizontally, and the kid fired directly to destroy it.

He immediately turned his gun around and looked at the coffin.

Although it had been expected, he was replaced with the gunfire of the big sniper.

The HC team members were extremely excited. Seeing the camera coming, Kuku made a gesture of holding a sniper rifle to the camera, which meant clearly, look at my shot.

The atmosphere at the scene was warm, and the high spirits of the contestants could make the audience cheer up.

Everyone likes the scenes where the two sides are full of gunpowder and all kinds of fierce confrontation in the gun-to-gun link.

This is also the reason why the AE team, as the number one in the world, has been criticized by many viewers recently.

Because their games are so boring.

It is to control the map with props, and then rely on flash or other cooperation to reverse it, which seems simple and easy to handle.

Playing rationally and with restraint, the whole team is like the most stable robot.

Although they are powerful, more and more people in the community hope to have a team to overthrow the AE dynasty.

In fact, it is VC and HC that have attracted much attention.

The styles of these two teams are similar but different, but the feeling of bravery in the fight is impressive.

And in terms of strength, they are the teams closest to AE.

If anyone can break AE's dominance in the professional arena, maybe we can only look at them.

But now, the outcome of this match is even more important.


S1mple scratched him with his fingers irritably, not caring what messed up his hair would look like, he was a little speechless, and said: "Our offense is right, we have gained the advantage in both A and B areas, but What is this mindless smoke?"

This feeling makes people very powerless, they have no major problems with tactics and marksmanship, and then they play smoke killing for them.

How does this make people fight back, and how do they fight back?

"It's okay." Wang Yuning comforted, "There is no way to do this kind of luck."

As he said that, he made another small joke: "And S1mple, don't you mention others, do you still have few kills through smoke?"

S1mple smiled: "Mine is obviously strength."

"Consciousness! Do you understand consciousness!"

S1mple's answer made the teammates next to him burst into laughter, and the atmosphere of the team also improved to a certain extent.

However, their economic collapse made the follow-up game very difficult to deal with.

HC began to work hard to chase points.

It wasn't until 12:11 that VC finally qualified for the long gun round.

It's just that VC is only one point ahead now, so the problem is still a bit big for them.

Wang Yuning decided to change his thinking this time. Although the previous offensive mode was fine, who would you turn to to justify being beaten to death by such unreasonable smoke?

Both areas were under pressure before, but he chose to adjust his thinking in this round.

After the party controls the Banana Road, a wave of propelling bombs will come directly to catch the opponent by surprise.

So this round is still open at 41. The big troops walk into the banana lane, and let the little ghosts go to the side lane to take orders, so as to prevent them from losing information when the side lane is pushed down too quickly.

Banana road is also a routine item exchange, and the two sides did not do anything special.

However, as the first fire near the stone slab was extinguished, VC was ready to start operating.

The two sides were separated by a wall, and Coke also started to explain: "Poe is waiting in front of the stone slab, ready to fight against the Qing Dynasty, but VC has the same idea, and is also preparing to fight against the Qing Dynasty!!"

"This wave of thinking from both sides is all squeezed together!"

Taro looked at the situation and said quickly: "Poe was pulled out horizontally, but someone in VC was back flashing, and he wiped out one person, and he was directly knocked out!!"

"However, H4ak added this gun to him, and the close firefight became a one-for-one exchange!"

"H4ak's head is a little hard now, and he doesn't plan to go back, and continue to set up guns around the corner."

"NIKO pulled horizontally to the left and was immediately killed by H4ak."

S1mple, holding a sniper, heard the report from his teammates, and immediately shot at the wall at the corner.

H4ak watched the director peek come out, and just about to fire, a bullet pierced through the slate, killing him directly.

[VC.S1mple used AWP to kill HC.H4ak through the wall]

H4ak clenched his fist, wanting to smash it but stopped, but he still couldn't vent his unhappiness.

However, his kill at the front point also managed to give his teammates a little time to defend.

jk23 was the first to return to the defense from the link. He had already arrived at the position of the corridor, and directly threw a fire down the stage, intending to delay the time.

However, all the information on VC has been obtained. According to the information on the close firefight just now, both of them have been killed.

If there is a third person in area B, then this flash assist should belong to the third person.

But there is no third party information.

Therefore, S1mple also concluded that the opponent started with 3A2B.

S1mple put out the fire directly, and jumped into the bunker with a knife in hand.

After the three boxes are in place, take the big sniper and straighten it to the back garden.

Less than half a second after turning on the mirror, a figure appeared in his field of vision.

The big sniper flicked slightly to the upper left corner.


[VC.S1mple used AWP to kill HC.jk23]

"One of the policemen has returned to defense." The director added.

Their task now is to stand at the bag site and let the little ghost rush over with the thunder bag to unload the bag.

As soon as the director finished speaking, the bouncing S1mple was shot through by the police.

But it didn't hit the head, so it wasn't fatal.

S1mple threw a fire into the back garden, then jumped to the top of the fountain, and while holding the exit of the promenade, he was on guard against someone double-crossing the flower bed at any time.

In the next second, S1mple suddenly thought of something and swung it down abruptly.


Rule squatted in the smoke of the police house, ready to wait for his teammates to return to the corridor, and then sent him out with a flash to fight against the clear.

But with the sound of a big sniper gun, he suddenly disappeared!
At this moment, he tried to truly understand VC's mood when he just lost the round.

What is this all about!

The audience at the scene was completely surprised, completely unable to understand this illogical kill.

The two commentators in the live broadcast room were still analyzing the situation, but this shot directly stuck them.

"This..." Coke turned to look at the taro balls, not knowing what to say.

Taro Ball had the same expression as him, and the two looked at each other.

In the end, it was Yuyuan who broke the silence, shaking his head and laughing, "This stinking cheater, really, I've never seen anyone playing games like this."

"How do you play with him?"

The eyes of Coke next to him suddenly lit up: "Let me make a hypothesis first! Suppose there is someone in the smoke."

Hearing this, Yu Yuan froze for a moment: "There are people in this f*cking Poi, right? I didn't expect that S1mple would become a big disciple of Poi one day."

Po Sniper is a video blogger from CF next door. He was dismissed as a technology many years ago. In the materials he released, he used various blind sniper headshots.

And with a similar copy: "There are people in my heart." "There are people who should be in XX position."

Originally, as a technology blogger, he was not prominent in the CF game. After all, the economy of CF is relatively low, and things like cheating are commonplace.

But this guy just got up with a CF professional player and said that he would like to make an offline appointment, but he didn't have the guts to go, which caused the popularity to become very high. Recently, several major FPS game communities have used this to make jokes.

Hearing Coke's words at this moment, the taro ball also froze instantly.

In the end, Kuku came with a big sniper. Although it is reasonable to say that he wanted to protect his gun, he still wanted to try to see if he could hit one, so as to reduce some pressure on the team.

But after being caught behind the smoke for a few seconds, he didn't wait until someone took the initiative to miss the opportunity.

Just as he was about to leave, the sound of that deadly sniper gun rang out again.

【VC.S1mple used AWP to wear smoke and killed HC.kuku】


Under the camera, Kuku's eyes were a little dull, and his expression was full of doubts. He didn't understand why he didn't leak any information, but was beaten to death by Chuanyan.

He wanted to turn his head and confide to his teammates, using complaints to relieve the confusion and confusion in his heart.

But after turning his head, he found out.

All his teammates have exactly the same expression as him.

All have been beaten...

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