CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 398 New Regulations for Holiday Agencies

For VC players, VC is not only their company, but also their second home.

The respect and treatment they receive in VC is something they have never received elsewhere.

Everyone can really work hard for their dreams, and charge for a goal, without worrying about salary and livelihood, these coaches will arrange for them.

The offseason is leisurely and relaxed, helping them to relax themselves wholeheartedly during the intense game rhythm of the year.

However, it has only been less than a month since the holiday, and the VC players have already begun to communicate with Meng De to return to the club.

Although they also want to continue to relax, they want to win the championship again.

After all, the feeling of being under the eyes of everyone is always extremely obsessed.

And the club has not won even a Major trophy, their goal is still very clear, and there is no slack in their hearts.

What's more, the version changes this time are huge, and the level of the entire professional circle will be affected and fluctuate.

According to Meng De's prediction, some people will rise to become kings because of the map of Death Building, and some people will temporarily fall behind because of the withdrawal of Death City.

Meng De drove to the club as usual, and saw S1mple in the training room with luggage, wearing a short sleeve very puzzlingly.

Seeing Meng De's doubts, S1mple raised his arm and pointed to the position of the upper arm with the index finger of the other hand.

Meng De looked at the past, a little dumbfounded: "I thought you were joking...you really have tattoos."

There was indeed such a thing at the beginning of the offseason, but Meng De thought that S1mple was just joking, and he was talking to the group.

For example, if you want to get up early tomorrow to exercise with Mengde, but you wake up and it's already working time, there are many similar things.

So Meng De didn't take it to heart that time, and he didn't expect S1mple to really tattoo the graffiti of the blind sniper angel on his arm.

S1mple froze for a moment, then understood Meng De's meaning, and raised his voice: "Why do you think I'm going to lie to you, Coach? Am I, Sasha, that kind of person?"

As he said that, he rolled his eyes, feeling a bit like NIKO: "I won't tell you, I'll show them."

Seeing S1mple wearing short-sleeved sleeves and showing off his tattoos to his teammates in the winter, Mengde sighed, "Sure enough, no one is afraid of the cold."

At this moment, ropz came in through the door with his luggage, and Wu Qiang who was going to pick up the plane was beside him.

When ropz saw Meng De say hello, his expression was a bit tangled, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't speak.

ropz something?This is quite rare!Meng De said directly: "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't hold it in your heart."

When ropz heard Meng De's words, he seemed to be relieved, and he said very seriously: "Coach, I want to play the game!"

Meng De found it interesting now. He took a chair from the side and sat down, propped his head with his fists, and asked, "What happened?"

In Meng De's impression, although ropz is still young, he is a very calm and talented boy. He has a very clear plan for his future, and he is usually organized in both life and games.

It's totally unreasonable to suddenly say that you want to play professionally.

"Can't you?" Ropz looked a little disappointed.

"You're not yet 16." Mengde added, "Why do you want to play games all of a sudden? You know it yourself. The professional knowledge you have received is not enough, and it's not time to play games yet."

ropz bit his lip, squeezed his fist, and said sullenly: "My family is bankrupt, and now I want to make money to help me get over this difficulty."

"You can't play at your current age, and it doesn't make sense to play third-tier games." Meng De refused again, and his tone was a little hesitant. Now ropz's heart was half cold, and he was not calm for the first time. .

"I can't make it to the home team, I can go to the youth training, I can win all the time, I can play well..."

But soon Meng De said again: "But you can't play in the game, you can also use your talents in other areas. The pressure in the new season is high, and I haven't found a good analyst yet. Would you like to give it a try?"

Meng De knows ropz's future character and ability. It is basically a huge profit to invest in him, and Meng De is really lacking in analysts.

Since the Blast autumn game, ropz has been trying to do this kind of work with Mengde.

Judging from the performance that time, this guy's work in analyzing data can be said to be quite good.

"I can, I can."

After listening to Meng De's arrangement, ropz relaxed. He answered a few short sentences, but his eyes were a little red.

The situation in his family was pretty good, but this year his father's farm declared bankruptcy, and ropz once found out that his father had the idea of ​​suicide, which frightened him.

In the end, he took the initiative to discuss with his father, explaining that he could earn money on his own, so he stabilized his father.

He really had no choice, so he came to Meng De for help.

He was a very proud person, and he had made his own plan every step of the way, but this time he broke his plan because of his family situation.

"Then the coach, I'll go to pack the luggage first." Ropz released the pressure, but he hasn't recovered yet.

It's a thing.

Only then did Meng De put down his belongings, and planned to swipe his mobile phone for a few minutes, and then began to make training arrangements for the next few days.

Because the players all came in advance and it was not yet working time, many preparations for Meng De hadn't been done yet.

But when Meng De just sat down, he heard the phone vibrate, and a message was sent.

Meng De picked it up and looked at it, and immediately frowned.

This news is from the event operator, they have just sent the rules for the new season.

This kind of thing is basically announced by the official competition every year, but for the first-line teams, they will notify in advance, fearing that there will be conflicts due to information asymmetry.

The first-line strong teams are frequent visitors to these major events, and they are also the group they need to avoid conflicts.

And when they get the rules of the game from the resort agency, they only need to send an extra copy to the managers of the first-line teams.

This thing is nothing to look at, just like reading the terms and conditions before the start of many games. Except for some obsessive-compulsive disorder patients, who would deliberately read those various complicated regulations?
But because he is the team manager of VC, he needs to go through all these things to confirm that nothing has changed.

Originally, he thought that there would be no important changes, because there were no particularly bad regulations in the professional field last year.

However, one of the regulations was amended, which made Meng De wonder if he had read it wrong.

[The resort company has recently revised the rules of the game, which has liberated the possibility of the six-man lineup changing players during the game...]

He quickly sent a message to confirm.

The other party also quickly confirmed the message, indicating that there was no problem.

The competition team didn't understand why Meng De would ask such a question. Is this regulation important?
In the current professional arena, professional sixth men have always existed.

Just like when he participated in the Fog City Major for the first time, Meng De existed as a substitute for VC.

However, due to the rigid rules of the competition system, if the team's sixth player wants to come off the bench, he needs to deduct a certain amount of points, and once a member is confirmed to come off the field, the lineup cannot be changed.

This makes the team's sixth man only a substitute.

Therefore, the substitutes of the major professional teams are usually the coaches of the teams.

In most cases, it is used to deal with emergencies, when players cannot participate in the game and replace them.

The change of the rules of the game by the resort in the new year may seem inconspicuous, but for Mengde, it is definitely a big deal.

Because in this way, he can really organize a six-man lineup and let the players rotate on the field.

CSGO is an extremely physical and energy-consuming game. If different players can play on different maps in a BO3 match, it will not be of the same level for the players.

Another point is that once a player does not perform well in the first game of BO3, the substitute members can directly go up to fight in the follow-up.

After all, the state of the players in the game that day was all metaphysics, and no one can say that they will definitely be able to play well.

Meng De took out a pen and paper from the table, and said to Wu Qiang who was making preparations next to him, "Please inform the contestants that the meeting will start in a few minutes."

Wu Qiang nodded, got up and went to the players.

Today's specific training has not yet started, so they are all wandering around the various floors of the club.


Mengde looked at the watch on his wrist, and it was only 10 minutes before he gave the notice, which was still within expectations.

The last m0nesy also walked into the meeting room.

It was still quite difficult to quiet these guys, the conference room was full of chatter and chatter.

Meng De clapped his hands, made a noise, and said, "Everyone be quiet, the meeting is over."

Although the few people were still fighting, the movements of their hands stopped.

Meng De stood up and started projecting the content on his computer onto the screen.

Then he opened WeChat on the computer, and he needed to release the official chat information with that competition group.

But as soon as WeChat was opened, there was a burst of booing in the meeting room.

"Oh! There's something about Mengjiao's Zhiding..." NIKO looked at the Zhiding on the curtain, and joked excitedly and wretchedly.

Although the other people next to him didn't say anything, they all had melon expressions on their faces.

Meng De and Xu Qingru were flirting with each other, they had already felt this way, and now it made them feel like they were 'knocked'.

A group of people are extremely excited.

"Don't make trouble." Even though Meng De had experienced strong winds and waves, he still blushed a little under the booing, but he quickly became focused because there was still business to do.

The Wechat of the competition group was found, and Meng De clicked on it, turned out the specific regulations, and pointed a laser at the text on the screen.

"Have you seen anything?" Meng De planned to see the reactions of the players first.

"Huh?" S1mple thought for a while, "I don't have to worry about the points when I replace the substitute in the Major?"

"Can it be the same as the LPL next door, playing a game and changing a player?" The first thing Wang Yuning thought of was the substitute mechanism of the LPL game.

"But it's not very effective." kennyS said, "Except for being able to let the substitute come up to play when the state is not good, the combat effectiveness at other times is definitely not as good as before."

What kennyS said is not very clear, but everyone understands the meaning.

CSGO is not only an FPS game, but it also requires a lot of player experience compared to hardcore players.

This is why the retirement age of the CSGO profession can be many years later than that of LOL.

Not only the personal handling experience of the players is important, but also the running-in of the team is very important.

Why teams with the same lineup play different things at different time periods is not because they have an epiphany, but because the running-in is getting better and better, and the effect of tactics is better.

Each player has a different way of handling each position, and changing one player will have a huge impact on the entire team.

Mengde laughed when he heard these answers: "Do you really think so?"

The purpose of his meeting is to get the real reaction of the players at this moment.

Because there are many smart people among them, from a certain aspect, it can also explain the thoughts of other teams after encountering this regulation change.

"You only see that the sixth man will bring more pressure to the team, but it will also make us stronger."

"Remember when we won the Blast Autumn Championship." Mengde gestured to the members of the first team.

Everyone in S1mple nodded, how could they forget that scene.

"In the second half of the game in Figure [-], the energy and state of all players have declined, and the style of play has begun to become rough." Mengde added, "This is not only about us, but also after I see it. The video of the match was seen on HC's body."

"When the combat effectiveness of both sides has begun to decline, a player who is full of energy will definitely have a huge impact on the situation."

gla1ve has some insight: "And if it is a BO5 match, when the battle line is very long in the later stage, we can even play the old man tactics, constantly pulling the energy of the opponent, and finally win in an extremely simple way next game."

Broky and kennyS who were sitting next to each other turned their heads to look at gla1ve. They have been teammates for so long, but they haven't realized that gla1ve, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, would do such a thing.

Sure enough, people who play tactics are dirty.

But being able to not become his opponent is really a happy thing.

"Right." Mengde nodded, "That's the reason. There are pros and cons to a six-man lineup. He may spend more practice time, but it may also help us increase our overall upper limit."

"But the two of them are not yet of age." S1mple pouted at the two little guys, he thought the coach planned to use two talented teenagers.

"They haven't reached the age yet, and they haven't reached the level yet. They still have to practice." Meng De said without hesitation, he continued, "As for the players, I have my own arrangements."

What Mengde is waiting for is the opinions of the players, although as the management himself, he can arrange some things directly.

But the six-man lineup is related to the vital interests of the players, and they need to speak out on their own initiative.

Otherwise, there will be a barrier at the back of the team, which will be bad.

As for the player's problem, naturally, there is no need to worry.

The rewards for the Blast Autumn competition have been distributed long ago, just because the original lineup is playing very well now, and there is no need to make changes at all.

Now that the six-man lineup is open, his rewards can also be used.


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