CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 404 32 things during the offseason

After the offseason, every club manager seems to want to live it out for the audience.

They were all suffocating bad things in their hearts, and wanted to use the news of the team change to reveal the whole earth-shattering thing.

The first big transfer news of the offseason came a bit abruptly, but it feels very reasonable after thinking about it.

The Wild Lions team in North America kicked away their big brother Quit.

This inexplicable operation made the audience very puzzled, because it was less than half a year since they bought quit at a high price.

This wave of strange operations is exactly the same as when they kicked the hung man from the team last year.

This caused the audience to complain one after another, the crazy lion really doesn't know how to cherish talents.

Even though Mad Lion's performance this year is not very good, it is not the fault of quit at all. As the team's star player, quit is the only player in the Mad Lion team with a green rating this year.

One green belt and four reds refer to the results of their team.

Although Quit's performance is not as good as last year's AE team, but it is definitely enough for Wild Lion.

However, Meng De quickly got the answer from Xu Qingru. In an accidental chat, Meng De knew that Xu Qingru's best friend was the boss of Wild Lion.

Her best friend's operation of the club is not much different from Meng De's, and everything is clear now.

How does Xu Qingru work in the VC club?
Basically all the rights were given to Meng De, and only a little effort was spent on business negotiations.

This is Xu Qingru's preference for Meng De, and also her confidence in Meng De's ability.

But this kind of work experience cannot be achieved by other teams.

After all, not everyone has Meng De's ability, so many useful players can be found.

Just like the classic saying, those who learn from me live, those who resemble me die.

The operation mode of VC is established based on the abilities of Meng De and the players, it is difficult to reproduce, and it is extremely special.

Other teams can learn some of the good things, such as the tactics brought by Mengde to innovate, use tactical paper to record tactics, and the trend of grouping, etc.

These skills have been widely used in today's first-line teams. They are all smart people. After a brief study, they will know whether they are superficial or have real things.

According to Meng De's words, Wild Lion has a problem with his mind now. He doesn't have the name of a first-line team, but he has the disease of a first-line team.

In the middle of the offseason, they kicked quit. This time it was very interesting. They chose to find Sono, an amateur player in North America, and marketed him as 'the last talent in North America'.

In this regard, S1mple asked Xantares, saying: "How is the strength of the last genius in North America?"

Xantares used to be an instructor in the European VAC League before. If this Sono is really capable, he will not have heard of it.

Turkey's number one ruthless man just pondered for a long time, then shook his head: "Maybe I have encountered it, but the number of times should not be many."

The meaning of his words is also very obvious. The Turkish ruthless man has the highest score in the European VAC league. If this Sono is really strong, he will not lose his impression of the last genius in North America.

"The last genius in North America who died suddenly." S1mple laughed directly.

North American CSGO has been in decline for a long time, and there are many people who were named the last genius before.

But basically they can't become real star players.

Wang Yuning was doing deathmatch training next to him. Listening to the conversation between the two, he smiled and said, "The last genius in North America? Don't you just sit next to us?"

In a sense, the director is really the last active North American talent.

He is also the best player in North America in the past year.

However, sometimes that doesn't count.

For CSGO, because of different regions, different clubs have different styles.

Most of the audience saw where the player made his debut and where he was trained.

And the director's debut has always been in VC, which is why Aloha was both regretful and gratified when he met Poseidon before.

He regretted that North American talents went to Asia, but he was gratified because directors could get better training in VC than in North America.

Therefore, the crazy lion's confusing behavior during the offseason basically made VC mark him as harmless.

This team may not pose any threat to them in the future.

But the first big news that caught their attention this offseason came from AKA.

The relationship between this team and VC has always been good, and they also have a good relationship with the recent AKA dynamics.

After being defeated by VC led by kennyS at IEM Imperial City, their entire team fell into confusion. Ting as a sniper and Xiaojiao from FG became the two prison kings in the front line.

However, Ting's results are still better. Occasionally, Icarus and Ice God can stand up and help him withstand the pressure.

Fans ridiculed that they are both prison masters, one eats baguettes, the other eats barbecue, and their teammates are not human.

After a year of competition, the AKA team finally sobered up during the offseason. The 27-year-old Bingshen chose to retire amidst the regrets of the fans.

AKA's gambling monster Icarus originally wanted to retire, but was finally persuaded by all AKA staff.

Gunmen are easy to get, but commanders are hard to find. This is not just a talk.

Icarus is old, but he has rich experience in command. Even if he does not kill one person, it will have a huge effect on the team.

With Ice God retiring, their team has an extra position.

AKA chose to directly squeeze BIKG's wool, and bought the steady sniper steady they had cultivated for nearly a year.

When the price is a small amount of liquidated damages, this is why BIKG did not expect that AKA would act so recklessly, and bought two big brother players from them in a row.

Netizens on Twitter are talking about this matter, saying that BIKG has become AKA’s youth training, and it cooperates with talents and delivers them accurately, without middlemen to make the difference.

From the point of view of strength on paper, AKA's transformation is definitely not comparable to that of the Wild Lions. After the substitution, their overall strength has increased a lot. In the future, it may not be far away to restore the world's second strength before, and it may even be a step closer. .

Of course, these are also some conjectures within the VC team.

However, the vigilance for AKA has been raised.

During the offseason, when the major managers were holding back their big moves, Meng De, the fun man, was not idle.

In his busy schedule, he accepted a brief interview with his old acquaintance Li Tu.

Li Tu asked in the interview: "VC recruited two talented teenagers during the offseason. Will we see them in the new season and see a brand new VC?"

Meng De pretended to think for a while, and then said: "I believe that everyone will definitely see a brand new VC in the new season."

Li Tu got the answer he wanted, and continued to the second question: "Is it convenient to reveal which two members will be lowered?"

"Bottom?" Meng De looked at Li Tu with a puzzled expression, "Who told you that VC wants a member from below?"

"Then you just said that you will see a brand new VC?" Li Tu's tone was full of puzzlement.

Meng De's expression was serious: "The new VC is right, but who said the new VC will change the old lineup?"

Li Tu was completely confused now.

After this interview was sent out, Li Tu's bewilderment directly spread to the entire competition area.

The Riddler also paid the price for his actions. Almost every moment, his mobile phone was constantly pushing messages.

"What is the coach thinking about? The phone keeps ringing every day. If I didn't know his personality, I would have thought he would turn into NIKO." S1mple said another word about NIKO.

"It's probably waiting for the last big move in the offseason." The director added.

In these days of training, they have become more proficient in what they practiced in the offseason, and they are playing more and more confidently overall.

The method that Meng De gave them according to different players on the map also began to show results slowly.

At the same time, the members of the LL team were a little strange.

As one of the teams that played the hardest against VC in scrims, they also discovered a blind spot.

VC's original lineup has indeed remained the same as Meng De said, but the two new substitute members, are they too diligent in training games?

This kind of approach is not like what Coach Meng De would do.

You must know that there is still a big difference between a substitute and a regular player.

They also made some adjustments during this offseason. After the team discussed, they communicated with Huang Yu's club and bought Shroud.

This is their team's biggest expense recently, but they are willing to believe in Meng De's vision.

Although Shroud may not be as good as the director and his group of gunmen, but in terms of personal performance, he is still quite good.

Moreover, this guy has been playing in the Asian arena for half a year, and he can take it directly as an immediate combat power, which is very in line with their requirements.

As the results get better and better, LL and the others plan to continue to climb the rankings, strive to enter the top 20 in the world, and start trying to settle in the first-line team.

Under the leadership of Meng De, they gradually saw the direction of progress, and it was impossible to stop here.

Not only the LL team, this scene has happened in many teams in the world.

In the new year, all records have returned to zero, and all teams expect to play their own style and their own characteristics this year.

In e-sports, if you do not advance, you will retreat. This is not an empty talk.

The revelations during the offseason gradually surfaced one by one over time.

Knowing that the offseason was coming to an end, Mend posted a video on VC's social media.

Fans of VC opened it with joy, and saw Meng De appearing in the camera, taking a selfie.

Meng De in the video complained as soon as he came up: "I really regret that I accepted the interview with Li Tu. Every morning or night, no matter whether I go to the toilet or do anything else, there are messages asking me all the time. What exactly is VC's new lineup!"

"The new lineup is maintained, so where did the previous members go?"

Meng De complained in the picture: "Could it be possible that you haven't thought about adding two new members to the team while maintaining the original lineup?"

"Next let us welcome, VC's new lineup in the new year."

The highlights of Xantares and Electronic Brother appeared on the screen, and the mass killing began.

Immediately afterwards, a group photo of the team appeared, including Meng De, a total of seven people appeared in the picture.

Then there is the second team, also in the seven-player mode.

Netizens didn't quite understand the video at first.

[Could it be that Meng De only recruited two substitutes this time? 】

[Why do I still think, this is how you maintain the original lineup and add newcomers?Come on】

[Be rational, it seems that Cao thief did not lie, he did maintain the original lineup, and added newcomers (dog head)]

Many fans expressed incomprehension about Meng De's operation.

Meng De didn't have any explanation for the follow-up.

The audience really understood Meng De's operation from the live broadcast room of AKA team player Ting.

At that time, a netizen tipped a few dollars and asked Ting what he thought of VC's change in the new season.

Netizens originally thought that he would say something sarcastic, or that he was not optimistic about the new VC lineup.

where to know.

Ting stopped the gun practice in his hand at that time, and sighed: "I really admire VC's actions during the offseason."

The fans in the live broadcast room and the netizens who asked the question were a little puzzled. It is clear that VC has not changed much during the offseason, so why are they still admiring it here?

Ting continued: "Maybe you only think that they have added a substitute, but you don't know that they are not a substitute, but a sixth man. This is not a concept at all."

"Substitutes will only have a chance to play after the main players 'cannot play'."

"But the sixth man is not. Once he has the opportunity, he will definitely be on the field. Netizens are making fun of VC for playing tricks. Only people in our professional circle are disturbed by them."

"This move is such that we don't know how to go at all."

Ting held his head and said in pain: "After the offseason, we may face the dimensionality reduction blow of VC's two lineups. You don't even know which player he will play in the next game."

"Compared to them, we are complete amateurs!"


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