CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 410 Command?The command is to kill them all!

Chapter 410 Command?The command is to kill them all! (seeking a monthly ticket)

This is the first game of Electronic Brother's official debut, and the rest of the team are more or less concerned about Electronic Brother's performance.

They had played many training games in the offseason before, and Brother Electronics did not perform badly in the training games.

In real offline games, it depends on whether this guy's mentality will be affected.

Judging from the current results, Brother Electronic's offline performance has not been affected, on the contrary, he played better than the training match.

It's just why there is no expression on his face even if he played brilliantly.

As the team commander, gla1ve is very satisfied with Electronics' performance, but he also complains about Electronics' state in reality.

After Electronic Brother played, although he may not be as proficient in playing overall as Tig, but his personal ability is stronger than Tig, and his on-the-spot performance and handling of details are better.

As for the tacit understanding and proficiency with the team, it will take time to slowly grind.

Of course, this has to consider whether Brother Electronics can really survive the rookie wall in the future.

Brother Electronics' three kills on the A2 floor completely tore up BIKG's economy. Relying on its advantages in economy and firearms, CT began to put pressure on the bandits and scored frequently.

In the next few rounds, BIKG also had the opportunity to have a long gun round again, but there was a problem with the overall thinking, coupled with the poor hand feeling caused by consecutive failures, they were a bit reluctant to score.

However, relying on the advantage they gained early in the first half, they finally scored 6 points.

The score difference is 3 points, but it is still within their acceptable range. BIKG believes that they can continue to play after switching sides.


"Huh~" After halftime, Brother Electronics showed a smile on his serious face, "Everyone played very well, I didn't play very well."

kennyS glanced at the record, electronic brother 14/2/8, ranked first in the team.

"Can I think you are Versailles?" kennyS resolutely complained.

He played a little poorly in this game, and he couldn't help him a lot of times, so the overall statistics are not very good, and he is in the bottom two of the team.

"No way." Electronic brother explained with an innocent expression, "I really think you guys played pretty well. You were able to help with seduction and prop suppression. I think the first half was very easy."

Meng De stood behind the team members and knew the real situation.

Although Electronic Brother got the most kills in this round, his own handling and performance are certainly good.

However, the arrangement of gla1ve and the prop support of Broky and kennyS actually played a big role.

Even if they failed to enter the bunker a few times to help, they also helped pull on the side of the link, so that the other party did not dare to encircle Brother Electronics with all their staff, and they had to keep people's attention on blocking the smoke.

This kind of hidden help has played a big role in Brother Electronics.

Otherwise, he would hide in the big pit alone, facing the double pressure of props and guns, it would be almost impossible for him to perform.

Thinking of this, Meng De patted Electronic Brother on the back and boasted: "You don't have to be humble, you really played well in the first half."

Others' stealth performances are good, but many times it is also relying on Brother Electronics to break the game.

Otherwise, the local handling is not good, and the bandits enter the enclave, and the subsequent offensive and defensive transitions will be difficult to fight.

Meng De paused, and continued: "Boys, keep your form, otherwise you won't be able to win the second picture. No matter how well we played in the first half, it will be the opponent's foil."

As he said that, he began to arrange his thoughts for the second half: "gla1ve can be a little more aggressive in the first few rounds, and find a way to play some fast offense."

"Don't you want to play the control map?" gla1ve asked back.

"Let's try fast break first." Mengde pondered for a while, then explained, "I feel that the opponent's tacit cooperation is worse than ours."

With such an explanation, gla1ve will understand.

The tacit cooperation is poor, which means that the supplementary gun and gun line structure will not be very good.

On the contrary, when the tacit understanding is poor, the default of defense is the best.

After all, the default requirements for individual abilities are higher.

The halftime break was very short, and the members of VC.A quickly focused on the game again.

"The advertising time is over. Welcome to the second half of VC.A vs. BIKG Figure [-]. In the second half, the two sides switched camps, and VC.A started to be the offensive side."

"They started the game with 4 people entering the banana road. The purpose of this wave is self-evident. A wave of banana road speeds up and starts directly. BIKG also deployed a 3B heavy defense at the beginning. They don't plan to go backwards, and they will fight a close fight to the death! "

"A 2 for 2 was shot at a close point, and the police smoked one. The bandits successfully entered the bag spot. Xiaoju stopped and entered the back garden one step at a time, and stopped the gun. Qiyu was instantly killed by a gun. The number of people reached 3 to 2 .”

"The two CTs on Banana Road slowly came towards this side, and the gla1ve at the dead point was directly repaired by a single shot, and the situation is a bit incomprehensible again!"

"Xiaoju and Broky are in the third box and the coffin. They can play a crossfire. Broky peeks out first, and the two shots in a row are all seconds. What kind of accuracy is this? Broky stood up and disintegrated the opponent's attack!!"


"After a round of economic rounds, the first spear round of the second half is coming."

"gla1ve still chooses to lead the team to play a wave of speed-up and fast break, put pressure on the middle lane at the first time, and then quickly push to the link. YGO hides in the groove of the arch, listening to the sound of footsteps mixed with smoke and forcibly knocking out Brother Electronics, but he alone Can killing really solve the problem? The CTs in Dakeng and A2 have become very uncomfortable!"

"The mnc from Dakeng came out to look for opportunities, but Broky killed him instantly with a bullet. Ji2 on the A3 floor met Xiaoju who was taking orders. He heard footsteps and took the initiative to attack, but he had never fought before!"

"A zone fell too fast, BIKG chose to save the gun..."


"The success of the last round of betting points gave qiyu some confidence, but this round faced the fast break brought by gla1ve, they bet on the wrong area, ji3 in Dakeng was not Electronic Brother, he failed to create a miracle, BIKG saved again shot..."

"...A 2-on-2 endgame in Area B, YGO seized the opportunity to get out of the smoke, one, two, Broky fought back to make up for it, but mnc shot back and scored a point for CT."

"...Although a wave of thunder in the early stage left Brother Electronics with only half of his blood left, no one thought that Brother Electronics could make such a wonderful breakthrough alone. The score came to 15:12. Brother Electronics helped the team get the key One point, then BIKG will have one last chance, if they lose again, they will really be eliminated!"


Meng De's overall understanding of the game is relatively thorough. He is good at analyzing the opponent's state to find a general solution.

Of course, the answer to this solution is somewhat empty, and the content in it still needs to be filled by the contestants themselves.
In most cases, it actually gave the contestants a direction, and the difficulty of subsequent exploration and answering the questions was greatly reduced.

This is the case in the second half of the game in Figure [-]. The instability of the opponent's lineup was analyzed by Meng De, and then he played in a targeted manner.

BIKG's command qiyu was in a hurry by gla1ve's continuous fast break.

Although there are times when the defense is down, in most cases, even if one can be exchanged for one, it is not profitable at all.

Because gla1ve's attack time was too early, they didn't have time to breathe at all.

Although qiyu succeeded in the next few bets, the bets were only a temporary solution, and the follow-up defense could not stand it at all.

But now that the match point has come, qiyu intends to make a desperate effort.

Anyway, if they continue to defend like this, it will be a loss, otherwise they will give the offensive side something real.


The countdown is over, and gla1ve will arrange the tactics.

In the case of fast break can gain a huge advantage, in the late game, there is no need for gla1ve to establish habits for the opponent.

Directly arrange a wave of fast control of the banana road, and then speed up the explosive bomb area B. Everything now is based on winning the last point.

Broky in the first position threw a fire into the barrel, then made up a grenade closer, and then jumped to the tree position.

If someone grabs the position of the plank immediately and throws his grenade, at least one head exchange can be done.

The electronic brother in the second position first set up the wooden barrel for two seconds, but he didn't see anyone appearing, and then he came over and threw a corner fire.

Brother Electronic grabbed the fire and just threw it out when he saw two black objects flying towards him.


Brother Electronics immediately turned around, trying to escape.


But the grenade thrown behind those two stone slabs seemed to follow like a shadow, and Brother Electronics took off again!

This scene made Daxiong in the live broadcast room a little unbearable. He said with a smile: "Is this newcomer's luck a bit too bad today? He has been killed by grenades twice, and the state of residual blood at the beginning is even countless. I feel He can buy a welfare lottery ticket at the end of the game and have a try."

Xie Jian held back a smile and asked, "You're so unlucky to buy a welfare lottery ticket? Isn't that giving money?"

"What do you know?" Daxiong looked at the evil view with disdainful eyes, "You ask the 800 million warriors in the live broadcast room to tell me what it is called?"

[Mat, he is using a mat! 】

[What is the big way to stack buffs. 】

[So this guy can also be called Brother Cushion? 】

[God, brother mat, eating props makes you feel good, how can you say that?]

[The wild boar set is the best in the world! 】


Daxiong raised his eyebrows and said triumphantly: "Did you see that the bad luck here is to pave the way for the real good luck? I will call Thief Cao later and ask him to arrange for the team members to buy lottery tickets and get half of the winning prize." what."

After the first kill on the court, there were no other fierce fights, so the two of them could also have a short chat for a live broadcast effect.

But soon as the second wave of firefights was about to usher in the field, they returned to the topic.

CT used two bombs to get the first kill on Banana Road, which was somewhat unexpected.

Originally, they just wanted to use props to burn some blood, but they didn't expect to kill one in the end, and the situation became a little more cheerful.

However, qiyu did not intend to stop their footsteps. They started the game with 3B, and a large number of props began to be given out in the second time, with a clear goal-total control of Banana Road!
Banana Road entrance smoke, fluted fire, flashes behind flagstones.

The overall pressure was immediately full, Broky was still hesitating whether to retreat or fight back, and the pressure of the opponent's props had already hit his face.

Broky's position was directly locked, and Quan Bai was knocked out by the opponent's face.

Since then, CT has taken all control of Banana Road.

This is a bit difficult for gla1ve. The opponent only spent some props in the early stage and got two kills. Now there is 1 minute left, and they will face a 3v5 endgame.

The situation is not optimistic!
gla1ve pondered for a while, carefully brought into consideration the opponent's approach after winning the banana road, and then started the next decision:
"We put a wave of pressure on the link and control the mid lane first. They should not have many mid laners, and their style of play will be relatively conservative."

After the arrangement of gla1ve was over, they brought kennyS and Xiaoju, who controlled the side channel, to start the action.

A chain was given out near the cigarette, and then a flash, kennyS and Xiaoju looked at the left and right hands of the middle lane respectively.

"There is no one in the middle lane." Xiaoju gave feedback to gla1ve.

gla1ve had psychological expectations for this information, calmly nodded and arranged for the next step: "Let's go back quietly, let's turn to B to prepare for a wave."

In gla1ve's vision, Banana Road has taken control, and the opponent will most likely not set up guns in tree positions or grooves.

They have a pressure in the middle, and the biggest possibility is to return to defense.

Back to defense requires a number of people, so at this time the number of people in area B may only be 1-2, and it is very likely that there will be one.

gla1ve walked quietly along the wall on the right hand side of Banana Road, and stopped near the groove.

Because of the enemy he guessed, combined with the game video watched by Match Point, the biggest possibility is to adjust the detection behind the slate!
gla1ve pulls horizontally to the left, and the front sight is placed above the slate.

A fly's head appeared in the crosshairs, and gla1ve fired!
[VC.A gla1ve used an AK47 to kill BIKG.qiyu with a headshot]

The two commentators who were chatting were also attracted by the pictures on the field:
"Oh my god, gla1ve's shot is really something, it took qiyu out of nowhere!"

"It's true that one head was saved, but whether gla1ve dares to directly speed up the B area is the most important thing. If he delays for a while, then the B area will be back in place."

When gla1ve got the kill, he cut the knife and ran forward.

Throw out a police cigarette, and then imitate Xantares and pull horizontally in the preview.

The coffin is empty!

This largely confirms gla1ve's conjecture.

"Area B should be empty, but remember to fill up a coffin cigarette, and then find a gun position to fight the endgame."

Speaking of gla1ve, he took the lead and started to enter the package site to simply search.

"No one." gla1ve said while hiding in the dead center.

Xiaoju took the thunderbag and packed a coffin bag, and kennyS stayed on Banana Road and used a big sniper to make his way.

Time passed by, and the three of gla1ve also knew that the opponent's subsequent moves might be huge.

The smoke in the police house was about to disperse, Xiao Ju didn't want to wait any longer, and said, "Can kennyS throw a flash for me? I'll take the initiative to hit the people in the back garden."

"No problem, here it is!" kennyS himself did not threaten, and immediately responded.

The flash is given, and the person is also pulled out horizontally.

Xiaoju and kennyS looked at the back garden from two similar angles, and played a wave of double pulls that was unconventional.

The idea is very good, but kennyS's flash trail is too long, and YGO and others immediately avoided it when they saw it.

Holding the M4, YGO first swayed to avoid kennyS's gun line, and then pulled back horizontally, firing a wave of guns, killing Xiaoju who was pulled horizontally in front of him.

kennyS wanted to run away with an empty gun, but the smoke in the police house cleared, and someone pulled out from under the stage to replace it.

"After a wave of firefights, only gla1ve is left, a 1v4 endgame, he can't handle it at the dead end!"

"gla1ve can't fight anymore. Now there are enemies all around him. He was locked as soon as he made a shot. gla1ve made up for the enemies that came out of the smoke from the police house, but he still has three second ones on the right. deal with."

"gla1ve took the initiative to move around to ask for a gun position. AK47 shot and controlled YGO's headshot. The follow-up ji3 wanted to replenish the gun, but he was killed by gla1ve in seconds! The situation is 1 against 1, gla1ve is still controlling the gun and shooting, the book The administrator hit the bullet himself!!"

"The librarian didn't keep up with the gun, and was predicted to act by gla1ve, and was swept to death!!"

"gla1ve used a wave of top-notch 1V4 to help the team end the second picture, and also carried BIKG away. What is the command of the gun, this is the command of the gun!"

"Not only did he get the pentakill, but he even completed the follow-up in 1V4. This guy is simply too smart!"

Daxiong exclaimed: "This is a gun and a switch. If you say that he is a gun male player, everyone will believe it."

"What is a gun-like command!"

 The monthly ticket almost broke the thousand, please ask on the last day at the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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